HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-05-09 Minutes Draft minutes – Not yet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD TUESDAY MAY 9, 2017 6:30 PM On-site Present: Brian Reid Tom Hossie Jim Cleland Paul Davidson Kate Potter Leo Blindenbach Patrick Bothwell Regrets: Councillor Corinna Traill Suzanne Land Melanie McArthur Staff Present: Peter Windolf 1. AGENDA MOVED: by Patrick Bothwell SECONDED by Paul Davidson THAT : the agenda for May 9, 2017 be accepted with the following additions; -Spring clean-up re-cap -New member update -New garbage containers, bird and butterfly houses CARRIED 2. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Approval of Minutes MOVED: by Leo Blindenbach SECONDED by Tom Hossie THAT: the minutes of April 11, 2017 be approved CARRIED SWNA May 2017 Minutes 2 3. ITEMS/UPDATES Newcastle Plant Sale On Saturday May 13 from 9am-noon Brian Reid will attend the Newcastle Horticultural Society annual plant sale. The SWNA will have an information table to distribute milkweed seeds and handouts about butterfly friendly plants. Any members available to assist can contact Brian. Milkweed/Nectar planting project On Saturday May 27 two planting projects will be occurring at the SWNA and the Port of Newcastle Waterfront Park. At 9:00am a group of volunteers from Scouts Canada and OPG will be planting 600 perennials along the top of bluff at Port of Newcastle Waterfront Park to enhance monarch butterfly habitat. OPG is paying for the supply and delivery of the plants. This planting project is to supplement a new 6m wide no-mow zone to be established along the top of the bluff. Last fall approximately 3000 milkweed seeds from the SWNA were collected. Many have been given away to the public however 200 seeds were germinated in trays and will be ready for planting at the SWNA on May 27 at 11:00AM. An additional 200 milkweed plants have been purchased through donations from the Bowmanville Rotary and Newcastle Lions. The planting will occur on the west side of the SWNA in the Lake Meadow. Operations Department will roto-till several planting zones in advance of the event. Ten classes at Duke of Cambridge School and four classes at Newcastle Public School are currently propagating milkweed seeds. On May 31, 120 students and parent volunteers in two groups will arrive at 11:00 to plant the milkweed in a roto- tilled zone just south of the Newcastle Memorial Forest. Any SWNA members able to assist are welcome to attend. SWNA Forest Trail Opening The construction of the woodland trail that links the Waterfront Trail to the existing trail along the north side of the sewage treatment plant was scheduled for completion in late May. One section of the trail is currently under water so paving may have to be delayed until after the official opening. The official opening will be Saturday May 27 at 10:00AM. A notice has been sent to the Mayor and Council. All SWNA committee members are encouraged to attend. SWNA May 2017 Minutes 3 Durham Field Naturalists presentation Brian Reid has been invited to do a 15 minute presentation on the SWNA Monarch butterfly initiatives at the May 29 meeting of the Durham Field Naturalists. The meeting starts at 7:30 PM at the Oshawa Recreation Complex on Thornton Road. All committee members are welcome to attend. Friends of Second Marsh event On June 3 Friends of Second Marsh are hosting a special event and have asked the SWNA committee to share information about recent SWNA initiatives. Brian Reid has confirmed that he will attend to represent the committee but any other members that can attend for the entire or part of the day would be appreciated. Spring Clean-up The annual spring clean-up of the Port of Newcastle, Bond Head, and SWNA occurred on Saturday April 29 at 10:00 am-Noon. 19 volunteers collected trash at the SWNA and over 2200 lbs of trash was collected from all 3 sites. New Member update One application was received for the vacant position on the SWNA committee. The member should be appointed by Council in advance of the June meeting. New garbage containers, bird and butterfly houses Painted garbage barrels and birdhouses built by Clarke High School have now been installed at the SWNA. The new garbage containers painted with environmental themes are very colourful and noticeable and are a welcome addition to the site. The butterfly boxes are still under construction and will be installed once the Clarke High School has completed them. 4. OTHER BUSINESS N/A 5. MOTION TO ADJOURN MOVED: by Patrick Bothwell SECONDED by Jim Cleland THAT: the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED Adjournment 7:30 PM Next Meeting: Tuesday June 13, 7:00PM Notes prepared by: P.Windolf