HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/23/1979 Council Minutes . Roll Call Council Minutes . Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre Mr. Sinclair re O.P.A. 175 . TOWN OF NEWCASTLE February 23rd, 1979 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on February 23rd, 1979 at 9:30 a.m. in the Bowmanville Council Chambers. Present were: Councillor Keith Barr, Acting Mayor in absence of His Worship Mayor Rickard Councillor William Clarke Councillor Ann Cowman Councillor Ivan M. Hobbs Councillor Jasper Holliday - at 9:45 a.m. Councillor Maurice Prout Town Clerk J. M. McIlroy Also Present: Director of Community Services T.A. Fanning Director of Planning & Development L. Kristof Resolution #C-187-79 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Prout. THAT the minutes of the Council Meeting held on February 12th, 1979 be adopted as read. "CARRIED" Mr. Ken Ayukawa, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre presented a proposed plan of a Cultural Centre located on Lots 17, 18 and 19, Concession 5, former Township of Clarke. Mr. Ayukawa also answered questions from Members of Council. Resolution #C-188-79 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Holliday. THAT Mr. Ayukawa be thanked for his presentation which will be discussed later in the meeting. "CARRIED" Mr. Sinclair, Solicitor, appeared on behalf of Mr. Gordon Lee, relative to Item 6 of the Planning & Development Committee Report (O.P.A. 175, Darlington, Part Lot 13, Concession 9). He asked that Council defer action on the matter until his client has more time to discuss the implications with the Planning and Development Department. . . . Council Minutes City of Oshawa Rezoning By-Law Disposition of Communications - 2 - February 23rd, 1979 The Acting Mayor thanked Mr. Sinclair for his presentation and indicated that the matter would be discussed later in the meeting. Resolution #C-189-79 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Holliday. THAT the communication from the City of Oshawa Planning and Development Department regarding Notice of Hearing relative to amendment to City Zoning By-law to permit a shopping centre at King Street East and Townline Road North be received for information. "CARRIED AS AMENDED Resolution #C-190-79 ~IDved by Councillor Holliday, seconded by Councillor Prout. THAT the foregoing Resolution be amended to provide that the Director of Planning be authorized to attend the hearing as an observer and report back to the Planning and Development Committee. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-19l-79 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Prout. THAT the Town Clerk's disposition of communications to be received for information be approved except for Items 4, 6, 7, 11 and 12. "CARRIED" 2. Kawartha Conservation Study Group dated February 15th, 1979 regarding Information Meeting on Conservation Authority to be held on March 15th, 1979 in Lindsay, be received for information. 3. The Regional Municipality of Durham - Clerk's Department dated February 7th, 1979 regarding O.M.B. Hearings relative to Lot Levies Collected by Area Municipalities prior to 1974. be received for information 5. Town of Newcastle Museum Board Minutes of Meeting held on February 14th, 1979, be received for information. . . . COWlcil Minutes Ministry of Natural Resouces re Flood Emergencies Regional Clerk re 1979 Interim Capital Expenditure Quota Ontario Good Roads Assoc. re 1979 Membership Fees O.M.A. re Conference Attended by Mr. Taylor - 3 - February 23rd, 1979 8. The Cabinet Office dated February 7th, 1979 regarding financial assistance to compensate municipality for the transport of aggregates, be received for information. 9. Ontario Hydro dated January, 1979 regarding Newsbriefs re Lennox to Cherrywood 500 kV Transmission Line, be received for information. 10. The Regional Municipality of Durham - Emergency Measures Division received February 12th, 1979 regarding Risk Survey Conducted in Durham Region 1979, be received for information. Resolution #C-192-79 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Prout. THAT the letter from the Ministry of Natural Resources regarding Planning for Flood Emergencies be received for information and referred to the Public Works Committee for Study and recommendation. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-193-79 Moved by COWlcillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Cowman. THAT the letter from the Regional Clerk's Department dated February 13th, 1979 regarding 1979 Interim Capital Expenditure Quota, be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-194-79 Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Clarke. THAT the letter from the Ontario Good Roads Association regarding 1979 Membership Fees be received and that the account in the amount of $61.00 be paid today, and that Councillor Prout take the cheque to the convention and that the Good Roads Association be advised today by telephone of this arrangement. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-195-79 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Cowman. THAT Mr. Bruce Taylor be requested to submit a written report on the Rural Ontario Municipal Association Conference and that this be included in the Agenda for the next Council Meeting. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes Durham Region Development Assoc. re Architectural Control Committee Recess Finance & Administration Committee Report Planning & Development Committee Report - 4 - February 23rd, 1979 Resolution #C-196-79 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Holliday. THAT the letter from the Durham Region Development Association regarding Architectural Control Committee be referred to later in the meeting and considered with Item Number 11 of the Planning and Development Committee Report. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-197-79 Moved by Councillor Holliday, seconded by Councillor Prout. THAT there be a five minute recess. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-198-79 Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Hobbs. THAT the Finance and Administration Committee Chairman's Report of meeting held on February 16th, 1979 be adopted except for Item No.1. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-199-79 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hobbs. THAT Item No. 1 of the foregoing Report be referred back to the Finance and Administration Committee. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-200-79 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Clarke. THAT the Planning and Development Committee Chairman's Report of meetings held on February 15th and February 19th, 1979 be adopted except for Items 1, 6, 8, 11 and 12. "CARRIED" Council Minutes . . . - 5 - February 23rd, 1979 Resolution #C-20l-79 Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Hobbs. THAT Item No. 1 of the foregoing Report be adopted. Resolution #C-202-79 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Prout. THAT Item No. 1 be tabled to the next Council Meeting. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-203-79 Moved by Councillor Holliday, seconded by Councillor Prout. THAT Item No. 6 of the foregoing Report be adopted. Resolution #C-204-79 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Holliday. THAT the foregoing Resolution be deferred to the next Council Meeting to give delegation opportunity to confer with the Planning Staff to see if they wish to make any further recommendations. "MOTION LOST" On being put to a Vote Resolution #C-203-79 was duly carried. Resolution #C-205-79 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Prout. THAT consideration of Item 8 of the foregoing Report be referred to Report No.5 and dealt with at that time. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-206-79 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Prout. THAT Item No. 11 of the foregoing Report together'Mith Communication No. 12 (Durham Region Development Association) be referred back to the Planning and Development Committee and that the Durham Region Development Association be asked to appear at the meeting. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes Community Services Committee Report Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre - 6 - February 23rd, 1979 Resolution #C-207-79 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hobbs. THAT Item No. 12 of the foregoing Report be adopted, subject to Mr. Guiler drawing up the Terms of Reference to discuss with Council prior to meeting with Mr. Greenspan. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-208-79 Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Hobbs. THAT the Community Services Committee Chairman's Report of meeting held on February 20th, 1979, be adopted except for Item No.2. Resolution #C-209-79 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Clarke. THAT Item No. 2 of the foregoing Report be adopted and the Community Services Committee review the method by which appointments are made by Boards and Committees for next year. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-210-79 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconed by Councillor Clarke. THAT the Planning and Development Director's Report dated February 21st, 1979 regarding the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre be received and that the proposal by the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre, to establish a Recreation Centre on Part of Lots 17, 18 and 19, Concession 5, former Township of Clarke, be referred to the Planning Committee for further consideration. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes Planning Director's Report re Burketon Station Hamlet Development Plan McEvoy & Cooper Appeal from a Decision of the Committee of Adjustment - 7 - February 23rd, 1979 Resolution #C-2ll-79 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Clarke. THAT the following recommendations as contained in the Planning and Development Director's Report dated February 21st, 1979 be adopted:- (1) That Council adopt the Hamlet Development Plan for Burketon Station as recommended by the Planning Committee as Item 8 of Planning and Development Committee Report dated February 15th and 19th, 1979; (2) And that Section 3.2.3 of the Burketon Station Hamlet Development Plan be amended by the addition of the following subsection: - "3.2.3 (iii) Prerequisite to further development occuring with the limits of the Hamlet Development Plan Area, an adequate water storage for fire fighting purposes, shall be provided. This shall be accomplished by the provision of resevoirs under the terms of subdivision agreements or through cash contributions in the case of consents. These resevoirs shall be provided on the basis of one for every seventy-five dwelling units or less, and shall have a minimum capacity of 50,000 litres, in accordance with the Municipality's specifications"; (3) And that Council direct Planning Staff to have an Engineering firm prepare a standard design and specifications for fire fighting resevoirs to be adopted as this Municipality's Standard. "CARRIED" ReSOlution #C-212-79 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Cowman. THAT the Planning and Development Director's Report regarding O.M.B. Decision in the matter of an appeal by Messrs. McEvoy and Cooper against a decision of the Committee of Adjustment be referred to the Planning and Development Committee and that the request for a staff member to appear on behalf of the Committee of Adjustment at the Ontario Municipal Board Hearing be produced at the meeting. "CARRIED" . . . COWlcil Minutes Connnittee of the Whole Report re Storm Sewers Resolution re Petition to M.T.C. for Subsidy Tenders re Animal Control Van , - 8 - February 23rd, 1979 Resolution #C-2l3-79 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Prout. THAT the Connnittee of the Whole Report of meeting held on February 20th, 1979 be adopted. Resolution #C-2l4-79 Moved by Councillor Clarke, seconded by Councillor Cowman. THAT the foregoing Report be amended by removing the words "on the general rate". Resolution #C-2l5-79 Moved by Councillor Holliday, seconded by Councillor Hobbs. THAT the whole matter of storm sewers financing be referred back to the Connnittee of the Whole to be called by the Mayor as soon as possible and a report be submitted by Staff to the meeting. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-2l6-79 Moved by COWlcillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Prout. THAT it is hereby resolved that the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle petition the Ministry of Transportation and CommWlications for payment of subsidy on expenditures of $2,117,816.43 during the year 1978 under the provisions of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-2l7-79 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor HOlliday. THAT the tenders for the Animal Control Truck be opened. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes By-Law No. 79-14 Ministry of Culture & Recreation re Community Centres Grants - 9 - Febru~ry 23rd, 1979 There were four tenders as follows:- MacDonald Ford.... .....$7,507.12 Cowan Pontiac.......... 6,366.30 County Chrysler........ 6,986.35 Roy Nichols Motors..... 6,527.00 Resolution #C-2l8-79 Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Clarke. THAT the Tender of Cowan Pontiac be accepted provided all specifications are met. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-219-79 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Prout. THAT the second reading of By-Law No. 79-14, being a by-law to provide for the Corporation's consent to Bell Canada constructing its lines upon the highways, streets, bridges and other public places of the Corporation, and to authorize the construction of such lines, be lifted from the table. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-220-79 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Prout. THAT the second reading of By-Law No. 79-14 be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-221-79 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Prout. THAT the third reading of By-Law No. 79-14 be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-222-79 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Clarke. THAT the letter dated February 19th, 1979 from the Ministry of Culture and Recreation advising that the cheque was being forwarded in the amount of $140,131.87 as Community Centres Grants for Newcastle Arena ($56,250.00) and Orono Arena and Hall ($83,881.87) be received for information. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes Conunittees Meetings By-Law No. 79-16 By-Law No. 79-16 By-Law No. 79-16 - 10 - February 23rd, 1979 Resolution #C-223-79 ~IDved by Councillor Holliday, seconded by Councillor Cowman. THAT reports dealing with departmental matters be dealt with at the appropriate Department Committee level prior to being submitted to Council for consideration. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-224-79 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Clarke. AS there has been some confusing incidents with regards to Special Meetirgs and Public Meetings be it resolved that senior staff liaise with the Conunittee Secretary to permit the Secretary to notify all Committee Members of such meetings both by phone and written notice two weeks in advance; AND THAT Senior Staff Liaise with the Town Manager, Conunittee Secretary and Chairman of such Conunittee with regards to invitation to groups to address such meetings. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-225-79 Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Hobbs. THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Law No. 79-16 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Newcastle at the meeting held on February 23rd, 1979 and that the said by-law be now read a first time. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-226-79 Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Hobbs. THAT the second reading of By-Law No. 79-16, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-227-79 Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Hobbs. THAT the third and final reading of By-Law No. 79-16 be approved. "CARRIED" Council Minutes . Adjournment . . - 11 - February 23rd, 1979 Resolution #C-228-79 Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Hobbs. THAT the meeting be adjourned at 12:25 p.m. "CARRIED" Keith Barr Acting May J .M. McIlroy Town Clerk ,,~