HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-03-21NEWCASTLE VILLAGE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD March 21 2017 Council Chambers 7 pm Present Were: Shirley Rogers, Chair Dave Eastman Sierd DeJong Kevin Symak Peter Hazelton Councilor Partner Regrets From: Councilor Woo Also Present: Gabrielle Bell, secretary Announcement from the Chair – Shirley Rogers will be moving out of Newcastle at the end of July so will no longer be in the area to be on the board. Clerk’s Department will be notified to post to fill the position. 1. MINUTES Motion by D. Eastman, seconded by P. Hazelton That the minutes of February 28 2017 are accepted as presented. “CARRIED” Discussed no smoking bylaw – there is presently a bylaw in place “no smoking within 10 meters of building”. Secretary will contact Municipality to post signage for us. It was also discussed that our smoking receptacles need to be emptied regularly i.e. after each event. 2. BUSINESS ARISING a) Policy Manual – S. Rogers and D. Eastman have met with F. Horvath, Director of Operations to discuss in more detail. We should be aware of who is in the building at all times. Is there a need for us to change the front door lock and keep records of who has these keys? Also add a sign in sheet to front entrance and Lions entrance. Agreed that we will contact fire department for direction. b) Operations Department is working on plan for retaining wall on north side of hall. c) Need on line information for supervisory training. d) Board members are aware of Fire Safety Plan and have copy e) Board members are aware of Asbestos protocol. f) Board accepts the recommendations from Municipality on financial management. g) Yearly AED training will be scheduled shortly. 3. FINANCIAL REPORT Motion by P. Hazelton, seconded by K. Symak That the financial report is accepted as presented. “CARRIED” 2017 Budget request of $22000.00 has been received from the Municipality for Operating expenses. 4. INVOICES Motion by P. Hazelton , seconded by W. Partner That the following invoices be paid as presented: S. Fogg cell phone 50% of invoice including data fees to be reimbursed. S. Fogg closings $375.00 D. DeJong closings/cleaning $135.00 Alpine $325.27 (dishwasher) “CARRIED” 5. CORRESPONDENCE a) 150 Celebration information from Municipality received for information. Suggested by D. Eastman that we put up red/white spotlights he will follow up on this idea. Motion by W. Partner, seconded by K. Symak That a budget of $200.00 be set for Canada 150 decorations. “CARRIED” b) Scavenger Hunt by Gift of Art for Easter – received for information c) Operations Department update – meeting is scheduled for May 27 at the Municipal offices. It is recommended that all board members attend if possible. Custodian S. Fogg will be notified to attend as well. d) BBBS of Clarington request for sponsorship at Food & Wine e) Motion by D. Eastman, seconded by S. DeJong That we sponsor table at Food & Wine for $75.00 “CARRIED” f) Email received from Old Newcastle House (see attached) regarding March 17 hall party that spilled over to their restaurant. Patrons from hall were allowed to leave building with drinks in hand. Discussion followed – email states patrons arrived with red solo cups – event at hall used green cups only. It was also felt that the group in charge of event would not have let patrons leave with drinks in hand. Chair will respond to Kevin at Old Newcastle House. 6. RISK MANAGEMENT REPORT Performed by S. Rogers and S. Fogg – received for information, copy will be sent to Operations Department. Shirley used the new forms supplied by the Municipality. Kevin will work with Steve for April 7. JOINT HEALTH & SAFETY REPORT Tabled 8. CANADA 150 Peter will be meeting with Jamie from Kim Rudd’s office tomorrow re: possibility of funding for kitchen. Signage – Gabrielle will discuss at CIP joint meeting in April as to what would be acceptable signage in front of hall. 9. FUNDRAISING List of non-board members volunteers night of April 1 Concert: Melanie van Gestel, Ryan Taylor, Pete Vardon, Craig Bell, Steve Wood, Greg Lewis, Marni Lewis, Susan Aitken, George Rickard, Jean Ann Symak, Sue White 10. KITCHEN RENO D. Eastman and G. Bell reported we have received scope of work – will send electronically for feedback. Discussed possibility of Trillium Grant in partnership with Horticultural Society. Continue to work with Municipality. 11. NEW BUSINESS a) Schedule of closings that custodian will not be able to cover for summer of 2017 were discussed. b) Bartending (see attached) – copy of Lions Club bartending guidelines. -tabled c) Village Concert committee is made up of – Lloyd Johnson, Lorraine Forget and Bert VandenHeuvel. d) Custodial – would like a backup company for repair of coolers in case they break down – Dwight Napier was recommended by custodian. Board agreed this would be a good idea. e) Custodial – questioning bookings on Mondays - tabled f) Custodial – scheduling of floor polishing week of May 8 – would require Ontario Early Years to only use the upper portion of hall on Tuesday and Wednesday of that week. It was also felt they would more than likely not want to be in hall with odors caused by the products used. We have already cancelled the group due to other events 2x in April. It was agreed flooring would be scheduled for first or second week in June when the group no longer used main hall. g) Oct 7 2017 rental – has been sent 2 invoices and follow up phone call to pay invoice. No response to date. Client has now contacted us to say having financial difficulty should be able to pay in another month. It was agreed to give it another month before taking further action. h) April 8 rental – Band is asking to set up equipment a few days early on stage. This would not impact use of hall. Board agreed they may set up Thursday or Friday. i) April 25 2017 rental – requests for extensive décor (see attached) was agreed to. Let group know only painters tape may be used. j) April 30 2017 rental has cancelled requesting refund. As this is a yearly rental and had only just signed up board agreed we could transfer to next year’s event. k) March 11 2017 rental broke window pane on interior doors – this was accidental. Agreed we would charge a fee of $50.00 to repair. l) Rental of parkette – Agreed we would charge a fee of $150.00 for rental of parkette to group next door. m) Fire Hall Youth spring cleanup on April 22 requested use of parking lot to meet up. Agreed to offer the parkette for 1 hour. n) Durham Lodge offering to participate in Doors Open on June 10 2017. This event is in Kendal this year. ADJOURNED 10:00 PM Shirley Rogers, Chair Gabrielle Bell, Secretary