HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-01-17 Minutes CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting January 17, 2017 MEMBERS PRESENT: Todd Taylor, Peter Vogel, Tracey Ali, Victor Suppan, Councillor Hooper (7:10), Filip Aleksanderek, Katharine Warren REGRETS: Robert Malone, Paul Davidson, Steve Conway STAFF: Brandon Weiler DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST None declared. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 17.01 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by K. Warren THAT the agenda for January 17, 2017 be adopted. “CARRIED” ADOPTION OF MINUTES 17.02 Moved by T. Ali, seconded by T. Taylor THAT the minutes of the Meeting of December 20, 2016 be accepted. “CARRIED” DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS Vincent Santamaura from SRN Architects Inc. regarding 6 Mann Street – A Zoning By- law Amendment application has been submitted to the Municipality which would permit the property to be severed into 3 new building lots with the existing buildings on the site being demolished. 6 Mann Street is identified as a secondary resource on the Municipal Heritage Inventory. As part of the application the applicant submitted a Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) prepared by V. Santamaura. V. Santamaura attended the meeting and presented how the HIA was conducted and the findings of the study. The committee engaged in a discussion surrounding the results of the HIA, details of the property and buildings and asked a number of questions of V. Santamaura. The 1 | Page committee thanked V. Santamaura for attending the meeting, providing his presentation and answering the committees questions. The report will be circulated to the committee. The report was not circulated prior to the meeting as staff received the report the day before the meeting. BUSINESS ARISING Jury Lands Foundation (Camp 30) – B. Weiler reported that DTAH has commenced the Community Vision and Urban Design Study. The foundation continues to attend community events to promote and educate the public about the history and the efforts to adaptively reuse the lands and buildings. Goodyear Property – B. Weiler reported that M. Van Dyke had completed his research of the Goodyear property which would be sent to the group for review. V. Suppan reported that he had been in contact with sources in Akron, Ohio, home of Goodyear to assess what information they had on file about the Bowmanville plant. The contacts in Akron didn’t have much information on the Bowmanville operation; however, they could be a resource with regards to the Goodyear Blimp landing that occurred in Bowmanville. V. Suppan indicated he would continue to pursue any information they may have that would be helpful to the committee. The committee is concerned that once the buildings are decommissioned the current or future owners may want to clear the site as part of the remediation. The committee strongly feels that more research on the history and the conditions of the buildings is warranted. The committee identified that this site will have a number of issues to overcome for redevelopment, specifically remediation. In the committee’s opinion the more information that is available prior to the current or future property owners seeking redevelopment opportunities the better it would be for all parties, including the municipality as there would be some clarity on the value and conditions of the buildings. Hollingshead Property – No news to report REPORTS FROM OTHER COMMITTEES Bowmanville Community Improvement Program – No meeting to report. Orono Community Improvement Program – The Business Retention and Expansion Survey has been completed and the results will be presented by the Clarington Board of Trade on January 24, 2017 at a meeting in the Newcastle Recreation Complex. Part of the meeting will be the initial kick off of the review for Clarington’s 3 downtown Community Improvement Plans (Orono, Bowmanville, and Newcastle). The Orono Community Improvement liaison group will be inviting the Bowmanville and Newcastle liaison groups to a meeting in April to brainstorm ideas for the review. 2 | Page There are some vacant store fronts on Main Street in Orono and the group continues to try and identify ways to attract more investment and businesses to Orono. Newcastle Community Improvement Program – No meeting to report Architectural Conservancy Ontario, Clarington Branch – The next meeting will be held on January 23, 2017. On February 27, 2017 there will be a meeting at Queens Park between ACO members and Members of Provincial Parliament. This event allows ACO to engage in small group conversations with elected officials at the Provincial level and has been very successful in past years. Newcastle Village & District Historical Society – No news to report Museum – No news to report Heritage Week Working Group – No meeting to report CORRESPONDENCE AND COUNCIL REFERRALS PROJECT REPORTS Subcommittee Reports: Municipal Inventory and Register Committee – V. Suppan reported that at the last subcommittee meeting (minutes attached) the subcommittee completed researching the best way to review properties for heritage value and is recommending that the committee endorse the selected method. The subcommittee is recommending a method that is used by Parks Canada and multiple municipalities in Ontario. The method has been modified slightly to fit the Clarington context and relies on a numerical system to evaluate properties in an attempt to reduce some of the subjective nature of evaluating a property. The committee engaged in a discussion about the process of evaluating properties with the proposed method. The committee thanked the subcommittee for their hard work in bringing this proposed method forward. The committee thought this work would significantly help the committee moving forward in making recommendations to Council on what properties should be added to the Municipal Register. 17.03 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by F. Aleksanderek THAT the Clarington Heritage Committee adopt the Heritage Building Evaluation System dated January 2017, with the evaluation criteria described, as the method the Clarington Heritage Committee will use to evaluate properties. “CARRIED” 3 | Page T. Taylor presented the committee the first property, 282 Liberty Street North known as Norwood Place, which the subcommittee evaluated with the Heritage Building Evaluation System. The evaluation was distributed to the committee members. The evaluation recommended that the property be added to the Municipal Register. The committee engaged in a discussion regarding the features of the property and how they were evaluated before coming to consensus that the property should be added to the Municipal Register. 17.04 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by T. Ali THAT the Clarington Heritage Committee recommend to Council that the property located at 282 Liberty Street North obtained a Group 1 score when evaluated and should be included on the Municipal Inventory. “CARRIED” T. Taylor indicated that the subcommittee is currently reviewing 2 additional properties for the committee’s consideration. Once these properties are evaluated the committee will ask staff to report to Council on the committee’s recommendation. K. Warren indicated that she would be willing to join the subcommittee to help with future evaluations. Public Outreach and Education Committee – K. Warren reported that the committee has reduced the cost of the calendars to try and sell as many as possible in early 2017 while people may still want them. All local businesses carrying the calendars have been informed. The committee still has extra calendars if anyone knows of people looking for them. NEW BUSINESS Enniskillen United Church – B. Weiler reported that 7793 Old Scugog Road has been listed for sale. Staff met with the current owners on site and toured the building. The current owners do not wish to pursue designation at this time. The current zoning allows for a place of worship and single detached dwellings as the main uses. Presentation to Council – V. Suppan, with the support of the committee, indicated that he on behalf of the committee will make a delegation to Planning and Development Committee in February. An update on the committee’s work over the previous year and the future projects will be the focus. Next meeting: February 21, 2017, 7:00 p.m., at Clarington Municipal Offices in Room 1C 4 | Page Attachment 1: Municipal Inventory and Register Subcommittee Meeting Minutes Meeting Date: January 12, 2017 Discussed Clarington Heritage Building Evaluation System document produced by sub committee. Planned presentation to full heritage committee for approval of implementation. Evaluated 282 Liberty Street (“Norwood Place”). Discussion about next property review Next meeting month of January 5 | Page