HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-04-13 Minutes Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington March 9, 2017 Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington Meeting Thursday, April 13, 2017 Members Present: John Cartwright Brenda Metcalf Eric Bowman Tom Barrie Henry Zekveld Ted Watson Richard Rekker Les Caswell Councillor Wendy Partner Regrets: Jennifer Knox, Don Rickard, Elgin Greenham Guests: Mitch Morawetz, Planning Services Department Staff: Faye Langmaid, Planning Services Brenda welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions. Adoption of Agenda 017-09 Moved by Tom Barrie, seconded by John Cartwright “That the Agenda for April 13, 2017 be adopted” Carried Approval of Minutes 017-10 Moved by Les Caswell, seconded by Eric Bowman “That the minutes of the March 9, 2017 meeting be approved as amended” Carried Tour: Richard Rekker (the tour occurred prior to the start of the meeting) Richard Rekker provided a tour of the wholesale aspects of the greenhouse business and answered questions as we proceeded through the various greenhouses. Along the way Richard showed us the soil mixing area, heating units, potting area, how the sun shades and air ventilation system works, the recycling area for plastics and water and conveyors used to move the produce. When we gathered in the lunch room for our meeting, Richard spoke about the move to the new facility on RR42. Mitch Morawetz provided some overview remarks on the site plan process, zoning and the zoning by-law review. To date Greenhouses have been part of the coverage of land on farms. When Greenhouse operations have expanded they typically go to Committee Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington April 13, 2017 of Adjustment. Rather than 5% coverage most greenhouses in Clarington are at 30-40% coverage. This lead into the discussion of the Zoning By-law Review and on-farm diversified uses. Business Arising Zoning By-law Review There are questions that the committee should respond to such as: 1. Are the proposed permitted uses appropriate? Are any of the uses listed concerning, if so, why? Are there any uses we should add? 2. At what scale do the proposed permitted uses become inappropriate, possibly requiring a greater level of control (e.g. zoning by-law amendment, site plan control)? Considerations of scale could include size, height, location, lot area, floor area, scale of goods or materials, parking, signage, etc. 3. Do you have any comments respecting the regulation of this type of on-farm diversified use? As a follow-up to the presentation at the March meeting, Staff have prepared a chart on on-farm diversified uses, home based occupations, home industry uses, value-added, agri-tourism and retail uses. The chart will be circulated to members for their feedback individually. Results will be discussed at the June meeting. Norfolk County Community Improvement Plan (CIP): The Norfolk County CIP is mainly geared to agri-tourism support. The types of grants available are similar to the CIP grants in the Bowmanville, Orono, Newcastle downtowns. The grants can be for architectural design, facilities improvement (value- added and processing), property improvement (landscaping, signage), building renovation. New construction is not eligible. Program website: http://www.norfolkbusiness.ca/incentives-supports/business- incentives/ Program brochure: http://www.norfolkbusiness.ca/wp- content/uploads/2015/10/Business-Incentives-Brochure3.pdf Norfolk County does not have a grant program similar to the GRCA Clean Water Healthy Land Stewardship Grants. Nor do they have a reduced tax rate (20%) like Durham/Clarington. Correspondence and Committee Reports There were no Council items or referrals. There have been a number of items e-mailed out over the month, Field and Forum will be circulated. Durham Agriculture Advisory Committee: • 2017 DAAC Farm Tour September 20 at Picov Downs in Ajax, different stations will be set up for educational displays/talks. • Janet Horner was guest at last DAAC meeting about Asset Mapping. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington April 13, 2017 Durham Region Federation of Agriculture: • No meeting since last month. Clarington Board of Trade: • CBOT Annual General Meeting April 19 at Clarington Beech Centre from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. • Agriculture Familiarization Tour April 28 at Werrcroft Farm from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. RSVP to bonnie@cbot.ca • Agriculture Familiarization Tour May 17 at Link Greenhouses from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. RSVP to bonnie@cbot.ca Farm Connections • Durham Farm Connections Grade 3 Annual Event was held at Luther Vipond Memorial Arena, Brooklin April 4-6. Number of students was down due to some accommodation issues and rules from School Board. • Open house had 800 people New Business Biosolids EBR posting – There has been a posting on the Environment Bill of Rights about the transport of Biosolids. Staff have reviewed and discussed with Conservation Authorities. The Municipality will not be commenting. Source Water Protection legislation, Nutrient Management Act and the Emergency Response Plans/protocols in place address the issues raised in the EBR posting. Soil Classification – DRFA has passed a motion asking for the province to advance the timing on the updating of the soils mapping for Durham. They would like additional support for this request. A letter will be drafted and circulated for comment. Ontario Farmland Trust – Tom Barrie recently attended a session provided by this group. The concept it to keep farmland in protected for the long term by registering an agreement on title that removed development rights. This may be a good topic for a future agenda. https://ontariofarmlandtrust.ca/ Farmer`s Parade – Wrap-up meeting has been held with Clarington and Police. There are improvements that can be made for future years that the group will be working on. Bee City Initiative – Students that contacted Councillor Partner has not responded to the request to meet with Clarington Staff or attend a meeting of the committee. Future Agendas Zoning By-law Team will be back at the June meeting for discussion. Durham Climate Change Adaptation Plan, Hida Manns and Brian Kelly have been invited to either July or August meeting. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington April 13, 2017 John will be inviting Barry and Mark Bragg to speak about their operation and value- added initiatives. Participation House, Jenni Knox to follow-up. Eric Bowman moved to Adjourn. Next Meeting, Thursday, May 10, 7:00 p.m. Blackbird Constructors and Ministry of Transportation and Ron Albright will be in attendance as well. Lisa Backus - Clarington Official Plan Amendment 107 – Approved Environmental Protection Area policies I:\^Department\LDO NEW FILING SYSTEM\Committees\Agricultural Committee\2017 Minutes & Correspondence\Draft Minutes_ Meeting_13 Apr 17.docx