HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-04-11 Minutes Draft minutes – Not yet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD TUESDAY APRIL 11, 2017 7:00 PM Present: Melanie McArthur Tom Hossie Jim Cleland Paul Davidson Kate Potter Leo Blindenbach Regrets: Brian Reid Patrick Bothwell Suzanne Land Councillor Corinna Traill Staff Present: Peter Windolf 1. AGENDA MOVED: by Leo Blindenbach SECONDED by Paul Davidson THAT : the agenda for April 11, 2017 be accepted CARRIED 2. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Approval of Minutes MOVED: by Paul Davidson SECONDED by Melanie McArthur THAT : the minutes of March 14, 2017 be approved. CARRIED SWNA April 2017 Minutes 2 3. ITEMS/UPDATES Come Fly with Me-Monarch Butterfly Event One of the actions selected by the SWNA committee as part of the Mayors Monarch Pledge was to “Launch a public communication effort to encourage citizens to plant monarch gardens at their homes or in their neighborhoods.” To help promote that effort the SWNA Committee hosted a Monarch Butterfly presentation on Sunday April 9 led by SWNA committee member Dr. Tom Hossie. The event was very successful with over 80 people in attendance. The presentation included information about the current plight of monarch butterflies and what the community can do to enhance their habitat. Milkweed seed packets with planting instructions were offered to attendees at no cost. Future SWNA committee activities were also promoted at the event including the April 29 site clean-up and September 10 monarch tagging event. Milkweed seed and plant distribution Brian Reid collected approximately 3000 milkweed seeds from the SWNA last fall. He has planted 200 seeds in trays for transplantation later this year at the SWNA. Additional planting trays have been donated by Rekkers Garden Centre and some of those trays have been provided to local schools for seed propagation. Ten classes at Duke of Cambridge School and four classes at Newcastle Public School are currently propagating milkweed seeds. Seeds will also be offered to the public at the Newcastle Horticultural Society plant sale on May 13. Donations have been received from the Bowmanville Rotary and Newcastle Lions to purchase approximately 200 milkweed seedlings later this spring. Milkweed Planting Date-May 27 The committee decided that Saturday May 27 would be the best date to plant the milkweed at the SWNA. The planting event will follow the Official Opening of the Trail also planned for May 27. The exact location of the planting will be determined at the May meeting which will be held on site. Trail Official Opening The construction of the woodland trail that links the Waterfront Trail to the existing trail along the north side of the sewage treatment plant will be completed in May with the paving of the trail. The date for the official opening is Saturday May 27 at 10:00AM. A notice to Councillors will be e-mailed in May. SWNA April 2017 Minutes 3 SWNA Facebook accounts Apparently more than one SWNA Facebook page exists. A search for the SWNA on Facebook may direct users to another Facebook page, not the official page administered by the municipality. The committee agreed that this could be misleading and confusing for people trying to find information about SWNA activities and events. The administrator of the other SWNA Facebook has not been confirmed but if we are able to contact the person responsible we will ask that the other page be linked to the official Facebook page. 4. OTHER BUSINESS The annual spring clean-up of the Port of Newcastle and SWNA is scheduled for Saturday April 29 at 10:00AM-Noon. The meeting location will be the Toronto Street parking lot. Brian Reid and Leo Blindenbach will be installing the new bird and butterfly houses over the next week or two. 5. MOTION TO ADJOURN MOVED: by Paul Davidson SECONDED by Tom Hossie THAT: the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED Adjournment 8:00 PM Next Meeting: Tuesday May 9, 6:30 PM ON-SITE. Please meet at the Toronto Street Parking lot Notes prepared by: P.Windolf