HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/24/2017Final clffftwn Planning and Development Committee Agenda Date: April 24, 2017 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers, 2nd Floor Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Inquiries & Accommodations: For inquiries about this agenda, or to make arrangements for accessibility accommodations for persons attending, please contact: Michelle Chambers, Committee Coordinator, at 905-623-3379, ext. 2106 or by email at mchambers(o)_clarington.net. Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Audio Record: The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio record of General Government Committee meetings. If you make a delegation or presentation at a General Government Committee meeting, the Municipality will be audio recording you and will make the recording public by publishing the recording on the Municipality's website. Cell Phones: Please ensure all cell phones, mobile and other electronic devices are turned off or placed on non -audible mode during the meeting. Copies of Reports are available at www.clarington.net CIarifl#oII Planning and Development Committee Agenda Date: April 24, 2017 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers 1 Call to Order 2 New Business — Introduction Members of Committee are encouraged to provide the Clerk's Department, in advance of the meeting, a copy of any motion the Member is intending to introduce, (preferably electronic) such that staff could have sufficient time to share the motion with all Members prior to the meeting. 3 Adopt the Agenda 4 Declaration of Interest 5 Announcements 6 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting 6.1 April 3 Minutes Minutes of a Regular Meeting of April 3, 2017 7 Public Meetings 7.1 Public Meeting Application for a Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision Applicant: William Tonno Construction Ltd. Report: PSD -027-17 8 Delegations Page 4 Page 21 8.1 Rob Walker, KWA Site Development Consulting Inc., Regarding Addendum to Report PSD -021-17, An Application by Valiant Property Management Lowe's Home Improvement Store 8.2 Mike Pettigrew, The Biglieri Group Ltd., Regarding Report PSD -028-17, Application by Averton Homes (Bowmanville) Limited to permit increased porch and building heights on lots in Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision 18T-95030, Mearns Avenue in Bowmanville Page 2 CIarifl#oII Planning and Development Committee Agenda Date: April 24, 2017 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers 9 Communications - Receive for Information There are no Communications to be received for information. 10 Communications— Direction There are no Communications for direction. 11 Presentations No Presentations 12 Planning Services Department Reports 12.1 PSD -027-17 An Application by 821012 & 821013 Ontario Ltd. (William Page 23 Tonno Construction Ltd.) for 335 Residential Units, Brookhill Boulevard, Bowmanville, ON 12.2 PSD -028-17 Application by Averton Homes (Bowmanville) Limited to Page 36 permit increased porch and building heights on lots in Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision 18T-95030, Mearns Avenue in Bowmanville 13 New Business — Consideration 14 Unfinished Business 14.1 Addendum to An Application by Valiant Property Management for a Page 48 PSD -021-17 Lowe's Home Improvement Store [Referred from the April 10, 2017 Planning and Development Committee Meeting] 15 Confidential Reports No Reports 16 Adjournment Page 3 Clarftwn Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 3, 2017 Minutes of a meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on Monday, April 3, 2017 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers. Present Were: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor S. Cooke, Councillor R. Hooper, Councillor J. Neal, Councillor W. Partner, Councillor C. Traill Regrets: Councillor W. Woo Staff Present: C. Clifford until 9:53 PM, D. Crome, C. Pellarin, K. Richardson, C. Salazar J. Gallagher, M. Chambers 1 Call to Order Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 2 New Business — Introduction Councillor Partner added a New Business item, regarding proposed growth and greenbelt plans, to the New Business — Consideration section of the agenda. Councillor Traill added a New Business item, regarding information on parking and patios, to the New Business — Consideration section of the agenda. 3 Adopt the Agenda Resolution #PD -052-17 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the Agenda for the Planning and Development Committee meeting of April 3, 2017 be adopted as presented with the addition of: • Proposed growth and greenbelt plans • Information on parking and patios Carried 4 Declarations of Interest There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting. 5 Announcements Members of Committee announced upcoming community events and matters of community interest. -1- 0 Clarftwn Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 3, 2017 6 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting Resolution #PD -053-17 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Traill That the minutes of the regular meeting of the Planning and Development Committee, held on March 13, 2017, be approved. Carried 7 Public Meetings 7.1 Application for a Proposed Zoning By-law and Official Plan Amendment Applicant: Valiant Property Management. Report: PSD -021-17 Nicole Zambri, Planner, made a verbal and electronic presentation to the Committee regarding the application. No one spoke in opposition to the application. Rob Walker, KWA Site Development Consulting Inc., spoke on behalf of the applicant. He explained to the Committee that there have been issues with the site plan which have now become part of the zoning by-law amendment. Mr. Walker added that these types of issues are common with garden centres. He advised the Committee that the applicant has requested that outdoor sales and displays be permitted on the sidewalk. Mr. Walker explained that currently the by-law is silent on this matter. He noted that they have not yet spoken to staff on this issue. Mr. Walker explained that there are concerns with having displays on the on the sidewalk and pedestrian safety. He continued by stating that the existing sidewalk is approximately 12 feet and the minimum requirement 1.5 metres. He added that, if sales and displays were permitted at the front of the store, there would be a five foot section at the front of the store where merchandise could be displayed. Mr. Walker noted that they are satisfied with previous discussions with staff however this is a fundamental issue with Lowes as they want to be able to display their merchandise in front of the store. He added that this creates a common draw to these types of stores. Mr. Walker concluded by asking for the Zoning By-law to be amended as it is presented to allow for merchandise to be displayed on the sidewalk in front of the store. -2- 5 Clarftwn Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 3, 2017 7.2 Application for a Proposed Zoning By-law and Official Plan Amendment Applicant: Newcastle Lodge for Senior & Family Dwellings Report: PSD -022-17 Ruth Porras, Senior Planner, made a verbal and electronic presentation to the Committee regarding the application. Jean -Anne Symak, local resident, spoke in opposition to the application. She advised the Committee that her main concern is with the loss of privacy due to the proposed height of the building. Ms. Symak added that she is also concerned with the diminished sunlight, increase traffic, and parking issues. No one spoke in support of the application. Joyce Kufta and Theresa Vanhaverbeke, Board of Directors, Parkview Lodge, spoke to the application. Ms. Kufta noted there have been several studies on shadows during various times of day. Ms. Vanhaverbeke added that the houses are to the south and that the surrounding homes should not be impacted. She advised the Committee that the privacy concerns will continue to be addressed. Ms. Kufta explained to the Committee that all of the Parkview Lodge Board of Directors are active members of the community and residents of Newcastle. They concluded by noting that Parkview Lodge will continue to work with the residents to work towards offering affordable rental housing to the seniors of Newcastle. 7.3 Application for a Proposed Zoning By-law and Official Plan Amendment Applicant: Gyaltsan Property Management Report: PSD -023-17 Paul Wirch, Planner II, made a verbal and electronic presentation to the Committee regarding the application. During Mr. Wirch's presentation, Mayor Foster left the meeting briefly and Councillor Cooke was in the chair from 8:03 PM to 8:05 PM. Linda Rammal, local resident, spoke in opposition to the application. She advised the Committee that she is opposed to having such a large building so close to her home. Ms. Rammal added that she is concerned with lighting from the building, lack of sunlight, lack of privacy and shadowing. Laura Morgan, local resident, spoke in opposition to the application. She advised the Committee that she has an issue with the height of the building and reduction of privacy with the new proposed location. Ms. Morgan added that she is concerned with the increased noise and lighting from the building. She concluded by advising the Committee that she has lived there for 10 years and did not expect her neighbours to have their home relocated and sell the property to be developed. -3- A• Cladwwn Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 3, 2017 Mark Kartusch, local resident, spoke in the opposition to the application. He advised the Committee that he moved to Newcastle because of the character of the community. Mr. Kartusch explained to the Committee that he has reviewed the Clarington Official Plan and subsequent plans which speak to the vision, planning principles and building design for the Municipality of Clarington. He added that, although he understands growth in the community, there have been many changes since he has moved to Newcastle. Mr. Kartusch noted the Gyaltsan family has been very good to work worth. He explained that a large tree had fallen from Mr. Gyaltsan's property to his property and Mr. Gyaltsan took care of the tree immediately. Mr. Kartusch stated that the Municipality needs to understand the Official Plan and there needs to be a clear vision for Newcastle. He added that he does appreciate that the developments in Newcastle keep with the character of the downtown area. Mr. Kartusch stated he does not feel this development fits in to the design of the area. He noted that the Newcastle Village Secondary Plan states the maximum height of buildings is four storeys. Mr. Kartusch added that the plan states that the design will be consistent with the area, development will reinforce pedestrian character, and parking setbacks. He stated he does not feel this design is consistent with the planning guidelines and principles. Mr. Kartusch noted that the Official Plan states that buildings shall be street front oriented and the current proposal does not follow these guidelines and does not follow good urban design or planning principles. He added that he is concerned with the safety of children in the parking lots. Mr. Kartusch concluded be advising the Committee that his family moved to Newcastle to be part of the community and encouraged the members of Council to follow the guidelines in the Official Plan. Kevin Symak, local resident, spoke in opposition to the application. He advised the Committee that he is concerned with the sight lines and stated the original approved location would have better complemented the area. Mr. Symak believes downtown Newcastle is becoming overcrowded with buildings. He advised the Committee that he is concerned with the proposed height of the building and the previously approved location is more appropriate for the area. Mr. Symak concluded by stating that there are too many buildings in this area and he does not approve of the proposed relocation. Bob Malone, local resident, spoke in support of the application. He advised the Committee that he is here to support development of Newcastle. Mr. Malone noted he supported the development when it was approved in December 2015. He added that he is a member of the Newcastle Village and District Historical Society and the Newcastle Ratepayers Associations. Mr. Malone explained that he has read the staff report and he was concerned it stated that the new location does not apply good urban design or planning principles and that staff would not support the application. He added that the only reason he could find within the report is the 30-60 residents may have issues with the parking. Mr. Malone continued by stating that he does not feel that this alone justifies relocation. He feels that this development will provide Newcastle with an economic boost and fit in well with the Massey building. Mr. Malone asked the Committee to support the application for the relocation and noted that it is time to resolve the issues. He concluded by advising that the residents he represents support this application. M Cladwwn Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 3, 2017 Nick Swerdfeger, Nick Swerdfeger Architects Inc., spoke on behalf of the applicant. He made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Mr. Swerdfeger reviewed the subject property and the proposed relocation. He summarized the required approvals which include a Clarington Official Plan Amendment, Newcastle Secondary Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment. Mr. Swerdfeger reviewed the planning justification and planning policies. He noted there have been issues with site setbacks and massing and the original approved location needed to be amended due to site restraints. Mr. Swerdfeger provided details on the site orientation, visual connections, and pedestrian connectivity and circulation. He referred to a PowerPoint slide showing the proposed ground floor view and noted that they have created a 3.5 metre sidewalk around the building. Mr. Swerdfeger continued by reviewing the vehicular circulation and noted the change in the underground parking site. He provided an overview on the massing and setback and the sun/shadow studies. Mr. Swerdfeger explained that they have designed internal balconies, roof top amenity space and that there will be site surfacing and landscape buffers. Resolution #PD -054-17 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the delegation of Nick Swerdfeger be extended for an additional two minutes. Carried Mr. Swerdfeger reviewed the architectural form, the urban ground plans, fagade composition and entry from Beaver Street. He concluded by stating that they feel this design aligns with the urban guidelines. Mr. Swerdfeger offered to answer questions from the Committee. Councillor Traill left the meeting at 9:19 PM. Tenzin Gyaltsan, Gyaltsan Property Management, spoke to the application. He advised the Committee he was present to review the proposed relocation. Mr. Gyaltsan provided background details on the application. He reviewed the issues with setbacks, being street front and the minimum number of units they needed to have. Mr. Gyaltsan explained that they were happy to have an approval of a design that would keep in line with the design of the community. He explained to the Committee that they have been in discussions with Sobeys, a tenant of the other building on the subject property, throughout the application process. Mr. Gyaltsan added that Sobeys does not support the approved location or design and that they have spent a significant amount of time trying to come to an agreement. He noted that Sobeys is unwilling to modify their lease agreement to reconfigure the parking lot. Mr. Gyaltsan advised the Committee that Sobeys is satisfied with the relocation. He added that they have contacted the owner of 65 Beaver Street and they have no issues with the relocation and that, at this time, they are not interested in selling their property. Councillor Traill returned to the meeting at 9:31 PM. -5- 0 Clarftwn Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 3, 2017 Mr. Gyaltsan noted that there are still large trees between the subject property and Cutler Drive. He added that none of the surrounding homes are being shadowed and because of the internal balconies there will be no one sitting outside looking into any home near the development. Resolution #PD -055-17 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the delegation of Tenzin Gyaltsan be extended for an additional two minutes. Carried He advised the Committee that they are trying to encourage walkways to promote pedestrian safety. Mr. Gyaltsan added that this development will promoted pedestrian traffic. He concluded by advising the Committee that his family has lived in the area for 25 years and they appreciate the community and intend on continuing to develop in Newcastle. Mr. Gyaltsan added that they will continue to work with Sobeys to make the previously approved location work. Recess Resolution #PD -056-17 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Traill That the Committee recess for 10 minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 10:03 PM with Mayor Foster in the Chair. Alter the Agenda Resolution #PD -057-17 Moved by Councillor Neal seconded by Councillor Partner That the Agenda be altered to consider Report PSD -023-17, An Application by Gyaltsan Property Management Inc. to relocate a previously approved five -storey, mixed-use building away from Beaver Street South, Newcastle. Carried E Clarftwn Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 3, 2017 12.3 PSD -023-17 An Application by Gyaltsan Property Management Inc. to Relocate a Previously Approved Five -Storey, Mixed -Use Building Away from Beaver Street South, Newcastle Resolution #PD -058-17 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Partner That Report PSD -023-17 be received; That the applications to amend the Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law 84-63 submitted by Gyaltsan Property Management Inc. continue to be processed; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -023-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 8 Delegations 8.1 Libby Racansky Regarding Communication Item 10.2, Regarding Conditions for Subdivision Approvals 8.2 Libby Racansky Regarding Report PSD -024-17, Claret Investments Limited & 1361189 Ontario Limited - Application to Amend the Zoning By-law to Facilitate the Creation of 15 Single Detached Lots on Lands Located on Harry Gay Drive, Courtice Prior to commencing her delegation, Libby Racansky was granted permission to address the Committee on both Communication Item 10.2, regarding Conditions for Subdivsion Approvals and Report PSD -024-17, Claret Investments Limited & 1361189 Ontario Limited - Application to Amend the Zoning By-law to Facilitate the Creation of 15 Single Detached Lots on Lands Located on Harry Gay Drive, Courtice, as a single delegation. She made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Ms. Racansky noted that Council had requested more research be conducted on the wells. She advised the Committee that Requirement 19 of the subdivision agreement was ignored. Ms. Racansky referred to the critical nature of the sensitive wells and the importance of a high water table. She added that this aquifer has a clay underlay. Ms. Racansky explained that, during the Ontario Municipal Board Hearing, Gibson Associates described the wells as being very sensitive. She reviewed responses from both the Planning and Engineering Departments and noted that there was adequate precipitation from 2006 to 2017 however the water level has declined. Ms. Racansky stated that Golder Associates did not study the wells, however Gibson Associates did. She stated that a "bathtub effect" will occur and referred to photo of properties with improper drainage. Ms. Racansky expressed her concern when she attended the Public Meeting, and that no one asked her any questions or addressed her concerns during her delegation. She believes that there has been an environmental impact to the species in the area. Ms. Racansky added that she is concerned with garbage from previous -7- 10 Clarftwn Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 3, 2017 developments. She discussed the decrease of the water level and the cumulative effects on development. Ms. Racansky requested that no overweight vehicles be used in this area and sensor lighting be used to prevent light pollution. She explained that these lands were provincially significant and should be protected, and that the zoning should not be amended. Ms. Racansky asked the Committee for assistance, as they currently have no water, and requested that no further approvals are granted until further studies have been conducted. 8.3 Nancy Mallette, Bloom Field Farms, Regarding Report PSD -025-17, An Application by Bloomfield Farms to Amend Sign By-law 2009-123 to Permit an Electronic Message Board Sign on an Agricultural Property Located at 3745 Highway 2, Newcastle Nancy Mallette, Bloom Field Farms, was present regarding Report PSD -025-17, An Application by Bloomfield Farms to amend Sign By-law 2009-123 to permit an electronic message board sign on an agricultural property located at 3745 Highway 2, Newcastle. She made a verbal presentation to accompany a handout. Ms. Mallette provided background details on her application, the current signage and the proposed signage. She provided a detailed comparison of the current and proposed signage. Ms. Mallette noted that commercial properties exist within the rural areas of Clarington and that these types of applications should be considered on a case by case basis. She explained that the current signage look cluttered and is difficult to read. Ms. Mallette added that this sign will assist in safely directing visitors onto their property. She feels that her proposed signage is within the by-law and complements the surrounding rural area. Ms. Mallette concluded by requesting the Committee approve their application. Alter the Agenda Resolution #PD -059-17 Moved by Councillor Partner seconded by Councillor Traill That the Agenda be altered to consider Report PSD -025-17, An Application by Bloomfield Farms to amend Sign By-law 2009-123 to permit an electronic message board sign on an agricultural property located at 3745 Highway 2, Newcastle, at this time. Carried 12.5 PSD -025-17 An Application by Bloomfield Farms to amend Sign By-law 2009-123 to Permit an Electronic Message Board Sign on an Agricultural Property Located at 3745 Highway 2, Newcastle Resolution #PD -060-17 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Report PSD -025-17 be received; 11 Clarftwn Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 3, 2017 That the applicant, Bloom Field Farm, be directed to contact all surrounding property owners within 500 metres of the subject property to notify them of the application details and to direct their concerns to the Planning Services Department prior to the Council meeting of April 10, 2017; That, pending no opposition to the application, Council approves the electronic message board sign at 3745 Highway #2, Newcastle (better known as Bloom Field Farms); and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -025-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Referred as amended (See following motions) Resolution #PD -061-17 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That the foregoing Resolution #PD -060-17 be amended by replacing the following words in paragraph two: "the applicant, Bloomfield Farms," with the word "Staff"; and That the matter be referred to the Council meeting of April 10, 2017. Carried Resolution #PD -062-17 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That the foregoing Resolution #PD -061-17 be divided. Motion Lost The foregoing Resolution #PD -060-17 was then put to a vote and was referred as amended. Suspend the Rules Resolution #PD -063-17 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to extend the meeting until 12:00 AM. Carried M 12 Clarftwn Alter the Agenda Resolution #PD -064-17 Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 3, 2017 Moved by Councillor Neal seconded by Councillor Traill That the Agenda be altered to consider Report PSD -021-17, An Application by Valiant Property Management Lowe's Home Improvement Store. Carried 12.1 PSD -021-17 An Application by Valiant Property Management Lowe's Home Improvement Store Resolution #PD -065-17 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That Report PSD -021-17 regarding An Application by Valiant Property Management Lowe's Home Improvement, be referred back to staff to report at the April 10, 2017 Council meeting. Carried 8.4 Bill Manson, WDM Consultants, Regarding Report PSD -024-17, Claret Investments Limited & 1361189 Ontario Limited - Application to Amend the Zoning By-law to Facilitate the Creation of 15 Single Detached Lots on Lands Located on Harry Gay Drive, Courtice Bill Manson, WDM Consultants, was present regarding Report PSD -024-17, Claret Investments Limited & 1361189 Ontario Limited - Application to Amend the Zoning By-law to Facilitate the Creation of 15 Single Detached Lots on Lands Located on Harry Gay Drive, Courtice. He advised the Committee that he has read the Report and is in agreement with the recommendations. Mr. Manson addressed the well interference issues raised by Ms. Racansky in her delegation and noted that, in 1992, they engaged Gibson Associates to study the impact on the wells. He added that they identified some wells which were sensitive and shallow. Mr. Manson noted that the Racansky well (W83) was identified and it was determined that there was a remote chance that this development had adversely impacted these wells. He continued by explaining that, in 1997, they obtained the services of Golder Associates again and an assessment with done on the well, which concurred with the previous findings. Mr. Manson advised the Committee that, in 1999, they went to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearing and paid over $350,000 in studies to have the consultant confirm the same findings. Mr. Manson advised the Committee that the OMB concluded that the impact from the two developments on the surrounding wells was very minor. He explained that, during construction in 2007-2008, Golder Associates designed a program to monitor the wells which might be impacted and this resulted in a report stating that there were no issues with the wells. Mr. Manson stated that he is aware of his responsibility and, if he was liable, he would correct the issues. He added that, although he sympathizes with Ms. Racansky's situation, he is not responsible for Ms. Racansky's well problems. Mr. Manson concluded by advising the Committee that he has been dealing with Ms. -10- 13 Clarftwn Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 3, 2017 Racansky for many years and she has been opposed to every subdivision which they have developed. He offered to answer questions from the Committee. 8.5 Michael Fry, D.G. Biddle & Associates Ltd, Regarding Report PSD -026-17, Applications by Bowmanville Village Inc. for Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment Michael Fry, D.G. Biddle & Associates Ltd. was present regarding Report PSD -026-17, Applications by Bowmanville Village Inc. for Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment. He thanked Staff and advised Committee that they are in agreement with the Report. Mr. Fry referred to page 12 of the Report and noted that that parkland dedication requirement is 0.22 hectares and the park block in this subdivision is 0.31 hectares. He added that page 16 illustrates the grading and difference in the horizontal and vertical scales. Mr. Fry concluded by advising the Committee that they look forward to continuing to work with Staff and to determine the Environmentally Protected limits. He offered to answer questions from the Committee. 8.6 Judy Morris Regarding Report PSD -026-17, Applications by Bowmanville Village Inc. for Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment Judy Morris was present regarding PSD -026-17, Applications by Bowmanville Village Inc. for Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment. She noted that Mr. Brown's letter addressed the overlook issues and, although this may be common, she is asking for the developer to speak with the residents in the area. Ms. Morris advised the Committee that she has been in this area for seven years and she bought this home because of the location and greenspace behind the property. She added that they have lost the proposed school and now have the addition of 40 homes. Ms. Morris advised the Committee that they will now have walkout homes behind them which will result in loss of privacy. She continued by explaining that she is concerned that they will not be able to enjoy their back yard and she worried with the lack of privacy and additional shading. Ms. Morris asked for restrictions to be placed on the height and depth of the decks of the new homes. She noted that they purchased this property to be their "forever home" and now they do not want to live there. Ms. Morris added that she feels these new developments should not impact the privacy of the existing neighbours and is asking for assistance for the Buttonshaw Street residents. She concluded by asking for recommendations in the letter from Borden Ladner Gervais on behalf of Andy Brown to be approved. 9 Communications - Receive for Information There were no Communications to be received for information. -11- 14 Clarftwn 10 Communications— Direction Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 3, 2017 10.1 Jennifer Kanters, Office Administrator, Darlington Soccer Club -Request for an Exemption to the Sign By -Law Resolution #PD -066-17 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Neal Whereas the Municipality has a Corporate Policy for "Exterior Signage on Municipal Property for Recognized Agencies and Groups", and Whereas the policy allows community groups and non-profit/not-for-profit organizations to use municipal property for the placement of mobile signs on a first come, first serve basis in a location specified by the responsible department and in keeping with the limitations of the policy; and Whereas Council wishes to authorize the use of the municipally owned land at Clarington Fields at 2375 Baseline Road West, Bowmanville for the use of one mobile sign by the Darlington Soccer Club; and Whereas the corporate policy addresses the timing, placement and removal of the signage; Now Therefore Be It Resolved That, a second mobile sign be permitted for use by the Darlington Soccer Club beginning two weeks prior to and inclusive of the registration period at a location to be determined by Municipal staff for 2375 Baseline Road West; That the temporary exemption only apply until such time as a permanent electronic message sign has been installed for the Clarington Fields facility; and THAT the CAO be authorized to make the necessary temporary exemption to Corporate Policy F-108 to meet the intent of this resolution. Carried 10.2 Libby Racansky — Regarding Conditions for Subdivision Approvals Resolution #PD -067-17 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Communication Item 10.2 from Libby Racansky regarding conditions for subdivision approvals, be referred to the consideration of Report PSD -024-17, Claret Investments Limited & 1361189 Ontario Limited - application to amend the Zoning By-law to facilitate the creation of 15 single detached lots on lands located on Harry Gay Drive, Courtice. Carried -12- 15 Clarftwn Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 3, 2017 10.3 Jonathan Rodger, Senior Associate, Zelinka Priamo Ltd - PSD -021-17 An Application by Valiant Property Management Lowe's Home Improvement Store Resolution #PD -068-17 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the correspondence from Jonathan Rodger, Senior Associate, Zelinka Priamo Ltd, concerning the Public Meeting (Agenda Item 7.1) regarding Report PSD -021-17, be referred to the Director of Planning Services to be considered as part of the application review process. Carried 10.4 Richard Jefferson, PSD -023-17 An Application by Gyaltsan Property Management Inc. to relocate a previously approved five -storey, mixed-use building away from Beaver Street South, Newcastle Resolution #PD -069-17 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Neal That the correspondence from Richard Jefferson concerning the Public Meeting (Agenda Item 7.3) regarding Report PSD -023-17, be referred to the Director of Planning Services to be considered as part of the application review process. Carried 10.5 Stephen Waque, Borden Ladner Gervais - Regarding PSD -026-17 Applications by Bowmanville Village Inc. for proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment Resolution #PD -070-17 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That the Communication Item 10.5 from Stephen Waque, Borden Ladner Gervais, be referred to the consideration of Report PSD -026-17, Applications by Bowmanville Village Inc. for proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment. Carried 11 Presentations No Presentations -13- 16 Clarftwn Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 3, 2017 12 Planning Services Department Reports 12.1 PSD -021-17 An Application by Valiant Property Management Lowe's Home Improvement Store Report PSD -021-17, An Application by Valiant Property Management Lowe's Home Improvement Store was considered earlier in the meeting during the delegation portion of the agenda. PSD -022-17 An Application by Newcastle Lodge for Senior and Family Dwellings to Construct a Six Storey, Mixed -Use Building Addition on King Avenue East, Newcastle Resolution #PD -071-17 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Partner That Report PSD -022-17 be received; That the applications to amend the Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law 84-63, submitted by Newcastle Lodge for Senior & Family Dwellings to construct a six storey, mixed-use building addition continue to be processed and that a subsequent report be prepared; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -022-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 12.2 PSD -023-17 An Application by Gyaltsan Property Management Inc. to relocate a previously approved five -storey, mixed-use building away from Beaver Street South, Newcastle Report PSD -023-17, An Application by Gyaltsan Property Management Inc. to relocate a previously approved five -storey, mixed-use building away from Beaver Street South, Newcastle was considered earlier in the meeting during the delegation portion of the agenda. Clarftwn Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 3, 2017 12.3 PSD -024-17 Claret Investments Limited & 1361189 Ontario Limited - application to amend the Zoning By-law to facilitate the creation of 15 single detached lots on lands located on Harry Gay Drive, Courtice Resolution #PD -072-17 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Report PSD -024-17 be received; That the application for rezoning ZBA2016-0016, submitted by WDM Consultants be approved and that the Zoning By-law Amendment contained in Attachment 1 to Report PSD -024-17 be passed; That a by-law to remove the (H) Holding Symbol be forwarded to Council once the road within Block 14 has been constructed, Block 13 has been dedicated to the Municipality in an acceptable condition and all the requirements of the Clarington Official Plan are satisfied; That the Region of Durham Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD -024-17 and Council's decision; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -024-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 12.4 PSD -025-17 An Application by Bloomfield Farms to amend Sign By-law 2009-123 to permit an electronic message board sign on an agricultural property located at 3745 Highway 2, Newcastle Considered earlier during the delegation portion of the agenda. 12.5 PSD -026-17 Applications by Bowmanville Village Inc. for proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment Resolution #PD -073-17 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report PSD -026-17 be received; That Staff be directed to take the steps necessary to seek approval from the Ontario Municipal Board for Draft Plan of Subdivision (S -C-2014-0002) and Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA 2014-0023), generally as set out in Attachments 1 and 2 to Report PSD -026-17, respectively; and -15- 18 Clarftwn Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 3, 2017 That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -026-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Motion Withdrawn Resolution #PD -074-17 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report PSD -026-17, regarding Applications by Bowmanville Village Inc. for proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment and the suggestions contained in Mr. Waque's letter dated April 3, 2017 be referred to staff to report at the Council meeting of April 10, 2017. Carried 13 New Business — Consideration 13.1 Proposed Growth and Greenbelt Plans Resolution #PD -075-17 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Cooke Whereas the proposed growth and greenbelt plans are going to Cabinet on Wednesday, April 5, 2017; Now therefore be it resolved that the Municipality of Clarington request that the plans be delayed until there is a meeting of the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area Mayors and Chairs. Carried Suspend the Rules Resolution #PD -076-17 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to extend the meeting until 12:10 AM. Carried -16- 19 Clarftwn 13.2 Information on parking and patios Resolution #PD -077-17 Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 3, 2017 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Partner That Planning Staff report back on the feasibility of implementing a pilot project to permit restaurants in the downtown Bowmanville business area to use on -street parking spaces as a patio for patrons to eat and drink outdoors; and That staff consult with the Bowmanville BIA and restaurant owners in drafting the above report, as well as other interested departments such as By-law Enforcement and Emergency and Fire Services. Carried 14 Unfinished Business None 15 Confidential Reports There were no Confidential Reports scheduled under this Section of the Agenda. 16 Adjournment Resolution #PD -078-17 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the meeting adjourn at 12:04 AM. Chair Carried -17- 20 Deputy Clerk Clarington Notice of Public Meeting A land use change has been proposed, have your say! The Municipality is seeking public comments before making a decision on an applications to amend the Zoning By-law and for a proposed Plan of Subdivision. ••• 821012 & 821013 Ontario Ltd. (William Tonno Construction Ltd.) has submitted a 335 residential unit proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and Rezoning application. The development consists of 146 single detached dwellings, 58 townhouse units on municipal rear lanes, a medium density block for up to 118 units, a park, a stormwater mana ement pond, open space and a landscape strip. West of Regional Road 57, north of Stevens Road, east of Clarington Boulevard in Bowmanville. How to be Informed Additional information regarding the proposed draft plan of subdivision and amendment to the zoning by-law is available for review at the Planning Services Department and on our website at clarington.net developmentproposals. Questions? Please contact Cynthia Strike 905-623-3379, extension 2410, or by email at cstrike@clarington.net How to Provide Comments Speak at the Public Meeting: Date: Monday, April 24, 2017 Time: 7:00 PM Place: 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, ON L1 C 3A6 Municipal Administrative Centre Council Chambers Or write to the Planning Services Department to the attention of Cynthia Strike File Number: 18T-95027, DEV95-12 Draft Approved Plan -of Subdivision Open Space Medium Density park Block Stormwater Management Pond o . EVENS ROAD { • Y= lei 21 Legend Single Detached Dwellings Townhouses On Municipal Rear Lanes -Medium Density Block - Landscape Strip Service Block p4Ln 00 0 Lli I *r C r% 1 f' OU ; STE,�y�C Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act The personal information you submit will become part of the public record and may be released to the public. Questions about the information we collect can be directed to the Clerk's Department at 905- 623-3379, extension 2102. Accessibility If you have accessibility needs and require alternate formats of this document or other accommodations please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Appeal Requirements If you do not speak at the public meeting or send your comments or concerns to the Municipality of Clarington before the by-law is passed, you will not be entitled to appeal the decision to the Ontario Municipal Board and you will not be able to participate at a hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Municipal Board unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to do to. 41*4 1 e- - David J. Crome, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning Services CS/ah I:\^Department\LDO NEW FILING SYSTEMWpplication Files\SC Subdivision\18Ts\18T-95027 Tonno Brookhill\2017 submission\Public Meeting\Public Meeting Notice_18T-95027_30'03'17.docx 22 Clarftwa Planning Services Public Meeting Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: Planning and Development Committee Date of Meeting: April 24, 2017 Report Number: PSD -027-17 Resolution: File Number: 18T-95027 and Dev 95-012 By-law Number: Report Subject: An Application by 821012 & 821013 Ontario Ltd. (William Tonno Construction Ltd.) for 335 Residential Units, Brookhill Boulevard, Bowmanville, ON Recommendations: 1. That Report PSD -027-17 be received; 2. That the revised applications for proposed draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment submitted by 821012 & 821013 Ontario Ltd. (William Tonno Construction Ltd.) continue to be processed and that a subsequent report be prepared; and 3. That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -027-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 23 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -027-17 Report Overview Page 2 The Municipality is seeking public comments on applications for a proposed draft plan of subdivision and rezoning to permit a 335 residential unit plan of subdivision consisting of 146 single detached dwellings, 58 townhouse units on municipal rear lanes, a medium density block containing 118 units, as well as lands for a community park, stormwater management pond, open space and a landscape strip. The subject site has frontage on Regional Road 57 and Stevens Road and on the future extension of Clarington Boulevard in Bowmanville. 1. Application Details 1.1 Owner: 821012 & 821013 Ontario Ltd. (William Tonno Construction Ltd.) 1.2 Agent: D. G Biddle and Associates 1.3 Proposal Draft Plan of Subdivision: To develop a 335 residential unit plan of subdivision consisting of 146 single detached dwellings; 58 townhouse units on municipal rear lanes, 118 units contained in a medium density block, a 1.01 ha community park block, a 4.7 ha open space block, a 1.99 ha stormwater management pond, landscape strip abutting Regional Road 57 and roads. Zonina By-law Amendment: To change the current zoning on the lands from "Agricultural (A)" and "Environmental Protection (EP)" Zones to an appropriate zone to permit the proposed development. 1.4 Area: 21.64 hectares (54 acres). 1.5 Location: The lands subject to these applications are located west of Regional Road 57, north of Stevens Road, being Part Lot 15, Concession 2 in Bowmanville (see Figure 1). 1.6 Roll Numbers: 18-17-010-030-01300 18-17-010-030-01500 1.7 Within Built Boundary: No 24 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -027-17 51 � Open Space W J O m o Medium JV Dens ity Park z /�l Block QM 1 —a STEVENS ROAD U 18T-95027 Page 3 Legend Single Detached Dwellings wTownhouses OnMunicipal Rear Lanes MMedium Density Block Landscape Strip Service Block Stormwater Management Pond Figure 1. Site Location 25 r • �iiir`� O STEVENS RC Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -027-17 2.0 Background Page 4 2.1 On March 27th, 1995, the applicant submitted a proposed draft plan of subdivision to the Region of Durham. An application for rezoning was submitted to the Municipality of Clarington. The first public meeting was held in July 1995. Since the lands were located outside of the urban boundary, the applicant had also submitted an Official Plan Amendment application to have the lands included within the Bowmanville Urban Area. During that time, the Municipality of Clarington was undergoing an Official Plan Review. Staff recommended that the applications be referred back for further processing pending the outcome of the Official Plan Review. The lands were re -designated "Urban Residential" and "Environmental Protection" in the 1996 Clarington Official Plan. The Clarington Official Plan also required that, prior to approval of any draft Plan of Subdivision, a sub -watershed study and secondary plan be prepared. 2.2 The Brookhill Subwatershed Study was completed in 2005 and recommended various amendments to the Official Plan. These changes together with the Brookhill Secondary Plan were adopted as Amendment No. 60 to the Clarington Official Plan, in March 2008, Amendment No. 60 was appealed and finally approved by the Ontario Municipal Board in November 2009. 2.3 In June 2008, Council approved Amendment No. 62 to the Clarington Official Plan. The amendment reduced the size of the Community Park and added a Medium Density designation north of Stevens Road and west of Clarington Boulevard. The redesignation allowed extension of Stevens Road in an alignment which avoided the Carson Elliot Skate Board Park and mature trees on the south side of Stevens Road. 2.4 On October 15th, 2009, the applicant submitted revised rezoning and proposed draft plan of subdivision applications to implement the Brookhill Secondary Plan. A second Public Meeting was held in February 2010. The applicant did not proceed further with the applications as sanitary sewer capacity was not available at the Port Darlington Water Pollution Control Plant. 2.5 In June 2016, the Ontario Municipal Board approved the proposed draft plan of subdivision to the north of the subject sites, owned by Dunbury Developments. The applicant now wishes to proceed with the subject applications and has again revised the proposed draft plan consistent with the Secondary Plan and the draft approved plan of subdivision to the north. 2.6 Studies Submitted The following studies have been submitted and must be completed to the Municipality's satisfaction prior to Staff recommending draft approval of the Plan of Subdivision: • Stormwater Management Report • Traffic Study • Internal Traffic Study • Functional Servicing Report 26 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -027-17 • Archeological Assessment • Noise Report • Energy Conservation and Sustainability Plan • Parking Plan Page 5 An Environmental Impact Study was required as a portion of the Brookhill Tributary is located on the southern portion of the draft plan. The Environmental Impact Study was completed in 2012. 3. Land Characteristics and Surrounding Uses 3.1 The majority of the subject lands are currently being used for agricultural crops.(See Figure 2) The site slopes towards the Brookhill Tributary valley which bisects the bottom third of the lands in a west to east direction. The vegetation mainly consists of a mix of meadow species, intermediate deciduous and coniferous trees, and a shrub layer of buckthorn and dogwood. The tributary is located in the bottom of the valley floor. (See Figure 3). Figure 2: Looking north from Stevens Road 27 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -027-17 Page 6 Figure 3: Looking east at Brookhill Boulevard 3.2 Surroundina Uses North - Vacant cultivated lands - Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision (S -C 2011-0002) South - Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex, including Carson Elliot Skate Board Park, vacant building (former Police Station) East - Regional Road 57 and beyond that, estate residential on Munday Court and Luverme Court West - Vacant cultivated lands, Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision S -C 2012-0003 Brookhill Tributary and Clarington Central Secondary School Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -027-17 4 Provincial Policy 4.1 Provincial Policy Statement Page 7 The Provincial Policy Statement encourages planning authorities to create healthy livable and safe communities by accommodating an appropriate range and mix of residential, employment, recreational and open space uses to meet long term needs. Some relevant policies are: • New development shall occur adjacent to built-up areas, and shall have compact form, a mix of uses and densities that allow for the efficient use of land, infrastructure and public services. • New housing is to be directed to locations where infrastructure and public services are or will be available. • A full range and mix of housing types and densities shall be provided to meet projected requirements of current and future residents of the regional market area. • Infrastructure and public service facilities shall be provided in a coordinated, efficient and cost effective manner. 4.2 Provincial Growth Plan The Provincial Growth Plan encourages municipalities to manage growth by directing population growth to settlement areas, such as the Bowmanville Urban Area. Municipalities are encouraged to create complete communities that offer a mix of land uses, employment and housing options, high quality open space, and access to stores and services. In particular: • Growth is to be accommodated in transit -supportive communities to reduce dependence on the automobile through the development of mixed use, pedestrian - friendly environments. • Growth shall also be directed to areas that offer municipal water and wastewater systems. • Municipalities should establish an urban open space system within the built up areas. • Municipalities must accommodate residential development within the built up area. 4.3 The proposed development allows for the efficient use of land, infrastructure and public services and is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement and the Growth Plan. The proposed development will allow for single detached dwellings, townhouses and units in a medium density block which all provide different forms of housing. Municipal water and sanitary sewers are required to develop the site. Transit is currently available on Stevens Road and built portions of Clarington Boulevard, and will continue north to Longworth Avenue once the roads are built. A Community Park is located on the north and south side of Stevens Road. 29 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -027-17 5. Official Plans 5.1 Durham Regional Official Plan Page 8 The Durham Regional Official Plan designates the subject lands as Living Area. Living Area permit the development of communities with defined boundaries, incorporating the widest possible variety of housing types, sizes and tenure to provide living accommodations that address various socio-economic factors. The proposed development is permitted within the Living Area designation. A mix of uses such as certain home occupations, convenience stores, public and recreational uses which are compatible with their surroundings are permitted. 5.2 Clarington Official Plan The Clarington Official Plan designates the subject lands "Urban Residential", "Environmental Protection" and "Town Centre". Two Medium Density symbols, are located north and south of the future extension of Brookhill Boulevard adjacent to Regional Road 57. The predominant use of lands within the "Urban Residential" designation shall be for housing purposes. Other uses may be permitted which by the nature of their activity, scale and design are supportive, compatible and serve the residential uses. These include corner stores, home-based occupations, parks and schools. Within the Brookhill Neighbourhood, the housing target is 1575 units, 950 low density units, 550 medium density units and 75 units for intensification. The predominant form of housing for low density residential development includes single and semi detached or linked dwellings as well as duplexes. The density range is between 10-30 units per net hectare. Medium density units include townhouses, triplex/quadruplex, low rise apartments and mixed use developments. The density range for medium density development is 31-60 units per hectare. The Environmental Protection Area designation reflects the location of the Brookhill Tributary and valleylands along the south and west side of the property. An Environmental Impact Study is required and has been prepared. Town and Village Centres shall be developed as the main concentrations of urban activity in each community with the Town Centres providing a full array of retail and personal service, office, residential, cultural, community, recreational and institutional uses. The site is bounded by Regional Road 57, a Type `A' Arterial Road to the east, the future extension of Clarington Boulevard, a Collector Road to the west, and Stevens Road to the south. The detailed land use policies are contained in the Brookhill Neighbourhood Secondary Plan and the Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan. 30 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -027-17 5.3 Brookhill Secondary Plan Community Structure Page 9 The Draft Plan of Subdivision is generally consistent with the Principles and Community Structure contained in the Secondary Plan. Land Use Policies The Secondary Plan designates the subject lands as "Village Corridor", "Low" "Density Residential", "Neighbourhood Commons Area" and "Environmental Protection". The "Village Corridor" incorporates institutional, retail and service, commercial, recreational and cultural uses as well as ground -related housing and residential apartment buildings within a mixed use context. It fronts Clarington Boulevard and is the primary focus for the Brookhill Neighbourhood. Permitted housing forms include street, block or stacked townhouses, multiple unit buildings and low-rise apartment buildings. Apartment units may be permitted in either stand-alone residential buildings or above the ground floor in mixed use buildings. Live -work units are permitted. Retail and services shall be permitted on the ground floor only, to a maximum of 500 square metres. Building height shall be in the range of 3 to 6 storeys or between 8.0 to 20.0 metres. Low Density Residential housing shall be in the form of single and semi-detached units. Coach houses are permitted over top detached garages fronting on a lane in limited areas. Within the "Neighbourhood Commons Area", street, block or stacked townhouses and multiple unit buildings are permitted surrounding a parkette which is located in the draft approved plan to the north (Dunbury). Medium density shall be consistent with Official Plan policies. 5.4 Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan The lands south of the Brookhill Tributary are within the Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan. The lands are designated as Community Facilities and Medium Density Residential. Medium Density development shall be consistent with the policies of the Official Plan. Community Facilities permit a park. 5.5 Clarington Official Plan as Amended by Amendment 107 On November 1, 2016, Council adopted the Official Plan Amendment 107 to bring the Clarington Official Plan into conformity with the Regional Official Plan and provincial policies. The majority of the subject site remains designated Urban Residential, Environmental Protection and Town Centre. A Local Corridor is identified along the frontage of Regional Road 57. Local Corridors shall provide for residential and or mixed use development with a wide array of uses in order to achieve higher densities and transit oriented development. Lands along Brookhill Boulevard provide street houses that assist 31 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -027-17 Page 10 in achieving local corridor densities. The lands on the south side of the Brookhill tributary are within the Town Centre. Predominant housing forms are mid -rise (4-6 stories and high rise (7-12 stories) with a minimum net density of 120 units per net hectare. The lands are in proximity to the Bowmanville Transportation Hub which requires a minimum density of 200 units per net residential hectare. 6. Zoning By-law 6.1 Zoning By-law 84-63 zones the subject lands "Agricultural (A)" and "Environmental Protection (EP)". A Zoning By-law Amendment will be required in order to implement the proposed draft plan of subdivision 7. Public Notice and Submissions Public Notice was given by mail to each landowner within 120 metres of the subject site. As of the writing of this report two inquiries were received, one general in nature, the other, is from an existing resident residing on Brookhill Boulevard. The resident expressed concerns with winter snow clearing and storage, parking in narrow rear lanes causing parking and traffic concerns and poor drainage in small backyards. 8. Agency Comments 8.1 Canada Post, Enbridge Gas, Hydro One have offered no objection. 9. Departmental Comments 9.1 Engineering Services Prior to final approval of the subject subdivision the applicant will be required to satisfy the Engineering Services Department regarding the following concerns and conditions: • Phasing and Timing of Development • Roads and Traffic • Urban Servicing • Drainage and Stormwater Management • Pedestrian Connections • Connection to Clarington Boulevard • Road Right-of-way Widths • Construction of Brookhill Boulevard • Acquisition of Park Block 9.2 Operations The Operations Department does not support municipal rear laneways due to maintenance concerns. The stormwater management pond requires further review, including a proper sediment drying area and oil/grit stormcepter device. 32 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -027-17 10. Discussion Page 11 10.1 The proposed draft plan is consistent with the Clarington Official Plan and both the Brookhill and West Town Centre Secondary Plans. The lotting and road pattern integrates with the Dunbury draft approved plan of subdivision to the north. Brookhill Boulevard is constructed from Boswell Avenue in the west, to Clarington Boulevard in the east. The developer will be required to construct the balance of Brookhill Boulevard to Regional Road 57. 10.2 An Environmental Impact Study was prepared for the Brookhill Tributary by Aquafor Beech in 2012. The study found severe erosion is occurring at the confluence of the Brookhill Tributary and the Bowmanville Creek. This erosion is occurring as a result of the failure of the Vanstone Dam. The erosion is problematic on its own but also causes a barrier to fish passage. Development upstream will exacerbate the problem and remediation is recommended. The cost for remediation shall be borne by the owners of the lands that drain to the Brookhill Tributary. 10.3 Housing Types and Mixed Uses. The draft plan provides for a mix of lot sizes to permit various housing forms. The number and type of lot are provided below: Housing Types Lot Frontage Quantity Total Units by Type • Single Detached 10 metres 53 • Single Detached 11 metres 71 • Semi Detached 18 metres 22 Total Low Density Units 146 • Lane Townhouses 6.0 metres 48 • Street Townhouses 7.0 metres 10 • Medium Density Block 118 Total Medium Density Units 176 Various Future development Blocks 12 Total Number of Units 335 units The units facing Clarington Boulevard are lane -based townhouse units which is consistent with the Village Corridor designation in the Secondary Plan. Street Townhouses are located on the north leg of Street "B" and face the Neighbourhood Parkette located in the approved draft plan to the north (Dunbury). Lane based townhouses front onto Brookhill Boulevard consistent with the Secondary Plan. 33 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -027-17 Page 12 The Medium Density Block is within the Town Centre and Bowmanville Transportation Hub in the Council adopted Official Plan. It will need to become a High Density Block to comply with the Official Plan. 10.4 Parks, Open Space, Green Corridor The Community Park is located north of Stevens Road consistent with the Clarington Official Plan and West Town Centre Secondary Plan. The lands associated with Brookhill Tributary will be dedicated to the Municipality. The Brookhill Secondary Plan requires a landscape strip adjacent to Regional Road 57 from Stevens Road to Longworth Avenue. This "green corridor" will have landscaped berms which will provide a visual and acoustical barrier and minimize the need for acoustical fencing between the residential units and the traffic on Regional Road 57. The landscaped strip will be dedicated to the municipality. 10.5 Roads and Related Infrastructure Cooperation with the abutting landowners, specifically DG Group to the west and Dunbury to the north will be required to extend services and construct shared roads. Sanitary sewer services need to be extended from Highway 2 on the south side of the CP Railway to service these lands and others in the Brookhill neighbourhood. The stormwater management pond in this draft plan is required for the Dunbury draft plan of subdivision to proceed. 11. Strategic Plan Application Not applicable. 12. Conclusion This report is prepared for the purpose of the public meeting. A recommendation report will be prepared subsequently to address comments received from residents at this public meeting and agencies that are currently reviewing the application. 34 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -027-17 Submitted by: David J. Crome, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning Services Page 13 Reviewed by. Curry Clifford, MPA, CMO Interim CAO Staff Contact: Cynthia Strike, Planner, 905-623-3379 ext. 2410 or cstrike .clarington.net The following is a list of Interested Parties to be notified of Council's decision: Cora Tonno, William Tonno Construction Fred Veirhout, D.G Biddle & Associates Michael Fry, D. G Biddle & Associates Tom Albani, DG Group Dunbury Developments. Mark Ashworth C. Verhoog CP/CS/av cc: LIDO I:\^D�ua� �-- -- , -NG SYSTEMWpplication Files\SC Subdivision\18Ts\18T-95027 Tonno Brookhill\2017 submission\Staff Report\PSD-027-17.docx 35 Clarftwn Planning Services If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Municipal Clerk at 905-623-3379 ext. 2102 Report To: Planning and Development Committee Date of Meeting: April 24, 2017 Report Number: PSD -028-17 Resolution: File Number: ZBA 2016-0022 By-law Number: Report Subject: Application by Averton Homes (Bowmanville) Limited to permit increased porch and building heights on lots in Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision 18T-95030, Mearns Avenue in Bowmanville Recommendations: 1. That Report PSD -028-17 be received; 2. That the application for an amendment to Zoning By-law 84-63, submitted by Averton Homes (Bowmanville) Limited to permit increased porch heights to 1.2 metres for dwellings within Phase 1 of Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision 18T-95030 be approved as contained in Attachment 1 to Report PSD -028-17; and 3. That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -028-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 36 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -028-17 Report Overview Page 2 The Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision 18T- 95030, situated north of Concession Street East and west of Mearns Avenue in Bowmanville, is being developed by Averton Homes. The Zoning By -Law for the Averton Plan of Subdivision limits porch heights to 1.0 metres above finished grade to provide for appropriate human scale transition from the sidewalk to the front entrance. The grades in the Averton subdivision have made this difficult to achieve in many instances. It is recommended that maximum porch height be increased by 0.2 metres (approximately 8 inches). The developer has worked with staff such that the original request for increases in building height is no longer necessary. 1. Application Details 1.1 Owner: Averton Homes (Bowmanville) Limited 1.2 Original Proposal Amendment to the Zoning By-law i) To increase the porch height greater than 1 metre for 70 units; ii) To increase the building height of 12 single detached dwellings greater than 11 metres; and iii) To increase the height of one bungaloft greater than 8.5 metres. 1.3 Revised Proposal: Amendment to the Zoning By-law i) To increase the porch heights from 1.0 metre to 1.2 metres for all dwellings south of Elephant Hill Drive extension in Phase 1. 1.4 Area: 9.33 hectares 1.5 Location: West side of Mearns Avenue, 600 metres north of Concession Street and south of the Canadian Pacific Railway, being Part Lot 9, Concession 2, former Town of Bowmanville (See Figure 1). 1.6 Within Built Boundary: Yes 1.7 Assessment Roll Number: 1817-020-060-10805 37 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -028-17 Page 3 Figure 1: Phases 1 and 2 in Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision 18T- 95030 �ELDAD r� Z Vr EpL' a C a LU F T� `' • ; Off\ .� � j =� t Z r_, FUTURE MEDIUM u] 0 Subject Site DENSITY z Ul: LU sz I ..- :� � I SPRUCEV —T m , • A MADDEN I %MPLING IF 4 I�4 I L. CT I HUTTO a ' IR_ LAN E.ET ZBA2016.0022 i ��.ir - a. � .._.'. ..l I& Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -028-17 Page 4 2. Background 2.1 In 2014, Averton acquired Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision 18T-95030. At that time, under delegated authority, the Director of Planning Services amended the draft plan to include an alternate access to Mearns Avenue, which changed some of the lots and blocks and placed the lands north of the future extension of Elephant Hill Drive in a future development block. The conditions were amended to reflect current policies and guidelines. 2.2 In 2015, Averton applied for an amendment to draft approval and rezoning to change some of the lot sizes and to rezone the lands to increase lot coverage and reduce setbacks consistent with current development standards. Concurrently, the applicant also submitted engineering drawings to the Engineering Services Department for review. Upon the initial review, it became apparent that the site grades would be challenging. The draft plan was further amended by removing a road connection between Elephant Hill Drive and Lyle Drive, which had steep road grades, in favour of a landscaped walkway connection. Another component of the rezoning application requested an increase in porch height from 1 metre to 1.6 metres and an increase in building height from 10.5 metres to 11 metres lots for all in Phase 1 of the draft plan. This was due in part, to the difficult site grades and the fact that the height of a building is measured from the lowest finished grade at the base of a dwelling. 2.3 In Recommendation Report PSD -022-16, Staff were not supportive of a blanket rezoning to increase porch heights for all units. Staff believe, porches that are setback 2.0 metres from the sidewalk with a deck height of 1.6 metres (5.3 feet) high can present an overbearing presence to passing pedestrians. Staff recommended that the applicant apply for a minor variance application for a specific lot where the zoning by-law could not be met. Staff supported an increase in building height from 10.5 metres to 11.0 metres for all lots in Phase 1. 2.4 The applicant has undertaken a detailed review of porch and dwelling heights within the development including preparing house sitings for all the lots in Phase 1 only. The same exercise has not been prepared for Phase 2 lands as of yet. Approximately 70 lots exceeded the 1.0 metre porch height and 12 lots exceeded the 11.0 metre building height. Due to the significant number of lots effected, application for minor variance for each lot did not seem practical, economical or supportable. Instead, applying for a re- zoning is a more feasible approach. Figure 2 identifies the lots and blocks that exceeded the zoning by-law requirements. 39 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -028-17 Figure 2: Lots and blocks requiring increase porch and building heights e increased Porch Heights (69) Increased Building Heights (11) Increased Building Height For Bungalolt (1) Increased Porch and Building Height (1) Sidewalk EN Page 5 2.5 The engineering review is complete, the applicant has entered into a subdivision agreement and final registration of Phase 1 occurred on April 13, 2017. Installation of services is underway, house construction is intended to commence in the coming weeks. ii Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -028-17 3. Land Characteristics and Surrounding Uses Page 6 3.1 The lands are at a higher elevation at the north-west and abutting the railway then slope downward to the south-east corner. The site has been graded. Figure 3: View to the north-west from Ireland Street 3.2 The surrounding uses are as follows: North - Canadian Pacific Railway and beyond urban residential South - Urban residential East - Urban residential West - Urban residential 4. Provincial Policy 4.1 Provincial Policy Statement The Provincial Policy Statement encourages planning authorities to create healthy livable and safe communities by accommodating an appropriate range and mix of residential, employment, recreational and open space uses to meet long term needs. Some relevant policies are: • New development shall occur adjacent to built-up areas and shall have compact form, a mix of uses and densities that allow for the efficient use of land, infrastructure and public services. 41 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -028-17 Page 7 New housing is to be directed to locations where infrastructure and public services are or will be available. A full range and mix of housing types and densities shall be provided to meet projected requirements of current and future residents of the regional market area. Infrastructure and public services facilities shall be provided in a coordinated and efficient and cost effective manner. 4.2 Provincial Growth Plan The Provincial Growth Plan encourages municipalities to manage growth by directing population growth to settlement areas, such as the Bowmanville Urban Area. Municipalities are encouraged to create complete communities that offer a mix of land uses, employment and housing options, high quality open space, and access to stores and services. In particular: • Growth is to be accommodated in transit -supportive communities to reduce dependence on the automobile through the development of mixed use, pedestrian - friendly environments. • Growth shall also be directed to areas that offer municipal water and wastewater systems. • Municipalities should establish an urban open space system within the built up areas. • Municipalities must accommodate residential development within the built up area. 4.3 The proposed development has an array of housing types. Municipal water and sanitary sewers are available to the site. Transit routes are located on Apple Blossom Boulevard and Mearns Avenue. A neighbourhood park is located on the north side of Elephant Hill Drive in the existing neighbourhood. A public elementary school and commercial centre are located on Mearns Avenue. The development allows for the efficient use of land, infrastructure and public services. The subject applications are consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement and the Growth Plan. 5. Official Plans 5.1 Durham Regional Official Plan The Durham Region Official Plan designates the subject lands as Living Area. Lands designated as Living Area permit the development of communities with defined boundaries, incorporating the widest possible variety of housing types, sizes and tenure to provide living accommodations that address various socio-economic factors. The proposed development is permitted within the Living Area designation. 42 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -028-17 5.2 Clarington Official Plan Page 8 The Clarington Official Plan designates the subject lands as Urban Residential, with a Medium Density Symbol at the north east corner of Elephant Hill Drive and Mearns Avenue. The lands are within the Apple Blossom Neighbourhood, which has a population allocation of 4750 and a housing target of 1650, including 225 medium density units and 125 units for intensification. The Low Density designation allows a density of 10 to 30 units per net hectare and predominant form of housing are single and semi-detached units. The Medium Density designation allows for density of 31 to 60 units per hectare while the predominant form of housing are townhouses, quadraplexes and triplexes or low rise apartments. Elephant Hill Drive is a local road with a road width of 18 to 20 metres and designed on the basis of a grid street system which may be modified where there are physical constraints. Mearns Avenue is a Type C Arterial with a road width of 26 to 30 metres and will accommodate greater volumes of traffic. 5.3 Clarington Official Plan as amended by Amendment 107 On November 1St, 2016, Council adopted Official Plan Amendment 107 which brought the Clarington Official Plan into conformity with the Regional Official Plan and provincial policies. The subject site remains designated Urban Residential. Mearns Avenue remains a Type C Arterial Road. All applicable policies remain. 6. Zoning By-law Zoning By-law 84-63 zones the subject lands "Holding -Urban Residential Exception ((H)R2-84), and "Holding -Urban Residential Exception ((H)R3-49). Said zones permit dwellings with a height of 11.0 metres, but limit the deck or top of a front porch to 1.0 metre. A Zoning By-law amendment is required to implement the proposed changes. 7. Public Meeting and Submissions The Public Notice of this meeting was given by mail to landowners within 120 metres of the subject site. Public Notice signs were also installed on the property frontage along Mearns Avenue, Elephant Hill Drive and Ireland Street. In a telephone conversation, a resident on the north side of Ireland Street expressed concerns with the grades of the site. The individual stated that the grade of Lyle Drive seemed too high relative to existing homes on Ireland Street. Two other inquiries were general in nature. 43 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -028-17 8. Agency Comments Page 9 Region of Durham Planning and Economic Development Department has no objection to the proposal as all matters concerning the Region of Durham Official Plan, Provincial Plan interest and delegated provincial review responsibilities have been addressed through the related subdivision application (18T-95030). 9. Departmental Comments Engineering Services Engineering Staff have reviewed the above -noted application and have no objection in principle to this proposal. All residential lots affected by this zoning change will be subject to standard review and approval of lot grading prior to the issuance of a building permit. All house siting/grading plans submitted in support of any building permit application must meet the intent and the integrity of the Master Grading Plan. 10. Discussion 10.1 The Engineering Services Department has worked with the applicant's engineering consultant on many aspects including reducing the adverse grade conditions. Despite this however, there are some areas on the site that were difficult to meet the zoning by-law regulations with respect to porch and building heights for some but not all the lots. 10.2 Porch Heights The zoning by-law permits a maximum porch height of 1.0 metre above the finished grade. This limitation is to provide an appropriate relationship between the dwelling including the main entrance and garage (the private realm) and the municipal street including sidewalk (the public realm). Maintaining a maximum porch height of 1 metre tries to ensure the front entrance is not overly elevated and the number of stairs are reduced. The applicant's architect and consulting engineering reviewed each lot siting and by adjusting the grades around the porch, including some retaining walls or by modifying the dwelling by incorporating some risers inside the dwelling, (i.e. sunken foyer) have advised that a maximum height of 1.2 metres for porch on all lots in Phase 1 can be achieved. In consideration of the difficult grades associated with this infill development, staff can support a maximum deck height for all porches in Phase 1 of 1.2 metres. 10.3 Building Heights Building height is measured from the lowest grade and to the mid -point between the eaves and peak of the roof. In the R2-84 zone, the maximum height for single detached dwelling was increased in the previous zoning by-law amendment from 10.5 metres to 11 metres and to 8.5 for bungaloft. Originally the applicant had advised that 12 single detached dwellings and one bungaloft did not meet the maximum building height. Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -028-17 Page 10 Working with the architect, the applicant has advised that by adjusting the roof pitches, and some lot grading, all units now comply with the 11.0 metre height for single detached dwelling and 8.5 height metre for the bungaloft. 10.4 This development has numerous adverse grade conditions which have made it difficult to achieve Clarington engineering design standards and zoning standards. Staff have worked with applicant and agreed to increase the porch height to 1.2 metres or one additional riser. The applicant modified the roof pitches to comply with zoning height requirements. This compromise will still maintain a desirable streetscape and principles of architectural design in consideration of the overall design challenges. 11. Concurrence Not Applicable 12. Conclusion In consideration of all agency, staff and public comments, it is respectfully recommended that the proposed zoning by-law be approved. 13. Strategic Plan Application The recommendations contained in this report conform to the Strategic Plan. 45 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -028-17 Submitted by: David J. Crome, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning Services Page 11 Reviewed by: Curry Cliffrd, M A. CMO Interim CAO Staff Contact: Cynthia Strike, Principal, Planner, 905-623-3379 ext. 2410 or cstrike clarington.net Attachment: Attachment 1 — Zoning By -Law The following is a list of the interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: Brad and Lindsay Wright Vince Baffa Justin Malfara Anthony Biglieri Lawrence Wesson Garrett and Amber Dawn Duncan Carlene Robinson Shawn Mclean Craig Gulas M.Tomei CS/CP/tg I:\^Department\LDO NEW FILING SYSTEM\Application Files\ZBA Zoning\2016\ZBA2016-0022 300 Averton -Mearns Avenue\Staff Report\PSD-028-17\PSD-028-17 Staff Report.docx lb Municipality of Clarington Attachment 1 to Report PSD -028-17 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 2017 - being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington for ZBA 2016-0022; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. By-law 84-63 is amended as set out in Sections 2 through 4 of this By-law. 2. Urban Residential Type 2 Exception R2-84 Zone Subsection 13.4.84 f) is hereby amended by replacing 1.0 metre" with 1.2 metres" such that subsection f) is as follows: "f. Height of floor deck of unenclosed porch above 1.2 metres" finished grade (maximum) 3. Urban Residential Type 3 Exception R3-49 Zone, Subsection 14.6.49 f) is hereby amended by replacing 1.0 metre" with 1.2 metres" such that subsection f) as follows: "f. Height of floor deck of unenclosed porch above 1.2 metres" finished grade (maximum) 4. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 and 36 of the Planning Act. By -Law passed in open session this day of , 2017 Adrian Foster, Mayor C. Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk 47 Clarftwa Planning Services Addendum Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: Planning and Development Committee Date of Meeting: April 24, 2017 Report Number: Addendum to PSD -021-17 Resolution Number: File Number: COPA2017-0003, ZBA2017-0006, By-law Number: and SPA2017-0010 Report Subject: An Application by Valiant Property Management Lowe's Home Improvement Store Recommendations: That Report PSD -021-17 and Addendum to Report PSD -021-17 be received; 2. That Official Plan Amendment Number 110 and a related Zoning By-law Amendment to permit a Lowe's home improvement store in the former Target building, be approved as contained in Attachment 3 and Attachment 4 to Addendum to Report PSD -021-17; 3. That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Addendum to Report PSD -021-17 and Council's decision; and 4. That all interested parties listed in Addendum to Report PSD -021-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Municipality of Clarington Addendum to Report PSD -021-17 Page 2 Report Overview This is a recommendation report for approval of an application submitted by Valiant Property Management. The proposal is for the redevelopment of the former Target department store and adjacent lands to the east to permit Lowe's home improvement retail store located at 2383 Highway 2 in Bowmanville. As part of the retrofit, additional modifications are proposed to accommodate the needs of the Lowe's operation. One such modification is the demolition of the Hakim Optical and Payless Shoes building to the east to accommodate a customer pick-up and loading area for lumber and other large contractor's materials. These two existing tenants will relocate to another building within the Bowmanville West Town Centre. The approval of the recommended Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment will allow for a home improvement store in the former Target building. On April 3, 2017, a public meeting and recommendation report was brought forward to the Planning and Development Committee meeting. The draft By-law that was presented with the report excluded provisions for an outdoor display area along the north fagade of the store. The applicant expressed concern with the omission of this provision. At the April 10, 2017 Council meeting, the proponent requested that the matter be referred to the back at the next Planning and Development Committee meeting on April 24, 2017 to allow for further discussion with Staff. The proponent is now proposing zoning provisions that would generally limit the outdoor display areas to covered areas, such as under a canopy, extending to a maximum of 1.5 m from the front and east side of the building. In addition, a display area would be permitted outside the garden centre. Staff are satisfied that with the appropriate restriction of items, this is acceptable. 1. Background: 1.1 On April 3, 2017, a public meeting and recommendation report was brought forward to the Planning and Development Committee meeting. Report PSD -021-17 is Attachment 1 to this report. The draft By-law that was presented with the report excluded provisions for an outdoor display area along the north fagade of the store. The applicant expressed concern with the omission of this provision and requested that Staff report back at the next Planning and Development Committee meeting to allow for further discussion with Staff. Council concurred and referred the report to the Committee meeting on April 24, 2017. 1.2 Staff received a letter on April 13, 2017 from the agent for Lowe's proposing that the outdoor display area would be restricted under a roofed area created by a canopy or other building projection, to a maximum of 1.5 m width, with the exception of the garden centre area. The display area in front of the garden centre will not have a canopy but will be restricted to a width of 1.5 metres. Lowe's is also proposing to paint a transition area from the sidewalk to the drive aisle to create a visual cue for drivers to direct them away from the sidewalk and reduce vehicle speeds. 49 Municipality of Clarington Addendum to Report PSD -021-17 Page 3 1.3 The agent for Lowes states that the outdoor display area provides visual interest at the pedestrian level along the store front, which brings attention to seasonal promotions and draws customers into the store. It is the `market or street front' experience that brings character to some of the larger shopping centres. 1.4 Figure 1 below show the proposed outdoor display areas presented by the applicant, as well as some renderings to illustrate the design of the proposed display area. Figure 1: Proposed outdoor display area 50 Municipality of Clarington Addendum to Report PSD -021-17 Page 4 Figure 2: Proposed canopy design over the outdoor display area 2. Discussion 2.1 The Home Depot Store to the north of Highway 2 was granted permission to have an outdoor door display area of up to 80 square metres that excluded building materials. As part of most home improvement stores and other large format retail stores, accessory outdoor display areas are a typical use associated with the development to display merchandise and attract customers. The applicant has proposed some modifications to the building, such as a canopy, to clearly define the display area and to visually reduce its prominence, with the exception of the display area next to the garden centre. While the Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan policies also promote outdoor merchandise display and selling areas to enhance pedestrian activity and stimulate visual interest, home improvement stores were not contemplated and large bulk goods do not really enhance pedestrian activity. However, the limited size of area will limit the types of goods that can be displayed and staff find this to be a reasonable compromise. 2.2 All areas are proposed to be restricted to a width of 1.5 metres, which would maintain a pedestrian access to the shopping plaza. The proposed zoning by-law amendment has been modified to allow for an outdoor display areas for merchandise, provided it does not interfere with the pedestrian connections to the plaza and that it can be visually reduced through the use of canopies or building projections. The proposed amendment to Zoning By-law 84-63 contains provisions that reflect these concerns and will also be further implemented through site plan control. 51 Municipality of Clarington Addendum to Report PSD -021-17 Page 5 2.3 It is recommended that this amendment for the outdoor display area be approved to reflect what is now proposed by the Applicant and to add some clarity on what needs to be protected in the public interest. 3. Conclusion The revised proposal is considered to be appropriate for the subject site. Staff will continue to work with the applicant on addressing the detailed design matters through the site plan application. It is respectfully recommended that the Clarington Official Plan Amendment No. 110 and Zoning By-law Amendment, be approved as contained in the attachments. 4. Strategic Plan Application The recommendations contained in this report conform to the Strategic Plan. Submitted by: Reviewed by: David J. Crome, MCIP, RPP Curry Clifford, M A, CMO, Director of Planning Services Interim CAO Staff Contact: Nicole Zambri, Planner, 905-623-3379 ext. 2422 or nzambri(a)-clarington.net Attachments: Attachment 1 — Report PSD -021-17 Attachment 2 — Letter from the applicant dated April 13, 2017 Attachment 3 - Official Plan Amendment Attachment 4 — Zoning By-law Amendment The following is a list of interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: Valiant Property Management c/o Beth Kelly KWA Site Development Consulting Inc. c/o Rob Walker NZ/COS/tg IAADepartment\LDO NEW FILING SYSTEMWpplication Files\ZBA Zoning\2017\ZBA2017-0006 Lowes\Staff Report\Addendum Report PSD-021-17Wddendum to Report PSD-021-17.docx 52 Attachment 1 to Addendum to Report PSD -021-17 ciffftwil PI nnin Services Planning Se ces Public Meeting Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: Planning and Development Committee Date of Meeting: April 3, 2017 Report Number: PSD -021-17 Resolution Number: File Number: COPA2017-0003, ZBA2017-0006, By-law Number: and SPA2017-0010 Report Subject: An Application by Valiant Property Management Lowe's Home Improvement Store Recommendations: That Report PSD -021-17 be received; 2. That provided there are no significant issues raised at the Public Meeting, the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment to permit a home improvement store (Lowe's) in the former Target building, be approved as contained in Attachment 1 and Attachment 2 to Report PSD -021-17; 3. That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD -021-17 and Council's decision; and 4. That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -021-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 53 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -021-17 Report Overview Page 2 This is a public meeting and recommendation report for approval of an application submitted by Valiant Property Management. The proposal is for the redevelopment of the former Target department store and adjacent lands to the east to permit Lowe's home improvement retail store located at 2383 Highway 2 in Bowmanville. As part of the retrofit, additional modifications are proposed to accommodate the needs of the Lowe's operation. One such modification is the demolition of the Hakim Optical and Payless Shoes building to the east to accommodate a customer pick-up and loading area for lumber and other large contractor's materials. These two existing tenants will relocate to another building within the Bowmanville West Town Centre. The approval of the recommended Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment will allow for a home improvement store in the former Target building. 1.1. Owner: Valiant Property Management 1.2. Applicant: KWA Site Development Consulting Inc. 1.3. Proposal: Application to amend the Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan: To permit a large format home improvement store (Lowe's) on lands designated General Commercial. Application to amend Zoning By-law 84-63: To delete and replace the maximum total floor area for a shopping centre from 17,000 square metres to 19,280 square metres. To allow for a garden centre or seasonal garden centre as an accessory to any type of permitted use. To permit a home improvement centre within the General Commercial Exception (C1-14) Zone. To delete the clause regarding the need for a department store to be in operation in order for the other non-residential uses to be permitted on site. To amend the total days that a seasonal garden centre can occupy the parking area from 90 days to 120 days. To allow for an outdoor storage area to a maximum of 400 square metres accessory to a home improvement store. 54 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -021-17 1.4. Area: 1.5. Location: 1.6. Roll Number: 1.7. Within Built Boundary: 2. Background Page 3 To allow for an outdoor display area accessory to a home improvement store, within the parking area in the vicinity of the main drive aisle to the building, provided there is no display of building materials, empty pallets, containers, refuse containers or large equipment. To allow for an outdoor display area accessory to a permitted use, in the vicinity of the main entrance to the building, provided there is no display of empty pallets, containers, storage units, refuse containers or large equipment. 6.56 hectares (16.2 acres) 2383 Highway 2, Bowmanville 1817-010-020-17200 Yes 2.1. On February 27, 2017, Valiant Property Management submitted an application for a Lowe's Home Improvement Store to occupy the vacant building formerly used by the Target retailer. The building had been occupied by Target for a short period of time, from 2012 to 2015, due to the corporation's decision to shut down all their Canadian stores. Prior to 2012, the building was occupied by a Zeller's department store. The building has been vacant for the past 2 years, as is the case with most of the former Target buildings seen across the Greater Toronto Area. It appears to be difficult to find a suitable tenant to occupy these large commercial spaces. Figure 1 shows the existing fagade. Figure 1 — Vacant building formerly occupied by Target 55 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -021-17 Page 4 2.2 Some modifications to the building and the surrounding site will be needed in order to accommodate the Lowe's prototype and operation. The majority of the changes include changes to the facade, partial demolition to the west end of the building to accommodate a garden centre, and demolition of the building to the east, currently occupied by Payless Shoes and Hakim Optical, for a pick-up and loading area or customers. 2.3 The following reports were submitted in support of the application and circulated for comments. A summary of the supporting documents is provided in Section 7 of this report: • Planning Justification Report; • Environmental Noise Impact Assessment; • Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment; and • Traffic Brief. 56 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -021-17 ------•--- ------- T --- -- --- T___ ___T___ -�LL PART 17 _ Ji NTr11'00'i Si.fi f+�) L R --------------------------- '----------------------------------- Purr 6 ------------------------------- Ab9]]-R31T a 1 IACE Bls'Iu� e1Nx elle! PE�f Tvl �t�� tA: n x n - PART 10 rlTrilroat PART i2 gyp,' ey "0 D [ - APART IJ IM6I _ L ----Y------�----''A--- --- --- 1 I ❑ --- --- ; --- --- ----------- --- --- --- -- x J -- --- --- --- --- ---T--- ---r--- --- -- _ --r--- ---�-------+--- '--�'--- --- --- m _yY-@L ------- ___1___ ___�L___ ___ ___ PARI 22 ___ W + _ ___i___ ___+___ ___ ___ z 8.26FA.8.84 .oaawe .III r U i __-k' r____.�' 1 =,ta- - *=t:: 1 1 I I"LJ I L ---- PROPOSED LOWE S REN CENTRE RETROFIT X19.137 fl) @xl$71HG BUILDING AREA: +1.70,507.40 m' 113,100.70 ft) -- -. -- PROPOSED BUILDING AREA: i7-9,310-37 (100,216 fj) --- cov>:rtm GARDEN CENTRE AREA +!-1.220.47 rW [13,137 ft"] $ 15.00 { O 1N O Q 4 ,-MT :•s�i9 '��- PRINCE WILLIAM BLVD Figure 2 — Proposed Site Plan 57 Page 5 N CENTRE M1INN YCE I EXIT ENTRANCE 7E%IT }•: PROPOSED -. swat: CONTRACTOR ENTRANCEIE%IT 5*AucT PROPOSED LOWE S REN CENTRE RETROFIT X19.137 fl) @xl$71HG BUILDING AREA: +1.70,507.40 m' 113,100.70 ft) -- -. -- PROPOSED BUILDING AREA: i7-9,310-37 (100,216 fj) --- cov>:rtm GARDEN CENTRE AREA +!-1.220.47 rW [13,137 ft"] $ 15.00 { O 1N O Q 4 ,-MT :•s�i9 '��- PRINCE WILLIAM BLVD Figure 2 — Proposed Site Plan 57 Page 5 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -021-17 Page 6 3. Land Characteristics and Surrounding Uses 3.1 The building is located in the Clarington Shopping Centre on the northwest corner of Clarington Boulevard and Prince William Boulevard. An existing retail shopping plaza, a Kelsey's, McDonalds, and a TD Bank already exist on the subject site. Figure 3 shows the existing site with the proposal for the Lowe's store. -X � �•rgh Wak 2 r McDonalds Loblaws 'Kelseys C =� = Subject Site 0 � -r TD Banko .. Plaza � _ E `—°i `pp,�, � Lowe's PA Price William Boulevard�PojPA2�„o�”? Figure 3 - Proposed Lowe's in the Clarington Shopping Centre 3.2 The surrounding uses are as follows: North: Commercial retail and service uses South: Residential (retirement home and condominium apartments) and a vacant lot designated for a neighbourhood park East: Commercial retail and service uses West: Commercial retail and service uses Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -021-17 4. Provincial Policy 4.1 Provincial Policy Statement Page 7 The site is located within the settlement area of Bowmanville. The Provincial Policy Statement identifies settlement areas as the focus of growth and development. Within the settlement areas, planning authorities shall promote opportunities for intensification and redevelopment where it can be accommodated, taking into account existing building stock and the availability of existing infrastructure. The proposal presents an opportunity to redevelop an existing vacant building and makes efficient use of existing infrastructure. The proposal minimizes servicing costs and land consumption. The Provincial Policy Statement also encourages municipalities to promote long-term economic prosperity and support opportunities for economic development. The re - tenanting of a building that has remained vacant for over two years and will support commercial development and the viability of the shopping centre and provides an economic opportunity. The application is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement. 4.2 Provincial Growth Plan The subject lands are within the Built Boundary. The Growth Plan encourages growth, including the conversion of existing buildings, to the already built-up areas through intensification and efficient use of existing services and infrastructure. Although this proposal is not proposing a more intensified use than what exists today, the development is making use of an existing building and utilizing existing infrastructure already in place. The application conforms to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. 5. Official Plans 5.1 Durham Regional Official Plan The Durham Region Official Plan designates the subject property as a Regional Centre. Regional Centres are to be developed with a full array of commercial, major retail, institutional, residential, and entertainment uses. The proposed commercial use is permitted in the Durham Region Official Plan. 5.2 Clarington Official Plan The Clarington Official Plan designates the lands as a Town Centre. The lands are also within the Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan area. The Bowmanville West Town Centre is a centre of regional significance providing the highest level of retail and service uses. The Town Centre shall provide a mix of uses, encourage activity along the 59 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -021-17 Page 8 street edges and shall support transit and pedestrian activity. The urban design policies of the Town Centre designation are implemented through the review and approval of development applications. The Clarington Official Plan also encourages the creation of new employment opportunities and new retail and commercial developments in order to achieve the economic goals and objectives of the Municipality. The proposed retail commercial use will create jobs to support the economic goals of the Municipality. The proposed use also meets the intent of the policies by redeveloping the existing building with a new proposed retail use, which complements the other commercial uses on the site. 5.3 Clarington Official Plan as Amended by Amendment 107 On November 1, 2016, Council adopted Official Plan Amendment 107 (OPA 107) to bring the Clarington Official Plan into conformity with the Regional Official Plan and the Provincial policies. The subject lands are identified as an Urban Centre. The Amendment establishes a hierarchy of urban structure typologies, which includes Urban Centres. Urban Centres are one of Clarington's Priority Intensification Areas which are the primary locations to accommodate growth and contains the greatest mix of land uses. Commercial uses are permitted within the Urban Centre. The Amendment also established a long term floor space index of 2.5 (buildings are to be 2.5 times the area of the site) and commercial developments are to be a minimum height of two storeys. These policies are intended to be applied to new commercial developments within the Urban Centres and guide the development or update of Secondary Plans. These policies are not applicable as the building already exists and is not new construction. The proposed amendment application only adds a use to a vacant building. The proposal is not a more intensified use than what exists today but it is making use of an existing building and utilizing existing infrastructure already in place. Utilizing existing buildings is supported over building on vacant sites. The proposal meets the policies of the OPA 107 as adopted by Council. 5.4 Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan The applicant is seeking to include large format home improvement store as a permitted use within the lands designated General Commercial in the Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan. One of the goals in the Bowmanville West Town Centre is to create a unique sense of place and foster social interaction through high quality architectural treatments and site planning that provides visual interest at a pedestrian scale. It shall be a place that provides for a range of opportunities for employment, including retail. The retail services Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -021-17 Page 9 shall complement the East Town Centre in servicing regional and local retail needs as population growth occurs. Retail limits were established in order to define the role of the Bowmanville West Town Centre in relation to the historic downtown. Population growth was linked to the retail growth allowed in the Bowmanville West Town Centre. The retail floor space limits are only applicable until such time as the Clarington population reaches 91,000 persons. As of the most recent census data, 2016, Clarington's population is 92,000. The retail threshold limits are no longer applicable as we have exceeded the population threshold established in the Secondary Plan. The Secondary Plan policies will need to be updated to comply with the provisions of the Clarington Official Plan as amended by OPA 107. Furthermore, the proposed re -tenanting of the former Target store does not introduce more retail floor space. The subject lands are designated General Commercial in the Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan and are intended to be used for a variety of retail activities including larger format retail stores. The Lowe's Home Improvement Store is a large format retail store however, the policies specifically exclude large format home improvement centres, although retail uses are acceptable. The applicant has applied for an Official Plan Amendment to allow a large format home improvement store on the west side of Clarington Boulevard and south of Highway 2. This is similar to the Home Depot site which has a site specific exception in the Secondary Plan policies. There are a number of urban design policies in the Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan that will be addressed through the site plan process and are further discussed in Section 11 of this report. 6. Zoning By-law Zoning By-law 84-63 zones the subject lands "General Commercial Exception (C1-14)". Although the zone permits a number of retail commercial uses, it does not list a home improvement store as a permitted use. The C1-14 Zone was the only section not updated as part of the Commercial Policy Review for the Bowmanville West Town Centre. The zone also prohibits all non-residential uses unless a department store is in operation on the lands. The applicant is seeking an amendment to the Zoning By-law in order to facilitate the proposed development and delete the regulation that requires a department store to be in operation in order for other commercial uses to be permitted. The C1-14 Zone also limits the total floor area for the shopping centre to a maximum of 17,000 square metres. A minor variance was approved in 2012 to increase the permitted floor space to 19,280 square metres. The total floor area will actually decrease with the demolition of the west part of the building and the Hakim Optical and Payless Shoes building. The applicant is requesting that the zoning by-law amendment recognize the permissions approved through the variance. 61 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -021-17 Page 10 As part of the retrofit, additional amendments are requested to accommodate the needs of the Lowe's operation, such as: • To allow for a garden centre or seasonal garden centre as an accessory to any type of permitted use (green area on Figure 2). • To amend the total days that a seasonal garden centre can occupy the parking area from 90 days to 120 days. • To allow for an outdoor storage area to a maximum of 400 square metres accessory to a home improvement store (orange area on Figure 2). • To allow for an outdoor display area accessory to a home improvement store, within the parking area in the vicinity of the main drive aisle to the building, provided there is no display of building materials, empty pallets, containers, refuse containers or large equipment (purple area on Figure 2). • To allow for an outdoor display area accessory to a permitted use, in the vicinity of the main entrance to the building, provided there is no display of empty pallets, containers, storage units, refuse containers or large equipment. A discussion of the proposed amendments is contained in Section 11 of this report and Staff have suggested some modifications to better reflect the proposal. The recommended amendment to the zoning by-law are included in Attachment 2 to this report. 7. Summary of Background Studies 7.1 The applicant submitted four studies in support of the applications. A summary of their conclusions is provided below. 7.2 Planning Justification Report A Planning Justification report was submitted by KWA Site Development Consulting Inc. in support of the home improvement store as a permitted use. The report offers the following observations about the proposed re -tenanting of the existing building for a home improvement store: • Redevelopment will continue the future viability of the existing shopping centre. • Development is within the Built Boundary of the Growth Plan and optimizes existing land supply and utilizes existing municipal services. • It promotes the rejuvenation and redevelopment of Regional Centres. • It supports the economic function of the Urban Centre. 62 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -021-17 Page 11 The proposal is not considered new development, rather, retrofit of existing retail space to accommodate a new tenant that is similar to the previous Target store. The changes are in keeping with the overall character of the existing shopping centre. The proposal is compatible with all current land uses and satisfies the built -form objectives of the Clarington Official Plan and the Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan. 7.3 Traffic Review A Traffic Review was completed by Dillon Consulting to address Staff's concerns regarding traffic movements of customers and truck turning movements of delivery vehicles. Plus potential impacts on entrances and stopping or parking on Prince William Boulevard. The Traffic Review indicated that the traffic at the customer lumber and loading area is relatively minimal and there are many options to disperse the traffic exiting the area. No foreseen problems should arise from vehicle queuing in the lumber loading area which would have an impact on traffic at the Clarington Boulevard entrance. The review demonstrated that truck turning movements can be accommodated and that the lumber truck delivery at a Lowe's store typically occurs during the weekday in the mid-morning (around 10 am) when customer activity is low. This reduces the amount of conflicts between customer vehicles and the delivery trucks. The review also indicates that all delivery trucks can be accommodated geometrically on site and have space to unload without interfering with other site activity. There is no expectation that trucks will stop on Prince William Boulevard to unload merchandise. 7.4 Environmental Noise Impact Assessment An Environmental Noise Impact Assessment was prepared by Novus Environmental. The purpose of this report was to assess the potential noise impacts from the proposed Lowe's operations and stationary sources, on the surrounding residents. The Lowe's will alter the existing building, which could potentially relocate the emergency generator. The current proposal is to leave the generator in its existing location. The worst case scenario for noise impacts was assessed in the event that the generator would be relocated to the south. The study concluded that noise levels from the proposed commercial operations are below the applicable noise guideline limits for the surrounding residents. The Lowe's is compatible with surrounding land uses, from the perspective of potential noise impacts on both existing and future planned sensitive receptors. 63 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -021-17 7.5 Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Page 12 A Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment was prepared by EXP Services Inc. to determine if there were any indications of site contamination on the property. Based on the study, the orchards that had been present on the property are considered a potential contamination activity. Potential contaminants could be metals and organochlorine pesticides. However, these are considered low risk as they are not volatile and do not dissolve in groundwater. The presence is likely restricted to surface soil and since the site was redeveloped in the early 2000's, it can be assumed that the site was graded and any contaminated soil was removed off-site. The report indicated that the previous agricultural use is not a concern and they did not identify any other potentially contaminating activities on or surrounding the site that could result in an area of significant environmental concern. No further assessment work is warranted at this time. 8. Public Notice and Submissions 8.1 Public notice was given in accordance with the Planning Act prior to the Public Meeting. Public notice was sent by mail to each landowner within 120 metres of the subject property and the appropriate signage acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands, refer to Figure 4. The public notice was also posted on the Municipal website and in the Planning Services Departments E -update. Figure 4 — Public Notice sign posted along Clarington Boulevard • Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -021-17 Page 13 8.2 As of the writing of this report, Staff have received four inquiries regarding this application. Their main concerns were the disappearance of the Hakim Optical and Payless Shoes stores and that there is no demand for another home improvement store. Many expressed an interest in having other specific retailers locate in this building such as Home Sense, No Frills, Michaels, and Giant Tiger. 9. Agency Comments Regional Municipality of Durham At the time of writing this report, Staff did not receive any comments from the Region. 10. Departmental Comments 10.1 Engineering Services The applicant proposes to redevelop an existing commercial block. Engineering has reviewed the application and have no objection to the proposal. Engineering Staff agree with the approach and recommendations provided by the applicant in regards to Site Servicing and Grading, Traffic, Noise Impact and Landscaping. Additional details are required for the Truck Turning Movement Report, which will be addressed through site plan approval. 10.2 Emergency and Fire Services The sprinkler system may have to be modified to suit new tenant. No objection to proposed Official Plan Amendment or Zoning By-law Amendment. 10.3 Building Division No objection to the proposed Official Plan Amendment or Zoning By-law Amendment. 11. Discussion 11.1 Permitting the home improvement store use The site is located within the Bowmanville West Town Centre. Retail commercial and urban activity is to be directed towards this area, however, in the General Commercial designation home improvement stores are explicitly excluded. A review of the Bowmanville West Town Centre policies were initiated in the early 2000's and at that time, home improvement stores were a use that was limited to Highway Commercial Areas. The rationale behind the exclusion of the home improvement stores was twofold. One reason was that staff considered large format home improvement stores to be more of a quasi -industrial use with bulk storage and daily shipping of bulk goods, outdoor storage and display. It was more suited to a Highway Commercial Area and it was not consistent 65 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -021-17 Page 14 with the type of urban environment planned for the area. The Bowmanville West Town Centre was to have a strong retail pedestrian environment. Council at that time did not concur with staff's position and approved the Home Depot Store. Home improvement stores have continued to evolve and they are now sell more than building supplies, they also sell interior furnishings, appliances, carpets, lighting, etc. The second reason was that the Municipality had concerns regarding the market impact of a home improvement centre on existing retailers. A Commercial Policy Review was completed in 2006 by Meridian Planning Consultants to determine, among other issues, whether Clarington could support a large format home improvement store without affecting the historical downtown areas. The Commercial Policy Review was a comprehensive examination of the Municipality's approach to commercial planning. The market impact analysis concluded that the Clarington market could support two home improvement stores by 2007 with a population of 85,000 people. The proposed Home Depot was being considered at that time. The review indicated that another home improvement store could enter the market through increased recapture of sales from outside of Clarington, market growth opportunities, and sales transfers from existing stores located in the market. The Rona store subsequently proceeded but never opened. Now that the Rona store on Baseline Road has not proceeded, the proposed Lowe's home improvement store could be considered. The Lowe's home improvement store retrofit meets the policies for making efficient use of existing infrastructure within the already built up areas of the Municipality. The development would make use of a building that has remained vacant for over two years. Some concerns were raised by the general public on the disappearance of the Hakim Optical and Payless Shoes stores. The applicant has informed the Municipality that these two existing tenants will relocate to their other holdings within the area. There was also some concerns about the demand for another home improvement store. The general public expressed an interest in having other specific retailers locate in this building such as Home Sense, No Frills, Michaels, and Giant Tiger. Although the other tenants mentioned would be a great addition to the diversity of retailers in Bowmanville, the Municipality cannot force a store to open any more than it can stop a store from closing. There are further opportunities for additional retailers in the Bowmanville West Town Centre. 11.2 The department store requirement The Zoning By-law requires that in order for the commercial uses on the Clarington Centre site to operate a Department Store is constructed and operated development in the early 1990s was that it would bring a Department Store to Clarington allowing for the recapture of the outflow of market sales. Without this, there was concern that there could be a negative impact on the downtown and Bowmanville Mall. A provision was included in 1994 Zoning By-law amendment to ensure that the developer, Markborough Properties . • Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -021-17 Page 15 Inc., met their commitment to the Municipality. This provision is now obsolete; the Zellers Department Store was built. Further, with both the evolution in retailing and the construction of a Walmart and an enlarged Canadian Tire store on the Smart Centre site, there are similar type of anchor tenants present to fulfill this function for the Bowmanville West Town Centre The zoning by-law amendment will delete the requirement for a department store to be in operation in order for the other commercial uses to be permitted on the site. 11.3 Maximum floor area The maximum total floor area limits of 17,000 square metres was also a way to limit the amount of commercial development in the West Town Centre. A minor variance was approved in 2012 to increase the permitted floor space to 19,280 square metres. The applicant is requesting that the zoning by-law amendment recognize the permissions approved through the variance. The Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan has policies that phased retail growth with population thresholds. The Municipality has now passed that population threshold and the floor area limits are no longer applicable or necessary. Staff recommend deleting the maximum floor area in its entirety since it is no longer applicable. 11.4 Economic Opportunity The Clarington Official Plan encourages the creation of new employment opportunities and new retail and commercial developments in order to achieve the economic goals and objectives of the Municipality. The proposed retail commercial use will create jobs to support the economic goals of the Municipality. It is important that the Municipality remains competitive and adaptable to promote employment opportunities. The changes proposed by the applicant reflect the change in the retail markets and promote reinvestment in the community by making use of an abandoned building which has been vacant for over two years. Job creation is a priority for the Municipality and it should be balanced against residential growth. Over the past few years, Clarington's population growth has been rapidly increasing. The recent 2016 Census data showed that Clarington had the second highest population growth in Durham. Given the growth in population and based on the 2006 commercial Market Policy Review, Clarington could support another home improvement store within the community. 11.5 Urban Design As noted above, home improvement stores are not ideal tenants when the goal is to create an active retail pedestrian environment around a transportation hub. However, given Council's previous decision on Home Depot and the economic benefits of filling a large empty existing commercial space, urban design elements will be mitigative in nature, and in some cases the traditional format is not possible in a retrofit situation. The key elements of concern for the proposed home improvement use are: 67 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -021-17 • Outdoor storage area for lumber along Clarington Boulevard; • Pedestrian connectivity to the plaza from Clarington Boulevard through the loading/contractors entrance; Page 16 • Outdoor storage/display area in front of the store which would impede pedestrian connection from Clarington Boulevard to other stores. This outdoor display area usually contains fencing, patio stones, playground equipment, etc; • Location of the trailer and shed display along the main north entrance drive aisle; • Garden Centre entrance feature on the terminal axis to the north entrance drive aisle. Urban Design principles, detailed site design criteria and building design policies are provided in the Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan. These policies will be used to assist in the evaluation of the site plan application. The specific design components are: Site Design Sidewalks and walkways should incorporate pedestrian scaled amenities where possible and promote pedestrian activity to stimulate visual interest through the use of landscaping, street furnishings, outdoor merchandise display and selling area. The proposal shows enhanced landscaping along the main drive aisle as customers approach the garden centre, as well as at the corner of Clarington Boulevard and Prince William Boulevard and at the vehicle entrances off of Clarington Boulevard. The proposed zoning by-law amendment does not permit for outdoor display areas for merchandise along the north-fagade of the store. The type of outdoor display at a home improvement store are generally for bulk goods, patio stones, fences, playground equipment etc. This frontage and sidewalk width were not designed to accommodate this type of outdoor displays. Pavement marking have to be clearly marked and safe for the pedestrian crossings to the store entrance. Further discussion is needed regarding the type of material used for the crosswalks. The proposal shows an outdoor storage area facing the public streets of Clarington Boulevard and Prince William Boulevard. The Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan states that the storage of goods shall generally be integrated as part of the building and not as a separate stand-alone structure. From an urban design perspective the placement of the outdoor storage will be visible along Clarington Boulevard. The applicant has partially screened the area that faces Prince William Boulevard with landscaping, however, further screening is required to enhance the corner and the pedestrian realm. A minimum 2 metre landscape buffer and screening fence along Clarington Boulevard shall be provided. Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -021-17 Building Design Page 17 The canopy above the customer loading area should be articulated to enhance the corner and the street fagade along Clarington Boulevard, especially since it is replacing an existing building which already contained an articulated corner, refer to Figure 5 (Hakim Optical and Payless Shoes building). Figure 5 -Hakim Optical and Payless Shoes building to be demolished and replaced with customer pick-up and loading area The proposed Garden Centre will be located on the North West corner of the building, adjacent to the existing plaza. The entrance to the Garden Centre will be located along the main elevation. There is also a walkway that connects the shopping centre to the residential area located to the south. It is recommended that a fence design in keeping with the overall building design should be provided. The proposal shows columns incorporated in the fence design, however more detail should be provided. The Garden Centre area is also an appropriate spot for the display of large outdoor items. Landscaping Given that much of the existing vegetation on the property is in poor health, the landscaping would need to be maintained, restored and improved as part of this process. 12. Concurrence Not applicable. Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -021-17 13. Conclusion Page 18 This report provides background information on the Lowe's application and considers all agency, staff and public comments received to date. The proposal is to re -tenant an existing vacant building for a home improvement store. Given the economic objectives of the Municipality and making efficient use of land and infrastructure, the proposal is considered to be appropriate for the subject site. Staff will work with the applicant on addressing the urban design components through the site plan application. Provided that there are no substantive objections raised at the Public Meeting, it is respectfully recommended that the Clarington Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment, be approved. 14. Strategic Plan Application The recommendations contained in this report conform to the Strategic Plan. Submitted by: David J. Crome, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning Services Reviewed by: (for) Curry Clifford, MPA, CMO, Interim CAO Staff Contact: Nicole Zambri, Planner, 905-623-3379 ext. 2422 or nzambri(a-clarington.net Attachments: Attachment 1 — Colour Elevation Attachment 2 — Official Plan Amendment Attachment 3 — Zoning By-law Amendment The following is a list of interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: Valiant Property Management c/o Beth Kelly KWA Site Development Consulting Inc. c/o Rob Walker NZ/COS/df 70 IVlunlclpanty of Llarington Report PSD -021-17 EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING T/O /11h, FRAnAINr EXISTING T/O WALL / 93, A" Attachment 1 to Report PSD -021-17 FXI�TINf� RI III fllNf� 27 - 1 PROPOSED METALRO' W/ SNOW GUARD PROPOSED STEEL TUBE TO BE PAINTED (P-6) PROPOSED CAST ST - PROPOSED MASONRY PROPOSED FINISH. COLOUR TO ALUMINUM SLIDING MATCH EXISTING DOOR ENTRANCE PROPOSED NORTH ELEVATION U 1/16" = V-0" EXISTING BUILDING �r PARAPET HEIGHT TO BE RAISED PROPOSED EIFS BAND - PROPOSED LOWE'S RED (EF -6) ILLUMINATED PROPOSED EIFS - EXTERIOR SIGNAGE LOWE'S BLUE (EF -3) (9'-6" L SIZE) PROPOSED CORNICE MOULDING T.O. HIGH LOWE'S WARM WHITE (EF -7) FRAMING T/O WALL 34' - 7" 23'- 4" EXISTING EIFS FINISH TO REMAIN 0 EXISTING ALUMINUM EXTRANCE - EXISTING FASCIA OF CANOPY TO BE PAINTED AND GLAZING TO REMAIN LOWE'S BLUE (PF -5). U/S OF CANOPY TO BE PAINTED WHITE EXISTING STONE FINISH TO REMAIN EXISTING EIFS FINISH TO REMAIN EXISTING RAIL TO EXISTING MASONRY EXISTING OVERHEAD REMAIN FINISH TO REMAIN COILING DOOR TO REMAIN PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATION EXTENT OF PROPOSED SHADE STRUCTURE EXISTING WALLS, ROOFS & STRUCTURE TO BE REMOVED PROPOSED GATE PARAPET HEIGHT PROPOSED 16'-0" TUBULAR TO BE RAISED STEEL DECORATIVE FENCIN PROPOSED SHADE PROPOSED 20'-0" HIGH STRUCTURE BEYOND BRICK PIER TO MATCH EXISTING TO MAOTCHDEXISTING WALL - 19' - 3" 3�- 19' - 3"- 19'- 3" 3�- 19' -0.1 -L PROPOSED WEST ELEVATION U 1/16" = V-0" PROPOSED ILLUMINATED EXTERIOR EXISTING PRE -FIN. METAL SIGNAGE (7'-1" L SIZE) FLASHING TO REMAIN EXISTING EIFS WALLS TO BE EXISTING METAL EXISTING EIFS FINISH PAINTED LOWE'S BLUE (PF -5) SIDING TO REMAIN AND REVEALS TO REMAIN 1 EXISTING STONE FINISH TO REMAIN PROPOSED EAST ELEVATION U 1/16" = 1'-0" EXISTING PRE -FIN. METAL FLASHING TO REMAIN EXISTING MASONRY FINISH TO REMAIN EXTENTS OF COVERED AREA OF GARDEN CENTER EXISTING EXISTING MASONRY GLAZING TO FINISH TO REMAIN REMAIN EXISTING WALLS, ROOFS & STRUCTURE TO REMAIN EXISTING PRE -FIN. METAL EXISTING METAL FLASHING TO REMAIN SIDING TO REMAIN EXISTING MASONRY FINISH TO REMAIN EXISTING EIFS WALLS TO BE PAINTED LOWE'S BLUE (PF -5) EXISTING DOORS & — FRAMES TO BE PAINTED EXISTING DOORS & FRAMES TO BE PAINTED EXISTING MASONRY FINISH TO REMAIN EXISTING DOORS & FRAMES TO BE PAINTED EXISTING PIPE EXISTING GENERATOR EXISTING EIFS TO REMAIN EXISTING DOORS & — FRAMES TO BE PAINTED EXISTING PRE -FIN. METAL FLASHING TO REMAIN EXISTING MASONRY FINISH TO REMAIN EXISTING EIFS FINISH TO REMAIN PROPOSED METAL ROOF W/ SNOW GUARD PF -5 PROPOSED METAL CAP FLASHING. - PAINTED TO MATCH EXISTING PARAPET HEIGHT TO BE RAISED PROPOSED EXTERIOR SIGNAGE (2'-4" C SIZE) PROPOSED GATE - PROPOSED 4'-0" EIFS WALL TO MATCH EXISTING PROPOSED SHADE STRUCTURE BEYOND EXISTING EIFS WALLS TO BE PROPOSED RAIN PAINTED LOWE'S BLUE (PF -5) SCREEN BEYOND EXISTING DOOR & EXISTING REVEALS FRAME TO REMAIN TO REMAIN EXISTING EIFS WALLS TO BE PAINTED LOWE'S BLUE (PF -5) EXISTING FASCIA TO REMAIN — EXISTING EIFS FINISH TO REMAIN PROPOSED SIGNAGE (1'-11" G SIZE) PROPOSED GATE PROPOSED 16'-0" TUBULAR STEEL DECORATIVE FENCING REVISIONS OPRE-BID SET POST BID SET ISSUE DATE A ISSUE DATE DATE # DESCRIPTION 2017-02-03 1 ISSUED FOR SPA SUBMISSION 2017-02-10 7 ISSUED FOR SPA RESUBMISSI ON I a 4RCHITECTS JC L "E(�GE ._ t1�1J71:19ci it-t}ii`, PROPOSED WALL BEYOND EXISTING GLAZING TO REMAIN N EXISTING EIFS FINISH TO REMAIN PROPOSED MASONRY FINISH. EXISTING METAL CANOPY COLOUR TO MATCH EXISTING CANADA, ULC. TO BE PAINTED IN WHITE W M PROPOSED METAL CAP T/O CORNER EXISTING FLASHING. PAINTED TO MATCH Z 416.730.7300 EXISTING PARAPET „ PARAPET HEIGHT TO BE RAISED - 27 - 1 PROPOSED METALRO' W/ SNOW GUARD PROPOSED STEEL TUBE TO BE PAINTED (P-6) PROPOSED CAST ST - PROPOSED MASONRY PROPOSED FINISH. COLOUR TO ALUMINUM SLIDING MATCH EXISTING DOOR ENTRANCE PROPOSED NORTH ELEVATION U 1/16" = V-0" EXISTING BUILDING �r PARAPET HEIGHT TO BE RAISED PROPOSED EIFS BAND - PROPOSED LOWE'S RED (EF -6) ILLUMINATED PROPOSED EIFS - EXTERIOR SIGNAGE LOWE'S BLUE (EF -3) (9'-6" L SIZE) PROPOSED CORNICE MOULDING T.O. HIGH LOWE'S WARM WHITE (EF -7) FRAMING T/O WALL 34' - 7" 23'- 4" EXISTING EIFS FINISH TO REMAIN 0 EXISTING ALUMINUM EXTRANCE - EXISTING FASCIA OF CANOPY TO BE PAINTED AND GLAZING TO REMAIN LOWE'S BLUE (PF -5). U/S OF CANOPY TO BE PAINTED WHITE EXISTING STONE FINISH TO REMAIN EXISTING EIFS FINISH TO REMAIN EXISTING RAIL TO EXISTING MASONRY EXISTING OVERHEAD REMAIN FINISH TO REMAIN COILING DOOR TO REMAIN PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATION EXTENT OF PROPOSED SHADE STRUCTURE EXISTING WALLS, ROOFS & STRUCTURE TO BE REMOVED PROPOSED GATE PARAPET HEIGHT PROPOSED 16'-0" TUBULAR TO BE RAISED STEEL DECORATIVE FENCIN PROPOSED SHADE PROPOSED 20'-0" HIGH STRUCTURE BEYOND BRICK PIER TO MATCH EXISTING TO MAOTCHDEXISTING WALL - 19' - 3" 3�- 19' - 3"- 19'- 3" 3�- 19' -0.1 -L PROPOSED WEST ELEVATION U 1/16" = V-0" PROPOSED ILLUMINATED EXTERIOR EXISTING PRE -FIN. METAL SIGNAGE (7'-1" L SIZE) FLASHING TO REMAIN EXISTING EIFS WALLS TO BE EXISTING METAL EXISTING EIFS FINISH PAINTED LOWE'S BLUE (PF -5) SIDING TO REMAIN AND REVEALS TO REMAIN 1 EXISTING STONE FINISH TO REMAIN PROPOSED EAST ELEVATION U 1/16" = 1'-0" EXISTING PRE -FIN. METAL FLASHING TO REMAIN EXISTING MASONRY FINISH TO REMAIN EXTENTS OF COVERED AREA OF GARDEN CENTER EXISTING EXISTING MASONRY GLAZING TO FINISH TO REMAIN REMAIN EXISTING WALLS, ROOFS & STRUCTURE TO REMAIN EXISTING PRE -FIN. METAL EXISTING METAL FLASHING TO REMAIN SIDING TO REMAIN EXISTING MASONRY FINISH TO REMAIN EXISTING EIFS WALLS TO BE PAINTED LOWE'S BLUE (PF -5) EXISTING DOORS & — FRAMES TO BE PAINTED EXISTING DOORS & FRAMES TO BE PAINTED EXISTING MASONRY FINISH TO REMAIN EXISTING DOORS & FRAMES TO BE PAINTED EXISTING PIPE EXISTING GENERATOR EXISTING EIFS TO REMAIN EXISTING DOORS & — FRAMES TO BE PAINTED EXISTING PRE -FIN. METAL FLASHING TO REMAIN EXISTING MASONRY FINISH TO REMAIN EXISTING EIFS FINISH TO REMAIN PROPOSED METAL ROOF W/ SNOW GUARD PF -5 PROPOSED METAL CAP FLASHING. - PAINTED TO MATCH EXISTING PARAPET HEIGHT TO BE RAISED PROPOSED EXTERIOR SIGNAGE (2'-4" C SIZE) PROPOSED GATE - PROPOSED 4'-0" EIFS WALL TO MATCH EXISTING PROPOSED SHADE STRUCTURE BEYOND EXISTING EIFS WALLS TO BE PROPOSED RAIN PAINTED LOWE'S BLUE (PF -5) SCREEN BEYOND EXISTING DOOR & EXISTING REVEALS FRAME TO REMAIN TO REMAIN EXISTING EIFS WALLS TO BE PAINTED LOWE'S BLUE (PF -5) EXISTING FASCIA TO REMAIN — EXISTING EIFS FINISH TO REMAIN PROPOSED SIGNAGE (1'-11" G SIZE) PROPOSED GATE PROPOSED 16'-0" TUBULAR STEEL DECORATIVE FENCING REVISIONS OPRE-BID SET POST BID SET ISSUE DATE A ISSUE DATE DATE # DESCRIPTION 2017-02-03 1 ISSUED FOR SPA SUBMISSION 2017-02-10 7 ISSUED FOR SPA RESUBMISSI ON I a 4RCHITECTS JC L "E(�GE ._ t1�1J71:19ci it-t}ii`, PROPOSED WALL BEYOND • • N TO MATCH EXISTING CANADA, ULC. EXTERIOR WALL W M N EXISTING = Z 416.730.7300 EXISTING EIFS BUILDING o WALLS TO BE • PAINTED C) �/ vUi .0 o v a LOWE'S BLUE HOME CENTERS, INC. ANY USE OR (PF -5) �U �/ ) LuN U N 0 PROHIBITED WITHOUTTHE EXPRESSED Lu 7 o E~ L u' Z� I= N O I PROPOSED ILLUMINATED EXTERIOR SIGNAGE (7'-1" L SIZE) �1 EXISTING DOORS & EXISTING MASONF FRAMES TO BE PAINTED FINISH TO REMAIN • • .. W O v J a CANADA, ULC. G 11 Z N TORONTO, ON M2N 61_9 LL_ u� = v 416.730.7300 EXISTING EIFS o WALLS TO BE • PAINTED C) �/ vUi .0 o v a LOWE'S BLUE HOME CENTERS, INC. ANY USE OR (PF -5) W w �'21, REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR PART IS v PROHIBITED WITHOUTTHE EXPRESSED Lu 7 o E~ L u' Z� WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOWE'S HOME ~ E CENTERS, INC. COPYRIGHT 2006 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED • Lu D PROPOSED 20'-0" a J � HIGH BRICK PIER TO > Ln Q MATCH EXISTING - 17'-9" - 17'-8" '- 17'-8" .1 PROPOSED ILLUMINATED EXTERIOR SIGNAGE (7'-1" L SIZE) �1 EXISTING DOORS & EXISTING MASONF FRAMES TO BE PAINTED FINISH TO REMAIN 1 EXISTING REVEALS TO REMAIN J • • LOWE'S COMPANIES CANADA, ULC. 5160 YONGE ST, SUITE 200 N TORONTO, ON M2N 61_9 v 416.730.7300 EXISTING EIFS m WALLS TO BE • PAINTED 0 THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF LOWE'S LOWE'S BLUE HOME CENTERS, INC. ANY USE OR (PF -5) REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR PART IS v PROHIBITED WITHOUTTHE EXPRESSED WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, INC. COPYRIGHT 2006 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED • 1 EXISTING REVEALS TO REMAIN J —}{ PROPOSED CAST M-2) PROPOSED OVERHEAD DOOR PROPOSED MASONRY FINISH. COLOUR TO MATCH EXISTING v Y N v m 0 Lu Y V Lu v EXISTING OVERHEAD, DOCK, SEAL AND BUMPER TO REMAIN Lu J � > Ln Q Lu z a m O c C ~a z PROPOSED PRE. FIN. W W o CORRUGATED Q p H METAL SIDING. (PF -5) W m LL O Ln 00 w O Lu z J m O O 00 w U J N CC —}{ PROPOSED CAST M-2) PROPOSED OVERHEAD DOOR PROPOSED MASONRY FINISH. COLOUR TO MATCH EXISTING Municiaality of Clarin Attachment 2 to Report PSD -021-17 c](Yingmn Amendment Number 110 To The Municipality of Clarington Official Plan Purpose: To amend the Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan by adding a commercial use to the General Commercial designation. Basis: This amendment is based on and application by Valiant Property Management. Actual Amendment: The Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan is hereby amended as follows: 1. New Section 5.2.1 e) is hereby added as follows: "5.2.1 e) Notwithstanding 5.2.1 a) the retail and service uses on lands designated General Commercial on the west side of Clarington Boulevard south of Durham Highway 2 may include a large format home improvement store." Implementation: The provisions set forth in the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan, regarding the implementation of the Plan, shall apply in regard to this Amendment. Interpretation: The provisions set forth in the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan, regarding the interpretation of the Plan, shall apply in regard to this Amendment. 72 Attachment 3 to Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -021-17 Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington By-law Number 2017 - being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington for ZBA 2017-0006; Now Therefore Be It Resolved That, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: By-law 84-63, is amended by amending the text within Section 16.5.14 General Commercial Exception (C1-14) Zone as follows: By adding the definition of a home improvement store to Section (a) and renumbering the remaining subsections: vi) Home Improvement Store is a facility specializing in the sale of home building/design and garden products. Goods offered for sale may include, lumber, lighting, electrical and plumbing supplies, hardware, flooring, window coverings, roofing materials, paint/wallpaper, furniture and appliances, seasonal items, lawn and garden supplies and indoor plants. A tool rental centre, fast food kiosk, which is not a drive-through facilitv. and do-it-vourself trainina facilities are Dermitted as accessory uses in a home improvement store: 2. By amending Section (c) and (e) as shown below by deleting the words shown in strikeout and adding the words in underline: C. Permitted Non -Residential Uses: A shopping centre containing of 17,000 square metres of total floor area May he GORs}ructerd or used for any one or more of the following uses des: xi) Accessory garden centre or seasonal garden centre aGGeccor„ }o a department stere er c, permarke}• , xx) home improvement store 73 Attachment 3 to Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -021-17 e. Regulations: A maximum of 17,000 sq are metres not total floorarea may 4i _D Location of building from the southerly limit of Highway No. 2 and easterly limit of Green Road (minimum) 3 metres ivy ii Location of building from the westerly limit of Clarington Boulevard a minimum of 0.5 metres; and a maximum of 3.0 metres with the exception of a home improvement store. v -) iii Location of building from the northerly limit of Prince William Boulevard (minimum) 5 metres +x)_ Notwithstanding clause {+v)iii 90 metres of the southerly business establishment street fagade may be constructed up to 1 metre from the northerly limit of Prince William Boulevard. v+) yi Landscaped open space (minimum) 20 percent v++) vii Height of building (maximum) 4 storeys v+i+Yviii Loading spaces (minimum) 5 *) ix All entrances used or intended to be used by the public to access each business in a business establishment shall be located in an exterior wall of the business establishment, and for greater clarity such access shall not be achieved through an enclosed pedestrian mall. x+) x) Parking space dimensions (minimum) 2.6 m width, 5.5 m length A Notwithstanding Section 16.5.14(c), a portion of the parking area located on the lot which contains not more than 500 square metres and is enclosed by a temporary fence and one or more gates may be used for the purposes of seasonal garden centre for not more than a total of 90 120 days each calendar year; and x4o xii The Accessory seasonal garden centres permitted by 1 R 5 1 n (e�* \ shall not include the storage or sale of motorized equipment, and is not required to provide parking spaces in accordance with Section 3.16 a) of this By-law. xiii) Notwithstandina Section 16.5.14 (c). the followina uses are on itted accessory to a home imarovement store: • An outdoor storage area for bulk materials is permitted adjacent to Clarington Boulevard to a maximum area of 165 square metres, provided: 74 Attachment 3 to Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -021-17 i. there is no display of empty pallets, containers, storage units, refuse containers or large equipment. ii. A minimum landscape buffer of 2 metres; iii. screening is constructed to ensure that the storage area is not visible from a public street; • An outdoor display area for trailers and sheds is permitted to a maximum area of 200 square metres, within the parking area in the vicinity of the main drive aisle to the building, provided a landscape buffer is provided along the main drive aisle; 2. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. By -Law passed in open session this day of , 2017 Adrian Foster, Mayor C. Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk I:\ADepartment\LDO NEW FILING SYSTEMWpplication Files\ZBA Zoning\2017\ZBA2017-0006 Lowes\Staff Report\PSD-021-17_Attachment 3.docx 75 Municipality of Clarington April 13, 2017 David Crome, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning Services Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3A6 Attention: Mr. Crome, Re: Valiant Property Management COPA A2017-003. ZBA2017-0006 and SPA2017-0010 Mr. Crome: Attachment 2 to Addendum to Report PSD -021-17 KWA ii Frhv cwwN, I Cc 149, 1.11 C. Further to our comments provided at the Planning Services Public Meeting April 3, 2017, we wish to provide the following additional information with regards to Valiant Property Managements request for outdoor display and sales. The draft bylaw in Report PSD -021-17 provides provisions for the trailer/shed display area, an outdoor storage area and seasonal garden centre, however it excluded any provisions related to permission for outdoor display and sales along the store frontage as requested. As noted at the meeting, outdoor display and sales is a fundamental component of home improvement stores across the country and is increasingly important for other larger format retailers including Department Stores, Automotive Stores, and Food Stores. It provides visual interest at the pedestrian level along the store front, which brings attention to seasonal promotions and draws customers into the store. It is this `market or street front' experience that brings character to some of the larger shopping centres. The staff report states the following on Page 16 "The proposed zoning by-law amendment does not permit for outdoor display areas for merchandise along the north-fagade of the store. The type of outdoor display at home improvement store are generally for bulk goods, patio stones, fences, playground equipment etc. This frontage and sidewalk width were not designed to accommodate this type of outdoor displays." Unfortunately, with the release of the staff report late Thursday afternoon and the timing of the scheduled Planning Committee meeting on Monday April 3, we did not have the opportunity to discuss further our response provided via email regarding the position of staff on outdoor display and its omission from the draft by-law. Therefore, the following is further to our email to staff and our comments provided to Committee reiterating our concerns with the omission of the outdoor display provisions requested. 1 76 KWA We concur that outdoor displays at some home improvements stores can include the items listed above. This is generally because the zoning permits outdoor sales and display and does not restrict the location and size of the same. However, the list of items provided only includes some of the very large items which can be accommodated at only certain stores but does not take into more traditional items such as plants, planter boxes, lawn furniture, lawnmowers, propane tank exchange cases and project material displays. These items can be easily accommodated along the existing sidewalk without any interference to pedestrian movements as seen in the photos attached, including riding lawnmowers that are 1.37m (4'6" wide). Photo's 1 and 2 show the existing sidewalk along the former Target store. We have confirmed that the existing sidewalk is 3.68m or 12.07 feet wide. The Municipality of Clarington Design Guidelines and Standard Drawings (revised 2010) states "Sidewalks shall run parallel to curbs and shall be a minimum of 1.5m in width. Greater widths may be considered in areas of high pedestrian activity." These guidelines are for sidewalks along Municipal Roads where the speed limits can reach 50, 60 or 80km depending on their location. The existing sidewalk is located within a shopping centre where these types of speeds are discouraged and are managed in part by the customer/pedestrian interaction with vehicles. As stated at the meeting we believe the proposed zoning amendment can be amended to include a provision which would permit outdoor display and sales within 1.52m (5 feet) of the building face under a roofed area and permit an uncovered area in front of the garden centre. The proposed would still maintain a 2.16m or 7 feet sidewalk for pedestrian access which is 0.66m or 2.16 feet wider than the municipality's sidewalk requirements on municipal streets. In addition, we have considered some options along the front drive aisle which would feature a 1.5m painted transition area from the sidewalk to the drive aisle. The existing drive aisle is 9m (29.5 feet) wide which is sufficient to accommodate the 1.5m transition and retain a 7.5m drive aisle. This transition area provides the drivers with visual cues that directs them away from the sidewalk and by narrowing the drive aisle width helps reduce speeds. Valiant Property Management is requesting that the zoning be amended to reflect the requested home improvement use in its entirety. The staff report and proposed amendments support the proposed home improvement use and provided specific exceptions to accommodate the various nuances of the proposed use, however the proposed zoning falls short of recognizing a critical component of that use and extending the same consideration provided to other large format retailers in the area. In our opinion there is sufficient room to permit sidewalk sales along the sidewalk without impeding pedestrian movements as shown on the enlargement of the site plan attached. The addition of the following provision to the draft zoning by-law we believe would satisfy the owners original 2 77 KWA SI I F6F..VELOPMFNI'[0N5MT1K request and permit the re -tenanting of the currently vacant space to accommodate the proposed home improvement use: "The outdoor display and sale of retail of goods permitted to be sold in a home improvement store shall be permitted under a roofed area (created by a canopy or other building projection) located a maximum of 1.5m from the front and east side building fagade and an unenclosed area within 1.5m of the garden centre fencing provided that the storage of empty pallets, containers, storage units, refuse and anything not required for the display and sale of merchandise shall not be permitted. " We would be happy to meet with staff next week before the scheduled Planning Committee meeting on April 24th, 2017 to discuss the proposed in further detail. If you have any questions, or if I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Regards, KWA Site Development Consulting Inc. Per: Rob Walker, MCIP, RPP KWA Site Development Consulting Inc. 2453 Auckland Drive, Burlington, Ontario L7L 7A9 Cc: Beth Kelly, Valiant Property Management Attachments Ev 3 Google Maps Bowmanville, Ontario Image capture: Sep 2015 © 2017 Google Street View - Sep 2015 Google Maps Bowmanville, Ontario Street View - Sep 2015 9E Image capture: Sep 2015 © 2017 Google KEY PLAN N.T.S. e ro 0 0 J O q) a) N O W 0 0 cn I B ----�--------i---- H ----I---- I ----I---- ---J o --- ----I---- I ---_J N72°41'00"E 30.85 --- ----I---- _---- j (P&Meas) --- ____ ° ° -- L77PART 18 ------- ° 90084 . _ o to Easement as in — — I HYT ° BB �. Subject — — — — — ----I---- --- I---- I I MP I I---- , ,I B --- Bp ATM ----I--------I--------I--------I---- -- I I —it---- I I ET ___----I--------I--------�--------�---- --- I B B I B B BO ii---- � O I II ----,---- ----I---- I—----�---- ---it---- N----I--------I--------I--------I---- �I --- PART 22 - - - w Ex.5.661 - I I I I I -------I--------I--------I--------I-------�I---- EXISTING _I Ex.6.26 _ _ _I_ _ _ Ex.6.45 _ _ _I_ _ _ Ex. 6.43 _ 1 Ex.6.39 ,I Ex.6.89 TD BANK j 12I I I --I---- �. 2 —,---- 2 I 2 I 2 I 2 --it---- — I---- I---- I — ---- I---- _ i LS _ _ I MLS i---- ---- — -- - I - -- I----i--------i---- o --- li---- 0 Q SEASONAL SALES ,Ex.5.66, w ,Ex.5.661 w ,Ex.5.66i Q V' : L I �9) SPACE, I I I L—J I L I, �°6 ----I---- 1^ I� �FlloII I z 14 0_ ; z ; I )0;71 1 °4 '00 "E PART 23 Q --------- j — �P& 41 ------ -- 3 � 9 3 13 I 18 8 19 9 18 X19 UN—COVERED SIDEWALK SALES AREA9 O -------------------------------------- --------- PART 6 --- ----= -------------------------------------------- -------- GAR V EN CENTRE PIN 26933-0312 (LT) N ENT NCE / EXIT C3CQ EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING ARDENE SUBWAY BULK BARN PET VALU��" 1 STY CNC BLOCKS BLDG � C 0 � o Q � FF ti o Og oBKA FT B I I FF L._� B LLD o ET MET B PART 70 ,X N72°4100"E PAR T 1243.78 i (P&Meas) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1I I I I I PAR TI III 7 ' PART 73 14 °O Lo Subject to Easement as in o u / Q_ Inst. No. LT875669 0 0 i1 Ex.21.46 E 0 I CK3 I a� EXISTING I ~ I z LOADING DOCK I Q I w I Q I� I I � ° w M_ �_----------------------------------� SHADE OPEN I STRUCTURE �s AREA (4,072 ft2) c_ 2,144 ft2 PROPOSED GARDEN CENTRE (13,137 ft2) COVERED AREA (6,921 ft2) r /I F -r1 r__ CD x Lc� CEJ N \PROPOSED CANOPY OVER" SIDEWALK SALES AREA +1 1 7 I-0-1\ 1 1 p 1 X00 4 —► lk --- —--------- -- -- --- ----� 5.00 MAIN 1.18 4 ENTRANCE _ 1 1 / EXIT PROPOSED , • : a CONTRACTOR I PROPOSED CANOPY OVER ENTRANCE/EXIT I ___t p r• I 10.00 SIDEWALK SALES AREA ° LD WE'S RETROFIT EXISTING BUILDING AREA: +/-10,507.40 m2 (113,100.70 ft2) PROPOSED BUILDING AREA: +/-9,310.37 m2 (100,216 ft2) GARDEN CENTRE AREA: +/-1,220.47 m 2 (13,137 ft2) ML 0 0 o 0 1 0 0 0 M 0 1 N72°41 '00 "E 1 13 185.49 1 (P&Meas) PRINCE WILLIAM BLVD EXISTING N N -SIGNALIZED FULL MOVE I TERSECTION \2 I 0 I 0 I I EXISTING N N -SIGNALIZED FULL MOVE 1 TERSECTION I I U oO I V EX ST111,113 RIGHT I; / RIG T UT Y �O o kI Nl- ° I •• �;�u t01 0 Q O Of • REVISIONS PRE-BID SETAPOST BID SET ISSUE DATE ISSUE DATE DATE DESCRIPTION REGIO N NAL 1_l1G1_l wAY#2 02/24/2017 1 ISSUED FOR SPA Hil M. �I . I i4E it IS RETAIL BLOCK'B' I INN LOWEV RETROFIT i COMPOSITE GRAPHIC SCALE Om 10m 20m 3 1: 400 L� PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED CONCRETE CURB PROPOSED PAINTED ISLAND Q PROPOSED CURBED ISLAND STEEL PIPE CART CORRAL (SUPPLIED BY LOWE'S) BARRIER—FREE PARKING STALL PAINTED TRAFFIC ARROW STOP BAR 11 CONSTRUCTION NOTES 104.04 (P&Meas) IB APPLICABLE LOCATIONS OF THE FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION LIGHT STANDARDS TO REMAIN N72°29'30'E 51.14 FIRE HYDRANT TO REMAIN GENERAL NOTES. 14 EXISTING 10 REMOVE EXISTING BARRIER FREE PARKING STALLS AND SIGNS (P&Meas) o °-- T­ --------T--� STEEL PIPE CART CORRAL (6 TOTAL — SUPPLIED BY 16 EXISTING SIAMESE CONNECTION I LU 03 PEDESTRIAN CROSS WALK (ZEBRA STRIPES — WHITE) 0.60m PROPOSED SITE STATISTICS Z O WIDE @ 1.20m O.C. ZONING C1-14 ® PROPOSED CONCRETE CURB SITE AREA 18 PAINTED TRAFFIC FLOW ARROWS (WHITE) AREA 'A' — SUBJECT LANDS 'B' 56,153.39m2 (3:) REMOVE EXISTING BARRIER FREE PARKING STALLS AND SIGNS AREA — LOBLAWS 24,359.73m2 11 5m (x4) AND REPLACE WITH LOWE'S BARRIER FREE PARKING TOTAL 80,513.12m' MUNICIPAL STANDARDS STALLS AND SIGNS (x4) BUILDING AREAS RETAIL BLOCK A 1 184.98m2 © REMOVE EXISTING STANDARD PARKING STALLS (x6) AND RETAIL BLOCK B 3,154.06m2 REPLACE WITH LOWE'S BARRIER FREE PARKING STALLS AND LOWE'S 9,310.37m2 SIGNS (x4) LOBLAWS 4,184.60m2 m TOTAL BUILDING AREA 17,834.01 m2 (2 EXISTING SPHERICAL BOLLARDS TO BE REMOVED AND --F_ ^J I..L DISPOSED OFFSITE COVERAGE BUILDING COVERAGE 17,834.01 m2 22.15% ® EXISTING STOP SIGN AND POLE TO BE REMOVED LANDSCAPE 17,625.52m2 21.89% OU PART 77 PEDESTRIAN CROSSING SIGN PARKING j m PARKING REQUIRED (1/20m2) 892 11033 10 EXISTING FIRE ROUTE SIGNS TO REMAIN ON BUILDING FACE PARKING PROVIDED N • CRITERIA I ISSUE DATE: I o --I— TENDER SET I � ISSUE DATE: — CONSTRUCTION SET ISSUE DATE: I N72°41 '00 "E 51.14 (P&Meas) — —I— o�° �N Q) 0) ro 0 0 J O q) a) N O W 0 0 cn I B ----�--------i---- H ----I---- I ----I---- ---J o --- ----I---- I ---_J N72°41'00"E 30.85 --- ----I---- _---- j (P&Meas) --- ____ ° ° -- L77PART 18 ------- ° 90084 . _ o to Easement as in — — I HYT ° BB �. Subject — — — — — ----I---- --- I---- I I MP I I---- , ,I B --- Bp ATM ----I--------I--------I--------I---- -- I I —it---- I I ET ___----I--------I--------�--------�---- --- I B B I B B BO ii---- � O I II ----,---- ----I---- I—----�---- ---it---- N----I--------I--------I--------I---- �I --- PART 22 - - - w Ex.5.661 - I I I I I -------I--------I--------I--------I-------�I---- EXISTING _I Ex.6.26 _ _ _I_ _ _ Ex.6.45 _ _ _I_ _ _ Ex. 6.43 _ 1 Ex.6.39 ,I Ex.6.89 TD BANK j 12I I I --I---- �. 2 —,---- 2 I 2 I 2 I 2 --it---- — I---- I---- I — ---- I---- _ i LS _ _ I MLS i---- ---- — -- - I - -- I----i--------i---- o --- li---- 0 Q SEASONAL SALES ,Ex.5.66, w ,Ex.5.661 w ,Ex.5.66i Q V' : L I �9) SPACE, I I I L—J I L I, �°6 ----I---- 1^ I� �FlloII I z 14 0_ ; z ; I )0;71 1 °4 '00 "E PART 23 Q --------- j — �P& 41 ------ -- 3 � 9 3 13 I 18 8 19 9 18 X19 UN—COVERED SIDEWALK SALES AREA9 O -------------------------------------- --------- PART 6 --- ----= -------------------------------------------- -------- GAR V EN CENTRE PIN 26933-0312 (LT) N ENT NCE / EXIT C3CQ EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING ARDENE SUBWAY BULK BARN PET VALU��" 1 STY CNC BLOCKS BLDG � C 0 � o Q � FF ti o Og oBKA FT B I I FF L._� B LLD o ET MET B PART 70 ,X N72°4100"E PAR T 1243.78 i (P&Meas) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1I I I I I PAR TI III 7 ' PART 73 14 °O Lo Subject to Easement as in o u / Q_ Inst. No. LT875669 0 0 i1 Ex.21.46 E 0 I CK3 I a� EXISTING I ~ I z LOADING DOCK I Q I w I Q I� I I � ° w M_ �_----------------------------------� SHADE OPEN I STRUCTURE �s AREA (4,072 ft2) c_ 2,144 ft2 PROPOSED GARDEN CENTRE (13,137 ft2) COVERED AREA (6,921 ft2) r /I F -r1 r__ CD x Lc� CEJ N \PROPOSED CANOPY OVER" SIDEWALK SALES AREA +1 1 7 I-0-1\ 1 1 p 1 X00 4 —► lk --- —--------- -- -- --- ----� 5.00 MAIN 1.18 4 ENTRANCE _ 1 1 / EXIT PROPOSED , • : a CONTRACTOR I PROPOSED CANOPY OVER ENTRANCE/EXIT I ___t p r• I 10.00 SIDEWALK SALES AREA ° LD WE'S RETROFIT EXISTING BUILDING AREA: +/-10,507.40 m2 (113,100.70 ft2) PROPOSED BUILDING AREA: +/-9,310.37 m2 (100,216 ft2) GARDEN CENTRE AREA: +/-1,220.47 m 2 (13,137 ft2) ML 0 0 o 0 1 0 0 0 M 0 1 N72°41 '00 "E 1 13 185.49 1 (P&Meas) PRINCE WILLIAM BLVD EXISTING N N -SIGNALIZED FULL MOVE I TERSECTION \2 I 0 I 0 I I EXISTING N N -SIGNALIZED FULL MOVE 1 TERSECTION I I U oO I V EX ST111,113 RIGHT I; / RIG T UT Y �O o kI Nl- ° I •• �;�u t01 0 Q O Of • REVISIONS PRE-BID SETAPOST BID SET ISSUE DATE ISSUE DATE DATE DESCRIPTION REGIO N NAL 1_l1G1_l wAY#2 02/24/2017 1 ISSUED FOR SPA Hil M. �I . I i4E it IS RETAIL BLOCK'B' I INN LOWEV RETROFIT i COMPOSITE GRAPHIC SCALE Om 10m 20m 3 1: 400 L� PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED CONCRETE CURB PROPOSED PAINTED ISLAND Q PROPOSED CURBED ISLAND STEEL PIPE CART CORRAL (SUPPLIED BY LOWE'S) BARRIER—FREE PARKING STALL PAINTED TRAFFIC ARROW STOP BAR EXISTING SITE STATISTIC ZONING SITE AREA BUILDING AREAS McDONALD'S KELSEY'S TD BANK N27°4 TOTAL BUILDING AREA 7.07 COVERAGE BUILDING COVERAGE LANDSCAPE PARKING PARKING REQUIRED (1/20m2) PARKING PROVIDED 11 CONSTRUCTION NOTES BIKE RACKS TO REMAIN / BE RE—INSTATED (x10) THE APPLICABLE LOCATIONS OF THE FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION LIGHT STANDARDS TO REMAIN NOTES ARE REFERENCED AS (ID—ON PLANS. ALSO REFER TO EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT TO REMAIN GENERAL NOTES. 14 EXISTING 10 REMOVE EXISTING BARRIER FREE PARKING STALLS AND SIGNS (x4) AND REPLACE WITH STANDARD PARKING STALLS (x6) 15 EXISTING 02 STEEL PIPE CART CORRAL (6 TOTAL — SUPPLIED BY 16 EXISTING SIAMESE CONNECTION LOWE'S AND INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR) LU 03 PEDESTRIAN CROSS WALK (ZEBRA STRIPES — WHITE) 0.60m PROPOSED SITE STATISTICS Z O WIDE @ 1.20m O.C. ZONING C1-14 ® PROPOSED CONCRETE CURB SITE AREA 18 PAINTED TRAFFIC FLOW ARROWS (WHITE) AREA 'A' — SUBJECT LANDS 'B' 56,153.39m2 (3:) REMOVE EXISTING BARRIER FREE PARKING STALLS AND SIGNS AREA — LOBLAWS 24,359.73m2 11 5m (x4) AND REPLACE WITH LOWE'S BARRIER FREE PARKING TOTAL 80,513.12m' MUNICIPAL STANDARDS STALLS AND SIGNS (x4) BUILDING AREAS RETAIL BLOCK A 1 184.98m2 © REMOVE EXISTING STANDARD PARKING STALLS (x6) AND RETAIL BLOCK B 3,154.06m2 REPLACE WITH LOWE'S BARRIER FREE PARKING STALLS AND LOWE'S 9,310.37m2 SIGNS (x4) LOBLAWS 4,184.60m2 m TOTAL BUILDING AREA 17,834.01 m2 (2 EXISTING SPHERICAL BOLLARDS TO BE REMOVED AND a ^J I..L DISPOSED OFFSITE COVERAGE BUILDING COVERAGE 17,834.01 m2 22.15% ® EXISTING STOP SIGN AND POLE TO BE REMOVED LANDSCAPE 17,625.52m2 21.89% OU (MPROPOSED PEDESTRIAN CROSSING SIGN PARKING J m PARKING REQUIRED (1/20m2) 892 11033 10 EXISTING FIRE ROUTE SIGNS TO REMAIN ON BUILDING FACE PARKING PROVIDED N • EXISTING SITE STATISTIC ZONING SITE AREA BUILDING AREAS McDONALD'S KELSEY'S TD BANK N27°4 TOTAL BUILDING AREA 7.07 COVERAGE BUILDING COVERAGE LANDSCAPE PARKING PARKING REQUIRED (1/20m2) PARKING PROVIDED • LOWE'S COMPANIES CANADA,ULC. 5160 YONGE ST, SUITE 200 TORONTO, ON M2N 61_9 416.730.7300 THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF LOWE'S • HOME CENTERS, INC. ANY USE OR REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR PART IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, INC. COPYRIGHT 2006 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED • J 11 EXISTING BIKE RACKS TO REMAIN / BE RE—INSTATED (x10) 12 EXISTING LIGHT STANDARDS TO REMAIN 13 EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT TO REMAIN C9-1 14 EXISTING GENERATOR TO REMAIN 8,706.21 m2 15 EXISTING GARBAGE COMPACTOR TO REMAIN 348.10m2 16 EXISTING SIAMESE CONNECTION 466.40m2 LU 559.m2 Z O U w 1,373.50m 17 EXISTING SIDEWALK RAMP TO BE REMOVED L.J 18 PAINTED TRAFFIC FLOW ARROWS (WHITE) 1,373.50m 2 15.78% W>} J J_ 2 2,257.88m2 25.93% 19 11 5m SINGLE SOLID YELLOW LINE AS PER LOCAL Z m MUNICIPAL STANDARDS 69 20 PROPOSED STOP SIGN AND STOP BAR 114 a Z • LOWE'S COMPANIES CANADA,ULC. 5160 YONGE ST, SUITE 200 TORONTO, ON M2N 61_9 416.730.7300 THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF LOWE'S • HOME CENTERS, INC. ANY USE OR REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR PART IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, INC. COPYRIGHT 2006 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED • J DRAWING NUMBER: SA -001 r1 • O} �m Q LU Z O U w L.J U W>} J J_ 2 Z m J � a Z O� Z m LL O Q a ^J I..L z° OU _ ce) 0 w (J) J m M N • CRITERIA ISSUE DATE: PERMIT SET ISSUE DATE: TENDER SET ISSUE DATE: CONSTRUCTION SET ISSUE DATE: DRAWING NUMBER: SA -001 r1 Oshawa, Ontario Image capture: Aug 2011 © 2017 Google Street View - Aug 2011 '6B5 Laval Drive LOWES 2383 KING STREET WEST TURNER FLEISCHERaft BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 16.285 LOWES BOWMANVILLE COLOUR fjOhERING This proposal constitutes Work. "Work" means all artwork, renderings, key plans, and other materials and designs prepared by Turner Fleischer solely for this project/ site. All Work remains the exclusive property of Turner Fleischer and we retain all rights and title to the Work. Work may not be copied, reproduced, or republished without our prior written consent. The Work is subject to change and is made available for your review for informational and consultation purposes only in relation to this project/site. SCALE: N.T.S. PRELIMINARY R00 2017-04-06 Municiaality of Clarin c](Yingmn Attachment 3 to Addendum Report PSD -021-17 Amendment Number 110 To The Municipality of Clarington Official Plan Purpose: To amend the Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan by adding a commercial use to the General Commercial designation. Basis: This amendment is based on an application by Valiant Property Management. Actual Amendment: The Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan is hereby amended as follows: 1. New Section 5.2.1 e) is hereby added as follows: "5.2.1 e) Notwithstanding 5.2.1 a) the retail and service uses on lands designated General Commercial on the west side of Clarington Boulevard south of Durham Highway 2 may include a large format home improvement store." Implementation: The provisions set forth in the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan, regarding the implementation of the Plan, shall apply in regard to this Amendment. Interpretation: The provisions set forth in the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan, regarding the interpretation of the Plan, shall apply in regard to this Amendment. Attachment 4 to Municipality of Clarington Addendum Report PSD -021-17 Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington By-law Number 2017 - being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington for ZBA 2017-0006; Now Therefore Be It Resolved That the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: By-law 84-63, is amended by amending the text within Section 16.5.14 General Commercial Exception (C1-14) Zone as follows: By adding the definition of a home improvement store to Section (a) and renumbering the remaining subsections: vi) Home Improvement Store is a facility specializing in the sale of home building/design and garden products. Goods offered for sale may include, lumber, lighting, electrical and plumbing supplies, hardware, flooring, window coverings, roofing materials, paint/wallpaper, furniture and appliances, seasonal items, lawn and garden supplies and indoor plants. A tool rental centre, fast food kiosk, which is not a drive-through facilitv. and do-it-vourself trainina facilities are Dermitted as accessory uses in a home improvement store: 2. By amending Section (c) and (e) as shown below by deleting the words shown in strikeout and adding the words in underline: C. Permitted Non -Residential Uses: A shopping centre containing of 17,000 square metres of total floor area May he GORs}ructerd or used for any one or more of the following uses des: xi) Accessory garden centre or seasonal garden centre aGGeccor„ }o a department stere er c, permarke}• , xx) home improvement store 1 1 Page 85 Attachment 4 to Municipality of Clarington Addendum Report PSD -021-17 e. Regulations: � r FOR. I - r • IT -To I 4JLI_ocation of building from the southerly limit of Highway No. 2 and easterly limit of Green Road (minimum) 3 metres +v) ii Location of building from the westerly limit of Clarington Boulevard a minimum of 0.5 metres; and a maximum of 3 metres with the exception of a home improvement store which shall be a minimum of 12 metres. v -) iii Location of building from the northerly limit of Prince William Boulevard (minimum) 5 metres +x) v) Notwithstanding clause" L[D 90 metres of the southerly business establishment street fagade may be constructed up to 1 metre from the northerly limit of Prince William Boulevard. v+) vi Landscaped open space (minimum) 20 percent v++) vii Height of building (maximum) 4 storeys v4viii Loading spaces (minimum) 5 x) ix All entrances used or intended to be used by the public to access each business in a business establishment shall be located in an exterior wall of the business establishment, and for greater clarity such access shall not be achieved through an enclosed pedestrian mall. x+) x) Parking space dimensions (minimum) 2.6 m width, 5.5 m length A+) xi Notwithstanding Section 16.5.14(c), a portion of the parking area located on the lot which contains not more than 500 square metres and is enclosed by a temporary fence and one or more gates may be used for the purposes of seasonal garden centre for not more than a total of 90 120 days each calendar year; and *+O xii The Accessory seasonal garden centres permitted by 1 R F 1 4 (e(vii\ shall not include the storage or sale of motorized equipment, and is not required to provide parking spaces in accordance with Section 3.16 a) of this By-law. xiii) Notwithstanding Section 16.5.14 (c), the following uses are only permitted accessory to a home imarovement store: 2 1 Page 86 Attachment 4 to Municipality of Clarington Addendum Report PSD -021-17 • An outdoor storage area for bulk materials is permitted adjacent to Clarington Boulevard to a maximum area of 165 square metres, provided: there is no display of empty pallets, containers, storage units, refuse containers or large equipment. A minimum landscape buffer of 2 metres: iii. screening is constructed to ensure that the storage area is not visible from a Dublic street: An outdoor display area for trailers and sheds is permitted to a maximum area of 200 square metres, within the parking area in the vicinity of the main drive aisle to the building, provided a landscaae buffer is Drovided alona the main drive aisle: • The outdoor display and sale of retail of goods shall be permitted to a maximum of 80 square metres under a roofed area (created by a canopy or other building projection) located a maximum of 1.5 m from the front and east side building fagade and an unenclosed area within 1.5 m of the garden centre fencing provided that the storage of empty pallets, containers, storage units, refuse and anything not required for the display and sale of merchandise shall not be Dermitted." 2. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. By -Law passed in open session this day of , 2017 Adrian Foster, Mayor C. Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk \\netapp4a\GroupWll\REPORTS TO CLERKS\Electronic Reports\1 - Reports Awaiting CAO's Signature\Addendum Report PSD-021-17\PSD-021-17_Attachment 4_.docx 3 1 Page Handouts and Presentations Application By: 821012 & 821013 Ontario Ltd. (William Tonno Construction Ltd.) Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment to permit 335 residential units in the Brookhill Neighbourhood of Bowmanville. Public Meeting: April 24, 2017 The Location Subject Site oz-,_ 72 i7 -Stevens-Koaa—Q ca airs Durham Highway 2' it i i I i I i Draft -; Planslo DG Group .. I r r r i r r r i i r � r r w J O m z O N z QJL 1ST -95027 '10111111 MINIMUM l Open Space Medium Density Park Block STEVENS ROAD Stormwater Management Pond Legend Single Detached Dwellings Townhouses On Municipal Rear Lanes IAIMedium Density Block Landscape Strip Service Block STEVENS R Public Input Departmental and Agency Comments Public Input • Two resident comments • Engineering Services • Outstanding agency comments Comments • Consistent with the Brookhill Secondary Plan • Integrates with approved draft plans to the north and west • Medium Density to High Density it i i I i I i Draft -; Planslo DG Group .. I r r r i r r r i i r � r r w J O m z O N z QJL 1ST -95027 '10111111 MINIMUM l Open Space Medium Density Park Block STEVENS ROAD Stormwater Management Pond Legend Single Detached Dwellings Townhouses On Municipal Rear Lanes IAIMedium Density Block Landscape Strip Service Block STEVENS R