HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-02-14 MinutesNewcastle Memorial Arena Management Board Municipality of Clarington Minutes of Meeting – February 14, 2017 (Not yet approved by committee) In Attendance – Gord Lee, Chair Bryan Wiltshire, Arena Manager Carol Little, Peter Kennedy, Susan White, Councillor Partner, Jay Summers, Gary Oliver. Regrets – Councillor Woo, Shea Lea Latchford 1. Call to Order: 7:06 P.M. 2. Adoption of Minutes - Motion # 17-103 was proposed: THAT: The minutes of January 10, 2017 are accepted, as presented. Moved by: Jay Summers Seconded by: Carol Little CARRIED 3. Arena Manager’s Report – Bryan advised that the outside lighting on the building had all been updated by the operations department and now operated with LED lights. Our Member of Parliament, Ms. Kim Rudd had been in attendance for her Free Skating Day and photos had been posted on our new Facebook Page. It was also noted that our M.P.P., Grandville Anderson was having Free Public Skating Days during the March Break at various arenas within the region; two in Clarington. However, this was the second year he had not offered this program to Newcastle Arena. Our chair offered to contact him personally or, his office to discuss. Regarding the FB page, Bryan had visited with Peter Kennedy and his partner, Judy and acquired a good knowledge on the new Web Page and Face Book for the arena. Appreciation was extended by all our members to Peter and Judy for setting up these programs. The Newcastle & District Chamber of Commerce had cancelled their Spring Home Show at the arena. Snack Bar situations were discussed again and the general consensus from the members is to close it down and resort to a full vending service. No motion was proposed but, serious consideration must take place this spring, when the ice comes out. In the interim, members of the board will seek out information on a suitable full service vendor and report back at our next meeting. (2) 4. Financial Report – Accounts receivables for 01/31/17 were presented at $68,604.13 with 72% ($49,000.00) being current. Bryan continues to work on the receivable sand reports to the chair on a weekly basis. The income statement showed revenue at $50,389.48 for the first month of the year, 2017. A partial income forecast was provided and the following motions were proposed: Motion # 17-004 – Hourly wages for Bryan Wiltshire and his lead hand, Matt Lee be increased by approximately 3% - .80c per hour for Bryan and .40c per hour for Matt, bringing their hourly rate to $28.30 and $14.90, respectively. Moved by: Susan White Seconded by: Carol Little CARRIED Motion # 17- 005 – Ice Rates for the 2017-18, (Sept. 2017 to March 2018) to be increased by approximately 5% . Moved by: Gary Oliver Seconded by: Councillor Partner CARRIED Motion # 17 -006 – General expense forecasts in Hydro, Heating and Water Services are to be set at the following budgets: Hydro: $72,000.00, Heating Costs, $10,000.00, Water, $7,000.00. Moved by: Gary Oliver Seconded by: Susan White CARRIED The chair advised he would make the recommended changes to the forecast for 2017 and present a completed income forecast for approval at the March meeting. 5. Health & Safety: Three policy statements from the Municipality of Clarington’s Health & Safety Procedures Binder were discussed. Motions to accept two of the policy statements were proposed: Motion # 17-007 – Acceptance by the board members of the Workplace Violence Policy and the Workplace Harassment Policy are both approved and to be signed and dated by the chair. The Health and Safety Policy Statement was still waiting for clarification and further discussion. Moved by: Susan White Seconded by: Peter Kennedy CARRIED (3) Bryan and Susan reported on their health & safety walk - through of the building. Bryan was organizing and reviewing all correspondence and setting up proper storage areas for convenient access to policies and procedures – also, reviewing each with employees. On the Harassment policy presented by the municipality a number of the board members questioned sensitivity issues by an employee that was uncomfortable discussing the incident with Bryan, the arena’s only management person. Who would he or she talk with? Councillor Partner suggested we should discuss that with the municipality human resources department - perhaps, Lisa Weller at the town hall. It will be taken up and clarified by the chair. 6. New Business – The “A” type sign for the Edward Street Boulevard is complete and on location – It advertises both: Our Sunday Public Skate Times and our Tuesday Mom and Tots Program and adults skate. Bryan was waiting on his follow-up call to the Clarington Recreational Lacrosse League for their summer floor schedule. The Ball Hockey League is scheduled to start Sunday April 9th, 2017. Our current Ice & Floor Rental Contract Form has been submitted to the Operations Department for review and/or revisions. 7. Next Meeting: Tuesday March 14, 2017 8. Adjournment – Motion # 17-008 THAT: The meeting be adjourned Moved by: Susan White Seconded by: Councillor Partner CARRIED