HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-01-17NEWCASTLE VILLAGE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD JANUARY 17, 2017 7 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS Present Were: Shirley Rogers, Chair Sierd DeJong Dave Eastman Kevin Symak Peter Hazelton Willie Woo, Regional Councilor Regrets From: Wendy Partner, Local Councilor Also Present: Gabrielle Bell, Secretary Election of Chair S. DeJong nominated Shirley Rogers as chair for 2017, seconded by D. Eastman Shirley Rogers was acclaimed as chair for 2017. 1. MINUTES Motion by D. Eastman, seconded by P. Hazelton That minutes of November 15, 2016 are accepted as circulated. “Carried” 1. BUSINESS ARISING a) Water Bill – taps and toilets were checked no leaks were found. Irrigation system will be checked in spring and monitor usage closely. Suggested more drought resistant flowers be planted. Has been discussed with Horticultural Society. Custodian will continue to monitor water meter for increased activity. 2. FINANCIAL REPORT Motion by S. DeJong, seconded by K. Symak That the financial report is accepted as circulated. “Carried” 3. INVOICES Motion by P. Hazelton, seconded by D. Eastman That the following invoices be paid as presented: S. Rogers $130.66 (gifts) G. Bell $75.00 (gifts) G. Bell $300.00 Supervision “Carried” 4. CORRESPONDENCE a) The following were appointed by Municipal Council for a two year term beginning January 2017 – Shirley Rogers, Sierd DeJong, Dave Eastman - Board members congratulated the three members. b) Clarington’s Joint Health & Safety Committee completed inspection on December 2 2016 – flammables were found in north basement and Train storage room. Items being stored within a meter of electrical panel in Bowling alley electrical room. -Varsol has been removed from storage area in Train Room - Paint in north basement is water based – may be stored there - Electrical storage room in Bowling Alley has been cleared out as mandated to clearance of 1 meter in front of electrical panel. c) Chamber of Commerce advertising opportunity received for information. d) Chamber of Commerce membership for 2017 $150.00. Board agreed to continue with membership. e) CBOT membership 2017 $243.60. Board agreed to continue with membership. f) Update on official Plan received for information. g) 2015 Financial Statement for the year end of Newcastle Village Community Hall received from Municipality received for information. h) Thank you card received from Judy Hagerman of Women Empowerment Seminar. i) Enbridge newsletter received for information. j) Clarington Board of Trade newsletter received for information. k) Notice received from Sears re: Danby Dehumidifier recall. Secretary will verify if we have this model. 5. RISK MANAGEMENT REPORT a) Received for information – copy will be sent to Operations Dept. 6. CANADA 150 P. Hazelton reported that we have missed the deadline for grants. Peter will be meeting with representatives of Kim Rudd’s office on January 25 to discuss possibility of extension on 150 Canada Application and investigate other sources for possible grant dollars. He would still like to consider the grant for signage. Has talked to our users and has found they are very interested in signage. At this time he is unaware of any other users applying for a grant. He would like to strike a committee to move forward on this. Question has been put to board members “Do we want signage”? Motion by P. Hazelton, seconded by K. Symak That application for grant dollars is geared towards some sort of signage for hall property. The location and esthetics to be determined . “Carried” 7. FUNDRAISING K. Symak reported on concert – asking all board members to be available for this event. S. Rogers, D. Eastman, S. White, S. DeJong, Jean-Anne Symak, Greg Lewis will be volunteering. As well as 4 students to assist in set up. 8. KITCHEN RENOVATION Committee will be meeting with OTE to finalize report this coming week. 9. NEW BUSINESS a) Policy Manual – board began process of adopting policies. Motion by K.Symak, seconded by P. Hazelton That we adopt Health & Safety Policy Statement, Workplace Harassment & Violence Policy, Municipal Alcohol Policy. “Carried” - Financial Management guidelines are being followed. - All Board Members are fully trained in Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. - Supervisory Health and Safety Worker Training to be completed by all board members. - Discussed forming Health and Safety Committee comprised of fulltime employee and one board member. S. DeJong with S. Fogg will comprise Health & Safety Committee for 2017. S. DeJong will continue to be liaison with S. Fogg and assist with Risk Management Inspection. - All members have been given copy of Fire Safety Plan. Will be discussed at meeting in February. - Golder and Associates report on Asbestos containing materials was given to all members so they may familiarize themselves with asbestos in the building and protocol for same. - All members must have Smart Serve – K.Symak will need this. - WHMIS required for board members that are exposed to hazardous materials. - Binder will be created for certificates – WHMIS, Accessibility Training, Smart Serve, and AED Training - AED is to be inspected – weekly, monthly inspections - It is recommended that all board members familiarize themselves with the new policy manual. D. Eastman and S. Rogers have each gone through manual. S. DeJong will take manual for this month and create Joint Health & Safety Committee. b) Custodian will be off on Thursday January 19. Motion to Adjourn S. DeJong, seconded by K. Symak at 9:15 pm Shirley Rogers, Chair Gabrielle Bell, Secretary