HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-10CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LiC3A6 TELEPHONE 623.3379 REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 10th, 1982 FROM: MAYOR G..B. RICKARD SUBJECT: REPORISTO GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETINGS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended t";at 1. This report be received; 2. That the order of staff .reports to the General Purpose and Administration Meetings be altered and presented in the following order Public Works Planning Community Services Fire Department Treasury Clerk's Department Administrator; 3. That this order for receiving reports by the committee be implemented at the meeting of May 17th, 1982. COMMENTS: In reviewing the performance of the General Purpose and Administration Committee meetings, it is my opinion that improvements can be made.If it is necessary to have a confidential report to the meeting, it should be one of the last items on the agenda rather than near the first. Some staff members are required to wait long hours for their reports to be heard. The Public Works and Planning Department staff come in from Hampton Office. If their reports are scheduled first, they can be about their business sooner than they have been able to previously. Also, the majority of delegations are related to public works and planning matters and the concerns of the debgations would be dealt with earlier in the meeting. The committee is oftenrequired to receive and open tenders for public works .and this is another reason for these reports to be heard early. The Community Services and Fire Department staff are located in offices i.n Bowmanville and they can be ready to attend the meeting on short notice. Likewise, the Treasurer and the Clerk need not wait throughout the entire day as they,too, are in offices close to the Court Rooms and C, 3�g,gv - REPORT TO COUNCIL -Page 2- MEETING OF MAY 10th, 1962 could be notified in time to attend the meeting. for their reports. Council has a responsibility in conducting Council and Committee. meetings in a manner that would not keep the public and press for an undue length of time. Neither should they be asked to vacate the Council. Room only to wait in the corridors for an undertermined amount of .time. If we are going to continue with.a one -committee system, we need to continue to review our operation. I believe that the above noted recommendations would be an improvement and recommend the approval of the same. Respectfully submitted, Garnet B. Rickard Mayor GBR/mr