HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-07REPORT TO COUNCIL PORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LIC3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 MEETING OF JUNE 7th, 1982 FROM: G. B. Rickard, Mayor SUBJECT: 1982 Ontario Employment Incentive Program ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDATION: That this report be received for consideration and discussion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attached hereto is a letter from The Honourable Claude F. Bennett, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. This correspondence outlines the 1982 employment incentive program for Ontario and this is something that Council should consider. I would suggest that this letter be referred to staff for a report to the next General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting. Respectfully submitted, Garnet B. Rickard Mayor GBR/mr Enc. (1) . f 111 Onix rio Office of the Ministry Of Minister Municipal Affairs and Housing May 26, 1982 To: Heads of Council Hearst Block Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 2K5 416/965$456 It is with great pleasure that I am sending you information concerning the new 1982 Ontario Employment Incentive Program, announced in the Provincial Budget on May 13. The program is intended to assist local governments to create jobs in this period of high unemployment, and to accelerate the undertaking of repairs and renovations to public property. A total of $35 million is being made available, and is expected to create 7,500 jobs between now and the end of the year. Details of the program are contained in the attached guidelines. Application forms are also enclosed, showing the amount of the initial allocation to your municipality. I hope that the Ontario Employment Incentive Program will help you to reduce local unemployment, with the added benefit of enabling.you to undertake projects in your community which woul4elot otherwise have been possible. sincerely, Ylauc�e F. Bennett Minister M.P.P., Ottawa South ,1 MAY3fci i -I Jf �.�../ and Housing Ontario ONTARIO EMPLOYMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM 1982 - 1983 In the budget speech of May 13, the Honourable Frank Miller, 11 Treasurer of Ontario, announced the 1982-1983 Ontario Employment Incentive Program. The purpose of this short, -term program is to create jobs throughout the Province during the present period of high unemployment. A total of $35 million is being made available immediately, and is expected to create 7,500 jobs between now and the end of the year. The Ontario Employment Incentive Program is available to all', municipalities in the Province, including special boards and commissions. Eligible projects include any project involving repair or renovation of public property. Projects which may have been scheduled after the program period but can be moved up due to this subsidy are eligible. Allocation An initial allocation has been made for each municipality. Since the main thrust of the Program is to relieve unemployment, the allocation has been made in proportion to the number of people receiving social assistance in each jurisdiction. The amount for your municipality is shown on the attached form "Application for Program Participation". Special boards and commissions should apply through their municipality, since their projects will be included in their municipality's allocation. Please notify the Subsidies Branch, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing by no later than June 30._,whether_-or...notyouu_intend_to_use any of your allocation. Two copies of the form should be sent. The third copy is for your records. !Page 2 It is essential to return the application by June 30, since any allocations not taken up by that date will be re -allocated to those municipalities requesting grants in addition to their initial allocation., Such requests may be made at the same time as the initial application on the separate "Request for Additional Allocation" form. Eligible Projects The purpose of the program is to create new jobs during May!to December, 1982. Any project involving repairs or renovation of public property is suitable, provided it meets these conditions: - it must provide additional employment (i.e. jobs which would not have existed without the program); - the project may already have been scheduled, but may be expanded to create additional work and employment as a result of this Program; - it must employ people other than those regularly on the municipal payroll; - the project may begin immediately, but must be completed 'by December 31, 1982; - projects should not be otherwise grant assisted. The project may be undertaken by the municipality itself, or let out to an independent contractor. In all cases, only the labour costs are eligible for grant. Preference will be given to labour intensive projects. Eligible Employees In hiring personnel for the project, we strongly encourage municipalities to give preference to unemployed people, particularly those on welfare or unemployment insurance benefits and those registered with local Canada Manpower Centres. Employees already on the municipal payroll are not eligible.' Page 3 Reimbursable Costs The labour costs incurred as a result of creating additional employment will be reimbursed in full, up to the amount of the allocation. No other costs will be reimbursed. Wages paid should be at those rates currently prevailing in ',the community for the type of work involved. Standard benefits usually covered by collective bargaining agreements will also be reimbursed. Advance Payments An advance payment of 50% of the total estimated labour cost=s relating to eligible projects will be forwarded upon approval of the! application. A further advance payment of 25% of the total labour costs may be applied for when the project is half completed. Claim for Reimbursement Claim for reimbursement forms will be sent to each participant. Claims should be returned to the Subsidies Branch as soon asl possible following completion of the project, and in any case no later than January 31, 1983. Claims will be processed immediately and final pay6nt made of the remainder of the entitlement. Verification Verification may be undertaken by the Subsidies Branch. It lis important that all records concerning the project and the data presented on the claim form be retained until the end of 1983. This includes such information as worksheets, reconciliations, payrolls, time -cards, and' cancelled cheques or signed receipts for wages. Page 4 Further Information If you need any further information on the Ontario Employment Incentive Program, please contact: The Ontario Employment Incentive Program Subsidies Branch Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing 56 Wellesley Street West, 6th Floor Toronto, Ontario M7A 2R8 Telephone: 965-2871 Contact persons: Celia Fairclough Julie Newton a� U R E AL E O IL O 0 I m LL ' Q m m u y CLa F Q N g m 0 3 c I � q r `u av O nm I E i c o T v` m om a L c � � 8 � 8 a u J Q c� C E LLZ T v E 3 o w E 6i c r� o m � o 6 m o d a e c 0 O e 3 m 6 c Cu 2 E � m - m o> a 0 5� E � w Ea LL B m O O V p _ O � q V e v, N mJ 44i M p c T i 0 t o a� � o C_ j p 0 J `a 0 3 � pp S In t OO g E m 8 8 n ¢ ri I > e y F g 3 r av nm I E i c o T om L c � � 8 � � u J 9 6 E LLZ T E o m � o 6 C E i e c 0 O $ 3 m c Cu 2 - m m I 0 5� w Ea LL B `o C _ O e v, yY 44i c e i 0 t 0 c `a E � t r Eo m 8 n L I z I y$ o 6 W O c E o N a � m m 0 $ $ m I > e y g o av I E c o L E � � � u 9 6 E LLZ T E o m � o C E i e c 0 $ $ 3 m c Cu - m m I 0 w B _ e v, yY 44i c e i t 8 c `a E � t r Eo m 8 n L ii I y$ o W u c E o N a � m m $ $ N udi N Y S1 I p 0 > S SC O� 17 Y $ `4� wII Y E E.€ C u B> 8 c E 4 O dd $ O > K qE`c c a d y d Yl n N ,n ?t j Id Q m '