HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-09-26/G.G.4 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 CONFIDENTIAL REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 26TH, 1983 FROM: GARNET B. RICKARD, MAYOR SUBJECT: BASELINE COMMUNITY CENTRE APPRAISAL REPORT - PART LOT 18, CONCESSION 1, DARLINGTON ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended: 1. That this report be received "in camera"; and 2. That Council authorize staff, in conjunction with members of the Baseline Community Centre Board, to proceed to acquire the lands in part of Lot 18, Conc. 1, of the former Township of Darlington, as outlined in Administrator's Report ADMIN.46-83. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: On September 6th, 1983 the following G.P.A.resolution was passed: "That confidential Report Admin 46-83, Appraisal Report, be received and referred to the Mayor and the Baseline Community Centre Board". On Wednesday, September 14th, 1983, the Committee met with the members of the Baseline Community Centre Board. When the Administrator's report No. 46-83 was discussed, the committee was unanimous in its opinion that Council should proceed to acquire the land in accordance with the appraised value as outlined in the report. Respectfully submitted, GARNET B. RICKARD Mayor GBR/mr September 23, 1983 CONFIDENTIAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LIC 3A6 00NFIQEiNITIAL REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 6 1983 ADMIN. 46 - 83 SUBJECT: APPRAISAL REPORT - WITZKE PROPERTY, PART LOT 18, CONCESSION 1, DARLINGTON, 4 ACRES RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That this report be received "in camera"; and 2. That Committee consider the attached appraisal performed by the Region of Durham and dated July 19 1983. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: On May 16th 1983 Committee received a presentation from Mrs. B. Metcalf on behalf of the,Baseline Community Centre Board and adopted the following resolution (#GPA -445-83): "That the delegation of Mrs. Brenda Metcalf on behalf of the Baseline Community Centre Board, be acknowledged, and staff be requested to investigate the price of property proposed and report back on appraisals, grants available, etc., prior to making an Offier to Purchase". TELEPHONE 623-3379 In accordance with the above resolution, staff requested the Regional Works Department Appraisal Staff to undertake an appraisal of a proposed four acre parcel fronting on Maple Grove Road (Lot 18, Concession 1, Darlington) being part of a larger agricultural parcel owned by E. & H. Witzke (map attached). ..2 u CONFIDENTIAL -2- ADMIN. 46 - 83 The proposed 4 acre parcel, the location and dimensions of which were discussed with Mrs. B. Metcalf, has been appraised at a value of $14,650.00 strictly on the basis of its value as agricultural land assuming the Town was to initiate an expropriation. Regional Appraisal Staff suggest that a higher negotiated purchase in the $20,000 to $25,000 range would not be unreasonable. Please see Mr. G. Post's letter of August 5 1983 to D. N. Smith. If Council wishes to proceed with the purchase of the property, using the funds held by the Town from the acquisition by Ontario Hydro of the former Baseline Community Centre, staff feel it would be appropriate to proceed as follows: 1. Authorize staff to negotiate an offer of purchase with E. and H. Witzke at a maximum purchase price of $25,000 to include legal,appraisal and survey costs. The offer to be conditional on: a) Soil tests proving septic tank and building suitability; and b) Applications being accepted by the Province for Community Centre and Wintario Grants. 2. Authorize staff to submit applications for grants noted above, and to arrange for the necessary soil tests. Staff note that the project may be eligible for partial funding as a new capital work and that, as in the past, it would be appropriate to file applications for funding (or to receive an indication of eligibility) prior to the closing of the conveyance. 3. On acquisition of the property it would be appropriate to request the Community Centre's consulting architect to revise the existing construction drawings as necessary and to prepare a revised project cost estimate. 4. On completion of the revisions, which may be minor in nature, and provided the cost estimate is within budget, then it would be appropriate to call tenders for construction of the proposed - Coninunity Hall. Respectfully submitted, el- DNS:nof D.—N:`Smith, M.C.I.P. 7 fib) DURHAM Tne Hogiondl MunIcipahry of Dubam Winks Dapanmonl Bo♦ 623 IUb Consuman UI. Wnaby, Omdho Conada LIN 6A3 W16) 6W 7721 ( A TWFLVLTFlLLS, P FN "U'l.Wonw of Wui4 Pluaaugwatuuw iel August 5, 1983 The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 4U Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario LIC 3A6 Attention: Mr. D.N. Smith, M,C.I.P. Administrator Uear Si r: RE: Appraisal Report Proposed Community Centre Site �,. Part Lot 18, Concession 1 Town of Newcastle (formerly Township of Darlington) Enclosed is a copy of the appraisal report prepared on the above property. The Market Value of $14,650.00 is based on the premise that this would be the cost of the land if the Town expropriated it. It does not take into consideration any legal or expropriating costs which could easily exceed $10,000.00. A negotiated settlement in the $20,000.00 to $25,000.00 price range would therefore seem reasonable. If you have any further queries, please contact the writer at the above number. Yours tru y, fps ' G.L. Post, C.R.A. Land Purchase Appraiser