HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-01-21 Minutes:vfi"";at -11FVB21 M' BOARD OF MANAGEMENT BOWMANVILLE'BUSINESS 'IMPROVEMENT AREA Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board"of Management held at 6:30 p. in., on Tuesday, January 10, 2017 in Committee Room i -C in the Bowmanville Library. Present: Gilpin Members: Lucas, McDonald, Holmes, Hooper, (later) Rezazada Absent: Patterson, Chaput, Barry Recognizing the lack of a quorum, Lucas stepped down as the Chair of the /meeting, and asked Gilpin to assume the role. Gilpin then called the meeting to order and recognized that there was now a quorum present and that there were no delegations. Moved by Holmes, seconded by Hooper, THAT the Minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as circulated. "CARRIED" Correspondence was received from OBIAA, and Erin O'Toole, W. Moved by Holmes, seconded by Lucas, THAT the correspondence be received and filed. `CARRIED' Rezazada then joined the Meeting, and Lucas assumed the Chair. The Treasurer presented his year-end report. A copy is attached to these Minutes, including the 2017 Revised Schedule of Remunerations. Gilpin commented on the details of the Financial Statement for 2016 and then answered questions from some of the Board members. Page 2 Moved by McDonald, seconded by Rezazada, THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented. "CARRIED" Next the Treasurer presented his proposed Budget for the year 2017. Discussion took place regarding the amounts assigned to certain Budget items. Moved by McDonald, seconded by Rezazada, THAT the Proposed Budget for 2017 and the Revised Schedule of Remunerations for 2017 be approved as presented.. `CARRIED" Reports: Council Liaison: No report. Events: No report. Membership Relations: McDonald reportedthat there are two new businesses in the Downtown, Essential Grocers and Fads and Fashions. Streetscape: No report. Communications: McDonald reported that new businesses in the Bowmanville BIA need to provide their protocol to go with their photos on the Website and all businesses need to up -date their protocol from time to time. Board of Trade: No Report. Web Site: No report. Media Relations: Rezazada suggested that two or three Bowmanville BIA businesses be featured for two or three days on Facebook. The members agreed that this was a good idea. i Page 3 There was no `BUSINESS ARISING" from the previous meeting. Under "NEW BUSINESS", Gilpin presented Patterson's report as follows: "That the lamp post banners located at the western end of the Downtown on King Street West have not yet been removed due to the danger posed from electric shock in doing so. Sutherland was repelled onto the ground when he attempted remove the banners at this location." and, "That the winter snowflake in front of Justin. Barry Optical and the three snowflakes east of the 20 King Street East parking lot are not working." Patterson has contacted Fred Horvath about these problems. He said that he will contact Langley Utilities to have them effect repairs. Next it was noted that there is a need to learn how many lamp posts are located on Church Street in the Bowmanville BTA and how many require brackets on which to hang flower baskets. Gilpin reported that he thought that there may be an inventory of these brackets in storage. Patterson is to report on this matter at the next Board meeting. Noting her absence from the meeting, the matter of Patterson's responsibilities as Manager of Operations was raised. After some discussion, it was Moved by McDonald, seconded by Hooper, THAT Gilpin be directed to prepare Job Descriptions for each of the positions held by the hired staff, including the Secretary -Treasurer and the Manager of Operatons. `CARRIED' McDonald reported that she was re -writing the Job Description for the Membership Relations portfolio as it need up -dating. Page 4 Next Gilpin announced that Chris Bromelly from Nerivon Inc. would be attending the February meeting to see if the Board had any suggestions for improving the website. Rezazada excused herself from the Meeting, and Gilpin, once again, was required to assumed the Chair He then informed the Board that the date of the next meeting would be Tuesday, February 14, Valentine's. Day. The Board directed Gilpin to advance the meeting date one week and book a room on that date for the February Board meeting. Moved by Holmes, seconded by McDonald„ THAT the Meeting be adjourned. "CARRIED?" The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 21, 2017 in Committee Room 1-A in the Bowmanville Municipal Building (access by the Church Street door) at 6:30 p. m. HISTORIC DOWNTOWN BOWMANVILLE Financial Report for 2016 (Unaudited) and Budget for 2017 Administration Events Special Promotion Streetscape (net) Capital Works Contingency Fund Website Marketing Totals Approved Budget 2016 $ 54,500 70,000 2,500 22,500 9,200 5,000 1,000 $164,700 Less: Surplus/Deficit (1,500) Net Budget $163,200 Cash on Hand: December 31, 2015 Actual 2016 $ 54,007.74 72,858.61 (1) 843.24 21,314.00 14,396.01 5,000.00 1,484.81 $169,904.41 Approved Budget 2017 $ 57,500.00 (3) 70,000.00 (4) 2,500.00 22,500.00 (5) (2) 9,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 $167,500.00 200.00 $167,300.00 (6) Cash on Hand: December 31, 2016 Petty Cash $ 200.00 Petty Cash $ 200.00 Current Account (1,762.85) Current Account 187.64 Contingency Fund 00.00 Contingency Fund 00.00 Deficit $(1,562,85) Surplus $ 387.64(7) (1) Plus fees from vendors, $33,025 (for a total of $105,300.25). (2) Includes $5,000 received from Municipality from money held in trust. (3) Includes increases in honoraria approved at November 10, 2014 Board meeting, for Secretary -Treasurer, Manager of Operations and Co- ordinator of Vendors (4) Requires newspaper/radio advertising to be capped at $28,000.00 ($30,516.48 in 2016) (5) Requires waste management cost to be capped at 680 hours (@ $15.00 per hour, and plant watering to be capped at $14,000 (same as 2016) (6) Represents a 2.5% increase in the BIA tax levy in 2017. (7) Includes interest earned in the amount of $581.52 on the cash advance from the BIA tax levy from the Municipality in 2016. Historic Downtown Bowman lle Revised Schedule of Remunerations for 201'7 Secretary's Honorarium $ 3,000* Treasurer's Honorarium 49000* Manager of Operation's: Honorarium $20,000* Consultant/Advisor Honorarium $ 4,000* Co-ordinator of Vendor's Honorarium $ 6,000* Support States: Honorarium (X3) $ 4,500* Waste Contronitter 415 per hour --April to October (680 hours) $10,200* Office Rent (to include light, heat, water, office'equipment, telephone, taxes, etc. (no chan e) $5,700 *The Treasurer, in consultation with the Manager of Operations "shall determine the timing and manner of these payments". Monies paid for music at all events is normal set at $400 for a four hour performance, but not to the exclusion of other arrangements that may be: negotiated.: ; Other forms of entertainment, which may be hired from time -to -time, are paid according to the negotiated con- tract price.