HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-02-21 Minutes 1 | Page CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting February 21, 2017 MEMBERS PRESENT: Todd Taylor, Peter Vogel, Tracey Ali, Victor Suppan, Councillor Hooper (8:15), Filip Aleksanderek, Katharine Warren, Steve Conway, Paul Davidson, Robert Malone REGRETS: STAFF: Brandon Weiler DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST None declared. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 17.05 Moved by T. Taylor, seconded by S. Conway THAT the agenda for February 21, 2017 be adopted. “CARRIED” ADOPTION OF MINUTES 17.06 Moved by R. Malone, seconded by T. Taylor THAT the minutes of the Meeting of January 17, 2017 be accepted. “CARRIED” DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS Bob Martindale from Martindale Planning Services regarding 153 King Avenue East, Newcastle – A Zoning By-law Amendment application was submitted to the Municipality for an addition to the existing Parkview Seniors Building at 165 King Ave. E. The addition would add 91 new units in a six storey addition. To accommodate the addition the existing building located at 153 King Ave. E. would be demolished. 153 King Ave. E. is identified as a primary resource on the Municipal Heritage Inventory. As part of the application the applicant submitted a Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) prepared by B. Martindale. B. Martindale attended the meeting and presented the findings of the HIA. 2 | Page The committee was circulated the HIA and the addendum to the original HIA prior to the meeting for review. The committee engaged in a discussion surrounding the contents of the HIA, details of the property and buildings and asked a number of questions of B. Martindale. The committee thanked B. Martindale for attending the meeting. The committee requested that the Municipal Inventory and Register Sub-committee review the property with the Heritage Building Evaluation Criteria. The committee wanted to have the evaluation completed by the sub-committee prior to making a recommendation on the property. 17.07 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by T. Taylor THAT the Municipal Inventory and Register Sub-committee review 153 King Ave. E. using the Heritage Building Evaluation System and report back on the findings at the March 21, 2017. “CARRIED” BUSINESS ARISING Jury Lands Foundation (Camp 30) – B. Weiler reported that DTAH is continuing to progress on the Community Vision and Urban Design Study. The foundation continues to attend community events to promote and educate the public about the history and the efforts to adaptively reuse the lands and buildings. Goodyear Property – No news to report. Hollingshead Property – No news to report. REPORTS FROM OTHER COMMITTEES Bowmanville Community Improvement Program – No meeting to report. Orono Community Improvement Program – No meeting to report Newcastle Community Improvement Program – The Business Retention and Expansion Survey has been completed and the results were presented by the Clarington Board of Trade on January 24, 2017 at a meeting in the Newcastle Recreation Complex. Part of the meeting included the initial kick off of the review for Clarington’s 3 downtown Community Improvement Plans (Orono, Bowmanville, and Newcastle). The Orono Community Improvement liaison group will be inviting the Bowmanville and Newcastle liaison groups to a meeting in April to brainstorm ideas for the review. 3 | Page The streetscape improvements and entry signs into Newcastle were discussed. It is anticipated some of the work will be completed this summer. Architectural Conservancy Ontario, Clarington Branch – The next meeting will be at the end of March, date to be determined. The Planning for Doors Open, in the Kendl area on June 10, 2017, is well under way. Newcastle Village & District Historical Society – R. Malone reported that the Annual General Meeting will be on March 28, 2017. The Board is looking to fill some vacancies. The society is currently planning their Canada 150 event which will focus on local family trees within Newcastle and the surrounding area on June 25th at Newcastle Community Hall. The society has resubmitted an application for a grant to digitize the records and information the society has. The grant would provide funding to hire someone to assist in completing this process. Museum – No news to report. Heritage Week Working Group – The working group has decided not to host Heritage Week in 2017. The group felt that the way in which heritage events were delivered needed to be re-examined. Trying to fit all events into one week was difficult to schedule and coordinate with members and volunteers. The group will continue to work to deliver and promote heritage events in Clarington. Heritage Conservation District – No news to report CORRESPONDENCE AND COUNCIL REFERRALS PROJECT REPORTS Subcommittee Reports: Municipal Inventory and Register Committee – V. Suppan reported that at the last subcommittee meeting (minutes attached) the subcommittee completed evaluating two properties for heritage value using the Heritage Building Evaluation System. T. Taylor reviewed the first property 1598 Baseline Road, known as The Jesse Trull House. The evaluation was distributed to the committee members. The evaluation demonstrated the building was a Group 1 building and recommended that the property be added to the Municipal Register. The committee engaged in a discussion regarding the features of the property and how they were evaluated before coming to consensus that the property should be added to the Municipal Register. 17.08 Moved by F. Aleksanderek, seconded by S. Conway 4 | Page THAT the Clarington Heritage Committee recommend to Council that the property located at 1598 Baseline Road obtained a Group 1 score when evaluated and should be included on the Municipal Inventory. “CARRIED” T. Taylor presented the second property, 6 Mann Street. An application for a Zoning By-law Amendment has been submitted for this property that would remove the existing buildings to allow for three new building lots. A delegation from the consultant who prepared the HIA occurred at the January 2017 meeting. At the public meeting Council asked that the committee evaluate the property and provide the findings as part of the recommendation report. The evaluation was distributed to the committee members. The evaluation categorized the property as Group 2. Many of the points received were based on the age of the building and being on its original foundation. There have been a number of alterations to the building. The sub-committee recommended that the property not be added to the Municipal Register. The committee engaged in a discussion regarding the features of the property and how they were evaluated. 17.09 Moved by S. Conway, seconded by F. Aleksanderek THAT the Clarington Heritage Committee recommend to Council that the property located at 6 Mann Street obtained a Group 2 score when evaluated and should not be added on the Municipal Register. “CARRIED” T. Taylor asked that the committee approve the terms of reference for the sub- committee. The terms of reference were distributed for comments at the November 2016 meeting. There were no comments or concerns received. The committee appreciated the work the sub-committee and approved the terms of reference. 17.10 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by P. Davidson THAT the Clarington Heritage Committee adopt the terms of reference for the Municipal Inventory and Register sub-committee. “CARRIED” Public Outreach and Education Committee – No meeting to report. 5 | Page NEW BUSINESS Heritage Conferences – V. Suppan asked members to consider attending the Ontario Heritage Conference or the National Trust Conference this year. Both are in Ottawa. Next meeting: March 21, 2017, 7:00 p.m., at Clarington Municipal Offices in Room 1C Attachment 1: Municipal Inventory and Register Subcommittee Meeting Minutes Meeting Date: February 9, 2017 A new member was welcomed to the subcommittee, Katharine Warren. It also presented us with an opportunity to see how effective and how quickly an individual can utilize the recently implemented heritage building evaluation. Separately, the group evaluated 6 Mann Street, Bowmanville & 1598 Baseline Rd, Courtice prior to the meeting. With three members, the sub-committee were more effective in determining a consensus evaluation on each property. 6 Mann Street, Bowmanville was recommended that it not be added to the municipal registry. 1598 Baseline Rd, Courtice was recommended to be added to the municipal registry for the whole CHC to vote upon. Comments from Katharine supported the ease of usability of the evaluation system given her limited architectural background. She was happy that her individual analysis was very close to Todd's and Vic’s individual analysis but to the consensus evaluation. Discussions were held over a possible presentation of the new heritage building evaluation to either the Planning committee or to a council as a whole. Todd had provided a power point on the evaluation process for the subcommittee to review. Next meeting date to be determined and which properties to evaluate. Good meeting. Lots of participation.