HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/27/2017clici0 llgC0Il Ci8T1I1gC0ll Ci8T1I1gC0ll Ci8T1I1gC0ll Ci8T1I1gC0ll Clarftmit Clarftmit Clariiwn Clarftmit Clarftmit Clarftmit Clarftmit Clarftmit Clarftmit Clarftmit NEWCASTLE VILLAGE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD JANUARY 17, 2017 7 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS Present Were: Shirley Rogers, Chair Sierd DeJong Dave Eastman Kevin Symak Peter Hazelton Willie Woo, Regional Councilor Regrets From: Wendy Partner, Local Councilor Also Present: Gabrielle Bell, Secretary Election of Chair S. DeJong nominated Shirley Rogers as chair for 2017, seconded by D. Eastman Shirley Rogers was acclaimed as chair for 2017. 1. MINUTES Motion by D. Eastman, seconded by P. Hazelton That minutes of November 15, 2016 are accepted as circulated. "Carried" 1. BUSINESS ARISING a) Water Bill —taps and toilets were checked no leaks were found. Irrigation system will be checked in spring and monitor usage closely. Suggested more drought resistant flowers be planted. Has been discussed with Horticultural Society. Custodian will continue to monitor water meter for increased activity. 2. FINANCIAL REPORT Motion by S. DeJong, seconded by K. Symak That the financial report is accepted as circulated. "Carried" 3. INVOICES Motion by P. Hazelton, seconded by D. Eastman That the following invoices be paid as presented: S. Rogers $130.66 (gifts) G. Bell $75.00 (gifts) G. Bell $300.00 Supervision "Carried" 4. CORRESPONDENCE a) The following were appointed by Municipal Council for a two year term beginning January 2017 — Shirley Rogers, Sierd DeJong, Dave Eastman - Board members congratulated the three members. b) Clarington's Joint Health & Safety Committee completed inspection on December 2 2016 — flammables were found in north basement and Train storage room. Items being stored within a meter of electrical panel in Bowling alley electrical room. -Varsol has been removed from storage area in Train Room - Paint in north basement is water based — may be stored there - Electrical storage room in Bowling Alley has been cleared out as mandated to clearance of 1 meter in front of electrical panel. c) Chamber of Commerce advertising opportunity received for information. d) Chamber of Commerce membership for 2017 $150.00. Board agreed to continue with membership. e) CBOT membership 2017 $243.60. Board agreed to continue with membership. f) Update on official Plan received for information. g) 2015 Financial Statement for the year end of Newcastle Village Community Hall received from Municipality received for information. h) Thank you card received from Judy Hagerman of Women Empowerment Seminar. i) Enbridge newsletter received for information. j) Clarington Board of Trade newsletter received for information. k) Notice received from Sears re: Danby Dehumidifier recall. Secretary will verify if we have this model. 5. RISK MANAGEMENT REPORT a) Received for information — copy will be sent to Operations Dept. 6. CANADA 150 P. Hazelton reported that we have missed the deadline for grants. Peter will be meeting with representatives of Kim Rudd's office on January 25 to discuss possibility of extension on 150 Canada Application and investigate other sources for possible grant dollars. He would still like to consider the grant for signage. Has talked to our users and has found they are very interested in signage. At this time he is unaware of any other users applying for a grant. He would like to strike a committee to move forward on this. Question has been put to board members "Do we want signage"? Motion by P. Hazelton, seconded by K. Symak That application for grant dollars is geared towards some sort of signage for hall property. The location and esthetics to be determined. "Carried" 7. FUNDRAISING K. Symak reported on concert — asking all board members to be available for this event. S. Rogers, D. Eastman, S. White, S. DeJong, Jean -Anne Symak, Greg Lewis will be volunteering. As well as 4 students to assist in set up. 8. KITCHEN RENOVATION Committee will be meeting with OTE to finalize report this coming week. 9. NEW BUSINESS a) Policy Manual — board began process of adopting policies. Motion by K.Symak, seconded by P. Hazelton That we adopt Health & Safety Policy Statement, Workplace Harassment & Violence Policy, Municipal Alcohol Policy. "Carried" - Financial Management guidelines are being followed. - All Board Members are fully trained in Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. - Supervisory Health and Safety Worker Training to be completed by all board members. - Discussed forming Health and Safety Committee comprised of fulltime employee and one board member. S. DeJong with S. Fogg will comprise Health & Safety Committee for 2017. S. DeJong will continue to be liaison with S. Fogg and assist with Risk Management Inspection. - All members have been given copy of Fire Safety Plan. Will be discussed at meeting in February. - Golder and Associates report on Asbestos containing materials was given to all members so they may familiarize themselves with asbestos in the building and protocol for same. - All members must have Smart Serve — K.Symak will need this. - WHMIS required for board members that are exposed to hazardous materials. Binder will be created for certificates — WHMIS, Accessibility Training, Smart Serve, and AED Training AED is to be inspected —weekly, monthly inspections It is recommended that all board members familiarize themselves with the new policy manual. D. Eastman and S. Rogers have each gone through manual. S. DeJong will take manual for this month and create Joint Health & Safety Committee. b) Custodian will be off on Thursday January 19. Motion to Adjourn S. DeJong, seconded by K. Symak at 9:15 pm Shirley Rogers, Chair Gabrielle Bell, Secretary NEWCASTLE VILLAGE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD FEBRUARY 212017 COUNCIL CHAMBERS Present Were: Shirley Rogers, Chair Sierd DeJong Kevin Symak Regrets From: Dave Eastman Peter Hazelton Councilor Woo Councilor Partner Also Present: Gabrielle Bell, Secretary 1. MINUTES - As we did not have quorum approval of minutes was tabled. 2. BUSINESS ARISING a) Fire Safety Plan - tabled b) Policy Manual Update - tabled c) Decoration Update — see attached proposal. Set a special meeting for February 28 at 7 pm for 45 minutes to discuss with quorum. 3. FINANCIAL REPORT - As we did not have quorum approval of financial report was tabled. 4. INVOICES - As we did not have quorum approval of invoices was tabled. 5. CORRESPONDENCE a) Touch of Glass has sent payment of $120.11 for percentage of rentals they had at hall in 2016. b) Cancellation of May 4 2017 wedding has been received — no refund of $500.00 deposit. Received for information c) Clarington this week highlighted Newcastle Community Hall in paper — received for information 6. RISK MANAGEMENT REPORT a) Submitted by Sierd DeJong — performed by Steve Fogg and Sierd DeJong b) Chair would like to implement each board member taking part in inspection to familiarize themselves with areas. Chair will take part in March inspection. c) Discussion that report should be more specific when an area needs repair. 7. JOINT HEALTH & SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT No report at this time. 8. CANADA 150 As P. Hazelton was not able to be present he asked G. Bell to report progress on Canada 150 Grant. MP Kim Rudd's office has informed us that we will not be able to get extension on grant application. It was also noted that we would not have qualified for the kitchen or signage under this grant. Kim Rudd's office is checking into other resources that may be open to us applying for grant for kitchen or signage. - We have also heard back from Planning Department (David Addington) stating the Hall is in a Heritage Resource Area and unfortunately this means electronic signage is not permitted according to By-law 2009-0123. Also any signage must be located a minimum of 1 metre from the property line and prohibits the location of ground sign within the road allowance. - A council approved amendment to the sign by-law would be required to permit an electronic message board sign in the heritage resource area. - Discussion was tabled to March as we did not have quorum. 9. FUNDRAISING a) Concert on schedule —sales are at approximately 300. Lodge members have offered to assist day of if needed. b) Shirley Rogers will be submitting the SOP papers. 10. KITCHEN RENO - OTE will have final specs prepared shortly. 11. NEW BUSINESS a) Damage to main hall floor done by Auction on February 19 2017. Damage Deposit of $200.00 has been retained. Secretary will inform client of Board's decision. b) S. Rogers will do supervision for February 23 event. C) The following will represent the board at Chamber of Commerce AGM dinner: Shirley Rogers Kevin Symak Sierd DeJong Gabrielle Bell Motion by S. DeJong, seconded by K. Symak to adjourn at 8:20 pm Shirley Rogers, Chair Gabrielle Bell, Secretary NEWCASTLE VILLAGE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD February 28, 2017 Council Chambers 7 PM Present Were: Shirley Rogers, Chair Sierd DeJong Dave Eastman Kevin Symak Regrets From: Councilor Partner Peter Hazelton Councilor Woo Also Present: Gabrielle Bell, Secretary 1. MINUTES Motion by D. Eastman, seconded by K. Symak That Minutes of January 17 2017 are accepted as circulated. 5. CHAIR REPAIR Agreed to send chairs out for welding to D. Holmes 6. DISCUSSION OF DECORATING PROPOSAL Motion by S. Rogers, seconded by K. Symak That we set a budget of a maximum of $3500.00 to purchase materials to create a ceiling/railing treatment for the Main Hall decorations. Funds to be borrowed from Operating account. GANARASKA REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY MINUTES OF THE FULL AUTHORITY December 8, 2016 FA 07/16 1. Welcome and Call to Order The Chair called the Full Authority meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Forrest Rowden, Chair - Town of Cobourg Mark Lovshin - Township of Hamilton John Fallis - Township of Cavan Monaghan Louise Ferrie-Blecher - Municipality of Port Hope Jeff Lees - Municipality of Port Hope Heather Stauble - City of Kawartha Lakes Willie Woo - Municipality of Clarington ALSO PRESENT: Linda Laliberte, CAO/Secretary-Treasurer Mark Peacock, Director, Watershed Services Greg Wells, Manager, Planning and Regulations Pam Lancaster, Stewardship Technician Ken Towle, Terrestrial Ecologist Jessica Dalrymple, Fleming College student Jennifer Nieuwland, Fleming College student Kim Stephens, Fleming College student ABSENT WITH REGRETS: Raymond Benns - Township of Alnwick/Haldimand Wendy Partner, Vice -Chair - Municipality of Clarington Brian Darling, Town of Cobourg ALSO ABSENT: 2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest None 3. Minutes of Last Meetin FA 41/16 MOVED BY: Willie Woo SECONDED BY: Louise Ferrie-Blecher THAT the Full Authority approve the minutes of the October 20, 2016 meeting. CARRIED. 4. Adoption of the Agenda The following was added to the agenda: Minutes FA 07/16 8. Correspondence a) Arthur Anderson, CAO, Township of Hamilton, re. Thank you letter to the GRCA FA 42/16 MOVED BY: John Fallis SECONDED BY: Louise Ferrie-Blecher THAT the Full Authority adopt the agenda as amended. CARRIED. 5. Delegations None 6. Presentations a) Watershed Road Ecology: Wilmot Creek Watershed Underpass Survey FA 43/16 MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: John Fallis Heather Stauble THAT the Full Authority receives the presentation for information purposes. CARRIED. b) Clean Water - Healthy Land 2016 Program Update FA 44/16 MOVED BY: Jeff Lees SECONDED BY: Mark Lovshin Page 2 THAT the Full Authority receives the Clean Water - Healthy Land 2016 Program Update presentation for information. CARRIED. 7. Business Arising from Minutes a) 2017 Levy The CAO/Secretary-Treasurer explained the weighted vote procedure to the Board and answered any questions. FA 45/16 MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: Mark Lovshin Heather Stauble THAT the Full Authority approve the staff report that includes the 2017 levy in the amount of $936,003.00. Louise Ferrie Blecher - Municipality of Port Hope (8.9487%) Yes John Fallis - Township of Cavan -Monaghan (0.1864%) Yes Jeff Lees - Municipality of Port Hope (8.9487%) Yes Minutes FA 07/16 Mark Lovshin - Township of Hamilton (11.2580%) Yes Forrest Rowden - Town of Cobourg (11.4502%) Yes Heather Stauble - City of Kawartha Lakes (0.0926%) Yes Willie Woo - Municipality of Clarington (23.3625%) Yes Page 3 The total percentage present to vote was 64.247%. To carry the motion, 51 % total of those present or 32.766% is required and cannot be from a single municipality. The vote was carried at 100% CARRIED. 8. Correspondence a) Arthur Anderson, CAO, Township of Hamilton, re. Thank you letter to the GRCA FA 46/16 MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: Jeff Lees Heather Stauble THAT the Full Authority receive the correspondence for information. CARRIED. 9. ADDlications under Ontario Reaulation 168/06: Permits approved by Executive: FA 47/16 MOVED BY: Willie Woo SECONDED BY: Heather Stauble THAT the Full Authority receive the permits for information. CARRIED. Permit Application require Full Authority discussion: None 10. Committee Reports: None 11. New Business: a) Forest Management Plan Update The member expressed concerns in regards to the lack of enforcement. It was suggested that the Board should look at putting funds to enforcement and the money could come from the municipalities. The members also discussed penalties to motorized vehicles for traveling off trails and causing damage. FA 48/16 MOVED BY: John Fallis SECONDED BY: Heather Stauble Minutes FA 07/16 Page 4 THAT the Full Authority receive the Ganaraska Forest Management Plan staff report for information purposes. CARRIED. FA 49/16 MOVED BY: John Fallis SECONDED BY: Mark Lovshin THAT the Full Authority request staff to research the tools in place to penalize riders using non authorised trails and the possibility of seizing the vehicle. CARRIED. 12. Other Business a) 2017 Economic Adjustment FA 50/16 MOVED BY: Mark Lovshin SECONDED BY: John Fallis THAT the Full Authority approve the 2017 Economic Adjustment staff report. CARRIED. 13. In Camera None 14. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. on a motion by Heather Stauble. CHAIR CAO/SECRETARY-TREASURER Tyrone Community Centre Monthly Board Meeting, March 15, 2017 M WIN M ®5,0 7®0 on m0 0 ®0 ®0 00 0 0 0 0 0 ®5,0 00 0 0 0 ®®D D 0 March 1, 2017 TOWNSHIP OF ZORRA 274620 27th Line, PO Box 306, Ingersoll, ON, N5C 3K5 Ph. (549) 485-2490 • 4-888-699-3868 " Fax: (549) 485-2520 Honourable Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario Legislative Building - Room 281 Queen's Park Toronto, ON M7A 1A1 Dear Premier Wynne: Please be advised the Council of the Township of Zorra passed the following resolution at its February 14, 2017 regular meeting: "WHEREAS, Automated External Defibrillators are used to treat sudden cardiac arrest and have been proven to be lifesaving during the waiting time period for emergency services; AND WHEREAS, for every minute a person in cardiac arrest goes without being successfully treated by defibriliation, the chance of survival decreases by 7 percent in the first, and decreases by 10 percent per minute as time advances past 3 minutes; AND WHEREAS, Andrew Stoddart, a 15 year old boy, passed away while playing soccer in Kintore, Ontario, an AED on site may have increased his odds of survival. Andrew's Legacy foundation has currently purchased 22 AEDs for across Oxford County, including ail three elementary schools in Zorra Township; AND WHEREAS, Thames Valley District School Board has yet to put together a policy for having AED's in place in all, or any, of their public elementary and secondary schools; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Township of'Zorra requests that the Premier, and Minister of Education, develop a policy that enables all schools and school boards in Ontario, including the Thames Valley District School Board, that allows individual elementary and secondary schools to have an AED installed in their schools; AND THAT the Township of Zorra request that the Thames Valley' Qistrict School Board and all other schools in Ontario develop a policy to install AEDs in all schools in Ontario as soon as possible for the safety of our children. internet: www.zorra.on.ca Email: zorra _zorra.on.ca Page 2 AND THAT this resolution be sent to the Premier, Minister of Education, AMO, Thames Valley District School Board; and all Ontario Municipalities for consideration and support." Disposition: Carried If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours truly, Karen Martin Clerk cc: Minister of Education Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Thames Valley District School Board All Ontario Municipalities 17-019 Chambers, Michelle Subject: FW: I would like to submit this letter as official correspondence to Clarington Council From:Monna[Laniganlmailto:dlaniganl5@gmail.com]0 SentA4archf151i71714:121PMD To:Wleming,C:indyRcfleming@clarington.net>0 Subject:mCgvouldmike3o[gubmit[this[MetterlbslbfficialCCorrespondence[tol:laringtonl:ouncilM kIe�ve",Ir� tl iRl i Fi Fi rI�,J e�V� F�.�iIF/D • K . • . K .. . . 1 • W . N4�LVFRPPDWUP 1►„ K . . ELIV TNA/VERQV fXMG . WPH LI W4 Z' • CLM . . 1• 1 SUHM(J�, W 5 i LRQDD MOULD ZRXOCi VK-fN • &D")RQ LV 1►,+RVvVFRPPXQLW . • , ZR • • RXIV PRtH . • • � ,1, ,I, • 11 • 11 •EtH I . MA, • IliN4B • • • ,MR • ;MIS I t• t• N From: Chambers, Michelle To: Enaineerina Managers Subject: FW: Natural Gas access on Green Road north of Nash Rd Date: March -20-17 12:50:39 PM Importance: High -----Original Message ----- From: info@clarington.net [mailtwinfo&clarington.net] On Behalf Of Susan E Wills Sent: March -06-17 5:47 PM To: Clerks Department Outside <ClerksDepartment@clarington.net> Subject: Natural Gas access on Green Road north of Nash Rd We have contacted Granville Anderson MPP regarding the government's funding of expansion of natural gas lines in Clarington. His office's response follows: Thank you very much for your email and for your patience in receiving a reply. I have reached out to the Ministry of Infrastructure for further information on your email, specifically, how this new program will be rolled out. They have indicated that the municipality and the local distribution company will have to work together to apply. Also, she said that more information will be given out in the spring. Therefore, I would encourage you to reach out to the Municipality of Clarington to let them know that you are interested this program, and please follow up with our office in the spring to get more information. We live at 4287 Green Road and have for 34 years. Our heating is oil and many of our neighbours have propane. Natural gas lines are in place a short distance south of Taunton Road and north of Hwy 2 servicing the new subdivisions. We are asking for consideration for extension of the gas line filling the gap between these two locations. Please forward this email to the proper person/department for service. We will anticipate your response. Phone is 905-263-8408. [���/ .[�'.�.':l• .moi � - i�7i u � �iff��iTFT�f1i�P�� � . •7_fi�1.L�I • : � . - •ifI_��•7i'I_\J This email was sent to you by Susan E Wills<susanandpaulwills@yahoo.ca> through httnm//www darington net/ Clari►igton /�Y� ��li-�� (E Clarington 5 th PITCH-IN WEEK CA I APRIL 22.29, 2017 �Prourdir ppnxed oY q��j I T V [MJIVJ Porton Newcas - and Head Ali e��'���� : • � , Clean SweepSaturday, April 2 Event Type 2010 2011 Annual Event Review 2012 2013 2014 �;Iar too l.endlnR Ike Wey 2015 2016 2017 Totals WEEE Collection Collected (MT) 16.83 10.61 9.95 4.09 2,23 3.17 2.45 49.33 Participants 351 179 204 111 130 210 91 1,276 Event Date Oct -30 Oct -29 Oct -27 Oct -05 Oct -04 Oct -03 Sep -24 Sep -23 MHSW Collection Collected (MT) 5.83 6.55 10.94 2.68 4.88 6.74 2.85 40.47 Participants 139 180 312 67 130 210 71 1,109 Event Date Oct -02 Oct -01 Oct -27 Oct -26 Oct -04 Oct -03 Sep -24 Sep -23 Compost Give-Aways 4 Trailer Loads 3 3 3 4 5 3 4 5 30 Participants 500 241 500 371 500 650 675 3.437 Event Date Apr -23 Apr -30 Apr 21 Apr -20 Apr -26 Apr -18 Apr -23 Apr -22 Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Municipal Hazardous or Special Waste (MHSW) Batteries d Bemle ins >t-aoc-enr-scn JOIN THE FOR 1 J 1-1 Q)peration Clean Sweep Saturday, April 22, 2017 Three Cleanup locations • M u ni ci pal 5q uare - 40 Temperance Street. Bow manvil4 • c u rti ce C ort• mun i ty Complex - 2950 Cou rtice Road, Courtice • Newcastle Community Hall - 20 King Avenue West, Newcastle Volunteer Registration: 9:30 a.m. at each cleanup location Cleanup: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. FREE BBQ for all volunteers to follow at Municipal Square BBQ courtesy of CDVMTA Does your neighbourhood need a sprucing up? Register your neighbourhood cleanup at operationsU c laringtan. not. Clarington Operations will provide gags and gloves, then join pus at the BBQ. Ckgan¢ed in pariickDarl!im w#K- Chrargtm . 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Q F(V ZI Iii t L 1'Q H U V R L I Q H F H V V D U H V S R Q G H Q W V P D\ E H D V N H G D Q G Q H F H V V D U\ W K H L Q Y H V W & R P P L V V L R Q R U L Q G H S H VQ )AG ISI QQ FWF E 3 U H O L P L Q D U\ I L Q G L Q J V L: K H U H W K H L Q I R U P D W L R Q U H Y U H D V R Q D E O H S R V V L E L O L W\ RI S U R S R V H G S U L R U W R F R Q G X F W L L: K H U H D S S U R S U L D W H D P H H W L Q G L Y L G X D O O\ R U F R O O H F W L Y I L Q G L Q J V R I W K H L Q Y H V W L J D Q D W X U H R I H D U O\ V H W W O H P H L L7 IK L V V W D JJ FW L lH (V O RWZ RV EDHOF OR P H l D Q G S U H V H Q W V D Q R S S R U W X Q l P D W W H U X S R Q D J U H H P H Q W R I L Y: K H U H D J U H H P H Q W L V U H D F K H V X RJ P\ D U H S R U W Z L O O E H S U H S D D S S U R S U L D W H H S D U W P H Q W + H Y, Q V L W X D W L R Q V Z K H U H E R W K 5 H V R X U F H V G H H P W K H V L W X D R U O H J D O R X W F R P H + X P D Q 5 &$ 2 U H J D U G L Q J D F F H S W D Q F H I X U W K H U F) X U W K H U L Q Y H V W L J D W L R Q L: K H U H D V D U H V X O W R I S U H S U R S R V H G R U D FHK LIHUYRFP G+ X 2 D Q G H W H U P L Q H V W K D W I L O H F O R L Q Y H V W L J D W L R Q V Z L O O E H F R G 1 R W L I L F D W L R Q D Q G G L V F X V V L R Q L 7 K H G H V L J Q D W H I U R P + X P D Q P H H W L Q J V Z L W K W K H F R P S O D L D Q G R U & K L H I $ G P L Q L V W U D W L G L V F X V V W K H I L Q G L Q J V D Q G P H H W L Q J V P D\ E H F R Q Y H Q H G E ISI S U H V H Q W H G ( + D U D V V P H Q W 3 D JRHI 0 Lending the Way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ff H Et K L H I $ G P L Q L V V G L V F L S O L Q H RPMD It U E IQ Q' B W C\14 PQ H VQX)M ' R F X P H Q W D W L R Q U H J D U G L Q J W H P S O R\ H H V S H U V R Q Q H O I L O H L E K H Z R U N H U Z K R K D V D O O H J H W K H D O O H J H G K D U D V V H U L I L Q I R U P H G R I W K H U H V X O W V R W K D W K D V E H H Q W D N H Q R U W J 0 DLO RL )' V F R P S O D L Q W V L: K H U H F R D V D U H V X O W R I D Q Z D V L P D G AV L PW DK O LDF L VR SK HV FO L\ I L F D Q P D G H L Q E D G I D L W K Z L W K U H I R U P D O G L V F L S O L Q D U\ D F W L R F R Q V X O W D W L R Q Z L W K W K H ' H 6 H U Y L F H V + 5 D Q G R U &$ 2 D V G L V F L S O L Q D U\ D F W L R Q Z L O O 6 W H± S U H Y H Q AV FL 3Q LU U B Q S IH D, I W K H F R P S O D L Q W L V I R X Q G W 1 Z L O O E H S O D F H G L Q W K H H P S O R U H T X H V W V D O H W W H U R I F O H D U I W K H L U H P S O R\ H H I L O H + X P D Q ( + D U D V V P H Q W 3 D JRHI 0 Lending the Way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■ Leading the Way i Health & Safety Policy Leading the Way POLICY TYPE: POLICY TITLE: POLICY #: POLICY APPROVED BY: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVISED: APPLICABLE TO: Health and Safety Health & Safety Policy Statement H-13 Chief Administrative Officer February 28, 2408 January 18, 2017 All Employees The Municipality of Clarington is committed to the protection of our employees and property from accidental loss. We believe that this is critical to the success of our business and our goal is zero incidents of injury, illness or damages. We believe an accident free workplace is possible. The Health and Safety of our employees is of the utmost importance in all of our operations, and is a shared responsibility, which must be accepted by everyone in our workplace. A successful safety program and a safe workplace depends on concern and commitment from all personnel. The responsibility for Health & Safety ultimately rests with senior management, but managers and supervisors at all levels will be held accountable for the safety performance of their employees. However, all employees have the responsibility of working safely and protecting the lives and health of themselves and their fellow workers. Being alert to unsafe conditions or practices, looking out for fellow employees and reminding them when they do something unsafe, as well as reporting unsafe conditions is imperative, if we are to achieve our goal. In support of these beliefs, we must accept our responsibilities to minimize risk and injuries to our fellow workers, the public we proudly serve, and to ourselves. Health & Safety must be in our thoughts 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We must meet, and wherever possible exceed, the requirements of all applicable health and safety leg islationlregulation, our own standards and work procedures, along with applicable industry standards. Contractors will be held accountable for all infractions of their workers. Contractors and their workers who do not follow the Health & Safety program of the Municipality of Clarington will be asked to leave the work site. By accepting these responsibilities and through active participation and co-operation we will together achieve our goal for a safe, healthy and productive work environment. Our Health and Safety Program Manual and policies will be subject to annual review. For the Municipality C ry Cliffo interimC of Administr#;K0 fficer For the .ging-leglth & Safety Committee 61=1 n1M0[4MO O iYtf11 J M ,rc Lad'ouceur, Affiliated Cc -Chair Clarington Mayor and Councillors' Remuneration and Expenses January 1 to December 31, 2016 Attachment 1 to Report FND-003-17 Name` Basic Pay 1/3 Tax Free OMERS Municipal Gross Pay Travel Allowance Conferences Other Total Allowance Equivalent Severance (per By-law 2011-005) (Note 1) (Note 2) Mayor A. Foster 44,884.33 * 29,539.67 2,215.48 - 76,639.48 11,387.22 1,466.36 21624.67 92,117.73 Councillor S. Cooke 23,632.00 11,816.00 886.20 - 36,334.20 7,559.97 1,272.01 - 45,166.18 Councillor R. Hooper 21,663.54 * 11,816.00 886.20 - 34,365.74 ** 404.98 - 34,770.72 Councillor J. Neal***+ 23,632.00 11,816.00 886.20 - 36,334.20 7,559.97 - - 43,894.17 Councillor W. Partner 23,632.00 11,816.00 886.20 - 36,334.20 7,559.97 951.45 44,845.62 Councillor C. Traill 23,632.00 11,816.00 886.20 - 36,334.20 7,559.97 - - 43,894.17 Councillor W. Woo*** 23,632.00 11,816.00 886.20 - 36,334.20 11,031.51 1,339.01 487.32 49,192.04 Total 184,707.87 100,435.67 7,532.68 - 292,676.22 52,658.61 5,433.81 3,11.1.99 353,880.63 * Net of Donation to the Municipality ** Donation to the Municipality *** Regional Councillor + Deputy Mayor - January 1 to December 31, 2016 Notes: Conferences include payment made by the Municipality for registration fee and/or accommodation, as well as direct reimbursement of expenses. Other includes parking, meals, airfare, external kilometre reimbursement and miscellaneous charges. Expenses includes net HST Attachment 2 to Report FND-003-17 Remuneration and Expenses of Clarington Directors of Veridian Corporation January 1 to December 31, 2016 Name Salary Miscellaneous Total Expenses S. deBoer $ 15,381.04 $ 8,541.61 $ 23,922.65 K. Fisher $ 15,911.04 $ 8,456.51 $ 24,367.55 A. Foster $ 39,247.12 $ 91353.53 $ 48,600.65 Total 1 1 $ 70,539.20 $ 26,351.65 $ 96,890.85 Notes: Miscellaneous Include payments made by Veridian for registration expenses fee and/or accommodation, as well as direct reimbursement of expenses. Attachment 3 to Report FND-003-17 If this information is required in an accessible format, please contact 1-800-372-1102 ext. 2305 The Regional Municipality of Durham Report To Committee of the Whole From: Commissioner of Finance Report: #2017 -COW -58 Date: March 1, 2017 Subject: The Remuneration and Expenses in 2016 of Members of Regional Council and Regional Council Appointees to Local Boards, as Required by Section 284(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O.2001, c. 25 Recommendation: That the Committee of the Whole recommends to Regional Council: That this report be received for information. Report: 1. Purpose 1.1 As required by Section 284(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, 1 have prepared a statement of the remuneration and expenses that were paid in 2016 to Regional Councillors and Regional Council Appointees (see attached Schedules 1 to 3). 1.2 The information concerning Regional Council appointees was obtained directly from the Local Boards, with the exception of the following whose accounting records are maintained by the Regional Finance Department: Development Charges Complaint Committee, Durham Accessibility Advisory Committee, Durham Advisory Committee on Homelessness, Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee, Durham Environmental Advisory Committee, Durham Nuclear Health Committee, Durham Regional Local Housing Corporation, Durham Region Child & Youth Advocate, Durham Region Police Services Board, Durham Region Roundtable on Climate Change, Durham Region Transit Commission, Durham Trail Coordinating Committee, Energy from Waste — Waste Management Advisory Committee, Land Division Committee, Local Diversity and Immigration Partnership Council, Regional Task Force on Affordable and Seniors' Housing, Transit Advisory Committee, 2014 Municipal Election Compliance Audit Committee, and the 9-1-1 Management Board. 127 Report #2017 -COW -58 Page 2 of 2 2. Attachments Schedule #1: Regional Council Members 2016 Remuneration and Expenses Schedule #2: Regional Council Members 2016 Compensation Paid in Lieu of Pension Plan and Severance Schedule #3: Regional Council Appointees to Local Boards 2016 Remuneration and Expenses Respectfully submitted, Original signed by - R.J. Clapp, CPA, CA' Commissioner of Finance Recommended for Presentation to Committee Original signed by G.H. Cubitt, MSW Chief Administrative Officer 128 SCHEDULE 1 REGIONAL COUNCIL MEMBERS 2016 REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES 129 Page 1 of 2 CONFERENCES, CONVENTIONS REMUNERATION MILEAGE & MEETINGS TOTAL REGIONAL COUNCIL MEMBERS Aker, J. 53,924.64 191.69 - 54,116.33 Ashe, K. 53,924.64 447.37 - 54,372.01 Ballinger, J. (5) 53,924.64 1,629.63 1,802.91 57,357.18 Carter, D. 53,924.64 235.22 2,315.82 56,475.68 Chapman, R. (6) 59,903.87 421.57 2,800.08 63,125.52 Coe, L. (5) (6) 1,738.54 - - 1,738.54 Collier, S. 53,924.64 593.60 - 54,518.24 Diamond, N. 53,924.64 200.40 - 54,125.04 Drew, R. 53,924.64 560.96 1,060.99 55,546.59 Drumm, J. (5) 53,924.64 - - 53,924.64 Foster, A. (5) 53,924.64 652.08 - 54,576.72 Gleed, D. (5) 45,087.46 - 1,587.52 46,674.98 Grant, J. 53,924.64 1,336.77 3,627.26 58;888.67 Henry, J. 53,924.64 - - 53,924.64 Jordan, C. 53,924.64 226.24 2,497.80 56,648.68 McLean, W. 53,924.64 447.72 1,446.91 55,819.27 McQuaid -England, A. 53,924.64 200.40 .362.41 54,487.45 Mitchell, D. (5) 53,924.64 - 53,924.64 Neal, Joe (5) 53,924.64 - - 53,924.64 Neal, John 53,924.64 226.52 3,614.83 57,765.99 O'Connor, G.L. (5) (6) 59,903.87 937.69 - 60,841.56 Parish, S. 53,924.64 192.52 3,692.89 57,810.05 Pickles, D. (6) 58,708.02 403.89 1,775.11 _ 60,887.02 Pidwerbecki, N. (6) 59,903.87 191.69 1,447.59 61,543.15 Rowett, T. 53,924.64 - - 53,924.64 Roy, E. (5) 53,924.64 - - 53,924.64 Ryan, D. 53,924.64 354.52 - 54,279.16 Smith, T. 53,924.64 2,667.87 - 56,592.51 Woo, W. (5) 53,924.64 787.82 689.72 55,402.18 1,525,512.35 12,906.17 28,721.84 1,567,140.36 129 Page 1 of 2 SCHEDULE 1 (continued) REGIONAL COUNCIL MEMBERS 2016 REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES CONFERENCES, MEETINGS REGIONAL CHAIR REMUNERATION MILEAGE & OTHER TOTAL Anderson, R. 1 203,701.02 5,040.41 24,423.85 233,165.28 STUDY TRIP (7) REMUNERATION MILEAGE TRAVEL COSTS TOTAL Anderson, R. - 11,604.98 11,604.98 Ballinger, J. - - 10,405.40 10,405.40 Jordan, C. - 10,949.87 10,949.87 Pidwerbecki, N. - - 10,701.09 10,701.09 - - 43,661.34 43,661.34 NOTES TO SCHEDULE OF REGIONAL COUNCIL MEMBERS 2016 REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES (1) Remuneration to the Regional Chair and Councillors is authorized under by-laws #16-2007, #01-2005, #08-2004, #09-2004, #10-2004, #50-95 and #61-93. (2) The. Regional Chair is provided with an automobile and is reimbursed for actual expenses incurred. (3) Regional Councillors are reimbursed as follows: Mileage based on the approved rate per kilometre. Conferences, Meetings, etc. - Meals `"& Incidentals based on the approved rate of $75/day without receipts; however, if the daily rate is insufficient, actual expenses with receipts are reimbursed. Accommodation, registration,,etc. - reimbursed based on actual receipts. Term Limit maximum of $10,000 for conferences. (4) Expenses relating to Regional Council study and training sessions are not included in this statement. (5) Remuneration paid to Regional Councillor by Area Municipality and the Region reimburses the Area Municipality. (6) Denotes Regional Standing Committee Chair. (7) Expenses relating to the Anaerobic Digestion Study Trip to Europe. 130 Page 2 of 2 SCHEDULE 2 REGIONAL COUNCIL MEMBERS 2016 COMPENSATION PAID IN LIEU OF PENSION PLAN AND SEVERANCE REGIONAL COUNCIL MEMBERS IN LIEU OF PENSION SEVERANCE Aker, J. 4,793.77 Ashe, K. 739.86 Carter, D. 4,793.77 Chapman, R. 5,647.93 Collier, S. 4,793.77 Diamond, N. 4,793.77 Drew, R. 5,647.93 Drumm, J. 4,793.77 Grant, J. 4,793.77 Henry, J. 4,793.77 Jordan, C. 4,793.77 McLean, W. 5,647.93 McQuaid -England, A. 4,793.77 Neal, John 4,793.77 O'Connor, G.L. 5,647.93 Parish, S. 4,793.77 Pickles, D. , 4,793.77 Pidwerbecki, N. 5,647.93 Rowett, T. 4,793.77 Ryan, D. 4,793.77 Smith, T. 4,793.77 100,886.06 2016 PAYMENTS TO FORMER REGIONAL COUNCIL MEMBERS Coe, L. (3) - 25,834.90 Novak, M. (4) - 24,271.96 _ 50,106.86 NOTES TO SCHEDULE OF 2016 COMPENSATION PAID IN LIEU OF PENSION PLAN AND SEVERANCE (1) Pursuant to by-law #08-2004, members of Regional Council, including the Chair, who are not enrolled in OMERS, are entitled to compensation in lieu of a pension plan. Payment is made in the current year based on prior year's earnings. (2) Pursuant to by-law #16-2007, the Regional Chair is enrolled in OMERS. (3) L. Coe resigned from Council effective February 12, 2016. (4) M. Novak received one-half of severance entitlement in 2015, with the balance paid in 2016. 131 Page 1 of 1 SCHEDULE 3 REGIONAL COUNCIL APPOINTEES TO LOCAL BOARDS 2016 REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES Page 1 of 5 132 CONFERENCES, CONVENTIONS, REGIONAL COUNCIL MEETINGS & APPOINTEES REMUNERATION MILEAGE OTHER TOTAL Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Aker, J. 300.00 61.56 - 361.56 Chapman, B. 350.00 68.04 - 418.04 Coe, L. - - - Collier, S. 350.00 155.52 - 505.52 Drumm, J. 350.00 68.04 - 418.04 Foster, A. - - - - 'Gleed, D. 250.00 - - 250.00 Hooper, R. 400.00 - - 400.00 Mitchell, D. 2,850.00 139.86 - 2,989.86 Neal, Joe 350.00 - - 350.00 Neal, John 350.00 151.20 - 501.20 O'Connor, G.L. 200.00 189.22 - 389.22 Pickles, D. 250.00 119.35 - 369.35 Pidwerbecki, N. 300.00 58.32 - 358.32 Rowett, T. 250.00 143.10 - 393.10 Roy, E. 200.00 60.48 - 260.48 6,750.00 1,214.69 - 7,964,69 Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Partner, W. 770.00 214.72 984.72 Woo, W. 330.00 76.54 - 406.54 12100.00 291.26 - 1,391.26 Kawartha Region Conservation Authority Hooper, R. 600.00 284.00 - 884.00 Kett, D. 780.00 777.00 - 1,557.00 Rowett, T. 300.00 92.00 - 392.00 Smith, T. 960.00 518.00 - 1,478.00 2,640.00 1,671.00 - 4,311.00 Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Bath, D. 700.00 475.20 - 1,175.20 Drew, R. 600.00 324.00 - 924.00 Molloy, P. 1,000.00 308.88 - 1,308.88 2,300.00 1,108.08 - 3,408.08 Toronto & Region Conservation Authority Ashe, K. 692.96 360.00 - 1,052.96 Ballinger, J. 1,645.78 1,330.00 - 2,975.78 Jordan, C. 1,255.99 517.00 - 1,772.99 3,594.73 2,207.00 - 5,801.73 Page 1 of 5 132 REGIONAL COUNCIL APPOINTEES TO LOCAL BOARDS 2016 REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES CONFERENCES, CONVENTIONS, REGIONAL COUNCIL MEETINGS & APPOINTEES REMUNERATION MILEAGE OTHER Trent Conservation Coalition Source Protection Committee Franklin, R. CTC Source Protection Committee Presta, J. Durham Accessibility Advisory Committee Atkinson, R. Barrie, S. SCHEDULE3 (Continued) TOTAL 400.00 10720 - 507.20 400.00 107.20 - 507.20 62.10 - 62.10 _ 62.10 _ 62.10 - 18.32 - 18.32 Bell, M' - - Cordahi, M. Drumm, J. McAllister, D. Roche, M. Rundle, P. Sones, S. Stevenson, J. Sutherland, M. Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee Bacon, 1. Bath, D. Bowman, E. Cohoon, Z. Cox, R. Henderson, J. Howsam, B. kemp, K. Kennedy, K. O'Connor, G.L. Pistritto, P. Puterbough, F. Risebrough, D. Rowett, T. Schillings, H. Taylor, G. Watpool, T. Winter, B. 204.98 - 204.98 - 339.98 - 339.98 - 142.56 - 142.56 - 345.60 - 345.60 - 49.14 - 49.14 - 111.78 - 111,78 371.52 - 371.52 - 817.00 - 817.00 - 43.20 - 43.20 - 175.50 - 175.50 - 588.83 - 588.83 - 152.06 - 152.06 - 516.68 - 516.68 - 62.20 - 62.20 3,921.03 - 3,921.03 133 Page 2 of 5 REGIONAL COUNCIL APPOINTEES Durham Region Non -Profit Housing Corporation Anderson, R. Carter, D. Chapman, B. Coe, L. O'Connor, G. L. Neal, Joe Pickles, D. Pidwerbecki, N. Durham Environmental Advisory Committee Carpentier, G. Chaudry, O. Clearwater, S. Connor, A. Henry, J. Junop, C. Layton, G. Mabanza, P. Malta, J. Manns, H. McDonald, K. McGuire, M. McRae, E. Moss -Newman, W. Murray, K. Parish, S. Pettingill, C. Salas, E. Sellers, K. Stathopoulos, D. Thompson, M. Tincombe, C. SCHEDULE 3 (Continued) REGIONAL COUNCIL APPOINTEES TO LOCAL BOARDS 2016 REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES CONFERENCES, CONVENTIONS, MEETINGS & REMUNERATION MILEAGE OTHER TOTAL 6,000.00 - 1,582.89 7,582.89 6,000.00 - 1,582.89 7,582.89 127.60 - 127.60 - 136.08 - 136.08 - 354.90 - 354.90 - 509.22 - 509.22 - 40.50 - 40.50 - 69.34 - 69.34 - 100.44 - 100.44 - 453.92 - 453.92 - 124.74 - 124.74 - 94.50 - 94.50 - 2,01124 - 2,011.24 134 Page 3 of 5 Page 4 of 5 135 SCHEDULE3 (Continued) REGIONAL COUNCIL APPOINTEES TO LOCAL BOARDS 2016 REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES CONFERENCES, CONVENTIONS, REGIONAL COUNCIL MEETINGS & APPOINTEES REMUNERATION MILEAGE OTHER TOTAL Durham Trail Coordinating Committee Back, J. - 68.47 - 68.47 Ballinger, J. _ Carter, D. - - - Clayton, T. - 309.97 - 301.97 Collier, S. - - - - Davidson, P. - 177.23 - 177.23 Jones, K. - 29.38 - 29.38 Lodwick, G. - 317.07 - 317.07 McDougall, I. - 597.43 - 597.43 Neal, Joe _ _ _ Pickles, D. - - - - Roy, E. - - Taylor, D. - 52.49 - 52.49 Slaughter, C. - 30.52 - 30.52 Van Steen, S. - - - - Weist, M. - - - - 1,574.56 1,574.56 Federation of Canadian Municipalities Anderson, R. - - 5,581.42 5,581.42 - 5,581.42 5,581.42 Land Division Committee Hamilton, P. 2,562.36 192.41 - 2,754.77 Hudson, E. 2,145.22 420.28 54.69 2,620.19 Hurst, J. 3369.80 - - 3,369.80 Kydd, G. 2,340.24 570.61 84.82 2,995.67 Malone, R. 2,145.22 853.41 72'A5 3,071.08 Marquis, D. 2,340.24 581.83 - 2,922.07 Reinhardt, K. 1,755.18 302.56 59.60 2,117.34 Rock, G. 1,950.20 - - 1,950.20 18,608.46 2,921.10 271.56 21,801.12 Page 4 of 5 135 SCHEDULE3 (Continued) REGIONAL COUNCIL APPOINTEES TO LOCAL BOARDS 2016 REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES CONFERENCES, CONVENTIONS,. REGIONAL COUNCIL MEETINGS & APPOINTEES REMUNERATION MILEAGE OTHER TOTAL Durham Region Police Services Board Anderson, R. 10,979.28 - 117.66 11,096.94 Drew, R. 5,979.22 - 8,337.33 14,316.55 Lal, S. 11,188.00 11,188.00 McLean, W. 5,979.22 - 6,368.73 12,347.95 NOTE TO SCHEDULE OF REGIONAL COUNCIL APPOINTEES TO LOCAL BOARDS 2016 REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES 1. No remuneration or expenses were paid to Regional Council Appointees to the: -2014 Municipal Election Compliance Audit Committee 9-1-1 Management Board -Association of Local Public Health Agencies - Association of Municipalities of Ontario - Business Advisory Centre Durham -Canadian National Exhibition Association Development Charges Complaint Committee - Durham Advisory Committee on Homelessness - Durham Nuclear Health Committee - Durham Region Child and Youth Advocate - Durham Region Roundtable on Climate Change - Durham Region Transit Commission - Durham Regional Local Housing Corporation - East Duffins Headwaters Committee -Energy from Waste - Waste Management Advisory Committee - GTA Agricultural Action Committee & Golden Horseshoe Food & Farming Alliance - Greater Toronto Airports Authority - Local Diversity and Immigration Partnership Council Regional Task Force on Affordable and Seniors Housing - Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Association - South Georgian Bay -Lake Simcoe Source Protection Committee - TRCA Trail Guidelines Advisory Committee - Toronto Global (formerly Greater Toronto Marketing Alliance) -. Transit Advisory Committee Page 5 of 5 136 Clarington M❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑FIE] ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑M❑❑❑❑❑Q ❑ ❑L L L ❑ ❑ 11 11 11 L❑ ❑ M L ❑ 11 L❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ U❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑L L L 11 L 11 L❑ ❑ L 11 L ❑ ❑ ❑ L L ❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑DEE 1111❑M❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑M❑❑❑❑❑❑C LI LI 11 11 L❑ ❑ 11 11M L L L 11 LI 11 11 11 L ❑U LI LI 11 11 11 LI ❑11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11❑❑ ❑❑M❑❑❑❑❑❑Ell] ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑M❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑F ❑ U U U U U U U U U U U U 11 L DO L L❑❑ 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 L 11 11 11 11 11 11 LI 11 L L❑ M ❑UDODOU❑M❑DOODLE ❑❑❑DULLLLODE ❑❑❑❑❑1111❑1111❑❑1111❑[ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑ ❑ ❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑M ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑ ❑ ❑❑ ❑ ❑ [ ❑M11❑❑❑❑❑11111111❑❑❑❑1111111111❑❑L❑❑❑ LIE ❑❑❑❑L❑❑❑M❑L111111[ M ❑ 11 U U U U U U U❑❑❑❑ U U U U U U U U U U L U U U❑❑ U L❑❑ U L L❑❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑M M❑❑❑❑❑❑FIE ❑F ❑1111❑❑❑❑❑❑❑1111❑❑11 M ❑ 11 11 11 11❑❑ ❑11 L L❑ L L L 11 11 11 11 11 11 L L 11 11❑❑ 11 11 11 11 11 LI 11 11 11 L L 11 11 11 11❑ ❑ DOODLE LILL ❑ ❑ 11 L ❑ LILL DUDE ❑ L DUE ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 11 11 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑11 11 11 11 ❑ L L ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑ ❑ ❑ M ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ M❑❑❑1111 LIE ❑1111❑❑1111❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑1111❑❑1111LLL1111ELL ❑❑❑❑LLLC ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑M❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑E ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ L ❑ L ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ L ❑ ❑11 11 11 11 11 ❑ 11 11 11 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ L ❑ M 11 11 L❑ ❑ L ❑11 1111 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ L 11 I ❑Ell ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ LIE ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑1111❑❑❑❑111111111111❑❑❑❑111111❑❑❑111111❑M❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑M❑❑❑Ell] Ell] ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑C ❑ ❑ 11 11 11 11 L ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 11 ❑ ❑ M 11 11 L L L ❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 11 L L ❑ M ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 11 L ❑ ❑ 11 L [ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ I ❑ ❑ ❑L ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 11 ❑ ❑ ❑ 11 11 L L L L ❑ ❑ 11 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ M ❑ 1111 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ [ ❑ ❑ ❑❑ ❑ 11 L 11 L L L 11 11 L ❑ ❑ 11❑ ❑ ❑❑ ❑ L ❑ ❑❑ M ❑ ❑ 11 ❑ 11 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ M M ❑ 11❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑1111❑M❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑FIE ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑M❑ 9 411 Clarington 1400 1200 1000 E 800 a a 0 600 sz 400 200 0 Building Permits 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Year 1176 1196 1182 33 7 2014 2015 2016 ■ All Types of Permits ■ New Residential Permits �'�1�� 0 X Q L TI L S&DOODL UWL \ Q J W R Q % X L O G L Q J 3 H U P L W ) H H $ Q 5 H Y H Q X H V 7 R WX@® G L Q J 3 H U P L \WH D I UH H XV Q GF FR LO O W >P I & O D U L Q J W R Q¶ V °/D \ VO ID NIZ P HI QK CP ]HE (H U 7 R W D 0 5 H Y H Q X H V ([ S H Q V H V ' L U H F W U IY & R V W V O G L Q J ' L Y ' L U H F W 8 Q D X F R V W V D U H G H H P H G W R L ( Q J L Q H H U L FQ U W HK S HD U S WU PR HF QH VW V L Q J R I R I E X L O G L Q J S O D Q VU H F OR DQ MG W CF W FL Qp IJ R 7 R W D 0 L U H F W & R V W V Q G L U H F W & R V W V Q G L U H F W F R V W V D U H G H H P H G W R W K H % X L O G L Q J ' L Y L V L R Q 7 R W 7 U D Q V I H U W R 5 H V H U Y H ) X Q G 7 R W D 0 ([ S H Q V H V 6 X U S 0 D V G R I L If L W IP G H U 6 W D W IH PSHHQVWI U IY H ) X Q G % X L O G L Q J ' L Y L V L R Q 5 H V LHVU Y H ) X Q 1 R W H 8 Q D X G L W H G ) L J X U H V Clarington Clarington Operations Department Report I W K L V L Q I R U P D W L R Q L V U H T X L U H G & R R U G L Q D W R U ®I jv W Report To: * H Q H U D O * R Y H U Q P H Q W Date of Meeting: 0 D U F K Report Number: 2 3 ' Resolution: & R P P L W' File Number: By-law Number: Report Subject: L Q W H U % X G J H W 5 H S R U W Recommendations: 7 K D W 5 H S R U 181 2 13 H F H L Y H G I R U L Q I R Municipality of Clarington Report OPD -003-17 Report Overview Page 2 ) X U W K H U W R L Q IV W U % X G J M XV E W FS LH VS W S U R Y L G L Q J U CH V I XL OUM MY W13VCS (fit D WV W W IN R S U R J U D P 1. Background lei - W K H : L Q W H U 0 D L Q W H Q D Q F H L Q W H U 0 D L 7 K H Total: 0 X Q L F L S D O L W\ R I & O D U L Q J W R Q O D Q H N L O R P H W U H V 7 K H 2 S H U D uv W KI LR LSC VVI \ X Q L W V R Q D V V L J Q H G H T X L S P H Q W G H S H Q G L Q J R Q R X U Z L Q Y H K L F O H V I U R P W K H 2 U R Q R + D P S W W K H 2 Q W D U L R 0 L Q L P X P 0 D L Q W H Q D Q F Q W K H 2 S H U 9 IN[ LTJ %R-\ Q2 V UL IH Q Sf F SWX V W VID FIM W I X O O P1/ CE O R X HWY VHV C DVMG\ [ I R 2J II W UMWMFQ W I Z H U H I R4 LIQ H B 9 RR LIZ m U= LF IX V\P UX lQD )9D UWV HQR RQ; I R OF R LLQ FG H L W L R Q V 7 K H 2 S H U D W L R Q V H S IBI D N WC HH (W W I IW M HH! 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Concurrence 7 K L V 3. Conclusion U H S R U W K D V E H H Q U H Y L H Z H G & O D U L Q J W R Q S U R Y L G H V Z L Q W H U ® IID Q N L O R P H W H U V & NJ W1 W CIZ FQ FE Id Q1 B W K B Q X F V H Y H U IR W F X R) IU H VQQF RH ZV Municipality of Clarington Report OPD -003-17 Page 5 4. Strategic Plan Application 1 R W D S S O L F D E O H 41--j i� 6 X E P _ U H G H U L F N ' L U H F W R U 6 W D I I & R Q W D F W ) - + N U 5 H Y L _ +& 10 U 0 W K& D L I I R 1 2 S H QJ VIR INS LP LR PQ V R U G ) U H RG4J K W U IT R W {K R# U= 10 m W K blackbird constructors 407 GP March 23, 2017 TO: Community and Stakeholders Re: Notice of Submission Highway 407 East Phase 2 Design and Construction Report #5 Blackbird Constructors 407 General Partnership 78 Richmond St. W., Suite 200 Oshawa, Ontario, UG 1Ei Tel: (905) 443-3390; Fax: (905) 443-3397; Email : reception@BBC407.ca Doc. Ref: EC8 13.3.16 00001 As per the Notice of Submission for Design and Construction Report #5, Blackbird has prepared Design and Construction Report (DCR) #5 which documents the Detailed Design for a portion of the Highway 407 East Phase 2 project. The DCR includes a summary of the consultation process followed during Detailed Design, a description of the proposed design features, a summary of environmental investigations conducted during Detail Design, specific environmental issues, mitigation measures and commitments, and commits to monitoring procedures associated with the implementation of the project. This DCR #5 will be available for review for a 30 day period from March 24, 2017 to April 24, 2017. The DCR and supporting documentation can be accessed electronically from the project website at: www.407eastphase2.ca. We are interested in hearing your comments regarding the project. Comments on this DCR can be provided by mail, e-mail, online, or fax to the contact information provided in the attached Notice of Submission. Sincerely, Z�zj Dave Keys, Environmental Manager Blackbird Constructors 407 General Partnership Highway 407 East" lk Page l of l BETHESDA HOUSE Presentation to the Municipality of Clarington General Government Committee, March 27, 2017 By Jaki MacKinnon Executive Director www. bethesda house.ca BETHESDA HOUSE PROVIDES SERVICES TO SURVIVORS OF... Domestic /Relationship Violence 3/Emotional/Psychological Assault physical Violence sexual Assault/Rape financial Abuse Human Trafficking (Sexual Slavery) Family Violence 3/parent/guardian toward a female youth Elder Abuse 3/Emotional/Psychological Assault physical Violence sexual Assault/Rape financial Abuse Sexual Assault/Rape (Stranger) Physical Assault (Stranger) SERVICES WE PROVIDE 3/24 hour crisis telephone support 3/Safe, supportive short term shelter 3/Child & Youth Worker support for moms, children & youth in shelter 3Andividual & Group Counseling for both women in the shelter and those living in the community '/Transitional Support Worker help for both women in the shelter and those living in the community, helping them access financial assistance, housing, etc. 3/Accompaniment to court and other meetings & appointments 3�ase conferencing for women receiving service from multiple agencies 3/Youth Individual & group Cou. Summer Camps for male & female children and youth 3/Food & clothing assistance 3/Christmas Hamper programs 3/Youth programs in schools, for the DCAS, etc. 3/Group for female youth age 13 - 17 3/Group for male youth age 13 - 17 3Melp connecting with other needed resources in the community Public education and awareness presentations SITUATION' LACK OF PUBLIC AWARENESS OF WHAT IS GOING ON IN OUR COMMUNITY ... the presence of domestic and other forms of violence against women in Clarington ARE YOU AWARE? 33 FEMICIDES IN ONTARIO, (NOV/15 - NOV/16) PLUS THE MURDER OF 3 OF THEIR CHILDREN PARTIAL LIST ARE YOU AWARE? 3iIDRPS responds to an average of 17 domestic -related calls per day domestic -related arrests are made each day 3155 sexual assaults against females (38 against males) • 2016 statistics ... doesn't include Human Trafficking data (recorded separately) N 1 94M i ik�%__ , "�Lf� ARE YOU AWARE 3/.admitted 100 women and 50 children into the shelter the past 10 months (average of 10 new women and 5 new children monthly) '/During a 4 -month peak period last fall I had to put extra cots and cribs in the meeting room and playroom to keep up with the need '/During the same time I had to say no to 111 callers due to having no bed space available 3/Also supported an addition 159 women living in the community who did not enter the shelter (either because of no bed space or personal choice) BETHESDA HOUSE SITUATION 2: BETHESDA HOUSE RECEIVES INSUFFICIENT FUNDING TO COVER THE COST OF NEEDED SERVICES $82,000 needed LACK OF AWARENESS of the presence of domestic and other forms of violence against women in Clarington Why you should care As a representative of the Municipality of Clarington 1. Threat to the safety and well-being of women & their children in our community INSUFFICIENT PROVINCIAL FUNDING to cover the cost of services required to support victims and deal with the issue As an individual member of the Clarington community Each and every one of you has a grandmother, mother, wife, daughter, sister, female friend, colleague and/or neighbor 2. Financial cost to the Municipality, Durham who is at risk of experiencing Region and the Province as a whole gender-based violence What we are asking you to do - Speak out loudly and clearly stating this type of violence will not be tolerated in Clarington, and put actions to words supporting efforts to eliminate violence against women and their children in our community Actively support or participate in Bethesda House's 9th Annual Walk -A -Mile -In -Her Shoes raising both funds and awareness WAYS TO CONTRIBUTE TO THIS PUBLIC AWARENESS / FUNDRAISING INITIATIVE--- 1. NITIATIVE.-- 1. Walk the walk, asking your family, friends, neighbors and colleagues to sponsor you 2. Pull together a team of walkers (promoting your business, for example), competing with other teams to see who can raise the most money for the cause) 3. Sponsor someone who is walking 4. Become a walk sponsor at the 250, 500 or 1,000 range and get your business logo on these year's walk tee- shirts 5. cover the cost of items needed for the walk (ie. pay for this year's tee-shirts, which would count as a sponsorship) 6. or simply provide a cash donation. 9; oes, Thank You! For information about the walk, connect with Wendy 905-623-6045 bethesdahouse1 (@,rogers.com WA L " MILE IN HER Syofs MENS WpLKAGAlNSTppMFSTICV101ENCE lNDURygMRfGIpN HOSTED er � BE TjjEsD� tiOUS-E FU ItIvii E)USt (:Ontrol S lfgain p*#,..,4.t1on Handbook How to Control Dust and Reduce Air Pollution What is Fugitive Dust? Dust Pollution Problems 4 Clean operating Tips ~ •.of 00 r • c 5 . r . M M X + • • �•� + � I Air Resources Board Compliance Division Compliance Assistance Program In Cooperation With Local Air Pollution Control Districts • t 'w� -wa• "A444 •��� R� it 1p qb f • N - i . ..,fit` ' a. • s .... � • . - � .fir i-�'' .1. 1 �;-,vim" •J• a 'rtr� $t i w a? 8owmanvine saptiat Church _ - ..'' '�-�. ti+ r•�, iy . - - l - '' - - - ` , •4 ,..a _ r FFG '�wi- � - - - _l �.yAL�..� -�� -nom Y� -�_��. _ _ � • `• - •• � �~�. ` �� �`�'_� •'•-`•.:- •ti+ �-' M _^ +ii ..:4WT _ .� - - - _ ■ ,r ,yam - - _ _ • - _7"•1. •� s _ '?f•� L'� �- .-F. , � l��y � `- - ` �.� •""tip �..f - - - - •• may. r � .1; ! 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'_1���-,C�`t. ..a� �"1-�w Le f- •~-�'�.. - .1r - l.` _ - -i•, - .. \' - •z '� S'• , - •_�T... -I�' �• .-Y _.r' I• �• _ . �' -mow. to `T _ _ •y. 1�`� °a — - ti- _'•�;,'i. �_.�� ,�� �:. =..Y,: S 4 !r EL w IwM 0 t -low1` • rt l _+ 1. 1. S • 1 P, r + ' ; 4-D IN Now T NONE 4F W FEE$ mm_ lomb, if I a 1~ 5 1 Ll Focus I The Apple Bites Back The Apple Bites Back Claiming Old Orchards for Residential Development s the U.S. population continues to grow, increasing demand for housing and related community resources means more land is being con- versed from agricultural uses to residential applica- tions. .According to the revised 1997 National Resources Inventory conducted by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, more than 6 million acres of American farmland were convert- ed to developed uses between 1992 and 1997. That is an annual conversion rate of roughly 1.2 million Environmental Health Perspectives • VOLUME 114 1 NUMBER 8 1 August 2006 acres per year—a 51"/o increase over the average annual rate reported for the preceding decade. Naturally, many of these areas were routinely treated with pesticides and other chemicals during their agricultural lifetimes. Although this legacy has been problematic in a wide variety of land conver- Sion scenarios, one in particular seems to have attracted the attention and concern of environmen- ral officials and property buyers in several states across the country: the residential development of A 471 You rMorshipjnemberslbf[Eouncil1bnd[Staffgnylhame0s[Myron0 Faretis.3Com[fierelloday[Withlbndlbn[behalfIbf3heCgesidents1bf3hem Liberty[ErossingCbrealbfCBorthMowmanviIle.[5pecificaIIy,C1heO reside nts[bn[Eimblett[Street,[Eourtney[Street,Mavid[BakerTourt,0 Kee Ier[Erescent,14cCorkeI I[Street,11enningsMrive[bnd[Brough0 CourtNvho1&vish1fo[bxpress[:burChoncern1bver1theMust1bnd1debris0 conditionslkaused[bylthe[bew[bevelopments[bow[bnderway[bn0 the[borthCfidelbf[:Eoncession[ toad[3Cbnd3heMevelopment[bn1theO south[?ast[torner[:bf[EoncessionMoadS[b nd[Scugog[Street.0 0 YoulbreNvelIlbware[bylthe[Volume[bf[tomplaints[bnd3he[bews0 reports3hat3his[TnnatterOsIbUnajorltoncern[tolthelites identsOnAheO 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