HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/20/1987 I REPORT #1 . CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE . 40 TEMPE RANCE STR E ET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 REPORl' 'ID OJUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 27, 1987 SUBJECI: GENERAL PURPa3E AND ADMINISTRATIOO CXldMI'ITEE MEETING OF JULY 20, 1987. 1. RECEIVE FCR INFDRMATION: (a) Report PD-192-87 - Monthly Building Report, May, 1987. (b) Report CD-47-87 _ Parking EnforceIlEnt lIbnthly Report for June, 1987 . (c) Report CD-29-87 _ Animal Control Report for the lIbnth of June, 1987 (d) Report WD-49-87 - Public Works Status & Update 2. REZCNING & PLAN OF SUBDIVISION - saUCXENDANZ That Report PD-186-87 be received; and That the application filed by Mr. J. Kennedy on behalf of Schickendanz Bros. Ltd., be referred to staff for processing of the draft plan of subdivision; and That prior to the next report to the General Purpose and Administration Ccmnittee, staff convene a IlEeting between a representative of the area residents and Schickendanz Bros. Ltd., to discuss and address the concerns raised by the area residents. 3. PLAN OF crnroUNIUM - 699011 ONTARIO LIMITED .. That Report PD-188-87 be received; and That the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objections to the approval of Plan of Condaninium 18c:r:M-87-007. 4. REZONING APPLICATION - MARrIN ZEGERS That Report PD-189-87 be received; and That Report PD-146-87, as referred back to staff for re-circulation and re-assessment by the Conservation Authority be received for information; and BY-LAW 87-133 That the application filed by Mr. Zegers for rezoning in Part of lDt 30, Concession 5, fonner Township of Clarke, to perrni t the construction of an accessory building be approved. . . . . . BY-LAW 87-135 G.P.A. REPORI' PAGE 2. 5. REMOVAL OF (H) SYMBOL - RON SUCRE That Report PD-190-87 be received; and That the rezoning application submitted by Mr. Ron Sucee requesting the rerroval of the "(H) Holding" symbol from the "Holding - Residential Hamlet ((H)RH)" zone of said lands, located within Part of Lot 20, Concession 10, Darlington, more particularly described as Part 2 on Plan 10R-549, be approved. 6. CDNVENIENCE CDIMERCIAL USES That Report PD-193-87 be received for information; and That staff be authorized to proceed with the necessary public notices in respect of the proposed rnoondment to By-law 84-63, included herein as Attachment 1. 7. APPLICATION TO AMEND ENNISKILLEN HAMIEI' DEVElOPMENT PLAN KALEE INVESIMENTS That Report PD-196-87 be received ; and That the application to rnoond the Enniskillen Hamlet Developnent Plan File O.P.3.3.(5) submitted by Kalee Investments Limited be approved in principle and forwarded to Regional Council for review and corrment; and That a copy of Staff Report PD-196-87 and Council's decision be forwarded to the applicant and the Region of D.1rham. 8. REZOOING APPLICATIOO - S. SElBY That Report PD-197-87 - be received; and That the application for rezoning of Part of Lot 35, Concession 4, former Township of Clarke, submitted by Mr. S. Selby, to permit the retention of the farm-related buildings on the subject lands pursuant to Land Division Application ill 111/87 be approved and that a by-law under Section 34 of the Planning Act be approved to pe:rmit the use of the existing barn for the keeping of not more than three horses and the storage of non-hazardous dry goods; and That in lieu of acceptance of a l' reserve around the retained lands, the Town accept melding of the retained lands with adjacent property to the east and south and that this shall satisfy the Town with respect to the relevant condition of the Land Division Ccmnittee; and That the Land Division Conmittee be advised that through the Town of Newcastle requiranents,a warning is to be registered on title as to the zoning and uses of said property. . . . . G.P.A. REPORT PAGE 3. 9'. 10. APPLICATION 'lO AMEND THE 'l.'YIlCNE HAMIEl' DEVELOPMENT PLAN BERNHARD HEMING That Report PD-198-87 be received; and That the application to aIlEnd the Tyrone Hamlet Developnent Plan, File P. P . 3. 13( 4), sul:mi tted by Mr. Bernhard Heming, to increase the maximum number of lots pe:rmitted in the "Short Term Residential Expansion" Area in the northwest quadrant of the Hamlet be approved in principle as aIlEnded to indicate a maximum of 9 lots; and That Amendnent No.4 to the Tyrone Hamlet Development Plan be forwarded to the Region of Durham for their review and ccmnent; and That a copy of staff Report PD-198-87 and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham and the applicant. BY-LAW 87-93 - SWAllDH Whereas the subject three five acre parcels existed under separate deeds prior to the approval of Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63; Now therefore be it resolved that Report PD-199-87 be received; and That Staff be directed to submit Zoning By-law Amendmant 87-93 to the Ontario Municipal Board with a request that a hearing be convened. n. MUSEUM S'lORAGE (OfDNO AR1llRlES) That Report CS-28-87 be received; and That the Clarke Township Museum and Archives be authorized to utilize the vacated facilities in the Orono Armouries for the purpose of storing rmseum artifacts on an interim basis; and That staff be authorized to prepare and execute a letter of understanding outlining any conditions related to the use of the building. 12. REQUESTS 'lO PERFDRM MAINTENANCE AND MINOR IMProVEMENTS ON SUMMER MAINTENANCE ROADS AT 'llJEIR EXPENSE That Report WD-48-87 be received; and That the Public Works I:€partment continue to perform sl1IlID2r maintenance in accordance with the Town's Policy for UnimProved Roads; and That requests for upgrading with respect to surrmer maintenance roads and requests to perform maintenance and minor imProvements on SUlIllEr maintenance roads at their expense, be denied; and That those recorded as having made specific requests for an increase in the level of service or to perform maintenance at their own expense, be advised of the Town's position on this matter. . . . . ~ G.P .A. REPORI' PAGE 4. 13. PRES'TCNVAlE ROAD RECDNSTRUcrICN :F'ROM PHAIR ill HIGHWAY #2 'That Prestonvale Road be reconstructed fran Phair Avenue to Highway #2 in conjunction with the White Cliffe Development 0Jnstruction; and That the Town's share of the reconstruction cost be funded fran Public Works IDt Levies. 14. DELEGATIOOS 'That the delegation of A. A. Strike and of Brian Seaton be acknowledged and advised of Council's actions: and That a copy of the Noise By-law be sent to Mr. Seaton.