HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/06/1987 .. l. (a) . (b) (c) (d) (e) 2. REPORT #1 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO L1C 3A6 TELEPHONE 623.3379 REPORl' TO CDUNCIL MEFrING OF JULY 13, 1987 SUBJEcr: GENERAL PURPOSE AND a:MMITI'EE MEETING OF JULY 6, 1987. REClldMENDATI c.:NS : RECEIVE FOR INFDRMATIOO Report PD-174-87 - Appeals of Land Division Conmittee - Essery & Kovacs Report PD-179-87 - S1.DIIIlarY of Ccmnittee of Adjustment Applications for June 18, 1987. Report CD-42-87 - Ontario Renews Awards - 1987 Program Report CD-43-87 - Poll Boundary Re-alignm:mt Town of Newcastle Report CS-25-87 - Ccmnunity Services Department Status and Update. O.P.A. APPLICATIOO - MR. & MRS. STABY - REZONING APPLICATIOO That Report PD-169-87 be received; and That Report PD-Il5-87 be received for infonnation; and That the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle recrnmends that site specific Official Plan Amendment application 86-89/D submitted by Mr. & Mrs. S. Staby to pennit the creation of one (1) additional residential lot in Part lJJt 27, B. F. C., fonner Township of Clarke be denied; and . That the Region of Durham be requested to amend the "Major (pen Space System" designation on Schedule "A5" of the Durham Regional Official Plan, as shown by Attachment No.2 to this report; and That Rezoning Application DEV 86-61 be approved and the by-law azrend By-law 84-63 attached to this report as Attachment No.4, be forwarded to Council for approval at such time as the related Official Plan Amendment has been approved by the Region of Durham; and That the request of the bond head residents to increase the minimum frontage of new lots within the Rural Cluser of Bond Head fran 40 metres to 50 metres be approved in principle; and That staff be authorized to proceed with the processing of an azrendment to By-law 84-63, to increase the minimum frontage requirement of the "BC-l" zone fran "40 metres" to "50 metres"; and ~a That a copy of this report and Council's decision be forwarded to the applicant and the interested parties indicated hereto. G.P.A. REPORI' .2. PAGE 2. Continued Pursuant to Section 34(16) of the Planning Act, Council resolves that further notice is not required in respect of the revised by-law. 3. REZONING/SITE PIAN AMENrnENT - AJ'ITON JUKIC (CEDAR PARK) That Report PD-180-87 be received; and That the Town's Solicitor be authorized to attend and represent the Municipality's interest at said Ontario Municipal Board Hearing. 4. EXl'ENSICN OF DRAFT APprovAL - MERIKA INVESTIIIENTS That Report PD-181-87 be received; and That Council adopt the foHcming resolution: . "That Council of the Town of Newcastle hereby advises the Minister of Municipal Affairs, that the Town of Newcastle has no Objection to the extension of draft approval for Subdivision 18T-77041 for a further one (1) year period to August 15, 1988"; and That the request in Recomnendation No. 2 be forward to the Ministry of of Municipal Affairs and the owner be so advised. 5. DRAFT PIAN OF SUBDIVISrCN (REVISIONS) - REZONING APPLICATICN BURKETCl'< HILLS DEVELOPMENT (VELTRI) PT. LOT 18, CONC .10 DARLINGTON That Report PD-182-87 be received; and . That the Ministry of Municipal Affairs be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objections to the proposed revisions to draft Plan lST-75362, dated March 25, 1987, prepared by G. M. Sernas and AJssociates Limited to permit the development of twenty-four (24) residential lots and that draft Condition Number HC be revised by deleting any reference to Lots 44 to 52 inclusive and replacing same with the corresponding lot numbers as shown on the revised plan, include the lot numbering of former Block "A", being Lots 19 to 24 inclusive and by the addition of a further condition being the reconstruction of the Scugog/Newcastle boundary road fran Old Scugog Road to Regional Road No. 57 to the satisfaction of the Town of Newcastle and Township of Scugog, and by adjusting the conditions of approval as necessary to give effect to same; and BY-LAW 87-130 That the application submitted by Mr. Kevin Tunny on behalf of the owners to rezone said lands wi thin Part of Lot 18, Concession 10, fonner Township of Darlington, to pennit the development of twenty-four (24) residential lots be approved and the by-law attached hereto be forwarded to Council for approval; and That a copy of said report be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs in consideration of Recarrnendation No.2 above; and That the owners be so advised. ~ G.P.A. REPORT .6. . 7. 8. 9. . 10. 11. - PAGE 3. OFFICIAL PLAN AMENJ:MENT - HAMIEl' DEVElOPMENT PLAN AMENJ:MENT PARr LOr 23, CONC. 6, DARLINGTON - EllUD TEIEM That Report PD-183-87 be received; and That the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle recarmends that Official Plan AmendnEnt APplication 87-17/D/N, su1:xnitted by Mr. Ehud Telan, to redesignate the Hamlet of Solina as a "Hamlet for Growth" be denied; and That the application to amend the Solina Hamlet Development Plan OP3 .12( 3) submitted by Mr. Ehud Telan, to pennit the development of a thirty (30) lot residential subdivision, a comnercial block and a block for future development in Part IDt 23, Concession 6, fonner Township of Darlington be denied; and That a copy of Council's decision be fowarded to the Region of Durham, the applicant and the interested parties indicated hereto REZONING APPLICATIONS - SWEIIT - CAROSO/SPENA - PORTER That Report PD-184-87 be received; and That rezoning applications DEV 87-49; 87-51; and 87-52 be received and referred to staff for processing and a subsequent report and public meeting REZONING APPLICATICN - JEAN PAYNE - WI' 6 CONC.2. CLARKE That Report PD-185-87 be received; and That the application filed by Mrs. Jean Payne be referred to staff for a further report pending staff's receipt of the carments of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Region of Durham. CONSTRUCTION OF A FISHWAY IN THE GCXDYEAR DAM, BOI\lMANVILLE CREEK That Report PD-187-87 be received for infonnation; and That A.V. Kaufman, A/District Manager, Lindsay District, Ministry of Natural Resources, 322 Kent St. IV., Lindsay, K9V 4T7, be advised that the Town of Newcastle endorses the proposal to construct a fishway at the Goodyear Dam on Boi\rnanville Creek. POOP03ED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION - SffiICKENDANZ BR03 & VELTRI & SON 18T-86038 That Report PD-191-87 be received; and That the proposed red-line revision to Plan 18T-86038, to provide for the relotting of IDts 50 to 66, and Block 67 all inclusive, fran semi-detached to single detached lots having a mininDJIn frontage of 15 metres, be approved and, the Region of Durham and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs be so advised. UPGRADING OF CONCESSION S'I'RElIT That Staff review and report to Council on area developers contributing to the upgrading of Concession Street, due to the impace of Development on Concession Street. G.P. A. REPORI' PAGE 4. . . . -. - 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. REZONING APPLICATIOO - cnsCARELID - PT. wr 29 ernc. 4, DARLINGl'CN That Repo",t PD-9-87 be lifted fran the table and dealt with at this time; and That Report PD-9-87 be received; and That the application for rezoning of Part of Lot 29, Concession 4, former Township of Darlington, suJ:mitted by Mr. & Mrs. Coscarella, to pennit the development of a Node/Cluster be denied without prejudice as the proposal does not confonn to the Regional Official Plan. REZOOTNG APPLICATION - SElBY That in the Planning Report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Comnittee on July 20, 1987, regarding the Selby Application for Rezoning, DEV 87-40, staff include as an appendix, a suitably worded special exception by-law to approve the barn remaining for a period of 3 years in the first instance. The uses are to include not llDre than 3 horses and/or the storage of non-hazardous dry goods. The by-law is to exclude any ccmnercial uses and the outside storage of any vehicles or objects except those pennitted by the usual regulations. WATER SERVICE DISTURBANCE PRrnI.EMS - VARCOE ROAD That staff seek a legal opinion as to the process and responsibility related to water service disturbances created as a result of development. That Council request Duntri Construction, 7-1256 Terwillegar Street, Oshawa, to provide Mr. Paul Zurba with a temporary water supply. That the Regional Works Comnittee be advised of Mr. Zurba's concerns and the Town's action, and inquire as to what the Region can propose to be done in other similar occurring cases and suggest that the Region seek legal advice. REFUSE CDLLECTIOO SERVICE - ~iANVILLE URBAN AREA That Report WD-46-87 be received; and That the refuse collection service in the Bowmanville Urban Area be awarded to a private contractor as per the recannendation of Report TR-53-87. SALE OF SURPLUS PUBLIC WORKS ~UIPMENT That Report WD-47-87 be received; and That staff be authorized to offer for sale by public tender, surplus public works equipment; and That all proceeds fran the sale be credited to the public works equipment reserve account; and That prior to the final sale of the surplus public works equipment, staff suJ:mi t a report to the General Purpose and Administration Comni ttee , detailing the price offered. . . . - PAGE 5. G.P.A. REPORr 17. 18. 19. 20. BY-LAW 87-131 21. 22. PROI'I!:Rl'Y STANDARI'S CLEAN-UP That the recomnendations in Confidential Report CD-44-87 be approved. CONVEYANCE OF LANI:S That Confidential Report CD-45-87 be referred to the next General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting. EAST AND WEST BEACH AREA That the Chief Building Official undertake a site inspection of the West Beach Area and report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee on any activity related to the buildings in the area. That the Director of Planning review and report on the implications of rezoning the east and west beach area from the east of Cove Road to the west of Simpson Avenue. NOISE BY-LAW FOR THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE That Report CD-46-87 be received; and That the Noise By-law attached to Report CD-46-87 be approved; and That a certified copy of the By-law be forwarded to Durham Regional Police for their infonnation. SHORELINE PROTECTION AND SLOPE STABILIZATICl'I - LAKESHORE roAD That Report Adnin 19-87 be received; That the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority be requested to submit an application on behalf of the Town of Newcastle for financial assistance from the Ministry of Natural Resources for shoreline protection works on a portion of the Lake CKltario shoreline in the Town of Newcastle from Newcastle Harbour to a point approximately llOO feet to the east; That the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham be requested to approve the application for financial assistance for shoreline protection as outlined inRecannendation #2; That the Council of the Regiooal Municipality of Durham be notified that the Town of Newcastle will accept as a chargeback the benefitting municipality's share of the cost of the shoreline protection project if approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources; and That a copy of Report Admin 19-87 be forwarded to Mrs. Heather Rutherford, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority and the Regional Municipality of Durham. ACXN>TANCE OF CONTRACTS AND QuorATICl'IS - AUGUST BREAK That Report TR-48-87 be received; and That the Chief Administrative Officer and Treasurer be authorized to accept the lowest tender or quotation Ireeting all the terms, conditions and specifications as required by the Town during the August break; and . . . . G.P.A. REPORT 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. PAGE 6. CXlNTINOED That the Mayor and Clerk subject to reccmnendation #2 above, be authorized to execute the necessary contracts or agreements; and That an infonnation report be presented at the first General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting in September summarizing the tender or quotations that have been awarded. LIST OF APPLICATICNS FOR CANCELIATICN, REDUCTICN CR REFUND OF TAXES That Report TR-49-87 be received; and That the attached list of applications for cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes be approved. TENDER T87-20 - TRIPLE ca.1BINATICN - 1050 I.G.P .M. FIRE DEPARTMENT PUMPER That Report TR-52-87 be received; and That Superior Emergency Equipment Limited, Red Deer, Alberta, with a total bid in the aIlDunt of $170,500.00, being the lowest responsible bidder, meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender No. T87-20, be awarded the contract for the supply and delivery of a Triple Canbination 1050 I.G.P.M. Pumper, as required by the Fire Department; and That the funds in the amount of $150,00.00 be drawn fran the approved 1987 Fire Department Capital Budget; and That the additional funds required in the amount of $20,500.00 be drawn fran the Fire Department Reserve Account. TENDER T87-16 RECXlNSTRUCTICN OF QUEEN STREET FRCM LIBERTY STREET 'ill (]\!TARIO STREET AND FRCM QUEEN STREET 'ill KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE That Report TR-51-87 be received; and That Bennett Paving & Materials Limited, Oshawa, Qltario, with a total bid in the amount of $349,648.10, being the lowest responsible bidder, meeting all tenns, conditions and specifications of Tender T87-16, be awarded the contract for reconstruction of Queen Street fran Liberty Street to Qltario Street, and Brown Street, fran Queen Street to King Street, Bmmlanville as required by the Department of Public Works; and That the funds be drawn fran the 1987 Public Works Capital Budget. USE OF RECYCLED ASPHALT That Staff investigate and report on the increased usage of recycled asphalt including that fran the Regional and Provincial Roads for use on agricultural roads . . . . . PAGE 7. G.P.A. REPORT 27. PERSONNEL MATTER That the verbal report of the C11ief Administrative Officer regarding certain staff re-organization be received for infonnation; and That the C11ief Administrative Officer be directed to proceed with the formulation of a fonnal recomnendation as discussed regarding the staff re-organization for presentation at a Council rreeting.