HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/15/1987 REPORT #1 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE .0 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LIC 3A6 TELEPHONE 623.3379 REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING OF MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1987 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBJECT: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1987 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. RECOMMENDATIONS RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION (a) Report PD-158-87 - Monthly Building Report, April 1987 (b) Report PD-159-87 - Summary of Land Division Committee Applications for Apri 1 & May 1987 (c) Report PD-162-87 - Summary of Committee of Adjustment Applications for May 28, 1987 (d) Report CD-38-87 - Parking Enforcement Report for May, 1987 (e) Report CD-39-87 - Animal Control Report for the Month of May, 1987 (f) Report CD-40-87 - Status Report - Clerk's Department - Property Standards Activities (g) Report CD-41-87 - Comparison of Materials Available for use as Dog Tags. (h) Report WD-44-87 - Highway 35/115 & Clarke 3rd line. (i) Report FD-12-87 - Provincial Regulations Governing the Supply of Gas - Res.#C-496-87 2. O.P.A. APPLICATION --NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT REZONING APPLICATION - BIWAY STORES, PROVENZANO AND CHOLONIUK That Report PD-160-87 be received; and That Council waive the requirement for the preparation of a retai 1 analysis for the proposed Local Central Area as given by Section 6.5.3(iii) of the Town of Newcastle Official Plan in respect of the applications for Official Plan and Neighbourhood Development Plan Amendments and Rezoning submitted by Biway Stores, Provenzano and Choloniuk; and That the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objection to the approval of Official Plan Amendment Application 87-14/N to designate a 'Commercial Node' in part of Lot 35 . . . BY-LAWS 87 - 116 87-117 87 - 118 87 - 11 9 87-120 87-121 87-122 . G.P.A. REPORT PAGE 2. 2. 3. 4. 5. CONTINUED Concession 2, Courtice Urban Area pursuant to Section of the Durham Regional Official Plan; and That the application to amend the Courtice West Neighbourhood Development Plan OP 2.2.1(4) and rezoning application DEV 87/27 be approved; and That Amendment No.4 to the Courtice West Neighbourhood Development Plan and By-law 84-63, attached hereto as Attachments No.1 and 2 respectively, be forwarded to Council for approval at such time as the related Official Plan Amendment application has been approved by the Region of Durham; and That a copy of Council's decision be fowarded to the Region of Durham, the applicant and the interested parties indicated hereto. PROPOSED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION - REZONING APPLICATION QUADRILLIUM CORPORATION That Report PD-16l-87 be received; and That the application filed by Mr. K. Tunney on behalf of Quadrillium Corporation be referred to staff for processing of the draft plan of subdivision. O.P.A. APPLICATION - TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICIAL PLAN PROPOSED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION - JOE & CARL SCHWARZ That Report PD-163-87 be received; and That, upon written confirmation, from the applicant, of his acceptance of the numerous conditions of approval that the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objection to the approval of Official Plan Amendment Application 86-74/D/NB submitted by Joseph & Carl Schwarz to re-designate a parcel of land in Part Lots 11 and 12 Concession 1, former Town of Bowmanville, from "Industrial" to "Low Density Residential"; and That proposed Subdivision Plan l8T-86066 be referred back to the applicant for redesign and resubmission; and That a copy of Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham, the applicant and the interested parties indicated hereto. REMOVAL OF "HOLDING SYMBOLS" TO IMPLEMENT LAND DIVISION, PLANS OF EUBDIVISION AND REZONING - KINGSBERRY PROPERTIES - HALMINEN HOMES - FOSTER CREEK DEVELOPMENTS - 677922 ONTARIO LTD. - MICHELLE SHEPHERD That Report PD-164-87 be received; and That the by-laws and schedules attached hereto be approved. . . . . PAGE 3. G.P.A. REpORT 6. 7. DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION l8T-78027 - WILSWAR That Report PD-165- 87 be recei ved; and That the Ministry of Municipal Affairs be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objections to the proposed revisions to Plan l8T-78027, prepared by Donevan and Fleischmann, Job No. 1-7282, dated May 14, 1987 illustrating 111 lots for single family dwellings, 58 lots for linked dwellings, a park block and additional blocks for street widening, and 0.3 metre reserves. NEWTONVILLE HAMLET DEVELOPMENT PLAN That Report PD-166-87 be received; and That C:ounc; 1 util i ze the Hamlet Development Pl an_ fQr _Ne\'ltoTlvH1-e- El-s--fEH"W~rde1:l to th-e Reglon- of lJurham on }l;prll ~9, 1981 as the basis for a possible amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan and the Town of Newcastle Official Plan; and That a copy of Report PD-166-87 and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham; and That Council provide direction to Town staff in respect of this matter. 8. REZONING APPLICATION & HAYDON HAMLET PLAN AMENDMENT PAUL GORDON That Report PD-167-87 be recei ved; and That the rezoning application and the Hamlet Plan Amendment Application filed by Mr. Gordon, to permit the creation of one (1) additional residential lot, be tabled for one (1) additional month. 9. REZONING APPLICATIONS - SELBY - HALMINEN - AKAL (3) - SCHICKENDANZ That Report PD-170-87 be recei ved; and That Rezoning Applications DEV 87-40, DEV 87-41, DEV 87-42, DEV 87-43, DEV 87-44, and DEV 87-45 be received and referred to staff for processing and a subsequent report and public meeting. 10. BUILDING PERMIT - ACQUISITION TIME FRAME That the Director of Planning place an appropriately worded notice in the newspapers explaining the reasons for the time frame and hold-up relative to the acquisition of a building permit. 11. OPENING OF AN UNOPENED ROAD ALLOWANCE - BURKETON That Report WD-4l-87 be recei ved; and That the request to open the section of road between Pine Street and Darlington Street in Burketon, be approved subject to the applicant paying the cost of road construction and dedicating a sixteen foot (16') road wi dening to the Town. . . . . PAGE 4. G.P.A. REPORT 12. 13. 14. 15. INSURANCE CLAIM - LOSS OF VEHICLE That Report WD-42-87 be received; and That the Director of Public Works be authorized to accept the Insurance Adjustor's recommendation for consideration of $15,493.70 as payment in full for damage which occurred to a 1976 I.H.C. Dump Truck and Plow and that the amount be contributed to the Public Works Fleet Reserve Account. SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION That Report WD-43-87 be received; and That the new sidewalk construction projects approved in the 1987 Budget proceed without local improvement financing; and That Public Works lot levies be used in lieu of the local improvement portion of the financing of new sidewalk constructton; and That the Town of Newcastle Sidewalk Policy be revised as per the attached revised policy. LIABILITY INSURANCE PAYMENT FROM SELF-INSURED LOSSES RESERVE That Report TR-43-87 be received; and That the Treasurer be authorized to pay from the Self-Insured Losses Reserve, an amount of $162.72, and forward this amount to the Town's adjustors for payment of a claim relating to Mrs. Betty Sandercock; and That the Treasurer be authorized to pay future claims of a value less than $5,000.00, which have been appropriately recommended for payment by the Town I s adjustors, di rectly from the Self- Insured Losses Reserve. 1987/88 INSURANCE RISK MANAGEMENT REPORT That Report TR-44-87 be recei ved; and That Frank Cowan Company Limited continue to be retained as the Town of Newcastle's insurance carriers for the period from July 1st, 1987 to June 30th, 1988, with a total premium renewal rate of $187,794.00 (an increase of less than 1% over 1986/87 premium of $186,790.00); and That, further to the above, the Frank Cowan Company be instructed to add to the Town's Policies, a separate policy for liability insurance for Community Recreati on Affil i ates, at an approximate premi urn of $350.00 per Community Board, (to be billed to each Board); and That the Fi re Fi ghters Acci dent Pri nci pal Sum for Loss of Life and Capital sum for Dismemberment be increased from $30,000.00 to $50,000.00 at an additional premium cost of $2,016.00;and That the updated Fleet and Property Schedules be forwarded to the Frank Cowan Company as they are received from Department Heads; and . . . . G.P.A. REPORT 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. PAGE 5. CONTINUED That there be no other changes to the individual policies or deductibles as outlined in the 1987 Risk Management Report by the Frank Cowan Company, which has been distributed to Department Heads and Council Members under separate cover; and That the 1987 Budget overprovision for insurance amounting to $15,135.00 (which is net of the $2,016.00 premium for Fire Fighters Policy Adjustment), be transferred to the Sel f-Insured Losses Reserve. CASH ACTIVITY REPORT - MAY 1987 - PART A That Report TR-45-87 be received; and That, in accordance with provision of Chapter 302, Section 81 (1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, the Treasurer reports to Committee that the cash position of the Town of Newcastle for the month ended May 31, 1987, is as shown on the attached schedule; and That Part A of the expenditures for the month of May, 1987 be confirmed. CASH ACTIVITY REPORT - MAY 1987 - PART B That Report TR-46-87 be recei ved; and That, in accordance with provision of Chapter 302, Section 81 (l) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, the Treasurer reports to Committee that the cash position of the Town of Newcastle for the month ended May 31, 1987, is as shown on the attached schedule; and That Part B of the expendi tures for the month of May, 1987, be con fi rmed. QUOTATION NO. Q878-9, OILS AND LUBRICANTS That Report TR-47-87 be received; and That Petro Canada Products, Downsview, Ontario with a total bid in the amount of $13,242.57, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Quotation No. Q87-9, be awarded the contract to supply oils and lubricant products as required by the Town of Newcastle; and That the funds expended be drawn from the 1987 Current Operating Fleet Budget. JOINT PURCHASING That Staff investigate and report back relative to joint purchasing through the Region and area municipalities. CURRENT ANO CAPITAL BUDGET^ That the Treasurer be authorized to distribute the 1987 Current and Five Year Capital Budgets to the various government agencies and public as requested. . . . . G.P.A. REPORT PAGE 6. 21. FIRE OEPARTMENT TRAINING That Report FD-13-87 be received for information; and That a letter of congratulations be sent from the Mayor to the respective fire fighters on behalf of the Council, and that emphasis be put on their importance to the fire service of the community. 22. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1987-88 PROGRAM FEES AND FACILITY RATES That Report CS-23-87 be received; and That the proposed 1987-88 program fees and faci 1 ity rates be approved (as attached); and That the new rates and fees become effective as of September 1,1987. 23. HALL BOARD RENTAL AGREEMENT FORM That Report CS-24-87 be received; and That the Community Services Department be authorized to have the Hall Board Rental Agreement Form printed and distributed to the various Boards for September 1, 1987, implementation; and That the Hall Boards be informed of Council's decision. 24. AUGUST RECESS - COMMITTEE AND COUNCIL MEETINGS That Council and Committee recess for the month of August. 25. STAFFING PUBLIC WORKS That the Director of Public Works with the Chief Administrative Officer review the possibility of contracting out work that is being delayed through shortage of staff.