HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/01/1987 . . . - 1. fa) (b) (c) 2. REPORT #1 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 8, 1987 SUBJECT: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 1, 1987 RECOMMENDATIONS: RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION Report PD-150-87 - Monthly Buildin9' Report, March, 1987. Report PD-151-87 - Summary of Committee of Adjustment Applications for May 7,1987. Report CD-37-87 - Report on Illegal Use and Conversion of Semi- Detached Homes PLAN 10M-781 {KINGSBERRY PROPERTIES) PART LOT 35 CONCESSION 2, DARLINGTON - TEMPORARY TURNING CIRCLES/EASEMENT - PART OF LOTS 55 AND 56, PLAN lOM-781; BEING PARTS 2 AND 3 ON PLAN 10R-2317 That Report PD-152-87 be received; and That whereas the Town of Newcastle has no objections to the release of an easement over Part of Lots 55 and 56, on Plan lOM-781, more particularly described as Parts 2 and 3 on Plan lOR-2317, the attached by-law be approved to execute the release of said temporary easement. BY-LAW 87-111 3. APPLICATION TO AMEND ENNISKILLEN HAMLET DEVELOPMENT PLAN BARBARA THAJER, PART LOT 19, PLAN lOM-775 That Report PD-153-87 be received; and That the application to amend the Enniski11en Hamlet Development Plan submitted by Ms. Barbara Thajer be approved in principle and forwarded to Regional Council for review" and comment; and That a copy of Staff Report PD-153-87 and Council's decision be fowarded to the applicant. 4. APPLICATION TO AMEND THE REGION OF DURHAM OFFICIAL PLAN AND THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICIAL PLAN GATEHOUSE HOLDINGS LIMITED, PART LOT 35, CONCESSION 1, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON That Report PD-154-87 be received; and That Official Plan Amendment Appplication 87-12/D/N, submitted by Gatehouse Holdings Limited, be referred back to staff for further processing and preparation of a subsequent report; and . . 87 - 11 3 .7:114 . G.P.A. REPORT PAGE 2. 4. CONTINUED That a copy of Staff Report PD-154-87 and Council's decision be forwarded to the applicant. 5. PROPOSED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION AND REZONING - GEARING - PART LOT 32, CONCESSION 3, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON That Report PD-155-87 be received; and That the applications for plan of subdivision and rezoning be referred to staff to complete the circulation procedure and prepare draft conditions for subdivision approval. 6. MODIFICATION NO. 6 TO THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICIAL PLAN PARKLAND POLICY That Report PD-156-87 be received; and That the Region of Durham be requested to approve the proposed Official Plan Amendment in respect of parkland policy and as attached to this report as Attachement No.1 as Modification No.6 to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan; and That a copy of Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham. 7. NEWTONVILLE HAMLET PLAN That the Director of Planning provide the Committee with the approved plan of Newtonville and any documentation at the next General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting. 8. LICENSING OF HAWKERS AND PEDLARS IN THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE That Clerk',s Report CD-36-87 be received; and That the Town of Newcastle by-laws covering the licensing of Hawkers and Pedlars be repealed; and That a by-law prohibiting sales by retail on highways or on vacant lots adj acent to them be recommended to Co unci 1 for passage; and That the complainants be advised of Council's decision. 9. RELIACARE INC, G. W. WESTGARTH That Report ADMIN 17-87 be received for information; and That a copy of Report ADMIN 17-87 be forwarded to Mr. G. W. Westgarth. 10. CASH ACTIVITY REPORT - APRIL 1987 - PART A That Report TR-36-87 be received; and That, in accordance with provision of Chapter 302, Section 81(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1980, the Treasurer Reports to Committee that the cash position of the Town of Newcastle for the month ended April, 1987, is as shown on the attached SChedule; and . G.P.A. REPORT PAGE 3. 10. CONTINUED That Part A of the expenditures for the month of April, 1987 be confirmed. 11. CASH ACTIVITY REPORT - APRIL, 1987 - PART B That Report TR-38-87 be received; and That in accordance with provision of Chapter 302, Section 81(1), of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, the Treasurer reports to Committee that the cash position of the Town of Newcastle for the month ended April, 1987, is as shown on the attached schedule; and That Part B of the expenditures for the month of April, 1987, be confi rmed. 12. TENDER NO. T87-ll - STREET SWEEPER . That Report TR-39-87 be received; and That Amaco Equipment, Mississauga, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $122,515.00, meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of Tender T87-ll, be awarded the contract, forthwith, to supply and deliver one (1) only Mack MS200P, sel f-prope11ed, Vacumm Street Sweeper, as required by the Town of Newcastle Public Works Department; and That the funds be expended from the approved 1987 Public Works Equipment Reserve Account. 13. 1987 RATING BY-LAW FOR SCHOOL BOARDS AND REGIONAL GOVERNMENT PURPOSES BY-LAW That Report TR-40-87 be received; and 87-112 That the attached by-l aw be forwarded to Council for approval. 14. TAX NOTICE - GARBAGE PICK-UP AND DISPOSAL . That Report TR-4l-87 be received; and That the following notice be inserted on the tax bill and also the information bulletin, FORTHWITH; NOTE: At the present time, the Town does not provide garbage pickup and disposal to the Courtice Urban Area or Rural areas within the Town of Newcastle. The costs associated with providing said service in these areas are not included in the calculation of the tax bi 11 ; That Mr. Larry Hannah of the Courtice Urban Area Community Association be thanked for his input and advised of Council's actions. 15. 1987 INFORMATION BULLETIN - INSERT FOR TAX BILLS . That Report TR-42-87 be recei ved; and That the attached 1987 information bulletin be approved FORTHWITH. . . . . G.P.A. REPORT PAGE 4. 16. INSTALLATION OF GATES AND FENCES ON UNIMPROVED ROADS That Report WD- 38-87 be recei ved; and That the request from the property owners on Clemens Road (the road allowance between Lot 8 & 9, Darlington) south of Concession Road 6; on Cedar Park Road (the road allowance between Lot 14 & 15 Darlington) south of Concession Road 6; on West Townline Road South of Ourham Regional Road 3, to have gates installed across the roadway to restrict access, be approved, subject to the respective property owners providing the Director of Public Works with a letter of concurrence of property owners affected; and That the costs incurred be charged to Account #7209 - "Summer Mai ntenance Road" of the Public Works Budget. 17. VARCOE ROAD CONSTRUCTION That Report WD-40-87 be received; and That the urbanization of the west side of Varcoe Road be completed in conjunction with the Town's 1987 Nash Road reconstruction project; That the cost of the urbanization be funded from Public Works Lot Levies. 18. REQUEST TO RE-LOCATE BUS STOP - KING & DIVISION STS. That the communication addressed to Councillor McKnight, from Florence E. Mcquarrie, Cliffcrest Cleaners, 38 King St. W., Bowmanville, requesting the relocation of the bus stop just west of King and Division Streets, be received and referred to the Director of Public Works for review and subsequent report. 19. PRODUCTIVITY MANAGEMENT - PARTNERSHIP CONCEPT That Council adopt in principle the partnership concept referred to in the article entitled "How Municipalities Can Benefit From Productivity Management"; and That the Director of Public Works review and report on how the Town can establish such a partnership. 20. DELEGATION - MARK HANCOCK That the ditching and gravel requested by Mr. Mark Hancock be approved subject to Mr. Hancock signing the letter agreeing to allow the municipality to install the gates; and That the Director of Public Works report back as soon as possible with the detailed information; and That the delegation of Mark Hancock be acknowledged and advised of Council's actions. 21. DELEGATION - SAMUEL ILECHUKWU That the presentation of Samuel Ilechukwu be received and Mr. Ilechukwu be advised of Council's policy relative to Lot Levies.