HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/19/1987 . . . ~ -. 1. 2. 3. 4. REPORT #1 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LlC 3A6 REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 25, 1987 SUBJECT: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 19, 1987. TELEPHONE 623-3379 RECOMMENDATIONS: RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION (a) Report PD-141-87 - Summary of Committee of Adjustment Applications for April 30, 1987. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Report CD-32-87 - Ani mal Control Monthly Report for April , 1987. Report CD-33-87 - Parking En fo rceme nt Report for March, 1987 Report CD- 34-87 - Parking En fo rcement Report for Apri 1, 1987. Report FD-1l-87 - Fi re Department Monthly Report, April, 1987. Report WD-37-87 - Road Name Signs/ Tourist Promotion Report WD-39-87 - Mosport Signage ROAD ALLOWANCES WITHIN HAMBLY PLAN OF SUBDIVISION, BOWMANVILLE That Report PD-1l9-87 be referred back to staff for further review. ENVIRONMENT WEEK That Report PD-123-87 be received; and That the week of June 1 to June 7, 1987, be decl ared as "Envi ronment Week" in the Town of Newcastle and that Town Staff be authorized to participate in activities to promote "Environment Week" within the Town of Newcastle. ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD HEARINGS - IMPOSITION OF COSTS That Report PD-135-87 be recei ved; and That a copy of Staff Report PD-135-87 be forwarded to the Ontario Muni cipal Board for their information. . . . . G.P.A. REPORT PAGE 2. 5. REVISION TO ORAFT ^PPROVED PLAN - COURTICE HEIGHTS BY-LAW 87-98 BY-LAW 87 - 99 That Report PD-136-87 be recei ved; and That Council adopt the following resolution: "That the correspondence from W.D.M. Consultants Ltd., dated April 27, 1987, be received and the Ontario Municipal Board be advised that the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, in consideration of the Residential policies within the Courtice Urban Area Official Plan pertaining to the development of a range/mix of housing types, supports the proposed revisions as illustrated on the attached draft 10M Plans thereby permitting the development of 104 single family units and 180 semi-detached units"; and That the request in Recommendation No.2 above, be forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board and that Courtice Heights Development Ltd., be so advised. 6. EXTENSION OF DRAFT APPROVAL - SUNNY RIDGE CORP. That Report PD-137-87 be recei ved; and That Council adopt the following resolution: "That the correspondence from the Region of Durham dated April 28, 1987, be received and the Region of Durham be advised that the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle has no objections to the extension to the draft plan of approval of Plan 18T-81023, as revised May 23, 1984, to July 9, 1988"; and That the request in Condition No.2 above, be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department and that Mr. A. Goheen, on behalf of Sunny Ridge Corporation be so advised. 7. REZONING APPLICATION - MITCHELL That Report PD-139-87 be recei ved; and That the application for rezoning submitted by Mr. R. Mitchell, to permit the creation of one (1) additional urban residential lot be approved. 8. REZONING APPLICATION - JARVIS That Report PD-140-87 be recei ved; and That the application for rezoning submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Andy Jarvis, to permit the creation of one (l) additional urban residential lot be approved. 9. PLAN OF SUBDIVISION - 18T-87026 - 703052 ONTARIO LIMITED That Report PD-143-87 be recei ved; and That the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objections to the draft plan of Subdivision 18T-87026, submitted on behal f of 703052 Ontario Limited subject to dedication of a 0.3 Metre . G. P .A. REPORT 9. CONTINUED 10. . 11. 12. 13. . 14. 15. .. -- . - PAGE 3. Reserve to the City of Oshawa along the frontage of Townline Road South; and That a copy of sai d report be forwarded to the Ci ty of Oshawa Pl anni ng Department. PROPOSED DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION - SCHICKENDANZ BROS. AND VELTRI & SON LTD. That Report PD-144-87 be received; and That the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objection to the deletion of that portion of Block 72 as illustrated on Plan 18T-86038, more particularly described as Part 2 on Plan 10R-1284; and That a copy of Staff Report PD-144-87 be forwarded to the Region of Durham. REZONING APPLICATION & HAYDON HAMLET PLAN AMENDMENT - GORDON That Report PD-145-87 be tabled for 1 month. REZONING APPLICATION - MARTIN ZEGERS That Report PD-146-87 be received; and That the application filed by Mr. Zegers for rezoning in Part of Lot 30 Concession 5, former Township of Clarke to permit the construction of an accessory building, be referred back to staff for re-circulation and for re-assessment by the Conservation Authority. REZONING APPLICATIONS - CHOLONIUK/PROVENZANO/BI-WAY - BURKETON HILLS - PAYNE That Report PD-147-87 be recei ved; and That Rezoning applications DEV 87-27, DEV 87-32, and DEV 87-37, be received and referred to staff for processing and a subsequent report and public hearing. MR. & MRS. H. EIKENS - 0.3 METRE RESERVE That ReportPD-148-87 be tabled to allow for discussion between Staff and Mr. H. Eikens. AMENDMENT TOWN OF NEWCASTLE D.P. - AMENDMENT TO COURTICE SOUTH NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN - REZONING - JARIGAY INVESTMENTS LTD. That Report PD-149-87 be tabled pending completion of the review requested in Resol uti on "GPA-251-87, re-desi gnati on of 1 ands east of Courti ce Road. . . . . G.P.A. REPORT PAGE 4. 16. ANNUAL A.M.O. CONFERENCE - AUGUST 23-26/87 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. That Report CD-29-87 be received; and That the Town of Newcastle appoint Mayor Winters, Councillor A. Wotten, John Blanchard, Treasurer and Chief Administrative Officer, L. Kotseff. as voting delegates to represent the municipality at the Conference; and That the Clerk be directed to advise the Association of Municipalities of Ontario of the names of the Town's Delegates. AMENDMENT TO CIVIC RECOGNITION POLICY That the Civic Recognition Committee Report CD-35-87 be received; and That the Civic Recognition Policy adopted by Council on October 27th, 1986, be amended to include an "ACHIEVEMENT AWARD" category; and That the Policy in its revised form be recommended to Council for adoption. DISPOSITION OF TOWN OWNED PROPERTY That the recommendations in Confidential Report ADMIN 15-87 and ADMIN 11-87 be approved as written. LIABILITY INSURANCE PAYMENT FROM SELF-INSURED LOSSES RESERVE That Report TR- 35-87 be recei ved; and That the amount of $1,034.85 be paid to the Guarantee Company of North America to cover the Adjustor's fee for claims within the Town's deductible level; and That the funds be drawn from the Town's Self-Insured Losses Reserve Account. TENDER T87-13 - SURFACE TREATMENT That Report TR-37-87 be recei ved; and That Miller Paving, Unionvi11e, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $638,100.00 being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender T87-13, be awarded the contract forthwith, to supply and apply Surface Treatment to various roads as required by the Town of Newcastle; and That the funds be provided from the 1987 Department of Public Works Road Maintenance Budget. FIRE DEPARTMENT POSTER CONTEST That Report FD-10-87 be received; That the winning contestants in the above-headed contest, Miss Angie Prybich and Master Aaron Stap1es,be invited to attend the evening Council Meeting of May 25, 1987; and . . . . PAGE 5. G.P.A. REPORT 21. CONTINUED 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. That the presentation be made to the winners on behalf of the Town; and That the presentation be made to Miss Angie Prybich on behalf of the Durham Regi on Fi re Chi efs' Associ ati on. CHERRY BLOSSOM PARKETTE, COURTICE That Report CS-20-87 be received; and That Staff be authori zed to draw from the Courti ce Lot Levy Reserve Fund to an upset limit of $10,000. for land preparation at Cherry Blossom parkette forthwith. STREET LIGHTING - UPGRADING - NEWCASTLE VILLAGE That Report WD-33-87 be received; and That the Town of Newcastle agree to pay for fi fty percent (50%) of the cost of upgrading the illumination system on Highway #2 in the Village of Newcastle in conjunction with the Highway #2 Reconstruction Project from Cemetery Road to Graham Creek ;and That theTown of Newcastle agree to assume responsibility for the operation and maintenance, including energy charges for the upgraded illumination system; and That the estimated Town's share of $25,000.00 be included in the 1988 Capi ta 1 Budget; and That the M.T.C. be advised of the Town's position on the above items. WORKS DEPARTMENT FIVE YEAR CAPITAL BUDGET TO REGIONAL WORKS DEPARTMENT That Report WD-36-87 be referred back to staff to address the concerns mentioned. KING STREET - HAYDON That Report WD-34-87 be received; and That the alterations to the 1987 Capital Budget Funding arrangements described in this report be approved to provide an additional $62,500.00 of allocation for the King Street, Haydon construction project; and That Mrs. A. Farrugio be advised of Council's actions. STOP SIGN - WAVERLEY ROAD AND ROENICK DRIVE That Staff investigate and report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee, the stop sign at the top of Waverley Road and Roenick Drive, and review the possibility of relocating the stop sign to the west entry road, making Waverley a through road. . . . . G.P.A. REPORT PAGE 6. DUST CONTROL - RUBY COCHRANE - LOT 34, CON. 10, DARLINGTON 27. 28. 29. 30. That the communication dated May 14, 1987, from Lorna Davey, 191 Nonquon Road, Apt. 1006, Oshawa, relative to the dust problem on the sideroad which runs past her mother's home (Mrs. Ruby Cochrane) be received and referred to the Director of Public Works. SAFE DRIVING AWARDS, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT That a Counci 1 Awa rds . letter of congratulations be sent from the Mayor and Members of to the Town of Newcastle employees who won the Safe Driving DELEGATIONS That the following delegations be acknowledged and advised of Council's actions: Mr. & Mrs. J. Nicholson, R. R. 6, Bowmanville. Ron Armstrong, Jones & Jones, 130 Ki ng St. E., Oshawa. William Manson, W.D.M. Consultants, 20 Clematis Road, Willowdale. APPLICATION TO AMEND TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICIAL PLAN 684658 ONTARIO" LIMITED - 3 CHURCH STREET, BOWMANVILLE That Report PD-138-87 be recei ved; and That Official Plan Amendment application 87-11/N submitted by 684658 Ontario Limited be referred back to staff for a subsequent report upon completion of the circulation process; and That a copy of Council's decision be forwarded to the applicant and the interested parties indicated hereto; and That all petitions and comments be forwarded to the Northumberland Newcastle Board of Education and to the Region of Durham for review.