HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/15/1986 -. - -- CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TELEPHONE 623-3379 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LlC 3A6 REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 15, 1986. SUBJECT: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF DECEMBER 15, 1986 RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION (a) Report PD-297-86 - Monthly Building Report, October/86 (b) Report PD-301-86 - Summary of Committee of Adjustment Applications for November 26, 19B6. (c) Report PD-305-86 - Committee of Adjustment Application Kingsley (d) Report CD-66-86 - Animal Control Monthly Report, November, 1986. (e) Report CD-67-86 - Parking Enforcement Report for October, 1986 (f) Re~ort CD-68-86 - Parking Enforcement Report for November, 1986 (g) Report TR-99-86 - John Howard Society Community Youth Support Services Program (h) Report WD-100-B6 - Nash Road - Varcoe Road 2. PARKS POLICY SUB-COMMITTEE INTERIM REPORT That Report CS-69-86 be received; and That the proposed amendments to the Durham Re910nal Official Plan and the Town of Newcastle Official Plan be referred to staff for processing and Public Hearings; and That the proposed amendment to By-law 69-69 included herein as attachment #3 be approved; and That the proposed amendments to the Town of Newcastle's Standard form of Subdivision Agreement including the Parkland Development Specifications be endorsed; and That the 1987 Capital Parks Budget included herein as Attachment #7 be approved in principle and referred to the 1987 Budget deliberations. - PAGE 2. G.P.A. REPORT \- 3. 4. . . "-' " BUILDING SURVEY - CLARKE BRANCH LIBRARY That Report CS-70-86 be received; and That the Clarke Library Capital Budget as per attachment #2 be approved in principle and referred to the 1987 budget deliberations; and That the Town work with the Clarke Library Branch to relocate the artifacts now located in the Clarke Library Building. RECYCLING That Report WD-98-86 be received; and WHEREAS the Town of Newcastle currently has in operation a successful program for the recycling of newsprint, cans and glass within the Town of Newcastle; AND WHEREAS the Town of Newcastle is committed to the recycling of such materials; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Town Staff be directed to consult with Region of Durham staff on the development of a recycling program for the Town of Newcastle which would provide for the Region of Durham to be the recycling co-ordinator for all municipalities within the Region arid that after this review, a report be presented to the General Purpose and Administration Committee on the most suitable method to employ for the pick-up of recyclables, consistent with financial economies whether this is through a non- profit corporation or a profit-making corporation, and that until such a decision is reached, the Town of Newcastle continue to employ the services of Durham Recycling Inc., for the pick-up of recyc1ables in the Town of Newcastle; AND FURTHER THAT the Town of Newcastle endorse the principle of a cost sharing agreement between the Ministry of Environment, The Regional Municipality of Durham and the Town of Newcastle, and that the report, to be presented in the future, to the Committee include a presentation of the costs the Town of Newcastle would be expected to bear under such a cost sharing agreement. 5. EXTENSION OF DRAFT APPROVAL: BURKETON HILLS PENWEST DEVELOPMENTS SCHLEISS & HOLLAND That Report PD-291-86 be received; and That Council adopt the following resolutions: (1) "THAT Council of the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs to extend the draft plan approval for Subdivision 18T-75362 for a further one (1) Year peri od to January 23, 1988':; 1 G.P.A. REPORT PAGE 3. -- 5. 6. . 7. . 8. . (2) "THAT Council of the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs to extend the draft plan approval for Subdivisidn lBT-76011 for a further one (1) year period to Januay 29, 1988"; (3) "THAT Council of the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs to extend the draft plan approval for Subdivision lBT-77001 for a further one (1) year period to January 29, 1988"; THAT the requests in Recommendation No.2 above, be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and that the respective Owners be so advised. REVISIONS TO DRAFT APPROVED PLAN - COURTICE HEIGHTS(SOUTH) That Report PD-292-86 be recei ved; and That Council adopt the following resolution: "THAT the correspondence from W.D.M. Consultants Ltd., dated November 7,1986 and November 17, 19B6 be received and the Ontario Municipal Board be advised that the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, in consideration of the Residential Policies within the Courtice Urban Area Official Plan pertaining to the development of a range/mix of housin9 types, supports the proposed revisions as illustrated on the attached draft 10M Plans thereby permitting the development of 185 single family lots"; and That the request in Recommendation No.2 above, be forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board and that Courtice Heights Development Ltd., be so advised. EXEMPTION FROM PART LOT CONTROL - COURTICE HEIGHTS That Report PD-293-86 be received; and That the request submitted byMr. W. D. Manson, on behalf of Courtice Hei9hts Development, thereby exempting lots 1 to 37 (inclusive) and lots 100 to 108 (inclusive) as shown on the Plan 10M-783 from Part Lot Control be acknowledged: and That the attached by-law be approved and forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham pursuant to Section 49, Subsection (7) of the Planning Act; and That Mr. W. D. Manson be so advised. REZONING APPLICATION - KINGSBERRY PROPERTIES That Report PD-294-86 be received; and That the application submitted by Kingsberry Properties, to rezone five (5) parcels of land, of varying sizes, located in Part Lots 34/35, Concession 1, former Township of Darlington, to permit the development of "Low Density Residential" on full municipal services be received and referred to staff for processing and a subsequent report and public meeting. PAGE 4. G.P.A. REPORT - 9. 10. . 11. 12. . 13. 14. . REZONING APPLICATION - K. SIMARD (ONTARIO PONY) That Report PD-295-86 be received; and That the application submitted by Mr. Ken Simard on behalf of Ontario Pony to rezone a 0.21 hectare parcel of land located in Part Lot 34, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington, to permit the development of a new automobile dealership on municipal services be received and referred to staff for processing and a subsequent report and public meeting. REZONING APPLICATION - DON DEB CONSTRUCTION That Report PD-296-B6 be received; and That the application submitted by Mr. D. Ewart on behalf of Dondeb Construction, to rezone a 1.23 hectare parcel of land located in Part Lot 10, Concession 1, former Town of Bowmanvi11e to amend the setback and unit count requirements of By-law 84-63, in respect of an approved 117 unit apartment building on municipal services be received and referred to staff for processing and a subsequent report and public meeting. REZONING APPLICATION - HIGGS That Report PD-298-86 be received; and That the application for rezoning in respect of Part Lot 11, Concession 7, former Township of Clarke, to permit construction of an accessory building within the "Environmental Protection (EP) U zone be approved; and That the by-law attached to this report, to amend By-law 84-63 as amended, be forwarded to Council for approval. REZONING APPLICATION - STABY That Report PD-299-86 be received; and That the application for rezoning of Part of Lot 27, Broken Front Concession, former Township of Clarke (Bond Head), submitted by Mr. & Mrs. Staby, to permit the extension of a Node/Cluster be tabled to permit the applicant to apply for an Offi ci a 1 P1 an Amendment. REZONING APPLICATION - CLAUDE HARNESS That Report PD-302-86 be received: and That the Committee table the application to permit staff to receive comments from the Ministry of Bnvironment, the Ministry of Commercial and Consumer Relations, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION APPROVAL - KIDDICORP INVESTMENTS That Report PD-303-86 be referred back to staff to negotiate the poi nts rai sed. G.P.A. REPORT - 15. 16. . 17. . 18. . PAGE 5. REZONING APPLICATION & SITE PLAN APPROVAL ALLEN AND DAWSON That Report PD-304-86 be received; and That the application for rezoning Part of Lot 12, Concession 1, former Town of Bowmanvi11e (12 Temperance Street) submitted by Mr. W. Allen and Ms. N. Dawson, to permit the property to be used as a Motor Vehicle Repair Garage be approved; and That the by-law attached hereto to amend By-law B4-63 be approved and forwarded to Council after the site plan control approval is finalized. APPLICATION FOR REZONING - ROLF & HEIDI FRIEDRICHS That Report PD-260-86 be received; and That the application for rezoning submitted by Rolf & Heidi Friedrichs to rezone a 2.04 hectare parcel of land located in Part of Lot 21, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington, from "Agricultural (A)" to "Rural Cluster (RC)", be approved; and That the necessary by-law amendment defining a residential cluster pursuant to the provisions of the Durham Official Plan be prepared, and public notice be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act. PROPOSED SCHEDULE FOR SPRING CIVIC RECOGNITION RECEPTION AND ACQUISITION OF MEDALLION AND PLAQUE FOR USE IN THE PROGRAM That Clerk's Report CD-65-86 be received; and That Council adopt the Medallion and Plaque as the form of awards to be presented to citizens in accordance with the Civic Recognition Policy; and That Council authorize the acquisition of 100 Medallions and 25 pl aques from Coyle and Greer Awards Canada Ltd., Ingersoll, Ontario, at a cost of $1,126.55, plus Federal and Provincial Taxes; and That the funds be drawn from the Unclassified Administration Receptions and Tributes Account #7007-0235-X-5; That the Clerk retain possession of the award-related materials and they be released for use only by Resolution of Council. LAND ACQUISITION - ARENA LANDS AMENDMENT That Clerk's Report CD-64-86 be received; and That the attached by-law to amend By-law 86-121, wnich amending by-law is intended to correct a description defect be recommended to Council for passage; and That the amending by-law be forwarded to the Town's Solicitor for registration. ~ . 21. . 22. 23. . G.P.A. REPORT PAGE 6. 19. STATUS REPORT REGARDING THE NEW ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITY That Report ADMIN 72-86 be received; That in accordance with Section 6.01 of the Town's Purchasing By-law that the architectural firm of A.J. Diamond and Partners be di rected to undertake a "Pre-Qual i fi cation" procedure for all bidders prior to the actual tender being issued regarding the new Administrative Facility as outlined in Report ADMIN 72-86; and That the architectural firm of A. J. Diamond and Partners be advised in order to initiate this procedure immediately. 20. TAX BILLING PROCEDURE That Report TR-10l-86 be received; and That Council adopt the recommendati on in thi s report to redesign and colour code a new tax bill in lieu of changing the present tax procedure: and That the new colour coded tax bills indicate the names and telephone numbers of the elected officials directly responsible for Education, Regional and Municipal, in the same colour coding. WILMOT CREEK - REQUEST FOR REDUCTION IN MILL RATE That Report TR-102-B6 be received; and That the request by the Wilmot Creek Homeowners Association for reduction of the base mill rate levied upon the Wilmot Creek Development be denied without prejudice; and That the Wilmot Creek Homeowners' Association be advised of Council's actions. CASH ACTIVITY REPORT FOR NOVEMBER, 1986 That Report TR-103-86 be received; and That, in accordance with provision of Chapter 302, Section 81(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, the Treasurer reports to Committee that the cash position of the Town of Newcastle for the month ended November is as shown on the Attached Schedule: and That the expenditures for the month of November, 1986 be confirmed. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE 1986 MUNICIPAL GRANT REQUEST That Report TR-105-86 be received; and That a grant of $1,000.00 to St. John's Ambulance be approved; and That the funds expended be drawn from the Municipal Grants Policy Reserve Account. . . 27. . 2B. 29 30. . G.P.A. REPORT PAGE 7. 24. NETWORKING - COMPUTER SYSTEM That Report TR-106-B6 be received; and That the proposal from M.A.1. Canada Limited to install a communication system to support computer equipment at various locations within the Town be approved; and That the funds expended De drawn from the Administration Improvement Reserve Fund #1110-X-168-4. 25. AGRICULTURAL ROADS That Report WD-99-86 be received; and That needs to upgrade agricultural roads that are classified as summer maintenance be acknowledged; and That funds for upgrading of agricultural (summer maintenance) roads be presented during the 19B7 budget review for Council's consideration; and That a separate account be set up for summer maintenance roads; and That only roads which are currently listed in the Roads Needs Study will receive maintenance unless so directed by Council Resolution. 26. ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION That the communication dated November 26, 19B6 from Sheila Richardson, Executive Director, Ontario Good Roads Association, 5716 Coopers Avenue, Unit 7, Mississauga, L4Z 2E8, requesting resolutions and 10n9 service recognition submissions be recei ved for i nformati on. NEW ARENA PROJECT SITE That the site on Hi ghway #2 and Regi ona1 Road #57, be confirmed as the location for the new arena. NEW ARENA PROJECT COMPONENTS That Council proceed with Alternative #2 from Schedule A _ Section 13 of Report Admin 73-86, Single Pad/ Community Hall be approved; and That the condition for the addition of a second pad be included in the design. CONSULTANT SELECTION - NEW ARENA PROJECT That interviews for consultant selection be scheduled for January 9, 19B7. ONTARIO HYDRO SUPPLEMENTARY AGREEMENT - NEW ARENA PROJECT That the Director of Community Services, the Director of Planning, the Chief Administrative Officer, and Councillor Hubbard, negotiate with Ontario Hydro the terms of the Supplementary Agreement.