HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/21/1986 . . . . . CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK REPORT fll 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LlC3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 28, 1986. SUBJECT: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 21, 1986. RECOMMENDATIONS: I. RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION (a) PD-188-86 - Monthly Building Report - May 1986; (b) CD-4l-86 - Parking Enforcement Report for June, 1986; (c) CD-42-86 - Animal Control Report for May, 1986; (d) CD-43-86 - Animal Control Report for June, 1986; (e) FD 25-86 - Monthly Fire Report - June 2. DURHAM REGION OFFICIAL PLAN AND PROPOSED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION - JOSEPH AND CARL SCHWARZ That the application of Carl and Joseph Schwarz to amend the Durham Region Official Plan for approval of a Plan of Subdivision be tabled until September 15, 1986 G.P.A. Committee Meeting. 3. REZONINtlARRLICATlON - DURHAM REGION YMCA That Report PD-183-86 be received; and That Rezoning Application DEV 86-35 submitted by the Durham Regional YMCA be approved; and That By-law 86-103 be forwarded to Council for approval; and That consideration be given to refunding the rezoning application fee to the applicant. . . . . 6. . 7. . . G.P.A. REPORT PAGE 2 4. REZONING APPLICATlDN - E. VANDERWALKER JULY 28, 1986 That Report PD-184-86 be received; and That Rezoning Application DEV 86-34 submitted by Mr. E. VanDerWalker be approved; and That By-law 86-104 be forwarded to Council; and That the rezoning application fee be refunded to Mr. E. VanDerWalker. 5. REZONING APPLICATION - ESTATE OF MARY ETHEL LYCETT That Report PD-185-86 be received; and That Rezoning Application DEV 86-27 be lifted from the table and approved; and That By-law 86-105 attached to this Report be forwarded to Council for approval; and That a copy of Council's decision with respect to this matter be forwarded to the applicant and interested parties as indicated hereto; and That an item 5 be added to read as follows: "That the Durham Region Land Division Committee be requested as a condition of consent to have a warning registered on the title advising prospective purchasers of the presence of high sodium in the area of acquifers." APPOINTING OF INSPECTORS That Report PD-186-86 be received; and That By-law 86-106 appointing Inspectors be approved; and That the Clerk issue the required Certificates of Appointment. SPECIAL EVENTS BY-LAW That Report PD-187-86 be received; and That the proposed amendment to By-law 84-63, included as Attachment No.4 ('By..lew 86-l0nhereto,\be apptJoved~ and That the proposed amendment to By-law 78-50, included as Attachment NO.5 (By-law 86-108) hereto, be approved; and That pursuant to Section 34, Subsection 16 of the Planning Act, 1983, Council hereby resolves that no further notice shall be required in respect of the approval of the proposed amendment to By-law 84-63 as contained in Attachment No.2 to Staff Report PD-187-86. . . . . . . . G.P.A. REPORT PAGE 3 JULY 28, 1986 7. S~ECIAL EVENTS BY-tAW Continued That Attachment No. 4 and No. 5 in addendum to Staff Report PD-187-86 be forwarded to Council for approval in lieu of Attachment Nos. 2 and 3 to Staff Report PD-187-86. PROPOSED AMENDMENT EXPANSION AND ENLARGEMENT OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS. 8. 9. That Report PD-189-86 be received; and That the proposed amendment to By-law 84-63 included herewith as Attachment No. I be approved. (By-law 86-109). REZONING APPLICATION - ERNEST COLLIS That Report PD-190~86 be received; and That the application submitted by Mr. J. Victor, Q.C., on behalf of Mr. Colliss, to rezone a parcel of land located in Part of Lot 18, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington to permit the development of an additional lot be tabled ~o afford the applicant the opportunity for further dialogue with the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Staff in consideration of the policies within the Durham Regional Official Plan pertaining to "environmentally sensitive lands". 10. AMENDMENT TO DRAFT SUBDIVISION - SCHLEISS AND HOLLAND That Report PD-19l-86 be received; and That Council adopt the following resolution: "That the correspondence received from Proctor and Redfern Group on behalf of Schleiss and Holland, dated June 25, 1986, be received and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing be advised that the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle has no objections to the proposed revisions to Lots 77 and 78 as illustrated on the attached draft 10M Plan to permit the development of single family homes"; and That the Proctor and Redfern Group be so advised. II. PROPOSED REVISIONS - FOSTER CREEK DEVELOPMENTS That Report PD-192-86 be received; and That the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objection to the revision of Draft Approved Plan l8T-85030 to include Block 75, Plan IOM-776 and to increase the number of proposed lots from 77 to 82, as indicated on Attachment No. I hereto; and That a copy of Council's decision with respect to this matter be forwarded to the Region of Durham and the applicant. . . G. P .A. REPORT 12. JULY 28, 1986 13. . 14. . 15. . 16. . . PAGE 4 AMENDMENT TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICIAL PLAN AND COURTICE SOUTH NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN - JARIGAY INVESTMENTS LIMITED That Official Plan Amendment application submitted by Jarigay Investments Limited and application No. I to amend the Courtice South Neighbourhood Development Plan and Rezoning Application submitted by Jarigay Investments Limited, be tabled. REZONING APPLICATION - LYLE WEST That Report PD-194-86 be received; and That the application submitted by Mr. Lyle West to rezone a D.48 hectare parcel of land located in Part Lot 29, Concession 5, former Township of Clarke to permit a commercial use on private services be received and referred to Staff for processing and a subsequent report and public meeting. COURTICE NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENTS That Report PD-158-86 be received; and That Planning Staff convene a Public Meeting at the Courtice High School in order to obtain input into the proposed amendments to the Courtice Urban Area Plan and the Courtice West, Courtice South and Courtice North Neighbourhood Development Plan. That Staff be authorized to proceed with the preparation of a draft document for presentation to the General Purpose and Administration Committee. RECLASSIFICATION OF CLERK-TYPIST I TO CLERK-TYPIST II (PLANNING DEPT.) That the Administrator's Confidential Report Admin. 57-86 be received "In Camera"; and That the position of Clerk-Typist I (Planning Department) be reclassified to Clerk-Typist II (Planning Department); and That the funds required as a result of the reclassification be drawn from the Unclassified Administration Account. DELEGATION - A & P FOOD STORES That the delegation of Douglas G. Stephen, P.Eng., Director of Construction, A & P Food Stores be acknowledged, and that the requests referred to in his letter of July 16, 1986, be referred to Mr. David Oakes, Clerk/Administrator, Director of Public Works, Gordon Ough, Director of Planning, T. Edwards and Councillor Hubbard for a further report to Council. . . G.P.A. REPORT PAGE 5 17. RETHINK ARENA STUDY JULY 28, 1986 That Report ADMIN. 55 - 86 be received; and That the balance owing to the ReThink Incorporated be approved for payment in the amount of $1,824.49. 18. CASH ACTIVITY REPORT - JUNE, 1986 That Report TR-55-86 be received; and That in accordance with provision of Chapter 302, Section 81(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, the Treasurer reports to Committee that the cash position of the Town of Newcastle for the month ended June is as shown on the attached schedule; and . That the expenditures for the month of June, 1986 be confirmed. 19. SELF-INSURED LDSSES RESERVE 1986 That Report TR-56-86 be received; and That, the theft of parking signs located in Orono, with a total replacement value of $56.64 be funded through the Self-Insured Losses Reserve. . 20. NAVY LEAGUE GRANT That Report TR-58-86 be received; and That, the $2,000 grant, approved by Council in 1985, that is being held for the Bowmanville and District Navy League, be released to them in order that they may purchase band equipment. . 21. UNDERGROUND ENTRANCE RAMP - FIRE STATION fll (BOWMANVILLE) That Report TR-59-86 be received; and That the procedures set out in the Purchasing By-law #82-92, Section 5, paragraph 04, be waived for this particular transaction owing to the uniqueness of the work required; and That a purchase order in the amount of $11,960.00 (Plus P.S.T.) to replace the electric snow melting cables in the underground entrance ramp at Fire Station #1, be awarded to Kremco Limited; and That the funds expended be provided from the approved 1986 Fire Department Capital Budget Account #7102-0172-0005-4. . . . . G.P.A. REPORT PAGE 6 JULY 28, 1986 22. AGREEMENT HOUSE LEAGUE HOCKEY 23. . 24. . 25. . 26. . . That Report CS-46-86 be received; and That staff and the Mayor be authorized to execute the draft agreement attached for the former Bowmanville Minor Hockey Association House League division to assume responsibility for the Recreation Hockey League in the Town. BASE LINE COMMUNITY CENTRE That the communication dated July 10, 1986 from Brenda Metcalf, Secretary-Treasurer, Base Line Community Centre, R. R. #2, Bowmanville, Ontario, LlC 3K3, requesting consideration of removal of some topsoil, hot patching for the parking lot and its expansion be referred to the Director of Community Services for a report to Council; and That the matter of the topsoil be dealt with as soon as possible. STREET NAME BY-LAW That Report WD-54-86 be received; and That street name by-law be approved, (By-law 86-110). That the recommended amendments in Report WD-54-86 be adopted. REQUEST FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO UNOPENED ROAD ALLOWANCE - JOE MARK That Report WD-60-86 be received; and That Mr. Joe Mark be granted permission to install a cross road culvert and place granular fill on the unopened road allowance between Concession Road 2 and 3, former Clarke Township, to gain access to his property; and That the Public Works Department issue the required Road Occupancy Permit for such work; and, That Mr. Joe Mark be advised of Council's decision. BOWMANVILLE WORKS YARD That Report WD-6l-86 be received; and That Staff proceed to obtain costs and designs from local landsoaping firms for implementation of landscaping at the Bowmanville Works Yard and the Liberty Street/Highway 4Dl Interchange; and That a subsequent report be submitted to G.P.A. for consideration. . . G.P.A. REPORT PAGE 7 JULY 28, 1986 27. EXTENSION OF SERVICE - 1/2 TON TRUCKS 28. . 29. . . 30. 31. . . That Report WD-63-86 be received; and, That the Public Works Department be authorized to extend the disposal date for the half ton pickup trucks, Units 72l9-X-00532-X and 72l7-X-D0502-X, and one half ton van to the 1987 Durham Region Public Auction; and That the disposal of all other Public Works Fleet be in accordance with the 1986 Fleet Capital Budget. OFFICE SPACE - PUBLIC WORKS AND PLANNING DEPARTMENTS, HAMPTON. That Report WD-64-86 be received; and That additional office space be rented in the form of an office trailer for use by Public Works and Planning staff until the new administration centre is ready for occupancy; and That the cost of renting the temporary office space be charged to the Administrative Improvement Reserve Fund Account. JEFFERY'S SUPERETTE - HAROLD DRAKE That Report WD-65-86 be received; and That the owner of Jeffery's Superette be encouraged to consider alterations to the entrance east of the Superette to provide a turnaround for his customers and to encourage them to use that entrance to turn around in rather than the private driveways on Nelson Street; and That a copy of this report be forwarded to Mr. Harold Drake of 9 Nelson Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. PRESENTATION TO CITY OF VANCOUVER That the Clerk be authorized to release a copy of Professor Squair's book to Councillor McKnight for presentation by Councillor McKnight to Mayor Michael Harcourt, City of Vancouver, for display in and around Vancouver throughout 1986. RECESS FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST That the General Purpose and Administration Committee recess for the month of August.