HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/16/1985 REPORT #1 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TELEPHONE 623.3379 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 23, 1985 SUBJECT: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 16, 1985 RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) . (f) 2. RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION REPORT CD-40-85, Separate School Determination, 1985 Municipal Election. REPORT CD-4l-85, Parking Enforcement Report for the Month of August, 1985. REPORT CD-42-85, Animal Control Monthly Report for August, 1985 REPORT CD-44-85, Emergency Action in the Event an Abandoned Well is Cons i dered Dangerous REPORT FD-19-85, Monthly Fire Report for August, 1985 REPORT FD-20-85, School Fire Safety Procedure and Maintenance Schedules. APPLICATION TO REMOVE HOLDING SYMBOL FROM THE (H)Rl-URBAN RESIDENTIAL TYPE ONE ZONE, PART LOT 28, CONC. 1, FORMER VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE That Report PD-117-85 be received; and That the application submitted by Mr. Milton Potter to rezone a parcel of land in Part of Lot 28, Concession, former Village of Newcastle, requesting the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol from the (H)Rl-Urban Residential Type One Zone of said lands, be approved; and That the attached by-law be approved. (By-Law 85-105) . . . . G.P.&.A.REPORT PAGE 2. 3. APPLICATION FOR OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT - G. GABOURIE That Report PD-124-85 be received; and That the Regional Municipality of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objection to proposed Official Plan Amendment 85-2l/D/ND (G. Gabourie); and That the Town further reocmmends that the balance of the area bounded by Townline Road on the west, Nash Road on the south, Darlington Boulevard North on the east, and the northerly limit of the Courtice Urban envelope be added to the Courtice Urban Area and that the necessary amendment be proceeded with based upon the land use designations shown on the Attachments to Report PD-124-85. 4. LIQUOR LICENCE BOARD OF ONTARIO - CASTLE HOTEL RE-CLASS- IFICATION FROM HOTEL TO TAVERN That Report PD-125-85 be received; and That the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objection to the elimination of bedroom facilities and that the re-classification of the premises from "Hotel" to "Tavern" would not contravene the provisions of the Town's zoning by-laws. 5. REZONING - CHURCH OF THE LATTER DAY SAINTS That Report PD-126-85 be received; and That application for rezoning, File DEV 85-18, in respect of Part of Lots 15 and 16, Concession 1, Former Township of Darlington, submitted by MR. E. Pollard on behalf of the Church of the Latter Day Saints to permit the construction of a Church, be approved and that the by-law to amend by-law 84-63, as amended, be forwarded to Council at such time as the written confirmation of the Regional Health Unit, supporting the application for rezoning is received. (BY-LAW 85-108) 6. REZONING - LINCHRIS HOMES LIMITED That Report PD-127-85 be received; and That an application, submitted by Linchris Homes Limited to rezone a parcel of land in Part of Lot 35 Concession 2, Block 85, on Plan 764, to permit the development of a commercial plaza, be received and referred to staff for processing and a subsequent report and public hearing. 7. APPLICATION TO AMEND EAST WHITBY OFFICIAL PLAN - MESSRS. GLASPELL - SPECIAL STUDY AREA NO. 8 - CITY OF OSHAWA OFFICIAL PLAN That Report PD-128-85 be received; and That the City of Oshawa be advised that the Town's concerns in respect of the residential and deferred designations of those lands currently included within the Special Study Area No.8 have been resolved; and G.P.&.A.REPORT PAGE 3. . 7. That the Region of Durham be advised that the Town has no other concerns or objections regarding the implementation of the proposed City of Oshawa Official Plan, May 1985; and That the Region of Durham be advised that the Town has no objection to the application to amend the former East Whitby Official Plan west of Townline Road North, south of Taunton Road East, by G. Glaspell et al to redesignate lands from "Agricultural" to "Residential" designation. REZONING NODE/CLUSTER - MICHAEL SENYK - REZONING J. MARCH BEAULIEU - REZONING - A. WILLISON. 8. That Report PD-129-85 be received; and Firstly, that application for rezoning of Part Lot 35, Concession 4 former Township of Darlington, submitted by Mr. M. Senyk to permit the development of two (2) additional residential lots be approved and that the attached by-law to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, be forwarded to Council; (BY-LAW 85-109) Secondly, that application for rezoning File: DEV 85-9 in respect of Part of Lot 15 Concession 3, former Township of Darlington, submitted by Mr. Jean Marc Beaulieu and application for rezoning File: DEV 85-15 in respect of Part of Lot 31, Concession 3, former Township of Darlington, submitted by Mr. Alan Willison, be referred back to staff for further dialogue. . 9. O.P.A. AMENDMENT - P. GEARING That Report PD-130-85 be received; and That the Region of Durham be advised that, with respect to Official Plan Amendment application 85-26/D, the Town of Newcastle has no objection to the redesignation of this site to allow ten (10) estate residential lots to be developed. 10. REZONING - A. HOFSTEDE That Report PD-131-85 be referred back to staff to review the application for rezoning with the applicant. 11. HOUSE NUMBERING POLICY That Report PD-132-85 be received; and That the attached Policy for assigning street addresses be approved; and That staff prepare house numbering plans for all existing urban or hamlet areas where house numbers do not presently exist; and . That staff publish a public notice to advise residents of the availability of house numbers; and That copies of the house numbering plans be forwarded to the Newcastle Fire Department, Durham Regional Police, Regional Ambul ance Servi ces, Durham Regi ona 1 Pub 1 i c Works and the Regi ona 1 G.P.&.A.REPORT PAGE 4. . Assessment Office and that the Utilities be advised that the Town of Newcastle will have a numbering system for its urban areas. 12. ENFORCEMENT OF PARKING BY-LAW ACROSS MUNICIPALITY That Staff prepare a report for the next General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting, on what is being done to enforce our parking by-law across the municipality. 13. REMOVAL OF SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD - DARLINGTON BLVD. AND HIGHWAY #2 That Clerk's Report CD-43-85 be received; and That the controlled crossing at Darlington Blvd" and Highway #2 be discontinued; and That the Courtice West Public School and Durham Regional Police be advised of this action; and That all signage identifying the crossing as a school crossing be removed. 14. IMPROVEMENTS TO THE BOWMANVILLE BRANCH OF THE NEWCASTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY . That Administrator's Reports ADMIN 45-85 and ADMIN 49-85 and ADMIN 56-85 be received; That Recommendation #2(b) be referred back with Recommendation #2(a); and That Recommendation #2(c),Improvements to janitorial room and venting (Estimated Cost $5,000 - $6,000) be approved; and That Recommendation #2(d), Noise baffles on furnace (Estimated cost $2,000) be approved; and That the Library Board be advised of Council's actions 15. CENOTAPH LIGHTING That Administrator's Report ADMIN 57-85 be received; That Council authorize the expenditure of the necessary funds for improvements to cenotaph lighting in the four locations within the Town, and that said monies be drawn from the Contingency Account #7007-298-X-9; and That the Canadian Legion Branch #178 be advised of Council's actions. . G.P.&.A.REPORT PAGE 5. 16. USE OF TOWN-OWNED VEHICLES FOR SPECIAL EVENTS . That Administrator's Report ADMIN 58-85 be received; That the policy for use of Town-owned vehicles at special events be as fo 11 ows : Town owned vehicles may be used and participate in any special event provided said event has received a road occupancy permit from the Town of Newcastle or an invitation has been extended to participate in a special event by the Region of Durham or a local municipality within the Region of Durham. At all times vehicles must be driven by appropriate town staff. CASH ACTIVITY REPORT - JULY, 1985. 17. That Treasurer's Report TR-58-85 be received; That in accordance with provision of Chapter 302, Section 81 (1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.0.1980, the Treasurer reports to the Committee that the cash position of the Town of Newcastle for the month ended July is as shown on the schedure attached .to Report TR-58-85; and That the expenditures for the month of July, 1985 be confirmed. l~. CASH ACTIVITY REPORT - AUGUST, 1985 . That Treasurer's Report TR-59-85 be received; That, in accordance with provision of Chapter 302, Section 81(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, the Treasurer Reports to Committee that the cash position of the Town of Newcastle for the month ended August is as shown on the schedule attached to Report TR-59-85; and That the expenditures for the month of August, 1985 be confirmed. 19. TENDER T85-l6 - NO.2 DOMESTIC FUEL OIL That Treasurer's Report TR-60-85 be received; and That DX Oil Company, Oshawa, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $76,725.00 being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender T85-l6, be awarded and the contract to supply and deliver No.2 Domestic Fuel Oil to the Town of Newcastle for the 1985-86 winter season; and That the funds expended be drawn from the 1985/86 budget allocation for heating of facilities. . 20. PROCLAMATION OF DISPLAY FOR FIRE PREVENTION WEEK OCTOBER 7 - 12. That Fire Chief's Report FD-18-85 be received; and That Council proclaim October 7th to October 12th, 1985 as PAGE 6. G.P.&.A.REPORT . 21. . . Fire Prevention Week in the Town of Newcastle; and That the Fire Department be granted the use of half of the Parking Lot to the east of the Police and Fire Bliilding, for displays of Fire Department vehicles, equipment and demonstrations from October 8th to 12th, 9:30 a,m. to 4:30 p.m. daily. SNOW FENCE LOCATIONS AND INVENTORY THAT Public Works Department Report WD-56-85 be received, and That the Public Works Department prepare a Snow Fence Inventory and Needs Study, complete with itemized locations for presentation during the 1986 Public Works Budget discussions; and That consideration be given in the 1986 Public Works Budget to purchasing additional snow fence to meet the snow fence requirements as determined by the inventory. 22. ENCROACHMENT - NORTHWEST CORNER OF KING & DIVISION ON THE KING STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY THAT Public Works Department Report WD-57-85 be received; and That permission be granted to Mr. Henry Sokoljuk, his heirs, successors and assigns, the rights to maintain and use such portion of the building as constitutes an encroachment upon a public highway, for so long as the encroachment is not required for municipal purposes, said encroachment being over Part 2, Plan 10R-2062; and 23. That the attached by-law to permit the continuation of an encroachment on Town-owned lands by Henry Sokoljuk, King Street, Bowmanville, over Part 2, Plan 10R-2062 be enacted. (By-law 85-106) SPEED LIMIT ON OLD SCUGOG ROAD - BOWMANVILLE HERITAGE ESTATES That Public Works Department Report WD-58-85 be received; and That the speed limit on Old Scugog Road from Regional Road 57 to 1200 metres northerly be posted as 50 kilometres per hour, in accordance with the Highway Traffic Act for a built-up area; and That the associated cost of installing the signs be assessed against the developer's contribution to improve Old Scugog Road. 24. PROCLAMATION OF RECYCLING WEEK That Public Works Department Report WD-59-85 be received; and That the Week of September 30th to October 5th, 1985 inclusive be declared Recycling Week in the Town of Newcastle, according to Town Pol icy; That the following proclamation be placed in the local press and charged to the advertising account of Garbage Collection; WHEREAS, the Council of the Town of Newcastle recognizes that . . 27. . G.P.&.A. PAGE 7. that recycling is beneficial to resource and energy conservation, job creation, litter abatement and a reduced independence on solid waste disposal facilities; and WHEREAS, the Town of Newcastle is already active in a local recycling program; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, THAT the week of September 30th to October 5th, 1985 is proclaimed as Recycling Week. To help celebrate "Recycling Week" in the Town of Newcastle, and to support litter abatement, Staff review and prepare a report on the feasability of locating additional bins in the rural areas. 25. CEAN INVESTMENTS - HIGH STREET SUBDIVISION - REMOVAL OF 0.3m RESERVE - PROUT DRIVE That Publ i c Works Department Report WD-60-85 be received; That a by-law be passed by Council dedicating Block 42, Plan 10M-761, as public road allowance; and That upon passing of said by-law, staff be authorized to issue building permits for the abutting lots provided that all other required conditions are met. (BY-LAW 85-107) 26. STOP SIGNS AND AMENDMENTS TO TOWN'S THROUGH HIGHWAY BY-LAW (75-23) That Public Works Department Report WD-6l-85 be received; That stop signs be relocated at the following locations: (a) Nash Road to become the through road at Varcoe Road with Varcoe Road the stop condition; (b) Nash Road to become the through road at Hancock Road, with Hancock Road the stop condition; That By-law 75-23, being a by-law to designate certain highways within the Town of Newcastle as "Through Highways" be amended as follows: (a) former Clarke Township, Concession Road 1, to become the through road at Morgans Road with Morgans Road the stop condition. (BY-LAW 85-110) STREET NAME BY-LAW That Public Works Department Report WD-62-85 be received; That the recommendations in Works Department Report WD-3l-85 be approved; That the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Port Hope District Engineer, be advised of the names of Town Roads intersecting King's Highways, and be requested to install name signs accordi ngly. G.P.&.A.REPORT PAGE 8. 28. .- " PARKING - NORTH SIDE OF THE NEWCASTLE VILLAGE CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN NORTH ST. AND POST OFFICE That Public Works Department Report WD-63-85 be tabled pending notification to and input from the Newcastle Business Improvement Area and Newcastle Chamber of Commerce. 29. DELEGATIONS - MR. A. HOFSTEDE MR. KURT PIEKENBROCK MR.ALAN WILLISON MR. PAUL GEARING That the above delegations be acknowledged and advised of Council's actions. 30. FRONTAGE CHARGES IN COURTICE That the matter regarding Frontage Charges in Courtice be referred to the Regional Works Department. 31. RECONSTRUCTION OF HIGHWAY #2 THROUGH NEWTONVILLE That in view of the fact that the option of communal water supply system for Newtonville has not proceeded, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, by this resolution, be requested to proceed with the scheduled reconstruction of Highway #2 through Newtonville at the earliest possible date. . 32. GOODYEAR CANADA INC. -75TH ANNIVERSARY That Mayor's Report 18-85 be received; and That the Town of Newcastle purchase a one-half page advertisement in the Canadian Statesman for the Goodyear Canada Inc. 75th Anniversary Supplement; and That the cost of this advertisement, in the amount of $160,00 be charged to Account No. 7007-0235-X-5, Receptions and Tributes; and That the Town of Newcastle recognize the actual date of Goodyear Canada Inc., locating in Bowmanville, 75 years ago on October 10th, 1985, by presentation of a plaque to commemorate this date. Respectfully Submitted, Council 1 or E. R. Woodyard, Chai rman .