HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/03/1985 REPORT #1 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LIe 3A6 TELEPHONE 623.3379 B.EroRT 'ID COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1985. SUBJEcr: GENERAL PURPOSE AND JillIlINISTRATION rolMITrEE MEEI'ING OF SEPTEMBER 3RD, 1985. REm1MENDATIONS: l. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) .. (h) (i) (j) (k) 2. RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION Report PD-1l5-85, !.bnthly Building Report - June, 1985 Report PD-1l6-85, Sunmary of Land Division Ccmnittee Applications for the Month of June, 1985. Report PD-121-85, Sunmary of Ccmnittee of Adjustment Applications for Meeting of August 7, 1985. Report PD-123-85, Monthly Building Report - July, 1985 Report CD-30-85, Animal O:mtrol Monthly Report for June, 1985 Report CD-39-85, Animal Control !.bnthly Report for July, 1985 Report CD-38-85, Parking Enforcement Report for the month of July, 1985. Report ADMIN 51-85, Meeting with the Honourable Robert Layton, Federal Minister of Mines Report JillIlIN 55-85, Durham Central Agricultural Fair. Report FD-16-85, !.bnthly Fire Report for July, 1985 Report CS-16-85, Energy Auditor PROPOSED APPEAL - DECISION OF LAND DIVISION CDMMITrEE J. CHRISTL That the appeal in respect of Land_Division Application ID218/ 85 be withdrawn 3. PROPOSED LCX;AL CENTRAL AREA - LINrnRIS HOAES LIMITED That Report PD-1l9-85 be received; and That the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objection to the proposed Official Plan Amendment File 85-20jND conditional upon such amendment limiting the developnent to a maximum of 12,000 square feet of coornercial and personal service space. -. 4. AMENLMENT'ID WNING BY-LAW 84-63 - SPECIAL EVENTS - SEcrION 3.22(c) That the amendment to Zoning By-law 84-63, Special Events - Section 3.22(c), be referred back to staff; and G.P.&A. PAGE 2. . That Staff take a broad look and not a site specific look at a possible solution that IIOUld allow the lIllIlicipality to consider ~ial events. 5. APPLICATIOO :FOR RE'la{[ID - PY'IlIIOV DEVEU:PMENrS LID. PARI'r.ars 12 ,& 13, B.F.C., :FORMER 'IOYN OF InYMANVIlLE 'lhat Report PD-122-85 be received; and That an application sulmitted by Pytbbow Developnents Ltd., to rezone a parcel of land in Part of lDts 12 and 13, Broken Front Concession, to penni t the developnent of a slXlpping mall and free standing retail store, be received and referred to staff for processing and a subsequent report and public hearing. 6. DELEGATIOOS OF BRYAN CLARKE, PEI'ER WYTIK, MR. WRRIaw, AND DAVID CLAY'KN HE: GIVEN IDAD AREA EXCAVATIOO : { That the concerns ra:Lsed by the delegations be referred to staff for a report on the listed disturbances and damages and that staff re<xmoond a solution and identify where the responsibility for the problE'lll3 rest and how the problE'lll3 can be rectified. That staff review and report back on what actions can be taken to prevent similar situations. 7. IlClUSES AT PiU'ER ELEVATIOOS . '!hat staff review subdivision agreements in light of incidences that have arisen in recent c1evelopnents. 8. MUNICIPAL AUI1K)RITY :FOR POOl'ECTING 'mE PUBLIC FIQI AI3i\NIXNIID WELLS That Report CD-32-85, Municipal Authority for Protecting the Pljblic fran Abandoned Wells, be received for infonnation, and. That Staff consider and report on what inmediate action may be taken where danger :Ls apparant with respect to abandoned wells. 9. POOCESSING OF ~ FOR APProvAL OF SPECIAL cx:x::ASIOO (LIQOOR) PERMITS '!hat Clerk's Report CD-35-85 be received; and That the Clerk be authorized to issue letters of consent to organizations requiring (buncil's permission with respect to the issuing of Special Occasion Liquor Pennits by the Ontario Liquor Licensing Board, SUbject to the applicant sat:Lsfying any of the Municipality'S concerns. . 10. TAKIDVER OF AND FlJI'URE MAINl'ENANCE OF 'mE ENNISKILLEN PRESBYTERIAN CEME:l'ERY. LOCATIOO: N. W. CXlRNER OF wr 18, exlIC. 7, FORMER TOONSHIP OF DARLINGl"l:N. (J\BANIXl'lED CEMF:l'ERIES). That Clerk's Report CD-3&-85 be received; and " G.P.&A. PAGE 3. . That the Enniskillen Presbyterian Canetery located at the north-west corner of !.Dt 18, Concession 7, former Township of Darlington, be added to the Town of Newcastle's inventory of abandoned cemeteries; That the Darlington Canetery Board be requested to assume the responsibility for the future maintenance of the abandoned cemetery; That the Darlington Canetery Board be authorized to undertake all remedial works necessary including the relocation of the headstones, or the construction of a cairn; That Council enact the necessary amending by-law to give effect to all of the actions reccmnended herein; and That when the amending by-law is passed by Council, the said by-law be forwarded by the Clerk to the Ministry of Consumer Relations for approval. 11. TAKEDVER AND FUTURE MAINTENANCE OF THE IDNG SAULT CEMETERY lOCATION: S.E. CDRNER OF wr 5, cafC. 9, FDRMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON (ABANLONED CEMETERIES) That Clerk's Report CD-37-85 be received; and . That the !.Dng Sault Canetery located at the south-east corner of !.Dt 5, Concession 9, fonrer Township of Darlington, be added to the Town of Newcastle's inventory of abandoned cemeteries; and That the Darlington Canetery Board be requested to assume the reponsibili ty for the future maintenance of the abandoned cemetery; and That the Darlington Canetery Board be authorized to undertake any remedial works required to bring the cemetery lands into conformity with standard levels of maintenance appropriate to such lands; and That Council enact the necessary by-law to add the lands to the Town's Abandoned Canetery Inventory; and That the Clerk be directed to forward the by-law to the Ministry of Conswner and Carrnercial Relations for approval; and That prior to adding the lands of the Long Sault Cemetery to the Town's Abandoned Canetery Inventory, a written request to convey the subject lands to the Town of Newcastle be received by the Clerk from the Enniskillen-Tyrone Pastoral Charge. 12. IMPROVEMENI'S 'ID BOWMANVILLE BRANaI OF THE NEWCASTlE PUBLIC LIBRARY . That Report ADMIN 49-85 be referred to the Council Meeting of September 9, 1985. G.P.&A. PAGE 4. 13. TOURISM PROMOI'IOO OPPORI'lJNITIES . That Administrator's Report ADMIN 50-85 be received; That the Town purchase a one-half page advertisement in the Central Ontario Travel Guide for 1986, said m::mies to be drawn fran the Contingencies Account #7007-298-X-9; That as a part of the on-going tourism prarotion of the Town, Council consider budgeting approximately $1500.00 in the 1986 year for the printing and distribution of further tourism prarotion brochures at the local level. 14. SClIEDULE "B" - INSIDE COllECI'IVE AGREEMENT That the adjustment outlined in Report ADMIN 52-85 in tenns of work hours be agreed to, and incorporated in the Inside Collective Agreement either directly or by memorandum of agreement. 15. REGIOO OF DURHAM CD--OPERATIVE TENDERS WD41-85 - SUPPLY OF SODIUM CHIDRIDE AND WD37-85 - DELIVERY OF SODIUM CHIDRIDE That Report TR-49-85 be received; and . That Iroquois Salt Products Ltd., Mississauga, Ontario, with a unit price of $28. 19 per tonne, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all tenns, conditions and specifications of Region of Durham Co--Operative Tender WD41-85, be awarded the contract to supply bulk sodium chloride to the Town of Newcastle as required by the Department of Public Works; and That Buckham Transport Ltd, , Peterborough, Ontario, with a unit price of $1.50 per tonne to BowmanvilleYard, $1.75 per tonne to Orono Yard, and $1. 75 per tonne to Hampton Yard, being the lowest responsible bidder, meeting all tenns conditions and specifications of Region of Durham Co-operative Tender WD-37-85 be awarded the contract for delivery of Sodium Chloride to the Town of Newcastle as required by the Department of Public Works; and That the funds be drawn fran the Public Works approved winter maintenance accounts for the 1985/86 winter season requirements. 16. REGION OF DURHAM CD-OPERATIVE TENDER WD-4G-85 - SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF WINTER SAND. That Report TR-50-85 be received; and . That Harnden & King Construction (Ont.) Ltd., Cobourg, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $38,680.00 being the lowest responsible bidder, meeting all tenns, conditions, and specifications of the Region of Durham Co-operative Tender WD-40-85 be awarded the contract to supply, deliver, mix and stockpile winter sand as required by the TOwn of Newcastle for the 1985/86 winter season; and That the funds be drawn fran the Public Works approved winter maintenance accounts for the 1985/86 winter season requirements. G.P.&A. 17. PAGE 5. TENDER NO. '1'85-17 - GRAVEL CRIlSflING AND HAULING . That Report TR--55-85 be received; and That Robert young Construction Limited, EnniSllPre, Ontario with a total bid in the aIlPunt of $115,020.00 being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of Tender No. '1'85-17 be awarded the contract to provide Gravel crushing and Haulting as required by the Town of Newcastle; and That the funds expended be provided frOlll the approved Public Works road maintenance construction budget. 18. TENDER '1'85-13 - (2) 35,000 G.V.W. CAB 8< CHASSIS (VEHICLE TENDER) That Report TR-56-85 be received; and That scarborough Truck Centre, Agincourt, Ontario, with a total bid of $77,010.04, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of Tender No. T85-13 be awarded the contract to supply and deliver two only 1986 35 ,000 G. V . W, Cab and Chassis to the Town of Newcastle as required by the Department of Public Works; and That the funds be drawn fran the 1985 approved Public Works Capital Budget. TENDER '1'85-11 _ DESIGN AND CDNsrRDcrION OF AN ADDITION 'TO ~ WORKS JJEPC1I'. . 19, That Report TR-57-85 be received; and That Gerr Construction L:imited, :sowmanville, Ontario with a total bid in the aIlPunt of $155,100.00, being the lowest responsible bidder, meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of Tender No. '1'85-11, be awarded the contract for the design and construction of an addition to IJmnpton Works Depot; and That the funds expended be provided fran the approved 1985 Public Works Budget of $100,000.00, Account #7212-261-1001-5 and that $55,100.00 be provided fran the Fleet Reserve Account #2900-X-IO-7. 20. EJITENSION OF SERVICE ~ TON TRUCKS That Report WD-52-85 be received; and That the Department of Public Works be authorized to extend the disposal date for two half-ton truckS, units 7219-X-00532-X and 7217-X-00502, replaced in the 1984 Public Works Fleet Budget, to the 1986 Region of Durham Public Auction; and That disposal of all other Public Works Fleet be in accordance with the 1985 Fleet capital Budget. . ... G.P.&.A. PAGE 6. 21. LONG TERM WAN OF 'IlIE 1800 FIRE WAGON TO 'IlIE CANADIAN FIREFIGfITER'S MUSEUM . That Report FD-17-85 be received; That the 1800 Fire Wagon be made available to the Canadian Firefighter's Museum for display, on a two year renewable loan basis; and That the attached written loan agreEment be approved. 22. CLOSURE AND CDNVEYANCE OF 'IlIE ROAD ALLOWANCE LYING IN 'IlIE FDRMER CLARKE/DARLINGTON 'TCM'NLINE IN 'IlIE WIIMOl' CREEK !.mILE HOME PARK, MORE PARrICULARLY PARr 22 PLAN 10R-1330 That Report WD-53-85 be received; and That the Rice Group be advised that the Town is not prepared to consider Closure and Conveyance of Part 22, Plan lOR-1330, being the road allowance on the fonner Clarke/Darlington Townline in the WilImt Creek Mobile Hcxne Park, until such time as the abutting property owner to the east indicates concurrence with same; and That the deposit cheque in the aIIDunt of $250.00 provided to the Town by the Rice Group be returned to thEm. . 23. RELEASE OF DEVEWPMENT AGREEMENT, MARNIE INDUSTRIAL PARK LIMITED, PARr :rms 29 AND 30, CONCESSION 1, GEffiRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON. That Report WD-54-85 be received; and That the Director of Public Works be authorized to issue a Certificate of Acceptance for the works constructed, in accordance with the Developnent Agreement between Mamie Industrial Park Limited, and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle; and That the Town Solicitor be advised to prepare the necessary documentation for the execution and final release of the Developnent Agreement; and That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to issue the Certificate of Release on behalf of the Town. 24". CITIZEN OF 'IlIE YEAR AWARD That MAYOR'S REroRr NO. 15-85 be received; and That Five (5) persons be chosen to receive a "Citizen of the Year" Award; . That emphasis be toward recognition of International Youth Year and at least two (2) of the persons chosen to receive an award be young people under the age of 21 years; and That recognition of the "Citizen of the Year" award recipients be G.P.&A. PAGE 7. be held at a public event to be held somet:ime in November of 1985; and . That a letter be written to various organizations in the Municipality and advertisanents be placed in the local newspapers to request nominations of individuals for this award; and That nominations of individuals for the "Citizen of the Year" Award be sutmitted to the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle by October 18th, 1985; and That selection of the names of those persons who will receive a "Citizen of the Year" award will be made by Council by way of secret ballot; and That the presentations of the award be handled in the same manner as last year. 25. SEIECT CDMMITrEE ON ENERGY That MAYOR'S REPORI' NO. 16-85 be received; and That the Town of Newcastle make a presentation to the Select O:mnittee on Energy opposing any action to cancel the construction of the Darlington Generating Station; and . That the presentation be a written brief to the Select O:mnittee on Energy . 26. C.A.O. DAVID JOHNS'ION, ELECTED AS AIMINISTRATIVE VICE- PRESIDENT OF A.M.a. That David Johnston, Chief Administrative Officer, Town of Newcastle be congratulated on his election to the position of Administrative Vice President of A.M.a., and That Council offer him every encouraganent and support in fulfilling his duties of that office. 27. LIGHTING AT CENarAPHS That the matter of flood lighting the Cenotaphs in Bomnanville, Newcastle Village, Orono and Newtonville be referred to staff, and That staff take all necessary actions and liaise with the various agencies with respect to the installation of the lights and that the cost of installing the flood lighting estimated at $2800.00 be taken from the Contingency Account #7007-298-X-9, and That prior to any work being done, staff report back to the General Purpose and Administration Ccmnittee with recarrnendations on how and when the work can be carried out, . 28. COURrICE AREA SIGNING That the identification of the Courtice Area as an urban area wi thin the Town of Newcastle, be referred to staff; and - G.P.&.A. PAGE 8, 28. CDNTINUED . That staff review signing requiranents which would establish the identity; and That staff also review the development of soft services for the Courtice Urban Area such as parks and a library, and That a report be prepared on these matters for the General Purpose and Administration Oommittee. 29. AUDIT CDMMI'ITEE 'That the Chairman consider hOlding a meeting of the Audit Oommittee in October to review appropriate itellE relative to the audit process. ( 30. ACCESS TO MCMASTER PROPERlY FIDl THE EAST END OF TYLER STREET, MI'IUJELL' S CDRNERS J , That Report 1I'lJ-55--85 be referred to the Mayor, and he dialogue with Regional Staff, Town Staff and the property owner for the purpose of resolving the problEm; and 'That the Mayor report back to the General Purpose and Administration Oommi ttee on the outccme of the review. . 31. JAMES c:xxMlES, THISTIE VALLEY PARK, RON smIKE, REPRESENTING MR. & MRS. IDffiE 'That the delegation of James Cocmbes, and Ron Strike, be acknowledged and that they be advised of Council's actions. Respectfully Submitted, Councillor E. R. Woodyard, Chairman. .