HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/17/1985 .. . REPORT #1 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TELEPHONE 623-3379 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LlC 3A6 'W ~~ . REPORT TO THE COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 24, 1985. SUBJECT: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 17, 1985. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION (a) Animal Control Monthly Report for May, 1985. (b) Parkin9 Enforcement Report for May, 1985. (c) 1984 Comments on Internal Control and Accounting Procedures. (d) Monthly Fire Report for May, 1985. 2. EXTENSION OF DRAFT PLAN APPROVAL - J. ZURBA THAT the correspondence from Mr. A. Goheen be recei ved and the Region of Durham Planning Department be advised that the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle has no objections to the extension of draft approval of Plan l8T-8l023 as revised May 23, 1984, to July 9, 1986; and THAT the request above, be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department and Mr. A. Goheen be so advised. 3. PROPOSED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION - CHIBRA DEVELOPMENTS THAT the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objection to draft approval of Plan of Subdivision l8T-840ll, as revised in red and attached to report PD-92-85 as Attachement No.2 and subject to the conditions as outlined on Attachment No.3 of report PD-92-85. THAT a copy of Staff Report PD-92-85 and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham and the applicant; THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Subdivision Agreement between Chi bra Developments and the Town of Newcastle at such time as an agreement has been finalized to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and the Director of Planning. (See By-law 85-87) THAT Ed Vanhaverbeke and Stan Chi coyne be informed of Council's actions. G.P.&A -2- APPLICATION TO AMEND DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN - ELGIN NEY 4. . THAT the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle have no objections to Mr. Elgin Ney's application to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan. THAT Mr. Ney be informed of Council's actions 5. REZONING APPLICATION - ALAN WILLISON THAT an application submitted by Alan Willison to rezone a parcel of land in Part of Lot 31, Concession 3, former Township of Darlington, to permit the development of a Nodel Cluster, be received and referred to staff for processing and a subsequent report and public hearing. 6. COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW 84-63 THAT a by-law to amend By-law 84-63 be approved (See By-law 85-83) 7. INCREASE IN RATES BY LOCAL TAXICAB COMPANIES THAT Bowmanville Taxiand Deluxe Taxi be granted an increase in the Tariff of Rates as detailed in the by-law appended to report CD-24-85; and . THAT a By-law authorizing an increase in rates be approved. (see By-law 85-84) PUBLIC LIBRARIES ACT 1984 (BILL 93) 8. THAT a by-law which implements the following, be approved: (By-law 85-85) (a) establishes the size of the Library Board at nine members; (b) provides for the appointment of one Member of Council; (c) provides authority to the Chief Executive Officer of the Library Board (The Chief Librarian) to call the first meeting of the Library Board in each new term; (d) provides for the submission of the Library Board's budget by no later than January 20th of each year; (e) provides the format of the budget as providing two figures, an operating budget and a capital budget; and THAT the Library Board be advised of Council's actions and thanked for the input on Bill 93. 9. ELDORADO RESOURCES LIMITED . THAT Eldorado Resources Limited representatives be invited to a regularly scheduledCouncil meeting to advise Council of the current status of their work; THAT the Port Granby Monitoring Committee and the Region of Durham be advised of Council's actions and informed of the date on which Eldorado Resources Limited would be present at a Council Meeting. G.P&A -3- 10. APPLICATIONS FOR CANCELLATIONS, REDUCTION OR REFUNDS OF TAXES. . THAT the list of applications for cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes attached to report TR-38-85 be approved. 11. CASH ACTIVITY REPORT - MAY, 1985. THAT in accordance with provisions of Chapter 302, Section 81(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1980, the Treasurer reports to Committee that the cash position of the Town of Newcastle for the month ended May is as shown on the schedule attached to report TR-4l-85; and THAT the expenditures for the month of May, 1985 be confirmed. 12. LEASE AGREEMENT - HARRY LOCKE THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and seal with the Corporation Seal, a lease agreement, between Harry Locke and the Corporation, for the property situated at the southeast corner of ~~artin Road and Highway 2 (Parks and Recreation 'Depot); and THAT a by-law to authorize the entering into a lease with Harry Locke, be approved. (See By-l aw 85-86). . ORNAMENTAL WROUGHT IRON FENCE INSTALLATION - ONE FOOT RESERVE ON NASH ROAD - HALMINEN HOMES. 13. THAT the Public Worksc Department issue a Road Occupancy Permit to Halminen Homes Ltd., as authorization to install an ornamental bri ck pier and wrought iron fence along the south si de Of Nash Road within the one foot reserve described as Blocks 51, Registered Pl an 762, and Blocks 54 and 55, Regi stered Pl an 756; and THAT any maintenance of said fence remain the responsibility of the abutting owners. 14. STORM SEWER OUTFALL FOR RECONSTRUCTED PARKING LOT - BOWMANVILLE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL EXPANSION THAT Bowmanville Memorial Hospital be advised that any upgrading of storm sewers on Prince Street between Liberty Street and Simpson Avenue to accommodate the needs of their reconstruction will be the responsibil ity of the hospital; and THAT a copy of report WD-4l-85 be forwarded to Bomanville Memorial Hospita 1 . . G.P&A -4- . 15. M.T.C. PROPOSAL FOR REDESIGN OF THE COBBLEDICKISTATIONI ROWE STREET INTERSECTION AT HIGHWAY 35/115, ORONO THAT the Ministry of Transportation and Communications be advised that based upon the negative response indicated at the Ministry's public Information Centre held May 15, 1985, the Town of Newcastle does not support the Scheme "B" proposal for reconstruction of the CobbledicklStationlRowe Street intersection at Highway 35/115 in Orono; and, THAT further to the above, the M.T.C. be requested to continue design and construction on the basis of Scheme "A" as originally proposed. 16. BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS CENTRE PROPOSAL FOR ERECTION OF FLAGS ON STREETLIGHT STANDARDS IN DOWNTOWN BOWMANVILLE THAT subject to concurrence of the Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission, the Town approve of the B.I.A. installing flags mounted on streetlight standards in downtown Bowmanville, provided that all costs for installation, maintenance and spring and ~all erection and removal are borne by the B.I.A., and THAT the B.I.A. and Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission be so advised. 17. MECHANIC VACANCY - FLEET SECTION - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT . THAT the Director of Public Works be authorized to post for a Lead Hand Mechanic; and, THAT any vacancies which occur as a result of the posting be filled in accordance with Town Policy. 18. PRESTONVALE ROAD RECONSTRUCTION THAT the Director of Public Works be authorized to proceed with an extraordinary maintenance project on Prestonvale Road from Highway #2 south to Bloor Street; and, THAT all expenditures be in accordance with the 1985 Budget Allocation, Account #7205-X-8500l-X for Prestonvale Road. 19. NEWCASTLE VILLAGE DISTRICT HISTORICAL SOCIETY THAT receipt of the sum of $6,000.00 be acknowledged and a letter be sent to the Newcastle Village District Historical Society congratulating them on their project of re-printing Professor Squair's book and for the prompt payment of the loan; and . THAT Council purchase 50 books to be used for gifts in the future; and THAT the books be kept in the Clerk's Department; and THAT the disposition of the books be at Council's discretion; and THAT the funding be from the Reception & Tributes Account. G.P.&A. -5- ZION PARK COMMITTEE RE STORAGE SHED 20. . THAT the request of the Zion Park Committee for funds to be returned ($565.00) with accrued interest be granted; and THAT when erecting the storage shed, the Zion Park Committee seek consultation from the Town Staff without cost. 21. AID TO BARRIE THAT the proposal that an employee of the Works Department volunteering his time and the Town donating the use of a vehicle be approved; and THAT staff work out the details with the City of Barrie and report to Council on the method of implementation. 22. LIBERTY ST. S. RESURFACING AND PARKING THAT because Liberty Street is a Regional Road, the Region be requested to pay the cost of providing paved parking for the residents of the houses abutting the west side of Liberty Street, between King Street and Queen Street, Bowmanville. 23. INSURANCE RISK MANAGEMENT REPORT. . THAT Frank Cowan Company Limited, Princeton, Ontario, be retained to provide insurance coverage for the Town of Newcastle from July 1st, 1985 to June 30th, 1986, with a premium renewal rate of $128,842.; and THAT the updating of the Fleet and Property Schedules be undertaken by the staff and the insurer be advised of the necessary amendments; and THAT the Weekly Income Benefits be increased from $300 to $400 for Members of Council at an additional annual cost of $203; and THAT the Fidelity Bond not be increased at this time; and THAT Excess Liability Insurance in the amount of $5,000,000 be approved at an additional annual cost of $11,229.; and THAT the insurance coverage as it relates to the EDP System be reviewed for any necessary amendments; and THAT changes in the deductible limits for the automobile fleet and the broiler and machinery coverage not be considered at thi s time; and . THAT the $15,274 expenditure above the 1985 budget prOV1Slon of $100,000 be accommodated throughout the budget as necessary; and THAT 50% of the additional premiums resulting from any changes in the insurance coverage be accommodated throughout the budget as necessary. Respectfully Submitted, R. B. Taylor, Chairman RR