HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/18/1984 . . CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK REPORT # 1 TELEPHONE 623-3379 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C3A6 REPORT TO THE COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 25 1984 SUBJECT: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 18, 1984 RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Overhanging Sign - Norm's Delicatessen 1) THAT Report PD-117-84 be received; 2) THAT the subject sign and other non-conforming signs of this type be brought into conformity with Sign by-law 76-25, as amended; 3) THAT the request of the Bowmanville B.I.A. Board of Management be acted upon and the Board be so advised. 2. Rezoning- M. Tamblyn THAT Report PD-120-84 be received and the application submitted by M. Tamblyn to rezone a 2.2 hectare parcel of land in Part of Lot 26, Concession 5, former Township of Clarke, to permit the development of four residential lots, be referred to Staff for processing and a subsequent report and public hearing. 3. Committee of Adjustment April 25 and May 23 1984 THAT Report PD-121-84, Summary of Committee of Adjustment Applications for the Meetings of April 25 and May 23, 1984 be received for information. 4. Neighbourhood Plan 3B (Courtice) Rezoning - E. Pollard 1) THAT Report PD-122-84 be received; 2) THAT Neighbourhood Plan 3B for Courtice be referred to Council, and staff be requested to obtain written comments from the Region of Durham and C.L.O.C.A. 3) THAT, subject to Council approval of the NeighbourhQod Development Plan referred to by recommendation (2) of staff Report PD-122:84, approval be given to application for rezoning DEV 83-22 submitted by Mr. E. Pollard and three readings be given to the by-law included as Attachment 2 to Staff Report PD-122-84. . - 2 - REPORT # 1 4. 4) THAT Council endorse the staff approval of the proposed development agreement included as Attachment 3 to Staff Report PD-122-84. Receive for Information THAT Report CD-37-84, Parking Enforcement Report for the month of May 1984, be received for information. 6. Voting Delegates - A.M.O. Conference THAT Report CD-38-84 be received and the Clerk advise A.M.O. that the Town of Newcastle's Delegates are: Councillor Marie Hubbard Councillor Ivan M. Hobbs Councillor R. Bruce Taylor Director of Planning, T.T.Edwards Alternate: Director of Public Works, Ron Dupuis. 5. 7. 1) 2) . 3) 4) Newcastle Night - Arbor Theatre THAT Report be recei ved; THAT Lynda Roselle, Publicity Assistant, Arbor Theatre Company, P.O. Box 100, Peterborough, Ontario K9J 6Y5 be advised that the Town of Newcastle has selected Monday, September 3, 1984 as the date for "Newcastle Ni ght" ; THAT this decision be confirmed by Committee and staff be authorized to communicate the decision "Forthwith" THAT this matter be referred to the Clerk's Department to liaise with organizations in the Town relative to the sale of tickets. 8. Newcastle Community Servi ces Pl anning Board 1) THAT Report Admin 52-84 be received; 2) THAT the minutes of the April and May meetings of the Board be received by Council for information; 3) THAT Council adopt the recommended terms of reference for the Town of Newcastle Community Services Planning Board, as attached; 4) THAT the Newcastle Community Services Planning Board be notified of Council's actions. . - 3 - REPORT #1 . 9. Memorial Park Association Request 1) THAT Report Admin 53-84 be received; 2) THAT, in lieu of considering the Memorial Park grant request in conjunction with the 1985 budget discussions Council pass the attached by-law for an interest free loan of $15,000. for a term of 6 years with no single year's repayment being less than $1,000.; (See By-law 84-86) 3) THAT the monies for the loan be drawn from the Parkland Reserve Fund; 4) THAT all monies received towards the repayment of the loan be credited to the Parkland Reserve Fund. . 10. Distribution of Building Maintenance Responsibilities - Library Building 1) Report Admin 54-84 be received; 2) THAT the Town acknowledges responsibility for the structural stability of the buildings, including the roofs, plumbing and electrical systems, and the long-term maintenance of the heating systems; 3) THAT the Town of Newcastle be responsible for obtaining all necessary insurance coverage for the library system provided that the Library Board agrees to pay any insurance premiums related to the contents of the buildings and Board members and provided further, that the Library Board evaluates annually and forwards to the Town, prior to May 1st of each year, an evaluation of the value of the contents of the Library facilities, including artifacts; 4) THAT the Town be responsible for the maintenance of the grounds around the Bowmanville Branch Library, including grass cutting and snow removal; 5) THAT the Town be responsible for the cost and negotiation of the elevator maintenance contract; 6) THAT these arrangements become effective January 1st 1984 and the necessary monies to meet the agreed upon arrangements by the Town be drawn from the contingencies account #7007-298-X-9 (Unclassified Administration); 7) THAT the Library Board be advised of Council's actions. . - 4 - REPORT # 1 . 11. Faces and Pl aces 1) THAT Report Admin 56-84 be received; 2) THAT the Bicentennial Committee be authorized to hire a Journalism student of their choosing to write bio- graphical articles under the project name "Faces & Places"; 3) THAT the monies required to fund this project be drawn from the Bicentennial grant and the two thousand dollars grant received from the Federal Secretary of State: 4) THAT the Bicentennial Committee be advised of Council's actions. 12. THAT Report FD-13-84 - MONTHLY FIRE REPORT FOR MAY 1984. be received for information. . 13. Antique Fire Truck - Newcastle 1) THAT Report FD-14-84 be received; 2) THAT Council approve the sale of the 1940 Fire Truck. for a nominal fee. to the Newcastle Station #2 Fire- Fighters Association, and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the necessary documents. 3) THAT the attached Agreement between the Town of Newcastle Fire Department and the Newcastle Firefighters' Association, to store the vehicle at Fire Station #2. be approved. . 14. Purchasing By-law 82-96 THAT Council adopt the foll owi ng amendments to Purchas i ng By-law 82-96: Section 5. Para .07 be amended to read: Under the direction of the Purchasing Agent. the person(s) authorized to make purchases on behalf of the department of Public Works, Fire. Community Services. Clerk's (re: Animal Control), may order vehicle parts necessary to maintain the Corporation's vehicles, subject to the following: (a) That the value of each separate order shall not exceed $500.00; (b) That the purchase order is signed by the Purchasing Agent prior to sending to the supplier. Section 5, Paragraph .09 be amended to read Corporation Employees or any elected official, shall not divulge prices received for any goods except the total bid amount in the case of "pub 1 i c tenders" and "seal ed bi d requests". All prices recorded during the opening of tenders, that are part of the Corporation's permanent record and maintained in the Clerk's Department, shall be made available to the public, upon request, pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980. Total bid amounts for "sealed bid requests" will be revealed upon request. - 5 - REPORT # 1 . 15. Tender T84-10 - One Side Mount Flail Mower 1) Report TR-55-84 be received; 2) THAT Queensway Ford Equipment Sales, Peterborough, with a total bid in the amount of $15,895.92, be awarded the contract to supply one only H.D. Side Mount Flail Mower (Mott Interstater) in accordance with all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender T84-10; 3) THAT the funds be drawn from the Public Works Capital Equipment Reserve in the amount of $15,895.92. 16. Town of Newcastle vs. Smith & DeCoste 1) THAT Report TR-56-84 be received. 2) THAT the Town's Solicitor be authorized to settle court action between the Town of Newcastle and Rona~Smith and Eugenia DeCoste upon payment by the defendants in the amount of $876.47 for damages and $350.00 for costs. 3) THAT the Town's Solicitor be authorized to execute all Consents and Final Releases as may be required to settle this action. . 17. Activity Report - May 1984 1) THAT, in accordance with provision of Chapter 302, Section 81(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1984; The Treasurer reports to Committee that the cash position of the Town of Newcastle for the month ended May 1984 is as shown on the attached schedule to TR-57-84 2) THAT the expenditures for the month of May 1984 be approved. 18. Quotation- Retrofit of 1971 Ford Pumper 1) THAT Report TR-58-84 be received; 2) THAT Almonte Fire Trucks Ltd., Almonte, Ontario, with a bid in the total amount of $14,672.00 be awarded the contract to retrofit the 1971 Ford Pumper in accordance with all terms, conditions and specifications provided by the Town of Newcastle Fire Department; 3) THAT the funds be drawn from the 1984 approved capital budget of $15,000. (Account #7102-504-1-7) 19. Robinson & Quinney Co. Ltd. Property THAT the recommendations in Confidential Report TR-59-84 be endorsed. . . 20. . 21. 22. - 6 - REPORT # 1 Storm and Sanitary Sewer Cross-Connections Waverley Gardens and Bowmanville Heights Subdivisions 1) THAT Report WD-61-84 be received; 2) THAT the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle is willing to pay its share of the cost of eliminating storm sewer house connections to the sanitary sewers in Waverley Gardens and Bowmanville Heights Subdivisions in Bowmanville only at those houses where there is, in fact, a connection of the storm to the sanitary sewer; 3) THAT the Region be further advised that the Town will pay fifty percent of the investigative work leading to the program of eliminating the cross-connections. 4) THAT funds to cover the Town's share of the cost of correcting the cross-connections be as follows: 1984 a) investigation $10,000. - from Lot Levy b) correction $10,000. - Reserve Account 1985 correction $10,000. - to be budgeted 1986 correction $10,000. - to be budgeted 5) THAT, due to the nature of the problem, the Region be requested to address the matter forthwith. Receive for Information a) Report WD-60-84, Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy for the Town of Newcastle Road Construction and Maintenance Program. b) Report WD-62-84 - Correspondence from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, advising of the status of the Town's 1984 application for Supplementary Subsidy. Costs re Mark Hancock THAT Report WD-63-84 be received and a copy of the report be forwarded to the law firm of Jones & Jones and the City of Oshawa. Respectfully submitted Marie Hubbard, Chairman gg .