HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/16/1984 . . REPORT #1 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LlC 3A6 TELEPHONE 623.3379 REPORT TO THE COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 23 19B4 -" SUBJECT: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION MEETING OF JANUARY 16 19B4 "'--0 , RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Subdivision lBT-B1025 - New Darlington Mill~_ THAT Report PD-ll-B4, Plan of Subdivision lBT-81025, New Darlington Mills, Part of Lot 15, Conc. 1 former Township of Darlington, East Woodbridge Developments Limited, Draft Plan Status, be received for information. 2. Rezoning - .J. Chow ,. THAT Report PD-12-B4 be received and the application submitted by Mr. J. Chow to rezone a 1.69 acre parcel in part Lot 13, Concession 1, former Town of Bowmanville, to permit a Take-Out Restaurant be referred to staff for processing and subsequent report and public hearing. 3. Rezoning Sri Inai International Inc: THAT Report PD-13-B4 be received and the application submitted by Sri Inai International Inc. to rezone a 106.73 acre parcel in Part Lot 7, Concession 2, former Town of Bowmanville, to permit a Private School and Dormitory Facilities be received and referred to Staff for processing and a subsequent report and public hearing. 4. Extension of Draft ApprovaJ - Subdivision.1BT-!:jl025 Luverme Investments ---- - - THAT Report PD-14-B4 be received and Council adopt the following resolution: "The Council of the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs to extend the draft plan approval for Subdivision 18T-76071 for a further one year period to March 22, 1985"; and ) I " -1,~ r:, l;r _\- V" .,}..;..' - 2 - . 4. Continued: THAT the request above be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and that Mr. L. V. Walker of Laverme Investments Limited, be so advised. 5. THAT the SUMMARY OF LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE APPLICATIONS FOR DECEMBER 19B3 be received for information. 6. Subdivision 18T-B1013 - 1927 Investments Ltd. THAT Report PD-16-B3 be received: THAT the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle recommends approval of Plan lBT-B1013, dated March 14, 19BO, prepared by Donevan & Fleischmann and revised October 6, 1981, subject to the conditions contained in Attachment No. 1 to this Repo rt; and THAT a copy of Staff Report PD-16-B4 be forwarded to the Region of Durham. 7. Rezoning - F. Docimo . THAT Report PD-17-B4 be received and application submitted by Mr. F. Docimo to rezone a 1,306 square metre parcel in Part Lot 19, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington to permit a Produce Food Market be referred to Staff for processing and subsequent report and public hearing. B. Provincial Mineral Aggre9ate Resource Planning Policy THAT Report PD-1B-B4 be received and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objection to the "Mineral Aggregate Resource Planning Pol icy" as proposed by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. . 9. Subdivision lBT-19720 - Extension of Draft Approval Romney Mead THAT Report PD-19-B4 be received: THAT Council adopt the following resolution: "The Council of the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to extend the draft plan approval for Subdivision lBT-19720 for a further one year peri od to March 29, 1985": THAT the request above be forwarded to the Ministry of Munncipal Affairs and Housi ng and that East Woodbri dge Developments Limited be so advi sed. . - 3 - 10. THAT the SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTM~NT APPlICATrONS FOR D~CEMBER 14 1983, be r€ceived for information. 11. Rezoning - Kirby School/Museum THAT Report PD-21-84 be received and Mr. Derek Barnett Chairm~n of th€ Clarke Museum and Archives, be advised that the Town of Newcastle will include the zoning of the subject property recognizing the existing use as a Museum within an appropriate zoning classification in the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law. 12. Reclassificat~on - Queens Hotel THAT Report PD-22-84 be received and the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario be advised that the Jown of Newcastle has no objection to the elimination of bedroom facilities and that the reclassification of the premises from "Hotel" to "Tavern" would not contravene the provisions of the Town's Zoning By-laws provided the use of the premises include a Dining Lounge. 13. THAT THE MONTHLY BUILDING REPORT FOR DECEMBER 1983 be received for information. . 14. Rezoning - Kraco Carpentry Services Ltd. THAT REport PD-24-84 be received and application for rezoning DEV 83-35 be approved and the by-law attached to this report to amend By-law 79-44, as amended, of the former Village of Newcastle, be forwarded to Council for approval at such time as the Region of Durham's and the Town of Newcastle's requirements with respect to the development of the parcel subject to the rezoning, are complied with to the satisfaction of the Region and the Town. 15. Extention of Draft Approval - Subdivision 18T-77001 Holland & Schleiss THAT Report PD-26-84 be received and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing be advised that the:Town of Newcastle has no objection to a further one (1) year extension of the draft plan approval for Plan of Subdivision 18T-77001. . - 4 - . 16. Official Plan Amendment Sri Inai International Inc. THAT Report PD-33-84 be received: THAT the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objections to an Official Plan Amendment, submitted on behalf of Sri Inai International Incorporated, to redesignate Part of Lot 7, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington, now in the Town of Newcatle, to permit a private school with dormitory facilities; and THAT a copy of Staff Report PD-33-84 and Council's resolution be forwarded to the Region of Durham and the Applicant. . 17. Tile Drainage Loans - Dalzell and Wallraff THAT Report CD-5-84 be received: THAT the Tile Drainage Loan Application submitted by Roy and Geraldyne Dalzell, R. R. #2, Orono, in the amount of $9,500. be approved; THAT the Tile Drainage Loan Application submitted by Werner P. Wallraff, R. R. #1, Bowmanville, in the amount of $6,800. be approved; THAT the Tile Debenturlng~ By":law in the amount of $16,300. attached to this report be forwarded to Council for passage: (See By-law 84-10) THAT the Clerk be authorized to make application to the Regional Municipality of Durham for Regional Debenturing of the subject Tile Drainage Loans. 18. Receive for Information (a) Report CD-6-84 - Provision of Free Parking 1he Week prior to Christmas and other occasions in the Downtown Bowmanville Shopping Area. (b) Report CD-7-84 - Animal Control Monthly Report for December 1983. (c) Report CD-8-84 - Parking Enforcement Report for December 1983. 19. Heritage Designation of Waltham Cottage THAT Report CD-10-84 be received; THAT Report PD-143-83 belifted from the table and that portion of the report dealing with the designating of "Waltham Cottage", 49 Di vi s i on Street, Bowmanvi 11 e, be approved and recommended to Council: . . . . - 5 - 19. Conti nued THAT the portion of the report dealing with the designating of the Clarke Library/Museum Property be 'tabled' pending a meeting with the Library Board; THAT the Clerk prepare, send and publish the required notices of intent, pursuant to Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act and to report back to Council following the prescribed notification period with respect to the designating of "Waltham Cottage", 49 Division Street, Bowmanville. 20. Drinking and Driving - Attorney General THAT Report ADmin 84-8 be received and the December 9th 1983 1 etter, together with a copy of this report be referred to the foll owi ng groups and agencies together with a recommendation that appropriate action be taken: Region of Durham Social Services Committee Region of Durham Police Commission Durham Regional Health Unit The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education The Peterborough-Victoria -Northumberland and Newcastle Separate School Board. 21. Recreational Trailer Parks THAT Report Admin 84-9 be received and the municipality support the Township of Georgian Bay's request by writing to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing encouraging a change in the Trailer Licensing Provisions of the Municipal Act; THAT a copy of the letter be sent to the Township of Georgian Bay and to the Local M.P.P. PROBE re Industrial Waste Landfill Site 22. THAT Report Admin 84-11 be received; THAT the Town of Newcastle write to the Ontario Minister of the Environment indicating our concern for the location of a Waste Disposal Site, industrial or otherwise, that might eventually impair water quality in Lake Ontario. The letter should ask the Minister to investigate the location of the Lewiston, New York site and advise the Town of the position of the Provincial Government; THAT A SIMILAR LETTER BE SENT TO THE Federal Minister of the Environment noting our concerns and requesting the Federal Minister to investigate and copies of the letter be sent to the local M.P., M.P.P., and Pollution Probe. - 6 - . 23, Activity Report THAT Report TR-84-2 Activity Report for December 1983 be received and the expenditures for the month of December be approved. 24. THAT TR-3-84, TAX~S - QUARTERLY REPORT December 31 1983 be recetved for information. 25. fire Station #3 THAT the. General Purpose and Administration Committee recommends to Council to provide $3,500.00 in funds for furnishings and fixtures for the new Fire Station #3; THAT the Treasurer report, at a later date, the source of funding; THAT Councillor Hamre confer with appropriate staff re wi'ndow treatment for Fire Hall and the cost. 26. 1984 Rental Rates - Public Works Equipment THAT Report WD-9-84 be received and the 1984 schedule of equipment rates (attached) be approved. . 27. Pol icy for Unimproved Roads THAT Report WD-10-84 be received and the Town of Newcastle adopt th~ policy set out in Attachment 1 to the report, as amended, for th~ construction and maintenance of unimproved roads within the. 1 imits of the Corporation and impl ement same forthwith. * Policy amended in Item 2.3 be changing the first sentence to read: "The Town shall, by by-law, close when considered in the interest of the Municipality, as many as possible of the roads identified in Section 2.2". 28. Release of Development Agreement D R Agencies Subdivision THAT Report WD-11-84 be received: THAT, in compliance with the Subdivision Agreement registered in Land Titles of the Registry Office of Registry Division 10 Newcastle, as instrument No. 958, a certificate of acceptance for said Agreement be issued; THAT the Town's Solicitor prepare the necessary documentation for the execution and final release of the Development Agreement; . . . . - 7 - 28. Continued: THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to issue the Certificate of Release on behalf of the Town; THAT Ontario Hydro be requested to energize the street lights on Windsor Valley Place in said subdivision and that the Street Light By-law be amended to reflect the new area. 29. Receive for Informati on (a) (b) Report WD-12-84, Road Needs Study Update. Report WD-13-84, 1983 Canada/Community Development Program (CCD) Sidewalk - 1983 Canada/Ontario Employment Development Program (COED) Brushing. 30. Free Parking Downtown Bowmanville THAT the correspondence from Bowmanville Business Centre dated January 12, 1984, relative to "Free Parking in the Downtown Bowmanville Shopping Area" be received for information. 31. Memorial Hospital Foundation Bowmanville THAT the delegation representing Memorial Hospital Foundation, Bowmanville, be acknowledged and Council recognize an obligation to the funding of the proposed construction program at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, and the request be referred to 1984 Budget discussions. 32. Technical Utility Co-Ordinating Committee THAT the Chief Administrative Officer reactivate the Technical Utility Co-ordinating Committee in the Town of Newcastle. 33. Financial Statements WHEREAS the Province of Ontario has revised the regulations under which the financial statements of municipalities and their local boards shall be ~repared; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle directs that in 1983 and all subsequent years, that the consolidated audit opinion for the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle shall be considered to cover the activities of the Museum Boards, the Business Improvement Areas and all other local Community Centre and Arena Boards with the exception of the Newcastle Public Library. - 8 - . 34. Re-Assessment 155 Church Street THAT Council ~uthorize the Treasurer to seek an adjustment on the re-assessment of the Town's property at 155 Church Street. I 35. . Orono Armouries Furnace Repairs THAT the Buil ding $3,000. repairs to the furnaces at the former Armouries in Orono be authorized in the amount of approximately 36. Salary Adjustments THAT Recommendations 1, 2 and 3 of Report Admin 84-10 be endorsed. 37. Police Station THAT the Mayor and Councillor Hubbard liaise with the Chairman of the Durh.am Regional Police Commission regarding a site for a new station. . 38. New Year's Levee THAT the Mayor's Report on the New Year's Day Levee be received for information. 39. R.O.M.A. Convention THAT the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to participate in a panel discussion at the R.O.M.A. Convention. Respectfully submitted Ann Cowman, Chairman. January 18 1984 gg .