HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/05/1983 Report #2 ,I. '''----/ 'e '-~ REPORT # 2 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO LlC 3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 REPORT TO THE COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER l2 1983 SUBJECT: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF DECEMBER 5 1983 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Closwre and Conveyance of Darcy Street former Village of Newcastle 1) Report WD-lOO-83 be received. 2) The unopened portion of Darcy Street, between Mill Street and Graham Creek in the Bond Head area of the former Village of Newcastle, be closed by by-law and conveyed to the abutting owners; 3) A professional evaluation be done on this property, at the proponents I cost. ~ 2. -- Criteria and Warrants for ~llum~nation. l) Report WD-99-83 be received. 2) The Illumination Warrants set out in Schedule "A" to this report, be established as the basis upon which the Town will evaluate all future requests for lighting on streets within its jurisdication. * Note: The report to be amended in Schedule "A" as follows: Headings: A-General Street Lighting Pol i cy B-Warrants for Main Line Roads C-Warrants for Intersections. Title of Schedule "A" = "Street Lighting within the Town of Newcastle". Item 2 be deleted from A-General. . 3. 1) 2) 3) , 4. .j 5. . 6. - 2 - Rezoni ng - Turbo Resources Ltd. Report PD-l81-83 be received. Application for Rezoning DEV 83-28 be approved. The attached by-law amending by-law 1587 as amended, be approved by Council. (See by-law 83-l66). Courtice Urban Area Plan Nei9hbourhood Plans 3(b) and 3(c) Plan of Subdivision - Nozdryn O.P.A. and Rezoning - Pollard That recommendations 1 to 8 in Report PD-182-83 be endorsed. * Item 9 was referred back to staff with di rection to delete 6.8.2 iii(a) from Attachment #7 to the report and forward a revised report to Council on December l2 1983. (See Report later in the agenda). Extension of Draft Plan Approval - Newcastle Shoreline Properties 1) Report PD-l83-83 be received: 2) Council adopt the following resolution: "The Council of the Town of Newcastl e hereby requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to extend the Draft Plan Approval for Subdivision l8T-78006 for a further one year peri od to April 14, 1985"; and 3) The request in No.2 above, be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Mr. D. J. Plitz of Newcastle Shoreline Properties Ltd. be so advised. Clarke Museum Archives - Orono Fire Hall Items Report FD-20-83 be received for information and a copy of the report and a covering letter, be sent to Clarke Museum Board. 7. Old Orono Fire Hall . When the premises are vacated by the Department, a complete examination of the engineer's report, which was supplied by Totten Sims & Hubicki as to the structural condition of this building, be brought forward for consideration by Council. - 3 - . 8. Waverley Road Tunnel Report TR-83-87 be received for information and a copy be forwarded to Mrs. MacDonald. 9. Banking Services Report TR-83-84, Banking Services, be received for information. 10. Lease Agrrenent - Regional ~olice The Town of Newcastle accept the offer to renew the Lease Agreement with the Durham Regional Police, at l32 Church Street, Bowmanville, for the term of one year commencing January l, 1984; The Durham Regional Police shall have the option to renew the said lease for a further period of one year at a rental rate to be negotiated at that time; Further the Clerk's Department prepare a by-law to execute said renewal with the Durham Regional Police. . . 11. POlicing - Town of Newcastle WHEREAS it is a policy of Durham Regional Police to maintain a police presence in the form of a police station in each of the urban areas of the Region (See Ontario Police Commission Inspection Report, June l8, 1982); and WHEREAS the aforesaid report also stated "there is no doubt that citizens prefer this 'store front' operation to the occastonal presence of a police vehicle only, in their community"; and WHEREAS the recent study commenting on policing in Metro Toronto reiterated the need for pol ice presence in I core I areas; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Commissioners of Police for the Region of Durham be requested to reconsider the intent to relocate the #16 Division Station to an area other than an urban area of the Town of Newcstle, and further that they look to acqutring a location for #l6 Division Station that would allow its being adequate for present and future needs and that such location be accoring to their policy of "maintaining a police presence in the form of a police station in each of the urban areas of the Region" i.e. core area of Bowmanville, and they be invited to liaise with the Town's Planning Department. . . . . - l2. 13.J 1) 2) 3) 14. 1) 2) 3) l5. l) 2. 3) - 4 - THAT the Year-to-Date Budget Report to November 24 1983 be received for information. Clarke Museum Deficit Report TR-83-67 be received. The Clarke Museum Board be requested to fund the 1982 deficit of $3,387.00 by November 1 1985; The Clarke Museum Board remit five equal payments to the Town of Newcastle on a semi-annual basis commencing on November 1 1983, in the amount of $677.40 in order to retire the debt. Tender T83-24 - Gasoline & Diesel Fuel Report TR-83-88 be received. Esso Petroleum Canada, Don Mills, Ontario with a unit price bid of $.377 per litre and $.372 per litre for the bulk supply of No.2 leaded gasoline and No. 1 Diesel Fuel respectively, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting terms, conditions and specifications of Tender T83-24, be awarded the contract to supply bulk petroleum products to the Town of Newcastle; The funds expended be provided by the 1984 current operating fleet budgets. Tender T83-23 - Collection of Household and Commercial Refuse Report TR-83-89 be received. Regional Reclaimers, Newcastle, Ontario, with a bid of $2,764.92 per month being the lowest responsible bidder, meeting all terms conditions and specifications of Tender T83-23, be awarded the contract to provide garbage collection services as required by the Town of Newcastle; The funds expended be drawn from the 1984 Public Works Budget. Lease Agreement - N. W. King (Bell Building) The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and seal with the Corporation Seal, a lease agreement between N. W. King and the Corporation for the property situated at l52 Church Street, Bowmanville (former Bell Building), and the attached by-law be forwarded to Council for approval. (See by-law 83-l67) l6. . . . - 5 - 17. By-law for Destruction and Retention of Records Newcastle Hydro Report CD-73-83 be received. The request by the Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission for passage of a Records Retention and Destruction By-law be approved; The attached by-law be approved by Council (See by-law 83-l68) Following its passing by Council, be forwarded to the Town's Auditors, Delloite, Haskins and Sells for their approval. Following its approval by the auditors, a certified copy be delivered to the Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission, 19 King Street West, Bowmanville, Ontario LIC lR2 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) l8. THAT Report CD-74-83, Parking Lots, Parking Permits and Parks be received for information. 19. Waverley Tunnel The Clerk's Department be directed to include sufficient funds in its 1984 budget to cover the cost of a permanent employee at the Waverley Tunnel and all of the parties concerned be advised of the decision. 20. Municipal Law Enforcement Officer Mr. Raymond Goodwin be appointed a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer and the attached by-law giving effect to Mr. Goodwin's appointment be forwarded to Council. 2l. Engineering Consulting Services The report attached to Report Admin 63-83, dated November 1983 entitled "Conditions Applicable to Provisions of Engineering Services" revised and updated to November 1983, be accepted. 22. Ontario Hydro Brochure The Administrator be authorized to make arrangements for the completion of the Ontario Hydro Brochure at a maximum cost of $1,500.00 drawn from Ontario Hydro "B" Account, under the Supplementary Agreement on Heat Utilization. - 6 - .' 23. Budget Discussion Paper Guidelines The guidelines for the preparation of the 1984 current budget and capital forecast discussion papers, attached to Report Admin 66-83 be endorsed. 24. Schedule of Meetings for 1984 1) Report Admin 68-83 be received. 2) Schedule "A" to this report be adopted as regular meeting dates for General Purpose and Administration and Council meetings; 3) Unless otherwise noted, all evening Council meetings be held in Court Room #l. 4) All General Purpose and Administration Committee meetings and day time Council meetings be held in Court Room #2 unless otherwise advised. . 25. Bowmanville Public Library The correspondence from Totten, Sims, Hubicki Associates, to the attention of Councillor Hubbard, dated November 28 1983 relative to the Bowmanville Public Library, be received for information. 26. Sale of Apple Blossom Pins at Museums The request in the correspondence from Clarke Museum and Archives that the apple blossom pins or the Town Crest pins be made available at the Museum be endorsed and the same items be made available to the Bowmanville Museum. 27. The recognition of Members of the Recreation Master Plan Committee be left to the discretion of the Mayor. 28. The Chief Administrative Officer and Councillor Woodyard look after appropriate arrangements for the opening of the new Fire Hall in Orono. j 29. The Town host a New Yearls Day Levee and Mayor Rickard and Councillors Taylor and Hubbard, with the assistance of staff make the appropriate arrangements. Respectfully submitted . Ann Cowman, Chairman