HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/21/1983 &6. . &l- . CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK REPORT # 1 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 REPORT TO THE COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 28 1983 Mayor Rickard and Members of Council:- The following recommendations to Council were made at a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting held on November 21 1983: RECOMMENDATIONS l. Reconstruction of Sidewalk - Mill St. Orono / THAT Report WD-97-83 be received. THAT a project for reconstructing the sidewalk area, on the west side of Mill Street in Orono 1984 Budget for the consideration of Council. THAT the Orono D.B.I.A. be so advised. in the downtown be included in the 2. Winter Maintenace of Roadways on Pr~vate Property / THAT Report WD~98-83 be received. THAT pending receipt of written confirmation of their agreement with same, Council agree to have the Works Department continue to provide winter maintenance on the following roadways on private property until, and including, the winter of 1984-85: i) Mr. R. Worboy, Part lot 30, Conc. 9 Darlington it) Mr. A. Trewin, Lot 15, Conc. 8, Darlington ifi) Mr. H. Grace, Part lots 33 and 34, Conc. 9 Darlington. 3. Exemption to Sign By-law - Petro-Canada THAT Report PD-l69-83 be received THAT an exemption be granted by Special Resolution of Council to permit the use of the colour red within l50 feet of an intersection. - 2 - REPORT # 1 . 4. Rezoning - Pt. Lot 21, Conc. 2 Darlington (FriederichS) THAT Report PD-160-83 be endorsed. THAT Appltcation for Rezoning DEV 83-25 be denied, without prejudice, as the proposed rezoning does not comply with the policies of the Region of Durham Official Plan THAT the Region of Durham be advised of Councn's actions regarding the subject application. 5. 0.3m Reserve - R. & V. Bate THAT Report PD-l7l-83 be received. THAT the Town of Newcastle not accept the 0.3 m Reserve as described in the Land Division Committee decision of September 13 1982, respecting LD 302/8l; THAT a copy of said report be forwarded to the Land Division Committee for their information and action thereon. 6. Q.P.A. Amendment - A. Klompmaker and P. Vandrunen . THAT Report PD-l72-83 be received. THAT THE Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle recommends that Official Plan Amendment Application 83-30/D, submi'tted by A. Klompmaker and P. VanDrunen to permit the creation of l7 estate residential lots in Part Lot l5, Concession 3, former Township of Darlington, now in the Town of Newcastle, be denied without prej udi ce. THAT the Region of Durham and the applicant be forwarded a copy of Staff Report PD-l72-83 and Council 's resolution. 7. THAT the MONTHLY BUILDING REPORT for October 1983 be received for information. . 8. Extension of Draft Plan Approval - Subdivision 18T-76021 (Gujda) THAT Report PD-l74-83 be received. THAT Council adopt the following resolution: "THAT Council of the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to extend the draft plan approval for Subdivision l8T-7602l for a further one year periOd to December 30 1984". - 3 - REPORT # 1 . 8. Continued THAT the request i.n Recommendation No. 2 above be forw('lrded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housi'ng and th('lt the firm of Crotin Palter Barristers and Solicitors be so advised. 9. Planning 19.1 THAT Report PD-l75-83 be received. THAT the attached by-law, being a by-law to amend By-law 83-22 to establish a scale of development charges, be approved. (By-law 83-156) . 10. Amendment No.3 - Haydon Hamlet Development Plan - (Dallas) THAT Report PD-l77-83 be received THAT the proposed Amendment No. 3 to the Haydon Hamlet Development Plan be forwarded to Council for approval at such time as the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham has considered the amendment to the Haydon Development Pl an. THAT a copy of this report and the attachments thereto, be forwarded to the Region of Durham for their information and consideration. 11. Amendments - Darlington, Bowmanville and Newcastle Village Plans THAT Report PD-178-83 be received. THAT Council approve proposed Amendment No. 19 to the Official Plan of the former Township of Darlington, proposed Amendment No.1 to the Official Plan of the Bowmanville Urban Area, and proposed Amendment No. 1 to the Official Plan of Newcastle Village Small Urban Area, as attached to Staff Report PD-l78-83 THAT Council request the Region of Durham to approve the amendments referenced in Recommendation No.2 above, at such time as the Region approves Official Plan Amendment 83-26/D to the Durham Regional Official Plan. THAT Council request the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to approve the amendments referenced in Recommendation 2 above, at such ti'me as the Minister approves Official Plan Amendment 83-26/D to the Durham Regional Official Plan. THAT a copy of Staff Report PD-l78-83 and the amendments attached thereto be forwarded to the Region of Durham for their information and consideration. . - 4 - REPORT # 1 . l2. THAT Report PD-l79-83 SUMMARY OF LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE APPLICATIONS for the month of October, be received for information. 13. App 1 i cati on for Rezoning - Pythbow Developments THAT Report PD-l80-83 be received. THAT Application for Rezoning File No. DEV 83-27, submitted by Pythbow Developments Limited in respect of Part of Lots 12 and l3, B.F. Concession, geographic Township of Darlington, now in the Town of Newcastle, be denied. THAT the applicant and the Regional Municipality of Durham be so advised. THAT the Regional Municipality of Durham be further advised that the Council of the Town of Newcastle hereby reaffi rms its positi on in respect of the subject development proposal and its commitment to seek a referral to the Ontario Municipal Board should the Regional Municipality of Durham deems it advtsable to approve application for Official Plan Amendment 8l-26/D/NB submitted by Pythbow Developments Limited. l4. Use of Recreational Facilities - Holidays THAT the Newcastle Fitness Centre be kept open: . Friday, December 23, for an additional ~ day. Tuesday, December 27 Frtday, December 30 for an additional ~ day and the costs be accommodated within the Fitness Centre Budget: and further that Staff report back on the number in attendance, and the revenue at the Newcastle Fitness Centre during that period. 15. Newcastle Fitness Centre - 1984 Proposed Rates THAT Report CS-22-83 be received and Council approve the proposed 1984 Rates for the Newcastle Fitness Centre. 16. THAT the MONTHLY FIRE REPORT for October 1983, be received for information. 17. Application for Cancellation, Reduction or Refund of Taxes THAT Report TR-83-8l be received and the attached list of applications for Cancellation, Reduction or Refund of Taxes, be approved. . - 5 - REPORT # 1 . l8. Activi'tyReport for October 1983 THAT, in'('IccordMce with provision of Chapter 302, Section 81 (1) of the Muni'cipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, "The Treasurer reports to Committee th('lt the cash position of the Town of Newcastle for the month ended OctoiJer 1983, ts as shown on the attached schedul e". and THAT the expendttures for the month of October 1983, be approved. 19. Refreshment Vehicle By-law THAT Report CD-67-83 be received. THAT Council approve the by-l aw, amendi ng Town of Newcastle By-law 79-l44. (See by~law.83-l57). 20. Places of Amusement By-law THAT Report CD-68-83 be received. THAT Counctl approve the by-law, amendi ng Town of Newcastl e by-law 78-38. (See by-l('lw 83-158). . 21. Receive for Inform('ltion (a) Parking Enforcement Report for October 1983 (b) Animal Control Report for October 1983. 22, Quit Cl aim Deed ~ 01 d Cemetery Road (Coatham) THAT Report CD-72-83 be received. THAT the request for a Quit Claim Deed to Part 2 on Reference Plan lOR-l725 in f('lvour of Kenneth Wayne Coatham, be approved. THAT the by-law attached to the report, authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Quit Claim Deed be approved. (See By-law 83-159). 23. Hampton Hall Renovations THAT Report Admin 58-83 be received and staff be authorized to make the necessary arrangements for the removal or the neutralizing of the old septi'c tanks at the Hampton Hall. . - 6 - REPORT # 1 . 24. Renovations to the Bell Building THAT Report Admin 60-83 be received. THAT the Administrator be authorized to make arrangements for the alterations to the Bell Building in accordance with the contents of the staff report provided that the cost does not exceed $2,700.00 and further that the funds be provided through Account No. 7024-050l-X-7. 25, Acting Mayor and Chairmanship of G.P.A. Committee Schedule THAT the Report of Mayor Rickard be received. THAT the Acting Mayor and Chai'rmanship of the General Purpose and Administration Committee be established for the period December 1st 1983 to November 30th 1984, THAT the necessary by-laws be approved. (See By-laws 83-l60 and 83-l61) . 26. THAT the matter of Property Re-Assessment be brought forward at the next Council Meeting. (November 28, 1983) See -Other Business. 27. Newcastle Community Services Planning Board THAT Council review the list of names submitted for appointment to the Newcastle Community Services Planning Board. THAT, in order to meet the suggested recommendation of 4 members from each. Ward, Members of Council put forward names from Wards land 3 for consideration. THAT Councillor Hobbs, Councillor Hamre and Councillor Taylor meet and bring forward a recommendation for members of the Newcastle Community Services Planning Board. 28. Property Acquisition Lot 57, B.F. Conc. East Beach Bowmanville THAT the recommendations in Confidential Report CD-69-83 re proposed property acquisition Lot 57, B.F. Conc. Smart Street, East Beach Bowmanville, be approved. 29. Staff Retirement Policy THAT the Staff Retirement Policy in Confidential Report ADmin 51-83, Resolution #GPA-972-83, be endorsed with the following amendment: . "The Town absorb the cost of the facil ity for the annual dinner". - 7 - REPORT # 1 . 30. ~Dquiries - Planning and Building Dep('lrtment THAT Confide.ntial Report ADmin 56-83, Handl ing of Inquiries within the Planntng and Building Department and Internal Office Procedures be received for information. 31. Collective Agreements THAT the recommendations in Confidential Report Admin 61-83, Collective Agreements between the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and the Inside and Outside Workers, be endorsed. . 32. Mr. K. Hooper's Letter THAT Report Admtn 59-83 be received. THAT a letter be sent to Mr. Hooper indicating that the Town feels that personnel records of employees are a matter of confidential information but expl('lining to him that the particular employee mentioned in his letter had completed approximately six months work and had been granted the bonus On the basis of work done for the Corporation to October of this year. THAT the lettEr also indicate that a week's vacation is considered to be five worki'ng days. THAT the Chief Admi ni strati ve Offi cer be authori zed to prepare a pol i cy with. respect to confidential information. THAT the Chief Administrative Officer review the bonus system and its effectiveness. 33. Santa Claus Parade THAT the correspondence from J. Pogue, Chairman of the Santa Claus P('Irade Committee, re Road Occupancy Permit, be received for information. Respectfully submitted R. Bruce Taylor Ch('lirman, .