HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/07/1983 REPORT #1 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TELEPHONE 623-3379 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LlC3A6 REPORT TO THE COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 14, 1983. Mayor Rickard and Members of Council: The following recommendations to Council were made at a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee on November 7, 1983. 1. Road Closing, Lots 26 & 27, Concession 9, Clarke (Beaucage) THAT 1. Report Admin 52-83 be received; 2. 3. 4. . 2. THAT 1. 2. That the road allowance between Lots 26 & 27, Concession 9, former Township of Clarke not be closed; That By-law 83-131 not be given third and final reading; The applicant for road closure together with the Long Sault Ridge Runners Snowmobile Club Inc., be so advised. BowmanVille Santa ClauS Parade Report WD-87-83 be received; Conditional upon the Community of Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade Committee acquiring the necessary Road Occupancy Permits, in compliance with By-law 83-32, and submitting details of the route to be followed, approval be given to the holding of the annual Santa Claus Parade on Saturday, November 19, 1983; 3. The applicant be advised to contact the Director of Public Works to obtain the above-mentioned Permit, and to specify their requirements insofar as Departmental assistance is concerned. 3. Release of Development Agreement, Davis Subdivision, ,Hamlet of Solina THAT 1. Report WD-88-83 be received; 2. The Director of Public Works be authorized to issue a Certificate of Acceptance for the work constructed in the subdivision, in accordance with the Development Agreement between Ralph and Isobel Davis and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle; 3. The Town Solicitor prepare the necessary documentation for the execution and final release of the Development Agreement; 4. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized to issue the Certificate of Release on behalf of the Town. . 4. . THAT - 2 - REPORT #1 Salt Storage Structure at the Hampton Works Yard 1. Report WD-89-B3 be received; 2. Funds in the amount of $75,000 allocated in the 1983 budget for a salt storage structure not be spent in 1983 and that such funds be carried forward to 1984; 3. The full cost of about $125,000 for a salt storage structure at the Hampton Works Yard be considered for inclusion in the 1984 budget, 4. The Director of Public Works in consultation with the Chief Administrative Officer, investigate the possibility of building a salt storage structure of our own design and report back. 5. Pedestrian Underpass Beneath Durham Road 57, Connecting Alonna St. and Rosalynne Crescent THAT 1. Report WD-90-83 be received for information and that a copy be forwarded to Mrs. Janice Slocombe; 2. Council consider inclusion of funds in the 1984 budget for installation of fencing at the ends of the pedestrian underpass beneath Durham Road 57. 6. Club 21 of Haydon request for Hamlet and Street Signs THAT . 1. Report WD-91-B3 be received; 2. The Director of Public Works be authorized to install hamlet identification and street name signs in the Hamlet of Haydon, 3. The expenditures be charged to the 1983 street sign account for division 1; 4. Club 21 of Haydon Bicentennial Celebration Committee be so advised. 7. Sidewalk Access to the Newcastle Village Post Office THAT 1. Assurance to Publ ic Works Canada, regarding sidewalk access to the Newcastle Village Post Office be provided in a resolution as follows: 2. 8. THAT 1. . 2. "That any future damages caused to the 1 and and/or buil di ng, the cause of which can be directly attributed to the regrading, and other changes undertaken will be rectified at the sole and exclusive cost of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle." Public Works Canada be so advised. Gravel Extraction Town-owned Pit - Morgans Road, Lot 16, Concession 2, Clarke Report WD-95-83 be received; The Director of Public Works be authorized to proceed with the extraction and stockpiling of pit run gravel at the Town-owned Pit, Lot 16, Conc. 2, Clarke; 3. Vicdom Sand & Gravel be employed on an hourly machine rental basis as quoted; 8. Cont'd . 9. THAT 10. THAT 11. - 3 - REPORT #1 4. Associate costs be charged to the Gravel Pit Reserve Fund. Committee of Adjustment Minutes of October 19, 1983, be received forinformation~ Summary of Land Division Committee Applications for September 1983 be received for information. Amendment No; 1 to'the Enniskillen Hamlet Development Plan THAT 1. Report PD-159-83 be received; 2. Amendment No.1 as modified, to the Enniskillen Hamlet Development Plan, attached to this report, be approved in accordance wi,th Resolution #GPA-493-83. 12. Rezoning - Parmar, Pt. Lot 1B, Conc. 5, Darlington THAT 1. Report PD-157-83 be received; . 13. 2. 3. Application for Rezoning DEV 83-23 be approved; The Attached By-law with the following changes: 2(i) - Lot Area Minimum 1,890 Sq. Metres 2(iii) - Front Yard Minimum 6.0 metres, amending Zoning By-law 2111, as amended, be forwarded to Council for approval at such time as the applicant satisfies the requirements of the Newcastle Public Works Department. Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing Programs for Renewal Improvement and Development, and Community Planning Study Grant Program THAT 1. Report PD-160-83 be received; 2. Staff prepare an application to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing under the Community Planning Study Grants Program and report back to Committee with a recommended project program outlining the purpose of the project, proposed means of implementing, and estimated costs for such project. 14. Extension of Draft Plan Approval 18T-24002, Pt. Lot 18, Concession 7, Darlington, Oakland Developments THAT 1. Report PD-161-83 be received; . 2. Council adopt the following resolution: "The Council of the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to extend the draft plan approval for Subdivision 1BT-24002 for a further one year period to January 25, 1985, subject to the applicant revising the draft plan to show a maximum of 22 single family lots;" 14. Cont'd - 4 - REPORT #1 3. The request in 2 above, be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and that Mr. Jeffrey of Oakland Developments be so advised. Extension of Draft Approval 18T-79038, Pt. Lot 35, Conc. 2, Darlington, Remlark THAT 1. Report PD-162-83 be received; . 15. 16. THAT 1. . 2. 17. THAT 1. 2. . 2. Council adopt the following resolution: "The Council of the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to extend the draft plan approval for Subdivision 18T-79038 for a further one year period to January 29, 1985;" 3. The request in 2. above be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and that Remlark Holdings Limited be so advised. Bill 159 ~ An Act to Revise the Planning Act Report PD-163-83 be received; The attached by-law be approved. (See By-law 83-148) Plan of Subdivision 18T-74067, Cean Investments Report PD-164-83 be received; Upon Cean Investments Submission.of a "Typical Road Cross-Secti on" detail i ng all aboveground and underground uti li ties, ill us trat i ng thei r horizontal separati ons, thereby satisfyi ng the Town of Newcastl e Works Department that the proposed subdivision ca.n be servi ced through a 16.73 metre (54.89 feet) road allowance, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing be advised of the following: a) That the Town of Newcastle has no objection to the approval of the revised Plan 18T-74067, dated July 27, 1983 as prepared by Donevan and Fleischmann Co. Ltd.; b) That the Town of Newcastle request that the conditions of Draft Approval for 18T-74067 be amended as contained on Attachment 1 to thi s report; c) That a copy of said report be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for their information, records and action thereon; d) That a copy of said report be forwarded to the Region of Durham for their information. - 5 - REPORT #1 . Extension of Draft Approval 1BT-76011, Pt. Lot 9, Concession 1, Bowmanville; penwest lB. THAT 1. Report PD-165-83 be received; 2. Council adopt the following resolution: "The Council of the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to extend the draft plan approval for Subdivision 18T-76011 for a further one year period to January 29, 1985;" ' 3. That the request in 2. above be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and that Penwest Developments Ltd., be so advised. 19. GO/ALRT Pickering to Oshawa THAT 1. Report PD-166-B3 be received; 2. The Minister of Transportation and Communications, the Honourable James Snow, be advised that the Town of Newcastle concurs with and supports the proposed route alignment and station locations, as recommended for approval by the GOJALRT (Pickering to Oshawa) Technical Advisory Committee at its meeting of October 25, 19B3; 3. The Regional Municipality of Durham be so advised. . Liquor Licence Reclassification Noone's Hotel, Part Lot 24, Concession 8, Clarke 20. THAT 1. Report PD-167-B3 be received; 2. The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario be advised that the reclassification of Noone's Hotel (Licence Number 010543) from a Hotel to a Tavern with a Dining Lounge Licence would not contravene the Town of Newcastle's Zoning Provisions; 3. The Liquor Li cence Board of Ontario be further advised that, in the opinion of the Council of the Town of Newcastle, the elimination of bedroom accommodation would not affect the needs and wishes of the Town of Newcastle; 4. A copy of Staff Report PD-167-B3 and Council's resolution be forwarded to the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario. 21. Amendment No. 102 to Durham Regi ona 1 Official Pl an - Private Fitness Centre, Exotic Cat Sanctuary W. Klose THAT Report PD-16B-B3 was referred to Council. . THAT Employment Development Program - Renovations to Public BuildingS and Property Report CS-IB-B3 be received for information and staff concerned be congratulated on the calibre of the work done. 22. - 6 - REPORT #1 23. Exemption from By-laW 79-104 - Mr. L.Stephenson (Cemetery By-law) 1. Report CS-19-83 be received for information; 2. The request of Mr. L. Stephenson for exemption from By-law 79-104, not be approved. 24. Use of South Apparatus Bay, Fire'Station #4, Courtice . THAT I THAT Permission be granted to the Band Parents' Association of Courtice Secondary School for the use of the south apparatus bay, Fire Station #4, Courtice, to store, sort and dispense fruit during the week of December 6, 1983. 25. Fire Prevention Week THAT Report FD-18-83, Fire Prevention Week, be received for informati~n. 26. Cash Activity Report for September 1983 THAT 1. In Accordance with provision of Chapter 302, Section 81(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, The Treasurer reports to Committee that the cash position of the Town of Newcastle for the month ended September t983 is as shown on the attached schedule; 27. 2. The expenditures for the month of September 1983 be approved. Interim Subsidy on Expenditures in the Public Works Department From January 1 to October 24, 1983 . THAT 1. Report TR-83-80 be received; 2. The Treasurer be authorized to petition to the Ministry of Transportation and Communication for Interim Subsidy on expenditures in the Public Works Department from January 1 to October 24, 1983, in the amount of $2,060,322. 28. J Street Lighting Pol icy THAT 1. Report TR-83-76 be received; 2. The Policy for the installation of street lighting as adopted by Council on March 10, 1978 (Schedule A) be rescinded, effective December 31, 1983; 3. The Policy for the installation of street lighting (Schedule B) be approved, effective January 1, 1984, 4. The necessary amendments to the street light taxation charges to bring the policy into effect be made for the 1984 taxation year; . 5. The Corporation enter into negotiations with Ontario Hydro to purchase the Hampton and Enniskillen Street Lighting Systems; 6. The cost of the acquisition of the Hampton and Enniskillen Systems be included in the 1984 capital costs for street lighting systems; - 7 - REPORT #1 28. Cont' d . THAT . 7. The Publ ic Works and Planning Departments undertake a review of the street lighting services provided within the Town and establish the criteria and warrants for provision of street,lighting, by which the request for street lighting services can be evaluated. Amended'Lease Agreement -Harry Locke 29.',' THAT 1. Report TR-83-72A be received and referred to Council with the Lease Agreement corrected to reflect a one year lease; 2. The Mayor and Cl erk are hereby authoriz,ed to execute on beha 1f of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and seal with the Corporation Seal, a lease agreement, between Harry Locke and the Corporation for the property situated at the southwest corner of Martin Road and Highway 2 (Parks and Recreation Depot); 3. The Attached By-law be forwarded to Council for approval.(By-law 83-149) 30. Tender T83-22 Snow Clearing & Winter Maintenance of Sidewalks and Parking Lots THAT 1. Report TR-83-79 be received; . 2. Fairway Property Maintenance Ltd., Bowmanville, Ontario, with a bid in the amount of $453.00 being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of Tender T83-22, be awarded the contract to provide snow clearing and winter maintenance to sidewalks and parking lots as required by the Town of Newcastle for the 1983/84 wi nter season; 3. The funds expended be drawn from the 1983 and 1984 Public Works Winter Maintenance Budget. 31. THAT Report CD-59-83, Parking Enforcement Report for the month of September'1983, be received for information 32. ReSignation - Livestock Valuer; L. Hallowell THAT 1. Report CD-61-83 be received; 2. The matter be referred to the Striking Committee for consideration; 3. Mr. L. Hallowell be thanked for his contribution to the Town of Newcastle. 33. Transient Traders FeeS in the Town of Newcastle THAT 1. Report CD-63-83 be received; . 2. The recommendations with respect to the establishment of Transient Traders Fees in the Town of Newcastle be approved by the General Purpose and Administration Committee; 3. The By-law attached to Report CD-63-83 be recommended to Council for passage. (By-law 83-150) . 34. THAT 35. - 8 - REPORT #1 Dog Licences -Rabies Certificates Report CD-64-83, Feas ibil ity of Requi ri ng the production of Valid Rabi es Certifi cates with the Issui ng of Dog Li cences, be recei ved for information. Update of ToWn of Newcastle Appointees as Flood Co-Ordinators THAT 1. Report CD-66-83 be received; 2. Mayor Ri ckard, Mr. Ron Dupui s, Di rector of Public Works, and Mr. David Gray, Deputy Director of Public Works be re-affirmed as three of Council's appointees; 3. Councillor Woodyard be appointed as the Mayor's alternate. 36. Submission to the Flood Plan Review Committee on the 20th day of October 1983 THAT Report Admin 50-83 be received for information. 37. Ontario Hydro Supplementary Agreement #7. THAT 1. Report Admin 55-83 be received; Council adopt the attached by-law authorizing the signing of the attached amendment to Supplementary Agreement #7, Thereafter staff take the appropriate action to execute the Agreement. (By-law 83-151) 2. . 3. 38. THAT 1. 2. 3. 39. Durham Regional Identity Report Admin 53-83 be received, An attempt be made in re-ordertng 1 etterhead to standardize the format of such letterhead by all departments, The Region of Durham logo appear in the lower right hand corner with a maximum height of three-quarters of an inch and tha.t the Region be so advised. Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Dr. A.E. King 1BT-83006 THAT 1. Report PD-142-83 be received; 2. The recommendations of staff report PD-121-83 be approved with the following amendment: . Paragraph 5 of Attachment 1 to Staff Report PD-12l-83 is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following new Paragraph 5: "5. That Block 60 be included as part of Lots 40 to 44 inclusive and that a 3.0 metre walkway be provided between Lots 44 and 45." 1. Report WD-94-83 be received; 2. The Director of Public Works be authorized to take whatever action is necessary to restore the water supply to residents on the west side of Prestonvale Road in the vicinity of the Courtice Storm Sewer Outfi\l1;_ 3. Such action take the form of drilling wells and installing the necessary plumbing to ensure an adequate water supply; 4. G. Hart & Sons, Well Drillers Ltd., Fenelon Falls, be employed to perform the necessary well dri 11 ing. 41. Answering Servi ce Fire Emergency Telephone Li neS Remuneration 40. . THAT - 9 - REPORT #1 Restoration of Private Water Supply Associated with Construction of the' Court ice Storm Sewer Outfall' THAT 1. Report FD-17-83 be received; 2. The General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the rate of .25~ per hour per fire station (2) be established for remuneration in conjunction with the additional emergency telephone lines. 42. Placement of a school crossing guard at the Waverley School Tunnel THAT . 43.V Report CO-62-83 be received for information, and staff meet with the principals of the schools to review the function and reporting responsibil ity of the person at the Waverley Tunnel. Bicentennial THAT 1. Report Admin 54-83 be received "in Camera. "; 2. Two Councillors be selected and appointed to the Special Committee On Bicentennial; 3. The General Purpose and Administration Committee identify for staff three names of people, one from each Ward, that they would like to see participate on the Bicentennial Committee, and tha.t Mr. Tink, Mrs. Veinot and Mr. S. Rutherford be approached by staff relative to the Bicentennial Committee and staff report back to the next Council Meeting, and the Mayor and Councillor Cowman be Council Appointees to the Bicentennial Committee. 44. Remuneration - Judi Heron THAT 1. Report Admin 57-83 be received for information; . 2. J. Heron be encouraged to continue in the present program at an hourly rate of $7.00 per hour, for a maximum of 24 hours per week, for 1983, and she be considered in the review of the program for 1984. 3. The memorandum from J. Heron re "Appointment of a Bicentennial Committee Co-Ordinator Proposal" be received and referred to the 1984 budget discussions relative to the Tourism Project Office. . . . - 10 - REPORT #1 45. THAT Retirement - Marjorie Best Whereas Mrs. Marjorie Best will be retiring effective December 31, 1983; Now Therefore be it resolved that the Director of planning arrange for a, retirement dinner for Mrs. Best and that an amount of $300.00 be allocated by Council from the Tributes and Receptions Account to ass i.st in the financing of the dinner and the purchase of an appropriate gift to be presented to Mrs. Best upon her retirement. 46. Retirement - Mr. Jackman THAT Whereas Mr. Jackman will be retiring effective November 30, 1983; Now Therefore be it resolved that the Director of Public Works arrange for a retirement luncheon reception for Mr. Jackman, and that an amount of $300.00 be allocated by Council from the Tributes and Receptions Account to assist in the financing of the luncheon and the purchase of an appropri~te gift to be presented to Mr. Jackman upon his retirement. Proposed Plan of Subdivision - Dr. A.E; King 47. THAT 1. Report PD-156-83 be received; 2. The attached by-law being a by-law to amend By-law 2111, as amended, in respect of Part of Lot 33, Concession 2, geographic Township of Darlington, be approved. (By-law 83-152) Respectfully submitted, R. Bruce Taylor, Chairman.