HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/18/1983 REPORT #1 REPORT TO THE COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 25TH, 1983 . Mayor Rickard and Members of Council: The following recommendations to Council were made at a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee on July 18th 1983. 1. Contract for Crushed Gravel THAT the recommendations in Report WD-63-83 be endorsed; and Staff be authorized to advertise tenders for the crushing and delivery of granular materials to the Town of Newcastle, in accordance with the 1983 Road Maintenance and Construction Budget; and The supply of pit run gravel for crushing be obtained from the Kovacs Pit and the Reid Pit, at the unit prices quoted, as well as from the Town-owned Pit in Part Lot 16, Concession 2, former Township of Clarke. 2. Road Construction - Lot 19, Cone. 3; Darlington'- KlaWitter THAT the recommendations in Report WD-64-83 be endorsed; and . The Director of Public Works be authorized to construct approximately sixty feet (60 ft.l of road allowance between Lots 18 & 19, Concession 3, Darlington, from approximately 3,470 feet north of Nash Road to 3,530 feet north of Nash Road to accommodate the entrance application of Messrs. Terry and John Klawitter; and The total costs of constructing the road, complete with gravel base, prime and surface treatment, be paid by Mr. Klawitter and that Mr. Klawitter be required to submit a performance guarantee in the amount of the Works Cost Estimate to the Treasurer; and Upon completion of the construction, the Townassume the section of road for maintenance. Report on Correspondence from Luise Lens - Improvements to Mill Lane, BoWmanville ' 3. THAT the recommendations in Report WD-65-83 be endorsed; and Consideration be given to extraordinary maintenance reconstruction of Mill Lane in Bowmanville in 1984; and A copy of this report be forwarded to Luise Lens. Municipal Parking Lot, Village of Newcastle 4. THAT the recommendations in Report WD-66-83 be endorsed; and The Works Department immediately perform the following works on the Municipal Parking Lot in the Village of Newcastle: . (a) Regrade, place gravel, apply calcium for dust control, and cut weeds on the parking lot perimeter; (b) Place a "No Parking on Boulevard" sign on the boulevard just north of the parking lot entrance; . . . - 2 - REPORT #1 4. (Cont'dl (cl Place a sign to indicate the existence of the municipal parking lot; and Funds for the above improvements be drawn from Account Number 7212-X-00442-X, Off Street Parking; and Consideration be given to including funds for fencing and bituminous surfacing of said parking lot in 1984; and A copy of this report be forwarded to Mr. & Mrs. Lover. 5. Reconstruction on Division St. in Orono THAT the recommendations in Report WD-67-83 be endorsed; and Improvements to Division Street in Orono, by raising catchbasins and ditch grades, not be pursued; and Consideration be given in the 1984 budget to installation of curbs and gutters and asphalt pavement on Division Street in Orono between Cobbledick Street and Sommerville Drive. 6. Contract for Asphalt PaVing THAT the recommendations in Report WD-68-83 be endorsed; and Staff be authorized to call tenders for the supply and placement of Asphalt Paving in the Town of Newcastle, in accordance with the 1983 Road Maintenance and Road Construction Budget. (al THAT the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee of Adjustment held on July 6, 1983, be received for information 7. (b) THAT Report PD-I03-83, Summary of Land Division Committee Applications for May 1983, be received for information. 8. 9. W. Frank Real Estate REzoning - (See Report PD-113-83) Liberty Pentecostal Church Rezoning THAT the recommendations in Report PD-106-83 be endorsed; and Application for rezoning DEV 83-14 in respect of part of Lot 14, Concession 1, former Town of Bowmanville, being part 5 on Plan 10R-1617; located on the north-east corner of Highway Number 2 and Durham Regional Road Number 57 (Martin Road) be approved, and that the attached By-law to amend Restricted (Zoningl Area By-law 1587, as amended, be forwarded to Council for approval. 10. One Foot Reserve - Carruthers THAT Report PD-I07-83 be referred back to the Director of Planning to consult with the Town Solicitor and report back to the next Council Meeting. THAT Report CS-10-83, be received for information, and a further report be prepared that addresses: (al What other municipalities do; and (bl A cost sheet showing the cost of operations on the following holidays: Easter Monday Vi ctori a Day Dominion Day Civic Holiday Remembrance Day Boxing Day Status of Washrooms in Newcastle Village Park 11. . 12. - 3 - REPORT #1 Use of Recreational Facilities - Holidays THAT Report CS-11-83 be received for information. 13. THAT 14. 15. 16. . Maintenance of Cemeteries a vote of congratulations be extended to the Director of Community Services through him to his staff, who are responsible for maintenance of the cemeteries. THAT Report FD-9c83, Monthly Fire Report for June 1983, be reteivedfor Information. THAT Report TR-83-47, Activity Report for June 1983, be received and the expenditures for the month of June 1983 be approved. (al THAT Report TR-83-48, Budget Review to June 30, 1983, be received for information~ (b) THAT Report TR-83-49, Taxes, Quarterly Report, June 30, 1983, 'be received for information. (cl THAT Report CD-42-83, Parking Report for June 1983, be received for information. (dl THAT Report CD-43-83, Animal Control Report for June 1983, be received for information. 17. Oshawa Shrine Club THAT the request of the Oshawa Shrine Club to operate a beer tent at Mosport Park on August 12, 13 and 14, 1983, and September 9, 10, and 11, 1983, be referred to the Clerk with power to act. 18. Insurance Coverage 1983C84 THAT Report TR-83-46, BE ENDORSED AS AMENDED; AND . The present insurance coverages held with the Frank Cowan Company Limited be renewed for the period of July 1st 1983 to June 198~ (il The present blanket bond limit be increased from $250,000 to $500,000 at an additional cost of $579.00; and - 4 - REPORT #1 18. (Cont' d 1 . (i il That present insurance coverages not be extended to i ncl ude an "All Risk" form of insurance for protection from flood and earthquake damage to building at an annual cost of $1,369.00. (iiil That present deductible limits be maintained at $S,OOO.OO for another year and then be reviewed; and (ivl That the present electronic data processing insurance be reviewed to insure all municipally owned elements are included in the coverage. THAT Committee consider the advisability of including an excess layer of liability insurance with a single limit of $5,000,000. over all of the underlying limits at an annual cost of $3,794.00; The principal sum for loss of life and capital sum for dismemberment be increased from $22,SOO to $25,000 at a cost of $219.00. The various departments review the lists of replacement values and other aspects of the coverages and advise the Treasury Department of any necessary amendments. The resultant changes in premium costs, if any, shall become part of the annual premium costs. 19. F. Hiemstra - Request for Permission to Occupy a Mobile Home (See Report PD-111-83) Newcastle Community Service Planning Board - Newcastle Culture Recreation and Master Plan . 20. THAT the correspondence from Mr. George Latter dated June 30, 1983, relative to the Culture and Recreation Master Plan and Newcastle Community Hall Board re Newcastle Community Service Planning Board, dated July 4, 1983, be referred to Master Plan Discussions. 21. Encroachment - Queen Street, Bowmanville (See Report WD-69-83l' 22. THAT the Mayor's Report relative to a Special Meeting of Council on Monday, July 25, 1983, at 1:30 p.m., to deal with the matter of filling the vacant seat on Council, Ward 3, Local Councillor, be received for information. 23. Promotion Day Follow-Up THAT the Mayor's verbal report on follow-up to Promotion Day, be received and a meeting, in Committee, of Members of Council, the new Director of Development at the Region of Durham, Dr. Michael, Commissioner of Planning, Region of Durhan, Judi Heron of the Newcastle Tourism Office and appropriate staff, be arranged to discuss the promotion of the Town of Newcastle. Ministry of the Environment, Oshawa Harmony Creek Sewage Sludge Storage Lagoons (See Report PD-110c83) 24. . - 5 - . 25. THAT the recommendations contained in Confidential Report CD-46-83 be approved; and Recommendation Number 3 be deleted and the words "Contingency" be removed from recommendation 5, and the words "Fire Department Salary" substituted therefor. Respectfully submitted, Ivan M. Hobbs, Chairman . .