HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/06/1983 Report #2 REPORT # 2 . REPORT TO TH.E COUNClL MEETING OF JUNE 13 1983: Mayor Rickard and Members of Council: The. following recommendations to Council were made at a meeting of the Ge.neral Purpose and Administration Committee held on June 6 1983: 1. Parking for the Handi capped 1. That Report WD-52-83 be received; 2. The Public Works Department, with the approval of certain area agencies and organizations, be authorized to designate certain areas, off-street, for parking spaces for the handicapped; and 3. The attached by-law to permit certain on-street parking of vehicles operated by, or for, physically handicapped persons, and the issuance of permits in respect thereof, being an amendment to by-law 79-1 (Parkingl, be approved. (See By-law 83-81l. 4. Council be asked to designate an account from which an initial amount of $2,000 (Two Thousand Dollars) may be drawn to implement the first stages of the program; and 5. The Region of Durham be requested to issue permit applications to those residents of the Town of Newcastle who will qualify to use th.e specia 1 parki ng faci 1 ities, and be advi sed of the steps taken in implementing the program. . 2. 2. 3. 4. 3.. 1.. . 2. 1. Assumption of Private Road - Lot 18, Conc. 1 Clarke The private road in Lot 18, Concession 1, in the former Township of Clarke, being a road located approximately two hundred and eighty four (284) feet south of Highway 2 and running easterly for four hundred and ninety-six (496l feet, be assumed as part of the Town- road system; and In assuming said road, the Town make no commitment to provide any services other than normal road maintenance; and The. Town Solicitor be instructed to take the necessary action to secure title to the said road; and The owner of the road be advised of Council's decision in this matter. Parking Survey for the former Police Village of Orono The Town arrange for the provision of lines to delineate parking spaces, as outl ined in the Orono Traffic Study, and that funds for same be drawn from the street sign account, number 7211-X-00422, for Orono; and A copy of this report be sent to the Orono Downtown Business Improvement Area. . 4. 5. ea) (bl (cl 6. 1. 2. 3. . 7. 1. 2. -2- Report #2 Road Allowance Between Lots 26 and 27, Conc. 3 Darlington 1. That the Report be received; 2. The road allowance between Lots 26 and 27, Concession 3, former Township of Darlington, from a distance of approximately 1.0 km north of Nash Road, Concession 3, to 1.3 km northerly, be reassumed by the Town; and 3. The road be upgraded to an acceptable gravel road standard; and 4. All costs for the upgrading be charged to the 1983 Works Budget Accounts for Grave 1 and Resurfaci ng and Roadsi de Ditching. Receive for Information Minutes of Committee of Adjustment meeting of May 11 1983. Monthly Building Report for April 1983. Summary of Land Division Applications for April 1983. Bill 159 and Bill 194 (Planning Act Revisionsl Report PD-79-83 be received. Th~ attached by-laws, Attachment 1 through 2 be approved;(by-laws 83-82,83-83l and the revised Work Program for the Planning Department be approved. Hamlet Development Plan for the Hamlet of Enniskillen Report PD-81-83 be received; and The attached amendment to the Hamlet Oevelopment Plan for the Hamlet of Enniskillen be forwarded to Council for approval at such time as the Council of the Region of Durham has considered the amendment to the Enniskillen Hamlet Development Plan; and 3. A copy of this report and the attachments thereto be forwarded to the Region of Durham for their information and consideration as soon as possible; and 4. The applicants, 1927 Investments Ltd., and Oakland Developments Ltd., be requested to immediately post public information signs on their respective properties in accordance with Town Policy for local Official Plan Amendments, and that said policy be revised to include amendments to Hamlet Development Plans. 8. Courtice Heights Developments That Section 2.14 - Mortgage, within the Courtice Heights Subdivision Agreement authorized be By-law 83-11, be revised to read as follows: "The Mortagee hereby postpones his mortgage to this Agreement with the intent that this Agreement shall take effect as though dated, executed and registered prior to the Mortgage, and the Town shall be entitled to enforce the provisions of this Agreement as though the Mortgagee was the subsequent owner of the lands as contemplated by Section 36, Subsection .6 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 379." . . . . Report # 2 9. East Woodbridge Developments/Mutt Enterprises Rills of Liberty North 1. Report PO-84-83 be recei ved; 2. The attached amending agreement in respect of Part II, Concession 3 former Township of Darlington, Rills of Liberty North, be approved; and 3. The attached by-law authorizing executilon of an amending agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and East Woodbridge Developments Limited and Mutt Enterprises Limited, be approved. (See By-l aw 83-84l. 1 10. Application to Amend Durham Region Official Plan (Harteminkl Report PD-85-83 was referred to Council and Staff was directed to bring in an Amendment, revising the delineation of the boundaries. (To be presented at a future meetingl. ~ 11. Application to Amend Durham Region Official Plan (Klosel 1. Report PD-86-83 be received; and 2. The Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objection to Official Plan Amendment Application 83-4/0, submitted by Mr. W. Klose, to redesignate a 4 hectare parcel of land in Part Lot 25, Concession 5, former Township of Clarke, from "Permanent Agriculture Reserve" to "Major Open Space" to permit the operation of an exotic cat sanctuary; and 3, A copy of Staff Report PD-86-83 and Council's resolution be forwarded to the Region of Durham and the applicant. 12. Rezoning (Denis and Vella pruel The by-law, amending by-law 1592, as amended, of the former Township of Clarke, attached to Report PD-87-83, be approved. (See by-law 83-85l 13. Rezoning (Bolahoodl 1. Report PD-88-83 be received; and 2. The attached zoning by-law, amending by-law 1587, as amended, be approved. (See by-law 83-86l. 3. The attached by-law designating Part 1 of Registered reference Plan 10R-1620, be approved. (See by-law 83-87l. . . . , -4- Report #2 14. Eldorado Nuclear Ltd. Port Granby Waste Management Facility Consultative Commi'ttee THAT Council approve the following resolution: "WHEREAS the Atomic Energy Control Board has directed Eldorado Nuclear Limited to develop a decommissioning Plan for the Port Granby Waste Management Facility to be in place by 1986; AND WHEREAS the Town of Newcastle has agreed to participate on a Consultative Committee to discuss the decommissioning of the existing Port Granby Site; AND WHEREAS Eldorado Nuclear Limited has decided that a proposed permanent low-level radioactive waste disposal facility would appropriately be located on one of the sites it owns in the immediate area, including a 658 acre site on Lakeshore Road at Port Granby; AND WHEREAS the search for a permanent disposal facility for low-level radioactive wastes involves very serious and complex environmental and land use issues and should take place on a Canada~wide or, at the very least, an Ontario-wide basis; BE IT NOW THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of Newcastle fully endorses the decommissioning and clean-up of the existing waste management facility at Port Granby and is willing to participate on the Port Granby Waste Management Facility Consultative Committee to help achieve this decommissioning and clean-up; AND THAT Eldorado Nuclear Limited be requested to abide by the decision of the Environmental Assessment Review Panel in 1978 regarding the location of a waste management facility at the Lakeshore Road Site at Port Granby at thi s time; AND THAT the search for a permanent disposal facility for low-level radio active wastes as proposed by Eldorado Nuclear Limited should be undertaken on a Canada-wide or, at the very least, a Province-wide basis; AND THAT Eldorado Nuclear Limited be strongly urged to submit its proposal for a waste disposal facility for low-level radioactive wastes, either at Port Granby or elsewhere, for review by an Environmental Assessment Panel at a Public Hearing; AND THAT Mr. R. G. Dakers, Vice-President, Eldorado Nuclear Limited; Mr. John Jennekens, Chairman, Atomic Energy Control Board; the Honourable Jean Chretien, Minister, Energy Mines and Resources; The Honourable John Roberts, Minister Environment Canada; The Honourable Keith Norton, Minister, Ontario Ministry of the Environment; The Honourable J. Edward Broadbent, M.P. Leader, New Democratic Party; The Honourable Scott Fennell, M.P., Ontario; the Honourable Allan Lawrence, M.P., Northumberland and Durham; the Honourable Sam Cureatz, M.P.P. Deputy Speaker of the House; and the Council of the Region of Durham be advised of Council's position and forwarded a copy of Council's Resolution and Staff Report PD-90-83 . . . ~ 20. -5- Report #2 15. Decoration Day - Cemeteries That Decoration Day be held on Sunday, July 17 1983 at Bowmanville and Bond Head Cemeteries. 16. Receive for Information (al Report CS-06-83 - Darlington Sports Centre Soccer Pitch. (bl Report CS-07-83 - Management Symposium. 17. Donation - Trees That Council accept a donation to the Town from Mayor Rickard, of 6 f10wering cra.b trees to be planted at the discretion of the Director of Community Services. 18. 19. THAT the MONTHLY FIRE REPORT FOR APRIL 1983 be received for information. Cancellation Reduction or Refund of Taxes Tha.t the list of applications for cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes attached to Report TR-83-39, be approved. ($39,958.92l. Five Year Capital Forecast That the Five Year Capital Forecast be approved with the following amendments: (al the Public Works 1984 Capital Forecast be amended by adding; "Signing of Cobbledick Road Railway Crossing"Gross Expendtture $135,000. Financing - "Other" (b) the Community Services 1984 Capital Forecast be amended by changing the financing of Bowmanville Memorial Arena from "Debentures" to "Other" - $2,625,000. (el A total of $650,000 for the Bowmanville Arena be designated under "tax 1 evy" for 1985, 1986 and 1987 and the balance under "other financi ng" . (dl moneys for preliminary engineering be kept in the 1984 Forecast and the balance of the cost of construction of the Bowmanville Memorial Arena be deferred to 1985; (el the Capital Budget for cemeteries be amended and a cairn be established and provision made for the care and maintenance of Burk Cemetery presently located at the Darlington Hydro Site and funds be requisitioned from Gntario Hydro. (fl the replacement of the roof of the Police and Fire Building - $25,000. be added to the 1984 Capital Budget (gl $20,000. be added to the 1984 Capital Forecast for Engineering studies for the servicing of Industrial Lands on Cemetery Road. . . . Requests to Occupy Mobile Homes 1. Reports CD-35-83 and CD-36-83 be received; 2. The applications be approved. 3. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the standard agreement with the applicants, authorizing the use of a mobile home as a temporary residence on site for a period not exceeding six months: (Mr. and Mrs. N. N. Collis & Mr. & Mrs. Risortol. 21. - 6 - Report #2 22. Refreshment Vehicle Licence That Council authorize the issuing of a Refreshment Vehicle Licence to the applicant Don Whalen, 223 Nassau Street, Oshawa, Ontario L1J 4A7. Eldorado Nuclear Ltd. Port Granby Waste Management Facility That Report 83-123, relative to Eldorado Nuclear Ltd. Progress Report re Port Grancy Waste Management Facility, Consultative Committee be received for information. 23. 24. 1. Reconstruction of Scugog St. King St. to North of C.P.R. That report WD-51-83 be received. 2. That a by-law be passed authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute Offers to Sell, related to the lands required for reconstruction of Scugog Street in Bowmanville between: al The Town of Newcastle and Mrs. Margarette A. Lee for a portion of Lot 13, Concession 2, former Town of Bowmanville, being an area of Sixty-eight (68l square feet, more or less; and (by-law 83-88l bl The Town of Newcastle and Jouke and Tjitske Van der Veer for a portion of Lot 186, Block 1, John Grant Plan, former Town of Bowmanville, being an area of two hundred and seventy-seven (277l square feet, more or less; and (by-law 83-89l c) The Town of Newcastle and Pypker Enterprises Ltd. for a portion of Lot 13, Concession 1, former Town of Bowmanville, being a permanent easement of approximately five thousand, six hundred (5600l square feet and a temporary easement of approximately two thousand five hundred (2500l square feet. (by-law 83-90l 3. That letters of acceptance be forwarded to "the Vendors in accordance with the requirements of the Offers to Sell; and 4. That the documents be forwarded to the Town solicitor for completion of the transactions and registration of the documents. - 7 - Report #2 . 25. Development Agreement - Pete's Esso 1. Report PD-72-83 be received. 2. The attached Development Agreement be approved for execution. 3. The attached by-law authorizing execution of an Agreement between Peter Van Der Veer and the Town of Newcastle be approved. (By-law 83-91l 26. That the Recommendations in Confidential Report Admin 36-83 be approved. Respectfully submi'tted Ivan M. Hobbs, Chairman. . .