HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/05/1983 . . . REPORT # 1 REPORT TO THE COUNCIL MEETING OF APRI~ 11, 1983 Mayor Rickard qnd Members of Council:- The fOllowing recommendations to Co~nctl were made at a meeting of the General Purpose qnd Administrati,on Committee on April 5 '983: 1. Spring Garbage Collection - Bowmanville 1. Th,e Special Springtime Garbage Collection, within the Municipal Area of the former Town of Bowmanville, be approved as follows: (a) Monday and Tuesday, May 2nd and 3rd, 1983, be designated as the dqys for the special collecti'on in the area south of King Street: (b) Thursday and Fri day, May 5th and 6th, 1983 be des i gnated as the days for speciql COllection in the area north of King Street: (c) A notice be placed in. the local newspaper to advise ci.tizens of the Speciql Spring Garbage Collection for the Town of Bowmanville. 2. Spring Garbage COllection - Village of Newcastle 1. The special spnn~ime garbage collection., within the collection area of the former Villqge of Ne~!cqstle, be provided on Thursday, May 5, 1983: 2. The contractor operating regular garbage collection services in the above area be notified of the date for the special spring service; 3. A notice be placed in the loca.l newspaper to advise citizens of the special spri'ng garbage collection for the Village of Newcastle. 3. Spring Ga rbage Co 11 ecti on - Vill age of Orono 1. A special sprirgtime garbage collection, within the collection area of the former Vi 11 qge of Orono, be provided on Wednesday, ~1ay 4, 1983: 2. The contractor operating the regular garbage collection services in the area be notified of the date for the special spring service: 3. A notice be placed in the local newspaper to advise citizens of the special spring garbage collection for the Village of Orono. , <) .~\J' \,\. ,;}.' ~ l . ,t.', " , II R.EPORT # 1 . 4, Bowmanville Business Centre Sidewalk Sale 1. Conditional upon the Bowmanville Business Centre acquiring the necessary Road Occupancy Permits, tn compl iance with Town Pol icy and By-law 83-32, approval be given to the proposal to hold a sidewalk sale on May 25, 26 and 27, 1983: 2. Temperance Street, from King Street south to the north side of St. John's Anglican Church Property, be closed to accommodate the event. 5. Reconstruction of Highway 2, Newcastle to Newtonville 1. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications be advised that the Town of Newcastle concurs wtth their proposal for reconstruction of Highway 2 from the C.P.R. Subway east of Newcastle Village, to the east limit of Newtonvtlle: 2. The Ministry be requested to conside.r problems of snow buildup in Newtonville as part of their design for the urban section. . 6. Request for Street Light - Mr. Holyome, Townline Road 1. Th,e request of Mr. Edward Ho lyome for pl acement of a street 1 i ght adjacent to his property on the Oshawa/Newcastle Townline Road, approxtmately 0.5 miles south of Taunton Road, be denied: 2. A copy of this report, detailing alternatives to the original request, be forwarded to Mr. Holyome for his consideration. 7. By-law to Regulate the Temporary Closure or Occupancy of Highways 1. The attached by-law to regulate the temporary closure or occupancy of htghways in the Town of Newcastle be forwarded to Council for adoption. (See 8y-l aw 83-57) 8. Reconstruction of Hope/Newcastle Townline Road 1. The Township of Hope be advised to proceed with final surfacing of the Hope/Newcastle Townline and SUbsequently forward a bill for Newcastle's share of same, late in the 1983 budget year: 2. Funds for the Town of Newcastle's share of said surfacing, approximately $14,000., be allocated from any savings realized in the 1983 road program: 3. Failing the ability to pay the Town's share from 1983 savings, funds be allocated in the 1984 budget for the surfacing project: ~ 4. The Township of Hope be advised of Council's decision. . . . REPORT # 1 9. The Mi'nutes of the meeting of the Commtttee of Adjustment, March 23 1983 be received for informqtion. 10. Kawartha Region Conservation Authodty Watershed Management Strategy The Kawartha Region Conservati'on Authority be advised that the Town of Newcastle supports the Wqtershed Manqgement Strategy prepared by the Kawartha Regton Conservation Authority as forming the directional frame work for future activtties of the Conservation Authority and the Kawartha Regton Conservatton Authority be provided with a copy of Staff Report PD-54-83. 11. Rezoning - part of Lot 21, Conc. 2, Darlington (Cotterill) That application for rezoning, DEV 81;-39, in reSPect of Ronald and Rita Cotterill be approved and the by-law to amend by-law 2111, as amended, attached to Report PD-56-83 be qpproved. (See by-law 83-58) 12. Rezoning part of Lot 8, B. F. Conc. Bowmanville (Southwood Industries Ltd.) That the by-law ameAding by-law 1587, as amended, attached to Report PD-57-83, be approved. (See by-law 83-59) 13. Quit Claim Deed G.Bagg and Wm. Watson Investments Ltd Wm. & Dorothy Masulka 1. The by-laws attached to Report PD-53-83, in respect of the one foot reserves imposed as conditions of the subject applications for Land Division (Graham S. Bagg and William Watson Investments Limited; William and Dorothy Masulka; and John D. Moffat and Hilda B. Moffat) be approved; and (See by-law 83-60,61 ,62) 2. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute, on behalf of the Town the conveyance in respect of Parts 2 and 3, Plan 10R-1411; part 1, Plan 10R-1566; and Parts 1 and 3, Plan 10R-1592, at such time as all applicable lot development charges have been paid and subject to confirmation that all related legal expenses shall be borne by the applicant in each case. 14. Amendment to Regional Official Plan - Mineral Aggregate Resource Extraction Area *The following recommendation was referred to Council with a report from the Director of Planning, after discussing the matter with objectors to the Ontario Municipal Board. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objection to proposed amendment 91 to the Durham Region Official Plan to permit a Mineral Aggregate Resource Extraction Area in Part of Lot 12, Concession 1, former Township of Cartwright, Township of Scugog, SUbject to the following considerations being addressed: . . . 14. 15. REPORT # 1 Continued (a) for safety reasons, and to mitigate any possible negative effects of heavy vehicular traffic on the draft approved plan of subdivision 18T-75362 immediately to the south of this site, it is suggested that access from the Scugog/Newcastle boundary road be located at the east limits of the site, and that truck traffic be required to travel east from that point directly to Regional Road 57; and (b) that the Boundary Road Agreement between the Town of Newcastle and the Township of Scugog be amended, as necessary, to ensure implementation of (a) above, and to ensure that all necessary road improvements and related maintenance shall remain/become the responsibility of the Township of Scugog; and (c) that the sequence of excavation be altered to permit immediate excavation of Phases I, VI and VII, in order to minimize the long term effects of operation upon the draft approved plan of subdivision 18T-75362 to the south; and That a copy of the Staff Report PD-58-83 and Council's Resolution be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. LD 72-83, H.J.Bout - Rills of Liberty North Report PD-59-83 be received and staff be directed to appeal the Land Division Decision LD 72-83. at the Ontario Municipal Board. 16. Recei,ve for Information (a) Summary of Land Division Committee Applications for the month of Februa ry 1983. (b) Monthly Fire Report for February 1983. (c) Admin 23-83, re the Ontario Public Library System Consultation Paper "A Foundation for the Future". 17. Hampton Community Centre Board Project The correspondence of March 30 1983 from the Hampton Hall Board be received and the Town recognize that the Hampton Hall Board will make their best effort to contribute $5,000. by December 31, 1985 towards the actual cost of the washrooms' project at the Hampton Hall Municipal Building and thank the Board for its contribution towards the project; and further that Council acknowledge that members of Council, staff and representatives of Totten Sims Hubicki and the Hall Board have, and will . . . REPORT # 1 17. Continued be meeting to discuss the project design and that, when construction drawings ~ave been completed, the Town will undertake the calltng of tenders and will finance the project to a maximum of $30,000., any unexpended funds to remain with the Town of Newcastle; and further, the Town will make applicatton for all appropriate grants and loans. 18. The Department of Recreation be thanked for their effort in co-operating with the Bowmanville Minor Hockey Association in arranging for ice time for their playoffs. Respectfully submitted Diane Hamre, Chairperson gg