HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/07/1983 ,. ..,,;#~@r~ .~' .} W' 1~ <:-I ~ f\ ~. ""1'1 ~'j I"y '),\\cllc ".' f, -= ..1,\" ~ . . _.;.~-~ "'-' . TOWN OF NEWCASTLE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: TIME: PLACE: March 7 1983 9:30 a.m. Court Room #2 AGENDA 1. Roll Call II. Minutes of Meeting of February 21 1983 III. Delegations: 5'L.v-'i.J/ Mr. D. Ward Skinner re Entrance Permit Burketon Station "_31.,c3ll:00 a.m. Delegation re A.L.R.T. S " 1. Dr. Michaels Commissioner of Planning Region of Durham 2. Mr. D. Garner Ministry of Transportation and Communications 3. Mr. C. Lumley, Ministry of Transportation and Communications 4. Mr. J. Williams, M. M. Dillon Ltd. 5. Mr. L. Windover, Totten Sims Hubicki Associates . IV. Staff Reports: 1. Pub 1 i c Works /0'J,.19 (a) ;0.10.1 (b) 77.)..9'1 (c) tot 49../-. (d) WD-1S-83 - WD-16-83 - WD-17-83 - WD-18-83 - Bowmanville l25th Anniversary Parade Public Works Department Vacations 1983 Road Inspection Tour 1983 F. Shane re access from Oarlington Automotive Centre to Church Street, Bowmanville - Meeting with Mr. J. Drew - Proposed Handicapped Parking 77 "01 (e) WD-19-83 n.3<1. I. (f) WD-20-83 2. Planning and Development (, I. . (a) PD-38-83 - Extension of Draft P1 an Approval l8T -19720 0.<+ .Ioc' Parts L ts. 29 & 30, Conc. 1 Vi 11 age of Newcast1 e East Woodbridge Developments Ltd. 35'1.3 (b) PD-40-83 - By-law 2-83, Township of Scugog Gogi.~.(c) Minutes of Committee of Adjustment February 23 1983. l.,o.~JiIo (d) PD-42-83 - Application for Rezoning Cean Investments pt. lot 11, Conc. 2 . - 2 ~ tv. St~ff Reports (Continued) (," .sYA2. (e) ,S J/) (f) oS J/. '? (g) ',S I' :? (11) ~d<t.;l.(i) bo?lJ,!; (j) . iO?t'J-.(k) //)./1./110 (1) l . - Provincial Mineral Aggregate Policy By-law 12-83, City of Oshawa By-law 20-83, City of Oshawa By-law 159-82, City of Oshawa - Summary of Land Division Committee Applications, Jan. 1983 - Official Plan for the Newcastle Village Minor Urban Area Part of the District Planning Area for the Town of Newcastle. Official Plan for the Bowmanville Major Urban Area Part of the District Planning Area for the Town of Newcastle. PD-39-83 - Property Standards Report. PD-43-83 PD-45-83 PD-46-83 PD-47-83 PD-48-83 PD-49-83 .(,l PD~-83 3. Community Services ~ No Reports 4. Fire. I.~. I",.j. (a) Dep~rtment FD-3-83 - Provincial Auto Extrication Grant Program. 5. Treasurer 10<).1.1 (a) TR-83-9A - Insurance Coverage - Treasurers of Hall Boards IO."~ (b) TR-83-l0 - Tender T83-l, Construction of Storm Sewers, Courtice. i/'.U>i-.(c) TR-83-1l - Montague Trust Estate - Newcastle Community Hall ,.;,1,o'(d) TR-83-l2 - Penalty Charges for Non-Payment of Current Taxes and Interst added to Tax Arrears, 1983 . 6. C1e.rk /C' 1'3 '1"1. (a,) CD-17~83 3'6"" (b) CD-19~83 (VoJ 'i) 7. - Discharge of Firearms Town of Newcastle - Appointments to Community Hall Boards for 1983 '0 .~'1-"1. Administrator (a) Admin 19-83 - Amendment to Supplementary Agreement #8 Ontario Hydro Studi.es of Potential Heat Utilization V. Unfinisl1ed Business !C+ (1) PD-34-83 - By-laws of Other Municipalities (Agenda of Feb. 21/83) 3'':>110(2) Mini stry of Envi ronment re Bl uepri nt for Waste Management (Counci 1 Agenda <;:) '~ of Feb. 28/83) 1<0 . ~ ~ (3) GPA-94-83 - Watershed Pl an Report. 11'Yl~q VI. OtMr Business - Region of Durham re Intersection of Reg. Rd. 17 & North St. Village of Newcastle VII. Adjournment. . *************** THERE wtLL BE A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE G.P.A. COMMITTEE ON MONDAY, MARCH 14 1983 to discuss budgets during the Council Meeting. ****************