HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/07/1983 REPOR~ # 1 Mayor Rickard and Members of Council :- The following recommendations to Council were made at a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee on March 7 1983: . 1. Bowmanville l25th Anniversary Parade 1. Report WD-15 -83 be rece i ved. 2. The Chamber of Commerce acquire a permit in respect 0 Road Occupancy for Special Events: 3. All Town Departments which can assist in the preparation and staging of the event, offer their co-operation in preparing for Bowmanville's l25th Anniversary Parade to be held on May 23, 1983. 2. Public Works Department 1983 Vacations I I 1. Report WD-16-83 be received. I 2. With the exception of one (1) member of staff at each IDepot, and the personnel employed in the provision of garbage cO~lection services, the Public Works Department closes for a tw -week period Monday July 25th to Tuesday, August 9th, 1983. , 3. . 4, 5. . 1. 2. Road Inspection Tour Report WD-l7-83 be received. The 1983 Road Inspection Tour be arranged for ThurSda1' April 14th and Friday April 15th, 1983 and that all Members of C uncil and the Press be invited to attend. Members of Council advise the Public Works Department of any areas of concern or particular interest, before April 7, 1983, lin order that they may be included in the itinerary of the Tour. 3. 1. Darlington Auto Centre re Access Darlington Auto Centre Incorporated be advised that t e Town does not approve of eliminating parking spaces on Church Stree in the vicinity of said business. I Darlington Auto Centre Incorporated be further advisel that the cost of relocating parking meters or altering access can be u dertaken only at the cost of the party requesting such modificiations. I J. Drew - Road Conditions I I Report WD-l9-83 be received and a copy be forwarded tt Mr. J. Drew. 2. 1. .6. 7. . . - 2 - I "pJ #l I Proposed Handicapped Parking Program I Report WD-20-83 be received. I The Regional Municipality of Durham be advised that th~ Town of Newcastle endorses the resolution of Regional Council land wishes to participate in the handicapped parking program. I 3. The Town of Newcastle is in favour of the request tha! Hetropol itan Toronto enter into a reciprocal agreement for handicapped parking. 4. The Town of Newcastle recommends that the Regional Mu icipality of Durham establish a Committee to co-ordinate the inter sts of local municipalities and organizations concerned with the provision of handicapped parking facilities and that the service be brought into effect by the fall of 1983. The Director of Public Works assign appropriate staff to represent the Town of Newcastle and liaise with local organizations interested in the proposal. l. 2. 5. Subdivision l8T-19720 East Woodbridge - Village of Newcastle 1. Report PD-38-83 be received. 2. Council adopt the following resolution: "The Council of the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to extend the draft plan approval for Subdivision l8T-19720 for a further one year period to March 30, 1984." 3. The request in 2. above, be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing at such time as all outstanding accounts, taxes or otherwise, have been paid in full; failing which, the Minister shall be advised that the Town objects to a further extension of draft plan approval and that East Woodbridge Developments Limited be so advised. 8. Receive for Information (a) Minutes of Committee of Adjustment for February 23 1983 (b) By-law 2-83, Township of Scugog (c) By-law 12-83, City of Oshawa (d) By-l aw 20-83, City of Oshawa (e) By-law 159-82, City of Oshawa (f) Summary of Land Division Committee Applications for January 1983 (g) Property Standards Report 9. Rezoning Cean Investments 1. Reoort PD-42-83 be received. 2. The attached by-law, being a by-law to amend By-law 1587, as amended be approved. See By-law 83-37 . 10. - 3 - Report #1 Provincial Mineral Aggregate Policy 1. Report PD-43-83 be received. 2. The Ministry of Natural Resources and the Foundation for Aggregate Studies be advised that Council has no objection at this time to the Ministry of Natural Resources Mineral Aggregate Policy for Official Plans and the mineral aggregate production provisions in the Lindsay District Land Use Strategy. 3. A copy of this report be forwarded to the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Foundation for Aggregate Studies. 11. Official Plan for Newcastle Village Minor Urban Area 1. Report PD-49-83 be received. 2. The modifications to the Official Plan for the Newcastle Village Minor Urban Area, as proposed by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing be endorsed subject to the revisions outlined by this staff report PD-49-83. 3. A copy of Staff Report PD-49-83 be forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham and the Minsitry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for their information. . 12. Official Plan for the Bowmanville Major Urban Area 1. Report PD-44-83 be received. 2. The modifications to the Official Plan for the Bowmanville Major Urban Area as proposed by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing be endorsed subject to the revisions outlined by Staff Report PD-44-83. 3. A copy of Staff Report PD-44-83 be forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham and the Ministry of ~1unicipal Affairs and Housing for their information. 13. The Director of Planning be appointed to the Technical Committee for GO-ALRT. 14. Quinn Drive - Official Plan for Bowmanville residential Council support the low Idensity designation on the Quinn Drive, Block E, Plan 702, on the Official Plan for the Bowmanville Major Urban Area, part of the District Planning Area for the Town of Newcastle. 15. . Tender T83-l - Storm Sewers Courtice 1. Report TR-83-l0 be received. 2. Alcan Colony Contracting Co. Ltd., Toronto, Ontario, with a bid in the amount of $190,288.66, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender T83-l, be awarded the contract for the Construction of Storm Sewers, Courtice Ontario. 3. The funds be expended from the loan provided by the Ministry of Municipal Housing under the (O.H.A.P.) Ontario Housing Action Program. . . . 16. - 4 - Report #1 Montague Trust Estate - Newcastle Community Hall 1. Report TR-83-ll be received. 2. Canada Permanent Trust Company be advised that Council is willing to accept the corpus of the trust fund on the Thomas Montague Estate. 3. Council will invest those funds and use the income of those investments for the benefit of the Community Hall of Newcastle in accordance with the will of the late Thomas Montague. 17. Penalty and Interest on Tax Arrears 1. The attached by-law to establish a penalty charge for non-payment of current taxes at 15% per annum be approved. See by-law 83-38 2. The attached by-law to provide for interest to be added to tax arrears at 15% per annum be approved. See by-law 83-39 18. Discharge of Firearms in Newcastle 19. l. 2. Report CD-17-83 be received. The concerns raised by Mrs. Catherine Sampson with respect to the di scharging of fi rearms be referred to the Durham Regi ona 1 Pol ice Department and the Ministry of Natural Resources with the request that they diligently pursue and prosecute persons found contravening the law with respect to the illegal discharge of firearms. The owners or occupiers of agricultural lands who have a concern about theillegal discharging of firearms on their lands be invited to post their lands with suitably The Ministry of Natural Resources be asked to consider releasing birdsCworded signs: away from populated areas. Cand Mrs. Catherine Sampson, R.R.#2, Orono, Ontario, LOB lMO, be advised of the actions taken, and provided with a copy of by-law 75-29 for her information. 3. 4. 5. Appointments to Community Hall Boards - 1983 1. Report CD-19-83 be received. 2. The attached list of members of Community Hall Boards for 1983 be confirmed. 3. The Secretary of each Board be so notified. 4. The first five members named on each Board be insured by the Town. . . . 20. - 5 - Report #1 Amendment to Supplementary Agreement #8 Ontario Hydro - Heat Utilization 1. Report Admin 19-83 be received. 2. The attached amendment to Supplementary Agreement #8, be approved. 3. The attached by-law be adopted autnorizing execution of tne agreement. See By-law 83-40 4. The Clerk forward copies of the Agreement to the Region of Durham for execution, after execution by the Town. 21. Other Municipalites Zoning By-laws 1. Report PD-34-83 be received. 2. Staff be authorized to respond directly to Area Municipalities upon circulation of Restricted Area (Zoning) by-law amendments, except in those instances immediately abutting this municipality. 22. Solina Park Project Tne correspondence dated March 3 1983, from the Minister of Tourism and Recreation, addressed to the Treasurer, confirming the approval of tne Grant of $42,412.00 for the Solina Park Project under the Wintario Capital Grant Program, be received for information. Respectfully submitted Ann Cowman, Chairman gg