HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/03/1983 . . . REPORT # 1 REPORT TO THE COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 10 1983 Mayor Rickard and Members of Council: The following recommendations to Council were made at a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on January 3 1983: 1. M. Hancock Delegation to meeting of November 15 THAT Report WD-1-83 be received and a copy of the report be forwarded to Mr. Mark Hancock as Council's position on the issues raised by his delegation at the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting of November 15 1982. 2. THAT Report WD-2-83, 1982 Road Needs Study Update be received for information. 3. Mill Street and Durham Farmers' County Co-Op THAT the Town accept the position of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications that the proposed road connecting Mill Street and the Durham Farmers' County Co-operative in the Former Village of Orono is not necessary, and THAT a copy of Report WD-3-83 and associated information be forwarded to Mr. E. R. Woodyard, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and Mr. Sam Cureatz, M.P.P. 4. Resolution of Iroquois Falls THAT the Town of Newcastle endorse the resolutions of the Town of Iroquois Fall s CResol ution 82-382) pertaining to the Onatario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists, and THAT the Minister of the Attorney General, the Minister of Colleges and Universities and the Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists be so advi sed. 5. Subdivision l8T-78006, Newcastle Shoreline Properties Report PD-3-83 be received; Council adopt the following resolution: "The Council of the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to extend the draft plan approval for Subdivision l8T-78006 for a further one year period to April 14, 1984". THAT 1. 2. . . . REPORT # 1 - 2 - 5. (Continued) 3. The request in 2. above, be forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and that Douglas J. Plitz of Newcastle Shoreline Properties Limited be so advised, and 4. Newcastle Shoreline Properties Limited be advised that failing payment of monies outstanding pursuant to the terms of the Subdivision Agreement between the Town and Newcastle Shoreline Properties Limited by March 1, 1983, that said Agreement shall be subject to re-negotiation. 6. Received for Information and File Report PD-4-83 - Monthly Building Report for November 1982 Report PD-5-83, by-law 8-82, City of Oshawa Report PD-6-83, by-law 76-82, Township of Scugog Report PD-7-83 - Summary of Land Division Committee Applications for November 1982 Minutes of Committee of Adjustment Meeting of December 15 1982. 7. 1983 Work Program Planning and Development Department THAT the Planning Department's 1983 Work Program, as attached to Report PD-1-83 be approved and the Department give some priority in their program to; (a) Servicing Town-owned Industrial Land and the Main Central Area of Bowmanville; (b) Development Costs including levies; ec) Development standards; as outlined in the background of the report. 8. Mainstreet Revitalization Loan Applications, Newcastle Village and Bowmanville Business Improvement Area That Report PD-2-83 be approved and the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing be advised that pursuant to his letters of November 30th 1982 and December 22 1982, in respect of the Bowmanvill e and Newcastl e Vi 11 age Business Improvement Areas respectively, the Town has considered the conditions of approval for the Main Street Revi tal ization Loans, and i'n response thereto, have approved staff Report PO-2-83, clarifying the responsibilities of the Town and the Board of Managements regarding the administration of the programs and the i'mplementation of the projects. . . . - 3 - REPORT # 1 9. Bowbrook Investments Referral to O.M.B. THAT Report PD-9-83 be received and Council approve the following resolution: "WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Newcastle approved the Bowmanville Urban Area Pl an on July 13 1981; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham approved the Bowmanville Urban Area Plan onJuly 7 1982: AND WHEREAS the Bowmanville Urban Area Plan conforms with the Official Plan of the Regional Municipality of Durham, as required by Section 59(3) of the Regional Municipality of Durham Act; AND WHEREAS the nature of the request for referral of the Bowmanville Urban Area Plan m~deby Bowbrook Investments Limited calls into question major policies of the Official Plan of the Regional Municipality of Durham which has been approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and the questioning of these Minister-approved policies has significant implications to all of the area municipalities in the Regional Municipality of Ourham; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Newcastle has applied for, and the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing has approved, a loan under the Ontario Main Street Revitalization Program for capital improvements in accordance with a Municipally approved Business Improvement Area Revitalization Plan for a major portion of the Bowmanville Main Central Area; AND WHEREAS said Plan is in keeping with the Main Central Area policies of the Official Plan of the Regional Municipality of Durham and the Official Plan of the Bowmanville Major Urban Area; AND WHEREAS the issue of the designation in the Bowmanville Urban Area Plan of the property owned by Bowbrook Investments Limited on the north-west corner of Waverly Road and Provincial Highway 401 in the Bowmanville Urban Area would more appropriately have been dealt with through an application for an ~mendment to the Official Plan of the Regional Municipality of Durham; AND WHEREAS the request made be Bowbrook Investments Limited to refer portions of the Bowmanville Urban Area Plan to the Ontario Municipal Board would result in an unnecessary delay to the approval of said Plan; BE IT NOW THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Council of the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to forthwith approve the Official Plan for the Bowmanville Urban Area and to deny the request by Bowbrook Investments Limited to refer certain portions of the Official Plan to the Ontario Municipal Board;"and A copy of staff report PD-9-83 be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Regional Municipality of Durham. . . . - 4 - REPORT # 1 10. Amendment to Site Plan Agreement - 7Star Restaurant & Gas Bar THAT Report PD-10-83 be received and; The attached amending site plan agreement between G. Koutroumpelis and B. Arhitektonidis and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle be considered for execution; and The attached by-law authorizing execution of an agreement between G. Koutroumpelis and B. Arhitektonidis and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle be approved. See By-law 83-1. 11. Montague Trust Estate - Newcastle Community Hall THAT Report TR-83-l be received and, Canada Permanent Trust Company be advised that Council is willing to accept the corpus of the trust fund of the Thomas Montague Estate; and Council will invest those funds and use the income of those investments for the benefit of the Community Hall of Newcastle in accordance with the Will of the late Thomas Montague; and The Treasurer communicate with the Newcastle Hall Board to explain fully the implications before the report comes to Council. 12. Receive for Information THAT the following be received for information: Report CD-79-82, Evaluation of Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee Structure and Right to Hold Office. Animal Control Report for November 1982 Parking Report for November 1982 13. Parking Enforcement Orono and Newcastle Village THAT the Town invite quotations from other agencies in the field and a further report be brought to Committee for consideration. - 5 - REPORT # 1 . 14. Brief to Eastern Ontario Caucus THAT Report Admin 1-83, be received and further input be forwarded to the Chief Administrative Officer for inclusion in a revised draft to Council of the brief to the Eastern Ontario Caucus Meeting of January 14 1983. 15. Surplus Emergency Van THAT the surplus Emergency Van, formerly used by the Newcastle Fire Department, be donated to the St. John Ambulance; and THAT Mr. D. Bird of the St. John Ambulance, Newcastle Division, be advised that the van must be certified and licenced at their cost. 16. Resignation - A. Mote THAT the correspondence from Mr. Alan Mote, resigning as Chairman of the Orono B.I.A. be received for information. Respectfully Submitted . Keith D. Barr, Chairman. .