HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/13/1982 . i'''''''''''''''' ""-1.'" , -' ., ~ 1Jp,~ rs::' " ,1.\ C;V" TOWN OF NEWCASTLE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: December 13, 1982 TIME: 9:30 A.M. PLACE: Court Room #2 I. Ro 11 Ca 11 AGENDA i I I. Minutes of Meeting of November 15, 1982 III. Delegations: ~ 71.1.,0'1 Mark Hancock re Road Work on Townline Road and Concession 7, Darl ington; ~ 7).,71'~, George Laskaris re removing parking meter on Temperance Street. IV. Staff Reports: ", 1. .-j ", " 7'ld;.l'()CON\:~~ . \.,jr'IJ I L. 1'1, ,ob ,". ~ I <<4{ 11'0~~ ;.j,).. I),f '11. ' -J ;J. ,!uq I ' /'?o<?,U, {)o,t! [ I~.NF) .~ (,o .lH., '07 . '::; S', 11":3 3S'o.3 3.s:, 1/, 3 Pub li c Works (a) WD-96-82 - Closure & Conveyance of Bond Street, Between Blocks '0' and 'Q', Village of Newcastle Parts 2, 3 & 4, Plan 10R-1378 Parts 1 & 2, Plan 10R-1470 \ (b) WD-97-82 "Sherry Lane" Right-of-way in Part Lot 31, Concession 3, Darlington (c) WD-98-82 - Land Acquisition to accommodate future construction Golf Course Road, Clarke '. (d) J :::,.(e) WD-99-82 - Closure & Conveyance of Pine Street, Bowmanville WD-I00-82 - Petition for Sidewalk - East Elgin Street, CPR Bridge to First Street, Bowmanville 2. Planning and Development ~ (a) Minutes of Committee of Adjustment Meetings of November 10, 1982, and November 24, 1982 (b) PD-195-82 - Cean Investments (Oshawa) Ltd. - Application for Severances Z-A-2-5-2 (c) PD-196-82 - Extension of Draft Plan Approval 18T-75362, Part Lots 18 & 19, Concession 10, Darlington (Veltri & Sons) (d) PD-198-82 - By-law 72-82, Township of Scugog (e) PD-199-82 - By-law 65-82, Township of Scugog (f) PD-200-82 - By-law 127-82, City of Oshawa G.P.A. Agenda - 2 - December 13, 1982 (g) )PD-201-82 - By-l aw 9-82, City of Oshawa (h) iPD-202-82 - By-law 120-82, City of Oshawa 3.5. J J ~J . :;,-:< /1. ~ "c,: ,I. ;?, (i) J PD-203-82 - By-l al'l 129-82, Ci ty of Oshawa 1.,.1/ <J (j) j PD-204-82 - Extensi on of Draft Pl an Approval 18T -24002, l,e'Y , Part Lot 18, Concession 7, Darltngton (Oakland Dev.) t:L/.-.}&. ,~~l(k).J PD-208-82 - t I) ';,1 J") Rezoning Application Z-A-1-13-5 - R. Davis, Block 10, Plan M-746, Application to Amend the Solina Hamlet Development Plan ~'i. >lq-l. (In PD-205-82 - L,c';; c~'6 (m)\ PD-207-82 - Monthly Building Report Application for Site Plan Approval S-P-2, St. George Street Developments Limtted ~c ,~~,~ (n)l PD-197-82 - Summary of Land Division Committee Applications for the Month of October 1982 Lc'r,G lie (0) ~ PD-206-82 - O.P. Amendment Application, Parking Controls (Markham) Ltd., Part Lot 26 & 27, Concession 5, Darlington 3. be 61-1: jt{,~j. iO'v. 4. Community Services (a)1 CS-33-82 - ~ i' ~3'1. S', Fi re Department Proposed F~es.~ewcastle Fitness Centre '.::2.u ;L.('f L:.'-"~ ~:<;"-tce L (:,{--\:. . C(, '" J. (a)J FD-20-82 - Monthly Fire Report for November 1982 5. Treasury Department (a)~ TR-72-82 - Expansion of Computer Service IV.?} 3{ (,(, 13 (b)J TR-75-82 - Newcastle Arena Board, Outstanding Accounts Receivable , (c).j TR-76-82 - List of Applications for Cancellation, Reduction or ID y) 'j-, Refund of Taxes /0. ~)-7, 9 (d)J TR-77-82 - Acti vity Report for November 1982 10.57- ! (e)J TR-78-82 - 1983 Borrowing By-l aw i.'6. 1/./01 (f) ~ TR-79-82 - By-law re Garbage Collection - Municipal Co 11 ecti on Areas Town of Newcastle \ ,D:(, ~ ' , \ .~ Iv.!)J,,?! (g)J TR-80-82 (h)j TR-82-82 - Tender T82-10 Petroleum Products (Bulk Gasoline & Diesel) - Payment of Annual Remuneration to the Mayor and Members of Council . ID ;,,$, (i) " TR-81-32 - Tender T82-11 Three Only 1983 Half-Ton Pick-Up Trucks ,j 1" " f' /U-f.1>>~ ~t,u..J UL'UA7}" ~ 1. I (/- //~-VJ I /~-{d~--tf.-t:A..-- L.t.J.~.A?~j 'I f 1R- ~}-31.- - G.P.A. Agenda - 3 - December 13, 1982 . 6. Clerk's Department (a)v CD-77-82 i- Tile Drainage Loan Application - IDJ.C),IJ6 Tom & Marilyn Morawetz It,).'!,,,,, (b) J CD-78-82 - Tile Drainage Loan Application - Hugh & Keith Allin ;6 '/ ,,;17 (c) J CD-80-82 - Abandoned Cemeteries Maintenance 21',,", l,~~:~' 1050:./ l?). l(1 /1;'.' F, I (d)J CD-81-82 - (e) J CD-82-82 - Post Election Review Complaints with respect to the use of Trail Bikes in the Town of Newcastle 7. Administrator : (a) \ Admin 82-82 - Property Matter, Sale of Municipal Lands - Solina \ ) '~./ (b) J Admin 82-84 - Provincial Wage Restraint Program, Union and Non-union Salaries -1S,C" ,! (c)J Admin 82-86 - ... "..,0.1)- '7' w" Formation of a stngle Museum Board of Management, Bowmanvi lle t~useum Board's Feas i bil ity Study and Heritage Buil dings Capital Grant Appl i cati on, The Clarke Museum Board Feasibility Study , . {", -,;>/,10;;' (d)J Admin 82-87 - Town of Newcastle Recreational Needs Study o (Culture & REcreation Master Plan) 10, ,,;;I, ,if (e)i Admin 82-81 - Schedule of Meetings 1982-1983 - General Purpose and Administration Committee & Council box/CC' (f)J Admin 82-85 - ~--_..'---"" IO,ci~. 10. ~ i, <g /(), fe' -1 r; V. 3S-3/. It,: ,eX7 &o,'),.,~VI. Le;t VII. VII I. IX. Eldorado Nuclear Limited, Proposal for the Establishment of a Committee in Respect of the Possible Future Location and Design of a Waste Disposal Facility in the Town of Newcastle \, (g) , Admin 82-89 - Re-Evaluation of Chief Building Official ! (h) JAdmin 82-90 - 1983 Current Budget & Capital Forecast Discussion Paper Guidelines (i)J Admin 82-91 - Filling of Vacancy Arena Operator III, Darlington Sports Centre Unfinished Business: \ Ministry of the Environment - Information Committee re Hale Landfill Site \ Correspondence re Eldorado Nuclear \ Correspondence - St. John's Ambulance Association request for , Equipment", , Other Business _ L, W. )1..c,,)J,;Mv ~ cv 3-1- ~ 'Y Adjournment