HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/13/1982 REPORT # 1 ,... REPORT TO THE COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 2D 1982 Mayor Rickard and Members of Council: The following is a report of the meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on Monday, December 13 1982: It was recommended to Council that: J 1. 2. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Sherry Lane The Works Department continue normal maintenance of the road "Sherry Lane" until January 1, 1983 and, if the matter has not been resolved by that time, Town maintenance be discontinued. Closure & Conveyance - Pine Street Bowmanville Report WD-99-82 be received. The value of Pine Street Bowmanville, between Blocks Q & R, according to C. G. Hanning's Plan, be established in the amount of $19,500. (Nineteen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars); and The Clerk proceed to advertise theby-law in respect of the closure, as detailed above; and Part 2, Plan IOR1527, be offered in the amount of one-half of the be closed and conveyed ($9,750); Part 1, Plan 10R-1527 be offered in the amount of one-half of the closed and conveyed; and Failing the acceptance of the offer of Part 1, by the northerly property owner, the land be sold to Glenson Investments Limited; and The Director of Public Works be authorized to proceed with the foregoing negotiations immediately in order to finalize the closure and conveyance in accordance with Town Policy. for sale value of and for sale value of to Glenson Investments Limited, the total area of the street to to the abutting owner to the north, the total area of the street to be 3. Petition for Sidewalks, Elgin Street Bowmanville 1. Consideration be given to including sidewalk construction on the east side of Elgin Street, from the C.P.R. Bridge, northerly to First Street, Bowmanville, in 1983; and 2. Signs warning of pedestrian movement in the vicinity of the C.P.R. Bridge not be considered; and 3. Mr. M. Prout be advised of Council's decision in this matter, and that a copy of this report be forwarded to him and to the Petitioners to Committee of November 15 1982. 4. THE minutes of the COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT meetings of November 10, 1982 and November 24 1982 be received for information. . . . - 2 - Report #1 5. Subdivision 1 8T-75362 , United Counties Holdings Limited 1. Report PD-196-82 be received. 2. Council adopt the following resolution: "Council of the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to extend the draft plan approval for Subdi vi si on 1ST -75362 for a further one year peri od to January 23 1984:" 3. The request in 2 above be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and that Veltri and Son Limited be so advised. 6. By-laws of Other Municipalities The following by-laws be received for information and filed: By-law 72-82 of the Township of Scugog' By-law 65-82 of the Township of Scugog By-law 127-82 of the City of Oshawa By-law 9-82 of the City of Oshawa By-law 120-82 of the City of Oshawa By-law 129-82 of the City of Oshawa. Oakland Developments Subdivision 18T-24002 7. 1. Report PD-204-82 be received. 2. Council adopt the following resolution: "The Council of the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to extend the draft plan approval for subdivision 18T-24002 for a further one year period to January 25, 1982" 3. The request in 2. above be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Mr. Jeffrey of Oakland Developments be so advised. 8. R. Davis - Rezoning and Amendment to Solina Plan 1. Report PD-208-82 be received. 2. The attached amendment to By-law 2111, as amended, be approved in accordance with Resolution #GPA-1082-82. (See by-law 82-181) 3. The attached amendment to the Solina Hamlet Development Plan be approved in accordance with Resolution #GPA-1082-82. 9. REPORT PD-205-82, MONTHLY BUILDING REPORT FOR OCTOBER 1982 be received for information. . . . - 3 - Report #1 10. Site Plan Approval St. George St. Developments Ltd. 1 . Report P D- 207 - 82 be received. 2. The attached site plan agreement between St. George Street Deve10pments Limited and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle be approved for execution; 3. The attached by-law authorizing execution of a development agreement between St. George Street Developments Limited and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle be approved. See By-law 82-182. 11. Report PD-197-82 SUMMARY OF LAND DIVISION COMMI~EE APPLICATIONS FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER 1982, be received for information. 12. Official Plan Amendment - Par~ing Controls (Markham Ltd) 1. Report PD-206-82 be received. 2. The Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle recommends approval of Application 82-32/D submitted by Parking Controls (Markham) Limited, to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan to redesignate a 46.6 ha parcel of land in part of Lots 26 and 27, Concession 5, former Township of Darlington, from permanent agricultural reserve (with indication of hazard 1 ands) to Major Open Space, subject to the foll owi ng conditions: (a) Only those portions of the subject site current1y designated "permanent Agrl cultura 1 Reserve" be redes i gnated to "Major Open Space: and (b) Those portions of the subject site currently designated as "Hazard Lands" and "Envi ronmenta lly Sens iti ve Areas" retai n these des i 9nati ons: and (c) The proposed Official Plan Amendment not be approved until the Town of Newcastle has entered into a Development Agreement with Parking Controls (Markham) Limited with respect to the development of the golf course component of this proposal. 3. A copy of this Report and Council's resolution be forwarded to the Region of Durham. 13. Newcastle Fitness Centre Proposed Fees Report CS-33-82, Proposed 1983 Fees. Newcastle Fitness Centre, be received for information and Council approve and implement the schedule in January 1983. 14. Burketon Station/Shelter 1. Report CS-34-82 be received for information. . . . - 4 - Report #1 14. Continued - 2. Counci 1 pass the following resolution: "Canadian Pacific is hereby advised that the Town of Newcastle would like to obtain the surplus railway shelter at the Burketon Station for use in the Burketon Neighbourhood Park. The Town would like to receive written confirmation from Canadian Pacific to the effect that the shelter is available to the Town at no cost. The Town thanks Canadian Pacific for its assisance in this proj ect"; and 3. Council pass the following resolution: "Council hereby notifies the Burketon Park Association that it will assist the Association in obtaining the Burketon Station! Shelter to the extent that a member of staff will help co-ordinate the move and assist in the siting of the building. Council expects the Association to bear all moving costs. Council will notify the Town's insurance company of the impending move". 15. The MONTHLY FIRE REPORT FOR NOVEMBER 1982 be received for information. 16. Expansion of Computer Service 1. Report TR-72-83 be received. 2. The Treasurer be authorized to have an agreement drawn up between the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and Real Time Datapro Ltd., to accommodate the expansion in computer service as shown on Schedule XII attached, for a total one time cost of $15,405.00 and monthly maintenace of $331.60; and 3. The Treasurer be authorized to have an agreement drawn up between the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and Real Time Datapro Ltd., with respect to the implementation of the Recreation Registration Program with a total one time cost of $2,000.00 and monthly maintenance of $450.00 as shown on Schedule XIII. 4. The Treasurer make application to the MInistry of Culture and Recreation under Wintario Non-Capital Projects for use of computers in Recreation Management for such grant monies as might be available to offset the cost of expansion of service to the Community Services Department and for the Recreation Registration Program; and 5. The costs of electrical work to install the computer system in the amount of $1,000.00 be charged to the building renovations in each location; and - 5 - Report #1 . 16. Continued: 6. The costs to expand the computer system be drawn from the accounts as recommended in TR-66-82, Budget Report to October 14th, 1982. 17. Newcastle Arena Accounts Receivable The request of the Newcastle Arena Board to have the outstanding accounts receivable in the amount of $28,005.23 be written off as uncollectable in the following manner, be approved: $20,254.46 7,850.77 $28,005.23 to Allowance for Bad Debts a/c #1170-x-1-9 to Contingencies a/c #7007-298-x-9 List of Applications for Cancellation, Reduction of Refund of Taxes 18. The recommendations as per the list of applications for cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes in the amount of $8,986.98, as attached to Report TR-76-82 be approved. . 19. Activity Report for November 1982 Report TR-77-82 be r~ceived and the expenditures for the month of November 1982 be approved. 20. 1983 Borrowing By-law 1. Report TR-78-83 be received. 2. Council approve the attached by-law authorizing borrowing up to $4,000,000. by the Town of Newcastle. (See By-law 82-183). 21. Garbage Collection By-law - Orono and Newcastle 1. Report TR-79-82 be received. 2. The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle award the contract for the collection of garbage within the limits of the Municipal Collection areas of the former Village of Orono, Orono Estates and the former Village of Newcastle to the lowest responsible bidder, which is Regional Reclaimers, Newcastle, Ontario; and 3. The attached by-law to regulate the handling and collection of garbage rubbish, ashes and other waste materials within the limits of the Municipal Collection Areas of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, be approved. By-law 82-184 . . 22. - 6 - Report #1 1. Report TR-80-82 be received. 2. Petro Canada Ventures, Toronto, Ontario with a unit price of $ .361/1itre for the bulk supply of leaded gasoline and Sipco Oil Ltd., Oshawa, Ontario with a unit price of $ .363/litre for the bulk supply of no. 1 diesel fuel being the lowest responsible bidders meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender T82-10 be awarded the contract to supply and deliver bulk petroleum to the Town of Newcastle Public Works Depots for the 1983 calendar year and that the funds expended be provided from within the 1983 current operation budgets for the facilities. 23. Tenders - Half Ton Trucks 1. Report TR-81-82 be received. 2. Council approve the purchase of three half-ton trucks as specified under Tender T82-11, the Victoria Ford Mercury submission being the lowest bid. 24. Refurbishing Council Library, Mayor's Office and Reception Area I. Report TR=83-82 be received. 2. The costs of refurbishing the Council Library, Mayor's office and Reception Area be drawn from the available funds in Account #7002-506-x-8 Furniture and Fixture Purchases and Account #1110-x-168-4 Administration Improvement Reserve Fund; and The costs to refurbish these offices not exceed $7,000. . 3. 25. 1. 2. 3. 4. 26. 1. 2. 3. 4. . Tile Drainage Loan - Morawetz Report CD-77-82 be received. The Tile Drainage Loan Application in the amount of $2,300.00 submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morawetz, on October 15th, 1982, be approved. The application be processed when Provincial Funds become available during the 1983 allocation year; The applicant be so advised. Tile Drainage Loan - Hugh and Keith Allin Report CD-78-82 be received. The Tile Drainage Loan Application in the amount of $2,400. submitted by Hugh and Keith Allin, on September 27th, 1982 be approved. The application be processed when Provincial Funds become available during the 1983 allocation year. The applicants be so advised. . . . - 7 - Report #1 27. Abandoned Cemeteries 1. Report CD-80-82 be received. 2. The maintenance of the following cemeteries be referred to the Clarke Cemetery Board, c/o Mrs. Helen Schmid, Orono, Ontario and they be requested to include these projects in future budget proposals: Laurence Lot 21, Newtonville Presbyterian Christian Church Lot 28, White Church Lot 13, Coulter Farm (Bandstra) Concession 5 - Lot 8, Concession 2 Concession 5 Concession 4 Lot 25, Concession 2 3. The maintenance of the following cemeteries be referred to the Darlington Cemetery Board, c/o Mr. Gordon Barrie, Chairman, R. R. #4, Bowmanville and they be requested to include these projects in future budget proposals: Old Methodist Cemetery Lot 27, Concession 9 Salem Cemetery - Adjacent to 7th Fairway to Bowmanville Golf Club 4. Mr. J. H. Gibson, Inspector, Cemeteries Branch, Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations, be so advised. 28. Report CD-81-82, POST ELECTION REVIEW 1982, Municipal Election, be received for information. 29. USE OF Trail Bikes 1. That the Durham Regional Police be requested to increase its patrol activity in the complaint area. 2. The Town determine the ownership of the lands upon which the "dirt bike racetrack" is situated, and if the Town's Zoning By-laws are being contravened, prosecute the owner of the lands for permitting an illegal activity. 30. Formation of a Single Museum Board 1. Report Admin 82-86 be received. 2. The correspondence from the Bowmanville and Clarke Museum Boards in respect of the formation of a single museum board of management be received with thanks. 3. The Bowmanville and Clarke Museum 80ards be advised that the Town will be taking no further action in respect of a single museum board of management at this time. . . . - 8 - REPORT #1 30. Continued. 4. The Bowmanville Museum Board's Feasibility study for Museum expansion be referred to the 1983 current budget discussions, along with their Heritage Buildings Capital Grant application and that they be so advised. 5. The Clarke Museum Board be advised that, if they wish to proceed with a feasibility study in respect of their current facilities, that it would be appropriate for them to make a suitable provision in their 1983 budget submission for the consideration of Council. 6. Council is prepared to consider an adjustment to the Clark Museum Board budget past the December 15th deadline to accommodate the recommendation in the report. 31. Schedule of Meetings 1982-1983 1. Report Admin 82-81 be received. 2. The attached schedule of Committee and Council Meetings be adopted. 3. Copies of the schedule be forwarded to the Clerk of the Region of Durham, the secretaries of all local Boards and Commissions and the press and media for their information. 32. 1983 Current Budget and Capital Forecast Discussion Paper Guidelines 1. Report Admin 82-90 be received. 2. The attched Guidelines for the preparation of the 1983 current budget and capital forecast discussion papers, as amended, be endorsed by Committee and Council. 33. Culture and Recreation Master Plan 1. Report Admin 82-87 be received. 2. The Culture & Recreation Master Plan, as forwarded to staff and circulated to the Mayor, Members of Council, Ontario Hydro, the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation and the Master Plan Committee (a) be retained by the Technical Committee (b) be considered as a first draft of the report. 3. Further consultation with the consultant be undertaken as per the Terms of Reference of the study being followed. 4. The Technical and Master Plan Committee report back tothe General Purpose and Administration Committee as soon as possible. . . . - 9 - Report #1 34. Vacancy - Darlington Sports Centre 1. Report Admin 82-91 be received. 2. Council authorize the filling of the Arena Operator III position at the Darlington Sports Centre in accordance with the provisions of the Collective Agreement for Outside Workers. 35. Hale Landfill Site The letter from the Ministry of the Environment re Information Committee Hale Landfill Site, Town of Newcastle, be received and a committee be established comprised of 2 members of the Clerk Constituents Committee 2 Council Area Representatives 1 S ta ff Person 1 Representative from the Private Company Involved I Representative of the Ministry of the Environment and the Committee known as Clarke Constituents Committee appoint their 2 representatives. 36. Eldorado Waste Disposal The correspondence from Mrs. Marie Kordas-Fraser, Dora and Clarence Nichols Jacob and Valeria Kordas and Barbara and Doug Humphrey, relative to the Eldorado Waste Disposal Site be received and referred to the Port Granby Monitoring Committee. 37. Staff identify "PIGGOTT LANE" Orono, on the Street map for the Town. 38. Closure and Conveyance of Bond Street - Village of Newcastle 1. Report WD-96-82 be received. 2. Bond Street, between Blocks "0" and "Q" C. G. Hannings' Plan of the Village of Newcastle, westerly one-half adjacent to Mill Street, more particularly described as Parts 2, 3 and 4, on Plan IOR-1378 be disposed as as follows: (a) Parts 2 and 3 to the owner of Part 1, Plan 10R-1378 (b) Part 4 Plan 10R-1378 be retained by the Town 3. The easterly one-half of Bond Street, being Parts 1 and 2, Plan 10R-1470 be offered to the property owner to the south thereof. 4. The foregoing transactions shall be dependent upon the benefitting property owners accepting and defraying the appropriate proportion of all costs incurred in finalizing the conveyances. . . . - 10 - 39. Reconstruction of Golf Course Road 1. Report WD-98-82 be received. 2. A by-law be passed authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute an Offer to Sell related to the lands required for the future reconstruction of Golf Course Road in the former Township of Clarke between: By-law 82-184 (a) The Town of Newcastle and Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Wilson, for a portion of Lot 21, Concession 2, former Township of Clarke, being an area of 0.145 acres, more or less; (b) The Town of Newcastle and Newcastle Golf Course, for a portion of Lot 20 Concession 2, former Township of Clarke, being an area of 0.038 acres, more or less. (c) The Town of Newcastle and the Estate of Robert Charles Simpson for a portion of Lot 20, Concession 2, former Township of Clarke, being an area of 0.005 acres, more or less. (d) The Town of Newcastle and Andrzei and Krystyna Dziamarski for a portion of Lot 21, Concession 2, former Township of Clarke, being an area of 1.066 acres, more or less. 3. Letters of acceptance be forwarded to the Vendors in accordance with the requirements of the Offer to Sell. 4. The documents be forwarded to the Town Solicitor for completion of the transactions and registration of the documents. 40. Sale of Lands Solina 1. Report Admin 82-82 be received. 2. Council authorize the sale of Parts 1, 2 and 3 of Plan 10R-1522 through public advertisement over a four week period commencing January 3, 1983. 41 Re-Evaluation of Chief Building Official 1. Report Admin 82-89 be received. 2. The position of Chief Building Official be regraded to Salary Grade 13 from Salary Grade 12. 3. The 1982 adjustment in the salary scale be accommodated through the Unclassified Administrative Contingencies Account as specified in Council Resolution #C-382-82 (May 10 1982). 4. The attached by-laws be approved giving effect to the above. By-laws 82-185 and 82-186 Respectfully submitted Keith D. Barr, Chairman