HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/15/1982 REPORT # 1 . REPORT TO THE COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 22 1982 Mayor Rickard and Members of Council:- The following recommendations to Council were made at a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on November 15 1982: 1. Release of Development Agreement - LDCM Investments Ltd, Barmond Builders THAT 1. Report WD-92-82 be received. 2. The Town Solicitor prepare the necessary documentation for the execution and Final Release of Block 'C' Registered Plan 698, from the Subdivision Agreement; and 3. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized to issue a Certificate of Release on behalf of the Town of Newcastle. 3. Proposed Road .=-Vi ll~ Qf Orono THAT 1. Report WD-93-82 be received for information. 2. A copy of the report be forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications outlining Council concerns with a copy to Mr. Sam Cureatz, M.P.P. Parking Duchess Street - Orono Report WD-95-82 be received. 2. The general conditions and provisions of by-law 79-1 be stringently enforced on Duchess Street, Orono. 3. A copy of this report be forwarded to the Durham Region Police Force, for appropriate action and to Mrs. V. Bridger, for information. 4. A copy of the report be forwarded to the Clerk's Department for the information of the By-law Enforcement Officer. THAT 2. . 4. THAT Report WD-94-82 MAINTENANCE OF HIGHWAY # 2 THROUGH NEWTONVIILLE, be received for information. 5. Extension Draft Plan Approval - 18T-76071 - Luverme Investments THAT 1. Report PD-185-82 be received. 2. Council adopt the following resolution: "THAT Council of the Town of Newcastl e hereby requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to extend draft plan approval for Subdivision 18T-76071 for a further one yea r peri od to r1arch 22 1984". 3. The request in 2., above, be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Luverme Investments Limited be so advised. . REPORT # 1 . 6. By-laws THAT the following by-laws be received and filed: By-law 61-82, Township of Scugog By-law 62-82, Township of Scugog By-law 63-82, Township of Scugog By-law 64-82, Township of Scugog By-law 66-82, Township of Scugog By-law 68-82, Township of Scugog By-law 109-82, City of Oshawa. 7. THAT the Minutes of a meeting of the COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT, October 27 1982 be received for information. 8. THAT Report PD-193-82, Summary of LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE APPLICATIONS, June 1982 to September 1982 be received for information. 9. Certificate of Completion - Marnie Industrial Park THAT 1. Report PD-194-82 be received. 2. Council authorize the Director of Public Works to issue a Certificate of Completion to Solina InvestmentsLimited as successor in title to Marnie Industrial Park Limited, in accordance with the Subdivision Agreement drawn up between Marnie Industrial Park Limited and the Town of Newcastle, and authorized by By-law 79-25; 3. At such time as a Certificate of Acceptance is required, a further staff Report will be submitted for Council's consideration. . 10. THAT Report FD-19-82, ACTIVITIES FIRE PREVENTION WEEK, be received for information. 11. Self-Insured Losses Reserve - Public Library Loss THAT 1. Report TR-69-82 be received. 2. $910.00 be taken from the Self-Insured Losses Reserve in the favour of the Town of Newcastle Public Library to cover their loss. 12. Activity Report November 15 1982 THAT 1. In accordance with provision of Chapter 302, Section 81(1) of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980, as restated in part below: "The Treasurer shall receive and safely keep all money of the Corporation, and shall payout same to such persons and in such manner as the laws of Ontario and the by-laws or resolutions of the Council direct", . .12. 13. 14. . 15. REPORT # 1 (Conti nued) the Treasurer reports to Committee that the cash position of the Town of Newcastle for the month ended October 1982 is as shown on the attached schedule; and 2. The expenditure for the month of October 1982 be approved. Snow Clearing Tender T-82-9 THAT 1. Report TR-94-82 be received. 2. D & F Snow Removal, Bowmanville, Ontario with a bid in the amount of $1,270.00 for snow clearing and sand/salting for all specified locations per callout being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender T82-9 be awarded the contract for snow clearing and winter maintenance of sidewalks and parking lots for the 1982/83 winter season and that the funds expended be provided from within the approved 1982 and 1983 current operating budgets for the locations. Tile Drainage Loans THAT 1. Reports CD-72-82 and CD-73-82 be received. 2. The Tile Drainage Loan Application in the amount of $11,100. submitted by Mr. Clifford Robinson on October 5, 1982 be approved. 3. The Tile Drainage Loan Application in the amount of $3,700. submitted by Mr. W. Edward Watson on October 12 1982 be approved. 4. The applications be processed when Provincial Funds become available during the 1983 allocation year; 5. The applicants be so advised. Abandoned Cemeteries By-law 1. Report CD-74-82 be received. 2. The by-law attached thereto be forwarded to Council for approval. See By-law 82-174. 3. When the by-law has been approved by Council, it be forwarded to the Cemeteries Branch of the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations for approval; 4. The Clarke Cemetery Board be so advised. THAT 16. THAT the PARKING REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER 1982 be received for information. 17. THAT the ANIMAL CONTROL REPORT FOR OCTOBER 1982 be received for information. . REPORT # 1 18. Re-Evaluation Non-Union Positions . 1. Report Admin 82-80 be received. 2. Council approve the re-evaluation of the position of Confidential Secretary, Treasury to Salary Grade 4 from Salary Grade 3; 3. Council approve the re-evaluation of the position of Deputy Director of Community Services to Salary Grade 12 from Salary Grade 11. 4. Job descriptions and by-laws be submitted to Council when the report is forwarded. 19. THAT the correspondence from the A.M.O. re R.O.M.A. Annual meeting be received and copies distributed to Council and staff so that resolutions can be prepared intime to be forwarded. before December 6. THAT 20. THAT the correspondence from the ONTARIO RECYCLING INFORMATION CENTRE re Conference, be received for information. 2. Haydon Hall Board THAT the delegation from the Haydon Hall Board be acknowledged and the Board be requested to pay the outstanding account and apply for a 1983 Grant for necessary capital works. Respectfully submitted . E. R. Woodyard Chairman. .