HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/25/1982 REPORT # 2 . REPORT TO THE COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 1 1982 Mayor Rickard and Members of Council:- The following recommendations to Council were made at a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee on October 25 1982: 1. Parking for Handicapped Persons THAT Report WD-89-82, Parking for Handicapped Persons, be received for information and Staff contact parties concerned to set up a second meeting to address parking for handicapped persons. 2. Rezoning - Mutt Enterprises Limited - Turbo Resources . THAT 1. Report PD-171-82 be received. 2. The draft zoning by-law to amend by-law 1587, as amended, be forwarded to Council for approval. See By-law 82-160 3. The by-law authorizing execution of an agreement between Mutt Enterprises Limited and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle be approved. See By-law 82-161. 4. The Development Agreement between Mutt Enterprises Limited and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle be approved for execution. 5. A copy of this Report be forwarded to the Region of Durham and the Region be requested to reduce the posted speed limit on Waverley Road (Regional Road 57) north from Baseline Road to the intersection of Martin Road to a maximum of 60 km. per hour, in order to apply a consistent limit from Baseline Road north to Highway No.2. 6. An exemption be granted to Turbo Resources Ltd. to permit the use of the colour red within 150' of the intersection of Baseline and Regional Road 57. 3. By-laws - Township of Scugog THAT By-laws 59-82 and 56-82 of the Township of Scugog, be received for information. 4. THAT 1. 2. Rezoning and Amendment toHaydon Hamlet Plan (Gordon) Report PD-175-82 be received. The by-law and amendment to the Haydon Hamlet Development Plan be forwarded to Council for approval at such time as the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham has considered the amendment to the Haydon Hamlet Plan. A copy of this report, and the attachments, thereto, be forwarded to the Region of Durham for their information and consideration. 3. . f .. " . 1\ ~ ~' . 5. J 6. . . G.P.A. THAT 1. 2. THAT 1. 2. it1 ". u,~ " V)9 - 2 - October 25 1982 3. Marnie Industrial Park - Certificate of Acceptance Report PD-176-82 be received. Council authorize the Director of Public Works to issue a Certificate of Acceptance to Solina Investments Limited, as successor in title to Marnie Industrial Park Limited, in accordance with the subdivision Agreement drawn up between Marnie Industrial Park Limited and the Town of Newcastle and authorized by by-law 79-25. Council approve the agreement between the Town of Newcastle and Solina Investments Limited to amend the Subdivision Agreement between the Town of Newcastle and Marnie Industrial Park Limited as authorized by by-law 79-25. Council pass the by-law authorizing execution of an agreement between Solina Investments Limited and the Town of Newcastle. See By-law 82-162. 4. ObJections to By-law 82-109 - Baseline and LiPerty Roads, Bowmanville Report PD-177-82 be received. The following resolution be forwarded to Town Council for adoption and submission to the Ontario Municipal Board, along with By-law 82-109: "WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Newcastle has approved By-law 82-109; AND WHEREAS By-law 82-109 is a by-law to amend Restricted Area By-law 1587, as amended, of the former Town of Bowmanville; AND WHEREAS the effect of By-law 82-109 is to rezone the affected lands to permit the development of a one hundred and seventeen (117) unit apartment building; AND WHEREAS By-law 82-109 has been approved in conformity with the applicable policies of the Durham Region Official Plan; AND WHEREAS By-law 82-109 is in conformity with the Regional Council approved Plan for the Bowmanville Urban Area; BE IT NOW THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Ontario Municipal Board to approve By-law 82-109, notwithstanding the objections received and further request the Ontario Municipal Board to convene any required public hearing in respect of By-law 82-109 at the earliest possible opportunity, and further hereby authorize Town Staff and/or the Town Solicitor to represent the Municipality at any such heari ng that may be convened." G.P.A. -7. - 3 - October 25 1982 Glenson Investments Delegations THAT the delegation of Father Mihelic and Mr. Pelletier be acknowledged and they be advised of the action taken and staff liaise with the objectors relative to their concerns about drainage at the apartment site. 8. Rezoning - Burketon Hills Development Ltd. THAT Report PD-178-82 be received. The draft by-law amendment, Burketon Hills Development Ltd., pt. lot 18 and 19, Conc. 10, Darlington, be forwarded to Council for approval. See By-law 82-163. 9. Rezoning Tsichlas and Psoras - Pt. -lot 8, Block 2, Bowmanville THAT 1. Report PD-179-82 be received. 2. The by-law attached to this report be forwarded to Council for approval at such time as the applicants have entered into a site plan agreement. 10. THAT the MONTHLY BUILDING REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 1982 be received for information. Site Plan Approval - Regency Manor Ltd. Report PD-181-82 be received. The attached Agreement between Regency Manor Limited and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle be approved for execution. The attached by-law authorizing execution of an agreement between Regency Manor Limited and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle be approved. (See By-law 82-164) .1. THAT 1. 2. ~ 12. THAT 1. 2. , 4. .,j,' -J ';),' ,'\ '1 . ",' ,.:7 5 ,I.i" . \} v.,~ - 3. 3. Bondhead Development Plan Approval - Rezoning Report PD-182-82 be received. Application for Rezoning Z-A-3-12-9 in respect of Part Lot 28, Broken Front Concession, former Village of Newcastle, be approved and the attached by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 79-44 as amended, be forwarded to Council for approval. (See By-law 82-165) The attached Development Agreement between the Bondhead Development Corporation and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle be approved. The attached by-law authorizing execution of an agreement between the Bondhead Development Corp. and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle be approved. (See By-law 82-166) The Council meeting at which the zoning by-law will be considered, be advertised and anyone wishing to speak to the rezoning, be heard. G. P.A. - 4 - October 25 1982 . 13. THAT the MONTHLY FIRE REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 1982 be received for information. 14. Activity Report THAT in accordance with provision of Chapter 302, Section 81(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, as restated in part below: "The Treasurer shall receive and safely keep all money of the Corporation and shall payout same to such persons and in such manner as the laws of Ontario and the by-laws or resolutions of the Council direct" The Treasurer reports to Committee that the cash position of the Town of Newcastle for the month ended September 30 1982 is as shown on the schedule attached to Report TR-61-82. The expenditures for the month of September 1982 be approved. 15. Reserve and Reserve Fund Transactions THAT the recommendations in Report TR"63-82 Reserve and Reserve Fund Transactions January 1 1982 to October 14 1982 be endorsed, the report be approved and the transactions within the reserves and reserve funds to October 14 1982 . as listed in the report, be approved. 16. Interim Subsidy - Public Works - THAT the Treasurer be authorized to petition the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for interim Subsidy on expenditures in the Public Works Department from January 1 to October 14 1982, in the amount of $2,640,009. 17. Budget Review, January to October 14 1982 THAT Report TR-66-82 be received and the budget as listed therein, be approved. Supplementary Subsidy - Baseline Storm Sewer Project re-allocations of the 1982 18. THAT the Treasurer be authorized to petition the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for supplementary subsidy on expenditures on Baseline Storm Sewer project for the period ending October 14 1982 in the amount of $47,499.08. . . - . -.~ G.P .A. - 5 - October 25 1982 19. THAT the ANIMAL CONTROL REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 1982, be received for information. 20. THAT the Regional Works Department be requested to pave the boulevard on the west side of Liberty Street between King and Queen Streets in Bowmanville, and this area be recognized for parking. 21. Snow Removal Newtonville THAT WHEREAS there has been considerable discussion and correspondence relating to the problem of snow removal and winter maintenance in the Newtonville area without resolution; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town of Newcastle request the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to address the problem of snow removal and winter maintenance in the Newtonville Area for the 1982-83 winter season. 22. Snow Fence Policy THAT the present snow fence policy be brought to Committee for consideration for the winter of 1982-1983. Respectfully submitted R. Bruce Taylor, Chairman.