HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/03/1982 , , I TOWN OF NEW CAS LE REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY lO 1982 . Mayor Rickard and Members of Council:- REPORT # 2 The following recommendations to Council were m de at a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Commmittee on May 3 1982: Purchase and Sale of Registry Office (l) Report Admin 82-30 be received. (2) That the offer of purchase for t e Registry Office Site on Liberty Street North in Bowma ville be forwarded to Council for approval, execution and subm'ssion to the Regional Municipality of Durham; and (3) The offer of purchase for the Re Street North in Bowmanville from forwarded to Council for accepta (4) The by-laws giving effect tOL~he , approval. See By-laws 82-~an , Installation Panic Bars - Town Hall 1. THAT 2. istry Office Site on 'Liberty the Canadian Order of Foresters, be ce and execution; and above be forwarded to Council for 82-59 bg Report Admin 82-24 be received. The Committee and Council author'ze the installation of panic bars on the east (front) and souch (side) doors of the Town Hall and that the required funds be drawn from the Administrative Facilities Reserve Fund. THAT (1) (2) . 3. Town Owned Lot - Village of Newcastle THAT the Town owned lot on Caroline Street in Newcastle Village be listed for sale (M.L.S.) with Edvan Realty. 4. Master Plan Stephen's Gulch (C.L.O.C.A.) THAT Report Admin 82-3l be received for in ormation and the C.L.O.C.A. delegation be granted 30 minutes for its presentation and the General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting of May 3l, 1982 be adver ised as a public meeting. 5. Bowmanville Creek Vallev Land ConveVi nce to C.L.O.C.A. THAT (1) (2) Report Admin 82-34 be received; The Offer of purchase from the entral Lake Ontario Conservation Authority for certain lands in he Bowmanville Creek Valley (Blocks land 2) on the sketch plan be ccepted by the Town; . - 2 - REPORT # 2 . 5. (Continued) (3) The by-law be forwarded to Coun il allowing for execution of the purchase and sale agreement See By-law 82-60 (4) Staff be authorized to proceed ith the survey and conveyance of the property. . 8. 6. Bowmanvi 11 e Creek Anql ers Assoc ati on Cl ean-up Aqreement THAT (1) (2) Report CD-23-82 be received. The Agreement with the Bowmanvi le Creek Anglers Association permitting the Association to c ean up the Valley Lands be extended and remain in force un il such time as the subject lands are acquired by C.L.O.C.A 7. Refreshment Vehicle Licence Report CD-22-82 be received and Council authorize the issuing of a Refreshment Vehicle Licenc to the applicants, Van DeBunte and Cunningham. THAT a by-law be passed authorizing the Ma Agreement with Twin Brand Orchards Inc., f of a water pipeline along the Third Conces from Wilmot Creek, easterly approximately ll. Lot 2l, Orono Estates (Fencinq THAT Report CS-l6-82 be received and the D rector of Community Services be authorized to call for quotes by invita ion to provide and install fencing at Lot 2l, Orono Estates. 9. THAT the Monthly Fire Report for March 198 be received for information. lO. Farm Irrigation/Water Supplv Sv tem Twin Brand Orchards . THAT or and Clerk to enter into an r the laying,operation and maintenance ion road allowance of former Clarke ,400 feet. Reserve & Reserve Fund Transact ons Jan. 1 1981 to April 30 1982 THAT Report TR-l8-82 be received and the t ansfers from the revenue fund to the reserves and reserve funds made for the 19 1 fiscal year as detailed in the report (GPA-574-82) with the exception of 4.(11), Bowmanville Library Deficit which was referred to Admin Report 82-35 t be considered at the Council meeting of May lO 1982. .12. . . - 3 - REPORT # 2 Rating Bv-law for all 1982 Taxation Purposes Report TR-l9-82 and TR-22-82(a) be received. The by-law to provide for the lEvying of taxes for street light services through the general tax rate within the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle be approvEd by Council. See By-law 82-6l. (3) The by-law to adopt the 1982 es imates for all purposes and to strike the rates of taxation for the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle for 1982 be approved by Council. SEe Bv-law 82-62 THAT (1) (2) 13. THAT the Inforamtion Insert for the 1982 Tax Bills be approved. 14. Handi Transit Subsidy THAT (1) Report TR-2l-82 be received. (2) The Treasurer be authorized to nake application to the Ministry of Transportation and Communicatio s for supplementary subsidy allocation for the transportation of the p ysically disabled for the year 1981 in the amount of $1,800.00. 15. C.N.l.B. Grant THAT the Treasurer respond to the correspo dence from the C.N.I.B. indicating that the Town of Newcastle is not providinc grants to organizations funded under the United Way. l6. A.a. Dalrymple Jr. Account "In rust" THAT the correspondence from A. O. Dalrymple re grant to A.O.Dalrymple Jr. Account "In Trust" be reconsidered and Council gra t their request for a grant of $230.00 for 1982 and the funds be taken from the C<ntingency Account. l7. Unauthorized Removal of Trees THAT the recommendations in Report Admin 8 -27 be endorsed. 18. Expropriation THAT the Administrator contact the Solicit r with authority to offer $3,600 in final settlement of expropriation in Repor Admin 82-29. - 4 - REPORT # 2 . 19. Property Standards By-law THAT (1) The and property standards by-law attached to Report 82-26 be approved enforced on a complaint basis only. See By-law 82-63 1l.~i1'1"H Chief Building Official be designated "Property Standards Officer" (2) (3) The The position of Chief Building Official be re-evaluated and any resultant increase in salary be drawn from Account 7007-291-000. (4) A Property Standards Committee be established with a budget of $3,500.00 as set out in Report Admin 82-26. (5) The Clerk be directed to advertise for members for a "Property Standards Committee" as described in Section 4.3 of the by-law on approval of the Property Standards By-law. (6) The Chairman bring in a supplementary report to Council regarding the Secretary to the Property Standards Committee and clerical staff. (7) The Administration and Enforcement of the Property Standards by-law be reviewed in the context of the 1983 current budget. . 20. Offer to Sell to the Town THAT Report Admin 82-28 be endorsed and Council thank Mr. Mangar for his offer and he be advised that the Town is not interested in purchasing the property at this time. 21. Newcastle Public Library Access Project 22. THAT Report Admin 82-35, Newcastle Public Library Access Project be received and the matter of tendering of the proposal for handicapped access at the Bowmanville Library and Item IV (II) of Report TR-18-82, Library Board Deficit, be considered by Council at the meeting of May 10 1982. O.P.A. B. Van Andel 8l-28/D THAT (l) Report PD-67-82 be received. (2) The Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objection to the redesignation to "Estate Residential" of those lands located in Part of Lot l5, Concession 3, former Township of Darlington, and subject to Official Plan Amendment Application 8l-28/D . - 5 - REPORT # 2 . 23. THAT (1) (2) Parkland Conveyance Requirement - Planning Act Report PD-68-82 be received. The following resolution be approved by Council and submitted to the Office of the Premier of Ontario: "WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle has been requested by the Parks and Recreation Federation of Ontario to submit a resolution to the Premier of Ontario indicating support for legislative authority that would allow the Town to determine their own parkland requirements; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle has reviewed the present and proposed legislation regarding parkland dedication; AND NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle supports an amendment to the new Planning Act that would have the effect of allowing a municipality the legal right to determine their own parkland requirements provided that those requirements are supported by relevant studies and provided that the requirements are contained in an approved Official Plan". . 24. THAT Ojections to By-law 82-26, Part Lot 20, Conc. 2 Darlington (Petrofina) (l) Report PD-69-82 be received; (2) The following resolution be adopted for submission to the Ontario Municipal Board along with By-law 82-26: "WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle has approved By-law 82-26 in response to a request by Petrofina Canada Ltd.; AND WHEREAS the effect of By-law 82-26 will be to allow the applicant to reopen an existing Service Station fronting onto Highway 2 in the former Township of Darlington; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Newcastle is satisfied that By-law 82-26 is in conformity with the Durham Regional Official Plan; . BE IT NOW THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Ontario Municipal Board to approve By-law 82-26 notwithstanding the objection received and further requests the Ontario Municipal Board to convene any required public hearing in respect of By-law 82-26 at the earliest opportunity and further hereby authorizes Town Staff and/or the Town Solicitor to represent the Municipality at any such hearing that may be convened"; (3) The applicant and objector be advised of Council's action. . . . - 6 - REPORT #2 25. THAT By-law 33-82 of the City of Oshawa and By-law 18-82 of the Township of Scugog be received and filed. 26. Minor Variance Application - Lts 14, 15, 16 & l7 Plan 707 Bowmanville THAT (l) Report PD-73-82 be received. (2) The Planning Department be authorized to take the necessary steps to notify the affected property owners and to undertake, on behalf of the Town and these owners, an application to the Committee of Adjustment for appropriate minor variances for Lots 14 to 17 inclusive, Registered Plan 707. 27. Kirby General Store - Sign By-law Report PD-74-82 be received. The request submitted by Messrs. William and Robert Reid for an exemption to the Town Sign By-law be denied. The by-law amending by-law 76-25 as amended, of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle be approved. (See 82-64) THAT (1) (2) (3) The by-law authorizing execution of an amending agreement between Messrs. William and Robert Reid and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle be approved. (See By-law 82-65). (5) That the amending Agreement between Messrs. William and Robert Reid and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle be approved for execution at such time as revised building elevations showing the proposed signs have been received and approved by the Town's Planning Department. ( 4) 28. Ki rby SchoolHouse Museum THAT (1) (2) Report PD-64-82 be received. The Clarke Museum Board be advised that the Kirby School House has been inspected by H. Wight, Chief Building Official for the Town of Newcastle, who has confirmed the need for some repairs and for additional inspection requiring a minimal amount of excavation. (3) The Clarke Museum Board be advised that it would be appropriate for them to undertake the necessary measures to have additional inspection conducted and repairs carried out, and that such works which can be accommodated within their own budget be done and any remaining work be considered in the preparation of the 1983 budget. - 7 - REPORT # 2 . 29. Proposed Senior Citizens Apartments Liberty St. North Report PD~72-82 be received for information. THAT (1) (2) The by-law Rezoning Part of Lot ll, Concession l, Bowmanville to permit development of a senior citizens apartment building not exceeding a maximum of fifty-five (55) units, be approved. See By-law 82-66 30. Delegations THAT the delegations of Mr. Timoon and Mr. Devon Biddle be acknowledged and they be advised of the actions taken. 31. Promotion Day THAT Council thank Staff for their hard work and co-operation in making Promotion Day a success. Respectfully submitted . Marie Hubbard, Chairperson. gg .