HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/25/1982 REPORT # 2 . TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Mayor Rickard and Members of Council:- The following recommendations to Council were made at a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee on January 25 1982: 1. THAT the letter from the Toronto Area Industrial Board regarding a meeting on January 26 1982 be received and the Mayor be delegated to attend if he so wishes. 2. Bowmanville Business Centre Parking Report THAT the verbal request of Mr. Strike and his letter of January 25 1982, be received as a formal request for Council to respond and recommendations 1, 2, and 3, of the Bowmanville Business Centre Parking Committee be addressed in particular and staff be requested to report to the Committee on the implementation and impact on the Municipality of this request, as soon as possible. \ 3. Courtice Storm Sewer THAT the recommendation in Report Admin 82-5 be endorsed and the matter of re-tendering the Courtice Storm Sewer Project, as outlined in the report, be lifted from the table and considered by Council. 4. Dog Licence Fees . THAT 1. Report CD-6-82 be received. 2. Commissions paid with respect to the sale of dog licences by agents be increased from the present 10% of the licence fee to a flat fee of $2.00 per licence. 3. The Town's dog licence sales agencies be so advised. 5. THAT Report CS-05-82, User Pay Policy, be received for information 6. THAT Report FD-02-82, Monthly Fire Report for December 1981, be received for information. 7. Township of Scugog By-laws THAT by-laws 72-81, 79-81,80-81 of the Township of Scugog be received and filed. .~ 8. O.P.A. Amendments 54 and 12 THAT Report PD-8-82 be received and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing be advised that the Council of the Town of Newcastle believes that Amendments 54 and 12 as outlined above, are premature pending further development of existing Urban Areas located within the Regional Municipality of Durham, which are designated for development by the provincially approved Official Plan for said Region. . G.P.A. - 2 - REPORT # 2 . 9. THAT 1. 2. Proposed Plan of Subdivision Abbott & Marchant Report PD-9-82 be received The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing be advised that the Town of Newcastle recommends draft plan approval of Plan 18T77067 subject to the conditions in Report PD-82, as amended by the addition of 2 v (j) That the owner agrees to register against title of lots 2-7 inclusive, in wording acceptable to the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority a warning advising prospective purchasers of potential problems associated with those portions of lots 2-7 inclusive which are poorly drained or susceptible to flooding under Regional storm conditions. 1 10. Rezoning Z-A-1-15-7 (Wm. Henderson) THAT Staff report P-83-81 be lifted from the table and the following resolution in respect of the above be adopted in place of Item 2 in report P-B3-81: WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Newcastle in considering application for rezoning Z-A-1-15-7. did on May 19, 1981 deem it appropriate to table consideration of this matter pending a meeting between the Town's Site Plan Committee and the Applicant, Mr. Henderson; and . WHEREAS the applicant has repeatedly failed to comply with the Town's staff request to schedule such a meeting; and WHEREAS on October 19, 1981, Council endorsed resolution GPA-15-81 of the General Purpose and Administration Committee granting a one month extension to the applicant, Mr. Henderson with respect to the preparation and execution of a Site Plan Agreement; and WHEREAS on October 20, 1981, the applicant, Mr. William Henderson, was advised of the Town's requirements; and WHEREAS the applicant has not complied with the Town's request to submit the required application for site plan approval; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council hereby denies application for amendment to Restricted Area By-law 2111, as amended, as requested by Mr. William Henderson, file Z-A-1-15-7, affecting part of lot lB, Concession 7, former Township of Darlington, due to failure to negotiate a Site Plan Agreement. Rezoning Z-A-3-3-7 (Sokoljuk) 11. THAT Report PD-1l-82 be received and application for rezoning Z-A-3-3-7 be denied and the applicant be so advised. . G.P.A. . 12. THAT 1. 2. 3. 13. THAT 1. 2. 3. 14. THAT 1. 2. to the Centra 1 - 3 - REPORT #2 Industrial Subdivision Proposal (Jain) Report PD-12-82 be received. The applicant be advised that the Town of Newcastle is prepared to provide favourable recommendations on a formal subdivision application similar to the draft proposal in question; and The app 1 i cant be advi sed that a formals ubdi vi s ion app 1 i ca ti on shoul d be submitted to the Regional Municipality of Durham. Sign By-law Report PD-13-82 be received The attached amendments to By-law 76-25 as amended be forwarded to Council for approval and prior to final passing of the by-law, notice of intention of final reading be advertised. (See By-law 82-16) Staff be directed to immediately resume the administration and enforcement of By-law 76-25 as amended. Lake Ontario Shoreline Mapping Report PD-14-82 be received. The following resolution be submitted to Council for adoption and forwarded Lake Ontario Conservation Authority; "WHEREAS the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority is prepared to undertake ~ a Lake Ontario Shoreline Mapping Project; AND WHEREAS the Town of Newcastle is generally in support of such a project as it will provide additional base information upon which to evaluate shoreline development proposals and further shoreline studies; AND WHEREAS the Town of Newc~le is aware of and understands the Canada-Ontario Flood Damage Reduction Program Agreement; BE IT NOW RESOLVED THEREFORE that the Town of Newcastle endorses the Lake Ontario Shoreline Mapping Project as it will provide valuable base information for reviewing development proposals and preparing policies for the Lake Ontario Shore 1 i ne Areas." 15. THAT the Monthly Building Report be received for information. 16. BY-Law 81-152 (Group Homes) THAT 1. Report PD-16-82 be received. 2. That the following resolution be forwarded to Town Council for adoption and/or submission to the Ontario Municipal Board along with By-law 81-152; "WHEREAS the Co unci 1 of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle has approved by-law 81-152 as a result of their consideration of an application for such an amendment by an affected property owner, and in response to Provincial and Regional requests to recogni ze "group homes" wi thi n the Town's Res tri cted Area Zoni ng By-l aws; . AND WHEREAS the effect of By-law 81-152 will be to recognize only existing group homes as permitted uses; . . . G.P.A. - 4 - REPORT # 2 AND WHEREAS By-law Bl-152 is considered to be in conformity with the Durham Regional Official Plan; BE IT NOW THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Ontario Municipal Board to approve By-law Bl-152, notwithstanding the objections received and further requests the Ontario Municipal Board to convene any required public hearing in respect of By-law 81-152 at the earliest opportunity; and further hereby authorize Town staff and or the Town Solicitor to represent the Municipality at any such hearing that may be convened". 17. By-law Bl-154 (Group Homes) THAT 1. Report PD-17-B2 be received. 2. The following resolution be forwarded to Town Council for adoption and for submission to the Ontario Municipal Board along with by-law 81-154. "WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle has approved By- 1 aw Bl-154 in response to Provi nci a 1 and Regi ona 1 req ues ts to recogni ze "group homes" within the Town's restricted area zoning by-laws; AND WHEREAS the effect of By-law 81-154 will be to add a definition of "group home" to recognize an existing group home as a permitted use; AND WHEREAS By-law 81-154 is considered to be in conformity with the Durham Regional Offi ci a 1 Pl an; BE IT NOW THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Ontario Municipal Board to approve By-law 81-154, notwithstanding the objection received and further requests the Ontario Municipal Board to convene any required public hearing in respect of By-law 81-154 at the earliest opportunity, and further hereby authorizes Town staff and/or the Town Solicitor to represent the Municipality at any such hearing that may be convened". lB. C.P.R. Crossing - Clarke THAT report WD-4-B2, C.P.R. Crossing Mileage 155.66 Belleville, Lots 22 and 23, B.F. Concession Clarke, application to Canadian Transport Commission for Crossing Improvements, be received for information. 19. M. T. C. Subsidy THAT the Treasurer be authorized to petition the Ministry of Transportation and Communication~ for Final Subsidy on expenditures in the Public Works Department from January 1, to December 31, 1981. G. P .A. - 5 - Report #2 . 20. THAT the Town of Newcastle participate in the Rural Section of the Association J of Municipalities of Ontario and a copy of the resolution be forwarded to the Association. 21. THAT the correspondence from the Atomic Energy Control Board and Eldorado Nuclear re Waste Management Facility at Port Granby, be received for information and copies be forwarded to Mr. Veldhuis for his comments. \ 22. Reconstruction of Highway #2 through Newcastle Village THAT the correxpondence from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications re reconstruction of Highway #2 through the former Village of Newcastle be referred to the Business Improvement Area of the Village of Newcastle and Mr. Cureatz, M.P.P. and staff arrange a joint meeting with the Business Improvement Area and Mr. Curea~. 23. THAT the correspondence from the Region of Durham re Assumption of Townline Road from Olive Avenue Northerly to King Street, as a Regional Road, be received for information. 24. Port Darlington Sewage Treatment Plant THAT the Town request a meeting with Regional Public Works staff and Committee, Newcastle staff and Council, to discuss the Port Darlington Sewage Treatment Plant and the impact it will have on the Bowmanville Urban Area regarding start-up date and further that staff document development plans related to the Port Darlington Sewage Treatment Plan. ~ 25. Bowmanville Improvement Area Parking Report THAT Committee reconsider the matter of leasing of property on the South West Corner of Highway #2 and Scugog Street in the Bowmanville Business Improvement Area and hereby request staff to bring forward a report in respect of possible leasing arrangements for the property and alternate methods of financing same, plus the beautification of same to be broughtforward in conjunction with the staff report on the Bowmanville Business Area Parking Committee Report. i 26. Mayor's Report - Termi na ti on of Emp 1 oymel'lt" - Works Employees THAT 1. Mayor Rickard's report be received for information. 2. A statement be prepared for public release, showing the total costs of the settlement. 3. In accordance with the statutory duties of the Clerk, all minutes of Council and Committee Meetings relative to this matter be made available. 4. The following documents be made available to the public, through the Clerk's Office: i. Press release of December 1st, 1981 ii. Copy of Mr. Sim's letter dated October 20th, 1981 iii. Copy of Mr. Sim's letter dated January 8th 1982 iv. Copy of Mr. Sims' letter dated January 25th 1982 5. That other reports to which the petitions make reference not be released without the written consent of Mr. Ashton and Mr. Dunham; and 6. This report and material referred to in the recommendations be forwarded to the representativeof the petitioners and to Messrs. Dunham and Ashton or their agent. . . . . . G.P.A. - 6 - Report #2 1 27. Retroactive Salary Request THAT the Town does not support the request for a retroactive salary adjustment and the Chief Administrative Officer defend this position. Respectfully submitted Ann Cowman Chairman.