HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/07/1981 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT #2 Mayor Rickard and Members of Council:- The following recommendations to Council were made at a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on December 7, 1981. . ) 3. . \ 6. '. 1. Road Allowance Lots 26 & 27, Concession 9 & 10 Clarke (Beaucage) THAT the correspondence from McMaster & Meighen dated November 26th, 1981 relative to Unopened Road Allowance between Lots 26 & 27, Concession 9 & 10, former Township of Clarke and the verbal report of the Chief Administrative Officer on this matter, be received for information. 2. Orono Creek Valley Clean-up THAT Report Admin 41-81 - Orono Creek Valley Clean-Up Proposal, be received for information. Industrial and Commercial Promotion 1. THAT the Committee approve in principle, that Council spopsor a day for discussion relative totndustrial and commercial developmentri~ the Town of Newcastle; and !VC{J><f';..C-J.,,-~~, 2. (a) That the Mayor and Administrator bring forth recommendations to the next regular General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting with respect to the format of such a meeting; and /1 (b) That such a promotion day be developed to recognize the'resources within our municipalitY,lsuch as the Chambers of Commerce and local industriesi) and . (c) That the Promotion Day be held early in 1982; and 3. That the program for industrial and commercial promotional day~ be financed from the Industrial Reserve Account. 4. November Parking Report The Parking Report for November 1981 be received for information. 5. Free Parking Bowmanville Downtown Core THAT it be recommended to Council that the request of the Bowmanville Business Centre for free parking in the downtown core from Monday, December 21st until December 24th, 1981 be approved. Appointments to Conservation and Land Division Committees THAT the following appointments be recommended to Council: - 2 - REPORT #2 1. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority - CQuncillQr Ann Co~man and Councillor Marie Hubbard . Ganaraska Conservation Authority - Councillor Diane Hamre and Councillor E.R. Woodyard Kawartha Conservation Authority - Councillor E.R. Woodyard 2. THAT Council nominate Mr. W. Allin, R.R. #2, Newcastle, Ontario, as the Town of Newcastle's representative on the Durham Region Land Division Committee for the term commencing January 1, 1982, to December 31, 1984 (3 years); 3. THAT His Worship Mayor Garnet B. Rickard be authorized to put forward the Town's nominee, Mr. W. Allin, at the Durham Regional Council Meeting scheduled to be held on Wednesday, December 16, 1981. 4. And further that the Clerk be directed to advise the Durham Regional Clerk of Council's decision with respect to the re- appointment of the incumbents to the Conservation Authorities. . 7. Appointments to Boards and Commissions 1. Report CD-16-81 be received: 2. The Clerk be authorized to have the appropriate advertisement published in the local newspapers on December 16, 1981; 3. And further that the Striking Committee meet to consider appointments and submit their recommendations to Council with respect to appointments or re-appointments to the various Boards and Commissions early in January 1982. 8. Upright Scaffold THAT an up-right scaffold be purchased for use at the Newcastle Fitness Centre, at a cost of $2,870.50 and charged to Account #7607-7209-004, Facility Maintenance. Panic-Bar Hardware Police & Fire Building 9. Panic-bar hardware be installed on the two exterior, side exit doors from the police and fire building (Court Rooms 1 and 2 Offices - stairwell exit doors). And further that they be of the panic-bar vertical rods, centre mullion type at $1,225 per pair of doors and that the expenditure be charged to account #7023-222-000. 10. Ashes in Garbage Staff carry out the necessary implementation to publicize the concern relative to ashes being put out for garbage collection in Bowmanville Urban Service Area; and to implement protective measures and advise the public. . - 3 - REPORT #2 . 11. Repairs to Hampton Hall J Staff be directed to arrange for the installation of a fire door and the necessary repairs to the furnace at the Hampton Hall and the stairway be brought into conformity with the Chief's recommendation and the cost be borne by the Town in the interest of the safety of our employees and the public. j 12. Pythbow Developments Limited Council adopt the following resolution in respect of the noted subject matters: . Application for Official Plan Amendment (81-26/D/NB) Application for Rezoning (Z-A-I-2-7J Application for Road Closing and Conveyance (Road Allowance between Lots 12 and 13, B.F., Concession, Bowmanville Pythbow Developments Ltd.) "WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Newcastle has received and reviewed an application to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan and the Official Plan for the Bowmanville Major Urban Area and an application to amend Restricted Area (zoning) by-law 2111, as amended, to permit the development of Part of Lots 12 and 13, Broken Front Concession, Bowmanville for the purposes of a 179,721 sq. ft. retail commercial facility; AND WHEREAS the approval of such applications would be contrary to the Council's intent to encourage the re-development and revitalization of the Historic Bowmanville Business District; AND WHEREAS the need for additional retail commercial space has not been established by the applicants nor is it evidenced or supported by the I.B.I. Comprehensive Retail/Commercial Market Analysis (November 1979) commissioned by the Town; AND WHEREAS the Council has by prior resolution approved the expansion of the existing Bowmanville Mall to include a junior department store, which expansion is consistent with anticipated growth patterns, supportive of the Town's development objectives and supported by the above referenced IBI Retail Analysis; . NOW BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Council of the Town of Newcastle recommends that the Regional Municipality of Durham deny application for Official Plan Amendment 81-26/D/NB as premature; and that application for amendment to Restricted Area By-law 2111, as amended, ZA-1-2-7 is hereby denied; and further that the request by Pythbow Developments Ltd. for closing and conveying of the Road Allowance between Lots 12 and 13 B. F. Concession, Bowmanville is also hereby denied." . . . - 4 - REPORT #2 13. Rezoning Application Z-A-3-6-9 Lot 32, Concession 7 Clarke 1. Report PD-184-81 be received. 2. Application for rezoning Z-A-3-6-9, Part Lot 32, Concession 7 former Township of Clarke, Denis and Vella Prue, be approved. 3. The attached by-law be forwarded to Council for approval at such time as the applicants have fulfilled the following requirements: (i) Submission of an engineering report from a certified engineer indicating that the existing dwelling is in conformity with the Ontario Building Code and approved structurally as a residence. (ii) If the existing dwelling is not in conformity with the Ontario Building Code then the applicants must ensure that alterations are undertaken to bring the structure into conformity with the Code; (iii) The existing driveway culvert and minor ditching be brought into conformity with the present Town of Newcastle standards, design criteria and approved by the Director of Public Works. (iv) Approval of a permit by the Durham Regional Health Unit indicating that the existing well and septic system is satisfactory and in compliance with the Health Unit standards. 14. Objections to by-law 81-127 Hamlet of Mitchell's Corners (Balint) 1. Report PD-189-81 re Objections to By-law 81-127, part lot 31, Concession 5, Hamlet of Mitchell's Corners, be received; 2. The following resolution be forwarded to Town Council for adoption and submission to the Ontario Municipal Board along with By-law 81-127: "WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Newcastle has approved By-law 81-127 to amend by-law 2111, as amended, as a result of their consideration of an application for such an amendment, submitted by the affected property owner; AND WHEREAS the effect of by-law 81-127 will be to significantly reduce the number of uses presently permitted on the subject lands; AND WHEREAS by-law 81-127 has been approved in conformity with the applicable pOlicies of the Durham Regional Official Plan; AND WHEREAS the Town of Newcastle is satisfied that the proposed development is in keeping with the character of the Hamlet of Mitchell's Corners, and that the provisions of by-law 81-127 are more consistent with the intent of the approved Official Plan Policies than was the previous local Commercial "C1" zoning; . . , - 5 - REPORT #2 BE IT NOW THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Ontario Municipal Board to approve By-law 81-127 notwithstanding the objections received and further requests the Ontario Municipal Board to convene any required public hearing in respect of by-law 81-127 at the earliest possible opportunity; and Further hereby authorize Town Staff and/or the Town Solicitor to represent the Municipality at any such hearing that may be convened." 3. The delegation be acknowledged and staff invite them to meet to discuss their concerns. 15. Trans Canada Pipe Lines Looping Proposal Report PD-1n-81 - Trans Canada Pipe Lines looping proposal, be received for information. 16. Proposed approval process for the Bowmanville Urban Area Plan Official Plan Amendment 81-31/NB Glenson Investments Ltd. 1. Report PD-193-81 be received; 2. The attached modified Official Plan of the Bowmanville Major Urban Area - Part of the District Planning Area of the Town of Newcastle be forwarded to Council for approval; and 3. The Region of Durham be requested to approve and to submit the above noted Official Plan of the Bowmanville Major Urban Area, as modified, to the Ministry of Municipal - Affairs and Housing for approval as soon as possible. 4. The Region of Durham be advised that the Council of the Town of Newcastle has no objection to the proposed amendment 81-31/NB submitted by Glenson Investments Co. Ltd. and have modified Section 2.1.2(iv) of the above reference plan to permit Council's consideration of the subject proposal as well as other similar proposals for higher density residential developments to be located within the Bowmanville Major Urban Area. 17. By-law 108-81 City of Oshawa By-law 108-81 of the City of Oshawa be received and filed. 18. By-law 71-81 Township of Scugog By-law 71-81 of the Corporation of the Township of Scugog be received and fil ed. 19. Committee of Adjustment Minutes THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Committee of Adjustment held on November 18, 1981 be received for information. . " o 23. . / 2ft. ~ 26. . - 6 - REPORT #2 20. Insurance Policy on Halls The Town institute a policy whereby insurance on town-owned community hall buildings be paid by the Town; and 21. THAT no action be taken on implementing the policy until the outstanding accounts are disposed of. Letter to Boards of Community Centres and Arena Boards THAT the Treasurer and Chief Administrative Officer draft a letter to community centre boards and arena boards relative to outstanding accounts, to be forwarded to Council for approval. 22. Clerk-Typist Treasury Department The hiring of Mrs. Sherri Goodmurphy as Clerk-Typist in the Treasury Department, be received for information. Penalty Charges Interest Rates Discount Rates The charging of interest on overdue payments be at a rate equal to the highest prime rate which exists at the time the by-law is passed plus Iy,% per annum, and the attached by-laws be presented to Council for their approval to institute a new rate of interest charged on overdue payments effective January I, 1982. (see by-laws 81-160 and 81-161) Cred it Cards THAT Report TR-99-91 relative to Credit Cards held by various department, be received for information. 25. Audit Committee THAT the Committee sit as an audit Committee at a suitable time in January 1982 to discuss the auditor's interim report. Sa It Dome THAT staff investigate removing the salt supply from Orono immediatelyjand Council immediately authorize the construction of the salt dome, and proceed to tender, as soon as possible. 27. Senior Citizens Housing THAT the Town of Newcastle request Regional Management to extend the time period for one more month, until the end of January, to enable active negotiations between the Canadian Order of Foresters and the Regional Staff to be finalized regarding property discussions for Senior Citizens Housing. . . . - 7 - REPORT #2 28. Hand Book for Community Hall Boards THAT Council accept Councillor Taylor's offer to co-ordinate the preparation of a Hand Book for Community Hall Boards, acting as receiving agent for staff and the elected representatives' comments, and prepare a report for committee. Respectfully submitted, Garnet B. Rickard, Chairman.