HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/23/1981 ~. . . TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ~_)_ l( -'.) /1 1-". -'1 I L',-' . ~-; , r/ :/-, o . I. )< ' REPORT #1 Mayor Rickard and Members of Council:- The following recommendations to Council were made at a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on November 23 1981: 1. Reconstruction of Highway #2 through Village of Newcastle THAT the presentation of the representatives of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications be acknowledged and they be thanked for the work they have done on this project and further that the section of Highway #2 within the urban area of the Village of Newcastle be considered high priority and the Province be requested to include the project in its 1983 funding, provided it is not available in 1982 and Staff, under the Chief Administrative Office liaise with other involved agencies and report back to the Committee. 2. Preliminary Design Criteria THAT Staff of the Town of Newcastle be asked to extend their preliminary deSign criteria and cost estimates for the reconstruction of Highway #2 to include all of the urban area in the Village of Newcastle. 3. Industrial Promotion and Development Reserve Fund THAT the attached by-law to establish a Reserve Fund for Industrial Promotion and Development of Town owned industrial lands be approved and the net proceeds from the sale of industrial lands and the accumulated interest presently in the Town's accounts be an addition to the aforementioned fund. See By-law 81-187. 4. Word Processing Eouipment Lease THAT the attached by-law be adopted authorizing the execution of an agreement with A.E.S. Data Ltd. and First City Capital Ltd. for the lease of word processin9 equipment for the Planning and Development Department. (By-law 81-188) 5. Proposal Call Reconstruction and Repair of Porch Bowmanville Museum THAT 1) Report be received. 2) Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to undertake a proposal call from selected contractors for the reconstruction and repair of the porch on the Bowmanville Museum property. 3) The proposal be called on the basis of the specifications prepared by D.A.G.Mills, Architect, for the Bowmanville Museum Board. 4) Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to obtain, if necessary, an insurance policy on the building and new structure during the course of construction (the costs of same to be borne by the Museum Board). 5) All expenses for this undertaking be drawn from the Capital Grant to the Museum Board in 1981, Account No 7626-804-000. . \ , /l,'V , . i" , D- , . 11. . - 2 - REPORT # 1 6. Building Equipment Maintenance Contract adopt a by-law authorizing the execution of an Agreement Partner Ltd. for the undertaking of building equipment maintenance selected municipal buildings for the period December 1 1981 to 1982 at a total amount not to exceed $4,774.00. By-law 81-189 THAT Council with Harvey servi ces in November 30 7. October Parking Report THAT the Parking report for the month of October 1981, CD-8.81 be received for i nforma ti on. 8. Tuition Fees and Associated Costs 9. THAT Mrs. Gray be reimbursed by the Town of Newcastle for her tuition fees associated costs in the amount of $1,045.00 and the expenditure be charged the Clerk's budget account number 7005-001-000. Transfer of Budget Funds THAT the transfer of funds from Account 7006-001-000 to Account 7005-001-000 in the amount of $1,045. be approved. and to 10. Adult Crossing Guard ~ Ontario Street Public School THAT the request for the placement of an adult Crossing Guard at the Ontario Street School be approved and the Clerk's Department be authorized to hire an additional crossing guard for the Ontario Street School Crossing, forthwith. Policy for Delegations Addressing Councilor Committee WHEREAS Council deems it appropriate to provide a vehicle to all persons through which they may express their views on matters affecting the community; AND WHEREAS Council deems it expedient to establish a policy with respect to the appearance of delegations before Councilor a Committee of Council which reinforces and supports this democratic process; NOW THEREFORE be it resolved, that all persons wishing to address Council, or a Committee of Council, for any legitamate purpose, make such appointments in the manner prescribed herein; 1. 2. That all requests be in writing. That all requests shall identify the subject to be addressed by the delegation. That all requests shall be received by the Clerk's Department not later than the Wednesday of the week preceeding the meeting of Council or Committee of Council the delegation wishes to address. That all requests received after the day prescribed (3 above) shall be referred to the next regularly scheduled meeting of Councilor Committee of Council, as the case may be. 3. 4. .,12. r ' ( l 13. 14. 15. 16. . 17. 18. - 3 - REPORT #1 By-law Enforcement Officer - Hiring THAT the attached by-laws reestablishing the position of By-law Enforcement Officer and appointing Mr. John R. Kirkland as By-law Enforcement Officer for the Town of Newcastle be adopted. See B.y-1aw 81-190, 81-191, Oshawa By-law 79-81 THAT By-law 79-81 of the City of Oshawa be received and filed. Group Homes THAT the draft by-law prepared pursuant to Section 236 of the Municipal Act 1980 be approved. See By-law 81-192 Extension of Draft Approval Subdivision 18T-24002 (Oakland Developments) THAT the Council of the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to extend the Draft Approval of Subdivision 18T-24002 for a further 12 month period from January 25th 1982 to January 25th 1983. DR Agencies(Oshawa) Ltd. Agreement THAT the attached by-law authorizing the execution of an Agreement between the Town of Newcastle and D.R.Agencies (Oshawa) Ltd. be approved and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the attached Agreement between the Town and D.R. Agencies (Oshawa) Ltd. on behalf of the municipa'lity. See By-law 81-193 October Fire Report THAT the Monthly Fire Report for October 1981 be received for information. Specification 81-10 Hinter Walkway and Sidewalk Maintenance 'li ' l/!j\ THAT the contract in respect of the ~Ji nter Mai ntenance of Si dewa 1 ks and " r~ Walkways within the Town of Newcastle be awarded to D. & F. Snow Removal, l 86 Prospect Street Bowmanville at an average rate of $13.50 per hour, paid on the basis of the average and hours worked, subject to meeting all the terms and conditions required by Specification 81-10. 19. . Policy for Allowance for Travel and Other Expenses - Elected Officials THAT the policy with regard to the reimbursement of travel and other expenses be amended as set out in the attached by-laws (See By-laws 81-158 and 81-159); the mileage rates for elected official be equivalent to those rates in effect for all municipal staff at any given time and by-laws 79.45 and 81-26 be repealed. - 4 - REPORT #1 e20. Establishment and Function of a Committee to Review the Audit THAT 1. The General Purpose and Administration Committee sit as a committee to review the audit at least twice a year to discuss with the external auditors those matters which are of concern to both parties and how such concerns might be resolved. 2. The two meetings be convened, if required, as an interim review after the completion of the interim audit and as a final review after completion of the year end audit and filing of the financial statements and reports. 3. A review be undertaken in one year to determine if external members would provide for better operation of the audit committee. 21. Cash Activity Report Revision THAT the format attached to Report TR-n-81 for monthly reporting of the cash transactions of the Town of Newcastle be adopted. 22. Activity Report - Cash Management - October 1981 THAT the Cash Management Activity Report for October 1981 be received for information. Funding Public Works Equipment Acquisitions - 1981 THAT the following resolution be approved; "THAT the following capital acquisitions for the Public Works Department be approved; e23. (a) Air Compressor (b) Hoist (c) Chain Saw (d) Trolley (e) 2 Trucks (f) Half Ton Truck (h) Hopper Sander $3,430.40 $2,783.70 321.70 689.76 $86,102.90 $ 6,000.00 $ 6,670.00 24. and that the purchase of said equipment be funded through 'Reserve - Public Works Equi pment' ". Orono Arena Financing THAT the Treasurer be authorized to charge the Park Reserve Fund with $12,536.00 which is the balance of the Town's commitment to the Orono Arena Capital Project. . -25. 26. 27. - - 5 - REPORT #1 Convention Expense Allowance Policy THAT the policy related to expense allowances for Members of Council and Administrative Staff when attending conferences and Municipal business away from the Municipality be amended, effective the date of the passing of the by-law, to provide re-imbursement of reasonable out of pocket expenses. These expenses should be supported by receipts in order to be reimbursed and a limit set during the annual budget process. Payro 11 Cl erk THAT the Treasurer's memorandum relative to the hiring of Mrs. Gail Chisholm as Payroll Clerk in the Treasury Department be received for information. Bulk Purchasing - Public Works Supplies THAT WHEREAS a considerable savings may be realized through co-operative bulk purchasing with the Region of Durham for certain Public Works Supplies; and WHEREAS Staff are presently preparing Department budgets for 1982; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Staff investigate and report to Committee for 1982 budget discussions, the Town of Newcastle entering into bulk purchasing for certain items with the Region of Durham. Respectfully submitted Garnet B. Rickard, Chairman -