HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-045 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 2006- 045 Being a By-law to adopt Amendment NO.44 to the Clarington Official Plan WHEREAS Section 17 (22) of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, as amended, a\,Jthorizes the Municipality of Clarington to pass by-laws for the adoption or repeal of Official Plans and Amendments thereto; AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend the Clarington Official Plan to implement the recommendations of the Clarington Commercial Policy Review and its various supporting documentation; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVE THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment No.44 to the Clarington Official Plan, being attached Explanatory Text and Maps, is hereby adopted. 2. That this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date of the passing hereof. BY-LAW read a first time this 1 day of March 2006 BY -LAW read a second time this 1 day of March 2006 day of March BY-LAW read a third and final time this 1 2006 flf~dt- John l!tton, ayor AMENDMENT NO.44 TO THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN March 1, 2006 PURPOSE: To implement the recommendations of the Commercial Policy Review and the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan Review including the renaming of this Main Central Area to the Bowmanville West Town Centre, expanding the boundaries of the West Town Centre, and designating additional lands for commercial development. LOCATION: This amendment applies to lands in Part of Lots 14 to 17, Concessions 1 and 2 former Town of Bowmanville and former Township of Darlington bounded generally on the south by the St. Lawrence and Hudson (CP) railway and to the north by the Brookhill tributary to the Bowmanville Creek and a future road to be known as Brookhill Boulevard. BASIS: This Amendment is based on the Clarington Commercial Policy Review: Final Report - Recommended Policy Changes dated May 30, 2005 and the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan Review dated May 30,2005 prepared by Meridian Planning Consultants Inc., the supporting analysis by retail market, urban design and transportation and engineering sub-consultants and further review by municipal staff. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan is hereby amended as follows: 1. By renaming the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan as the "Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan". 2. By deleting all references to the "Bowmanville West Main Central Area" and replacing them with references to the "Bowmanville West Town Centre" and by deleting all references to the "Bowmanville East Main Central Area" and replacing them with references to the "Bowmanville East Town Centre". 3. In Section 1.1, a) by deleting the figure "55" and replacing it with the figure "74" b) by deleting the words "Martin Road (Regional Road 57) and Green Road" and replacing them with the words "the CP Rail overpass and the east limit of the Urban Boundary." 4. Add a new goal 2.4 as follows: "2.4 To consider comprehensively market, land use, urban design and transportation objectives in the consideration of any application for the development of land in the Bowmanville West Town Centre." 1 5. In Section 3.1.7, by deleting the words "beyond the initial allocation in order" . 6. By renumbering Sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 as Sections 3.3.3 and 3.3.4, respectively and adding new Sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 as follows: "3.3.1 To promote and enhance the function of King Street/Highway 2 as the Main Street of the Bowmanville West Town Centre. 3.3.2 To provide a connected grid of public and private streets to enhance movement and access options, reduce congestion and improve emergency access." 7. By deleting Sections 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 and replacing them with the following new sections: "3.4.1 Distinct 'Sense of Place' - to create an urban character through high quality architectural treatments and site planning that provides visual interest at a pedestrian scale. 3.4.2 Connective Street Network - to provide an efficient grid street network as the basic organizational structure for the area. The grid street network should define an urban block pattern, provide maximum pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular connectivity and route choices, and facilitate access to existing and proposed transit services. 3.4.3 Pedestrian Access - to ensure direct, safe and efficient pedestrian access supported by sidewalks situated along all roads and drive aisles, walkways located within parking areas, and designated crosswalks. 3.4.4 Urban Street Edge - to ensure development provides physical definition to streets and public spaces through appropriate placement and design of buildings, parking areas and landscaping, particularly along King Street/Highway 2, Clarington Boulevard, and Green Road. 3.4.5 Plan for Infill - to ensure that development initially permitted in accordance with this Secondary Plan is designed in such a way so as to facilitate redevelopment at greater intensity in the longer term. Block patterns for development should be designed to ultimately accommodate denser, mixed-use development. 3.4.6 Environmentally Sustainable - to ensure that development is designed to achieve a high degree of environmental sustainability." 8. In Section 4.1, by replacing the figure "9" with the words and figures "11 and the urban design policies of Section 13". 9. By deleting Section 4.2 and replacing it with the following: "4.2 No expansion to the limits of the Bowmanville West Town Centre and no redesignation of additional lands for General Commercial or 2 Street-Related Commercial is permitted prior to a comprehensive review of the Official Plan after 2011". 1 O. By deleting Section 4.3 and replacing it with the following new Section 4.3: "4.3 Retail Limits for the Bowmanville West Town Centre a) In order to ensure that retail and service development proceeds in a fashion that sufficient population exists to support the planned function of Town and Village Centres and to ensure ongoing redevelopment potential within the Bowmanville East Town Centre, new retail development in the Bowmanville West Town Centre will be linked to the growth of population in the Municipality of Clarington. b) The development of retail and service floor space in the Bowmanville West Town Centre will proceed in an incremental fashion. Until such time as the Clarington population reaches 91,000 persons, the maximum permitted retail and service floor space in the Bowmanville West Town Centre is as follows: i. Retail Floor Space ii. Service Floor Space 73,000 square metres 7,000 square metres For the purpose of this section: . Retail floor space includes department stores and stores selling department store type merchandise (e.g. apparel, home furnishings, sporting goods and hardware), supermarkets, specialty food stores, beer, liquor or wine stores, automotive products and home improvement stores. . Service floor space includes restaurants, personal service shops, rental stores, and financial institutions. . Floorspace not included in the above limits are medical or dental offices, business and professional offices, government offices, places of entertainment, private clubs, community facilities and gas stations. c) The following allocation of total gross leasable floor space, which includes retail, service and all other commercial floor space, is made: i. 18,600 square metres for the lands bounded by Clarington Boulevard, Prince William Boulevard, Green Road and Highway 2; 3 ii. 8,000 square metres for the lands bounded by Clarington Boulevard, Prince William Boulevard, Pethick Street and Highway 2; iii. 4,000 square metres for the lands east of Clarington Boulevard, north of Highway 2; iv. 18,000 square metres for the lands bounded by Clarington Boulevard, the Stevens Road extension; Green Road and Highway 2; v. 34,500 square metres for the lands north of Highway 2 between Green Road and Boswell Drive extension, provided that no more than 30,500 square metres is permitted in the General Commercial Area and provided that the zoning by- law shall contain restrictions to ensure that the first full year of operation of the retail and service floor area in the General Commercial Area shall not be earlier than 2008. d) Development of land will be released through site specific amendments to the Zoning By-law in accordance with the policies of this Plan. The implementing zoning by-Iaws(s) may incorporate restrictions on the type, amount and location of retail and service floorspace, minimum and maximum store sizes and other similar requirements to define the role of the Bowmanville West Town Centre in relation to historic downtowns and to implement the urban design and energy conservation objectives of this Plan. e) The floorspace limits identified in Section 4.3 (b) may be amended through a comprehensive review of the commercial floorspace in the Municipality. In addition to any other appropriate planning, urban design and traffic studies the Municipality shall conduct an independent market analysis, at the expense of the applicant for such permission, which addresses the following: . the impact of development that has occurred in the Bowmanville West Town Centre since 2003 on the Bowmanville East Town Centre, including the historic downtown, and other designated Town and Village Centres in Clarington; . changes in consumer expenditure patterns from the patterns documented in previous studies; and . the anticipated impact of any proposed development(s) on the viability of existing retail and service uses in Clarington and the planned growth and function of Town and Village Centres. 11 . By deleting Sections 4.4 and 5.2.4. 12. By renumbering Sub-section 5.2.5 e) as Section 4.4 and by deleting the words "Retail Commercial" and replacing them with the words "General Commercial and Street-Related Commercial"; 4 13. By deleting the word "personal" from in between the words "and" and "service"; and 14. By deleting the words and numbers "Section 5.2.4" and replacing them with the words and numbers" Section 4.3". 15. By adding a new Section 4.5 as follows: "4.5 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Plan, only two full- service banks or financial institutions are permitted in the Bowmanville West Town Centre." 16. By adding a new Section 4.6 as follows: "4.6 For the purpose of Section 10.9.3 of the Official Plan and in consideration of land use and urban design objectives of this Plan, the intersections of King Street/Highway 2 with Regional Road 57, Clarington Boulevard and Green Road are prominent intersections, which Council deems to have important visual significance. " 17. In Section 5, by changing the Section title from "Retail Commercial" to "General Commercial". 18. In Section 5.1, by deleting the words "Retail Commercial" and replacing with "General Commercial", by adding the words "larger format" after the words "to concentrations of', and by deleting the second sentence in its entirety. 19. In Section 5.2.1: a) in Sub-section a): i) by deleting the words "Retail and personal service uses, including: and replacing them with the words "Certain retail and services uses such as:"; ji) by deleting the words "provided that: i) a general merchandise store, a food retail warehouse, clothing retail warehouse and a drug retail warehouse shall not be permitted"; and jji) by adding a second sentence as follows: "For the purpose of clarity, retail and services uses do not include a large format home improvement centre." b) by deleting Sub-section b) and renumbering Sub-sections c) and d) as Sub-sections b) and c), respectively. c) in renumbered Sub-section b) by inserting the words "business or training schools" between the words "cultural facilities," and the words "day care"; and d) in renumbered Sub-section c) by deleting the words "provided that, on the parcel of land bounded by Highway 2, Clarington Boulevard, Prince William Boulevard and Green Road, up to 929 square metres may be located on the ground floor." 5 e) By deleting the existing subsection e) and replacing it with the following: Notwithstanding 5.2.1 a) and 6.2.1 a) a large format home improvement store having a maximum total floor space of 9,175 square metres is permitted on the lands designated General Commercial and Street-Related Commercial located on the west side of Clarington Boulevard and the south side of Stevens Road extension subject to the following: i. The home improvement store will be certified under the LEED Rating System; ii. The exterior walls of the store will be finished with brick and stone pre-cast panels; Hi. The enclosed garden centre/outdoor display area shall not exceed 1630 square metres and the seasonal garden centre shall not exceed 930 square metres; iv. The enclosed outdoor storage area shall not exceed 820 square metres; v. Any enclosed garden centre/outdoor display area and the outdoor storage area located along the street-edge will contain a high quality finish comprising decorative fencing and pre-cast panels similar to the main building; vi. No outdoor storage and display is permitted outside of the fence enclosed garden centre/outdoor display area save and except for an outdoor display area no greater than 80 square metres adjacent to front entrance of the building, provided there is no display or storage of building materials, dumpsters, sheds or large equipment; vii. The provisions of Section 13.2.2 shall not apply; viii. The street edge of Clarington Boulevard shall be defined with high quality landscape treatment including seating areas and the provision of a decorative fencing consistent with the architectural character of the building; and ix. Notwithstanding 13.3.1, the primary building fa9ade shall contain 20% transparent glazing and the rear building fa9ade on Stevens Road shall contain 10% transparent or opaque glazing. 20. In Section 5.2.2, by deleting the word "Retail" and replacing it with the word "General". 21. By deleting Section 5.2.4 and replacing it with the following: "5.2.4 Council may consider limitations on the size of large format stores with the objective of encouraging compact built form and energy efficient buildings." 6 22. In Section 5.2.5: a) by deleting the word "Retail" and replacing it with the word "General" and by deleting all references to "BowmanviJIe Boulevard" and replacing them with references to "Prince William Boulevard"; b) by deleting Sub-section a) and replacing it with the following: "a) Development will comply with the applicable Urban Design Policies of Section 13." c) by deleting Sub-sections 5.2.5 c), g) and h) and renumbering Sub- section 5.2.5 d) as Sub-section 5.2.5 c); d) by numbering the second paragraph of the newly numbered Sub- section c) beginning with the words "In order to facilitate" as a new Sub-section d); and by adding thereto the words and numbers "and the policy contained in Section 15.2.3" after the words "implementation of this policy"; 23. By renumbering the original Sub-section 5.2.5 f) as a new Section 4.8. 24. By renumbering Section 5.2.6 as a new Section 6.2.3 25. By adding a new Section 6 titled "Street-Related Commercial" as follows: "6. STREET-RELATED COMMERCIAL 6.1 PURPOSE Lands designated Street-Related Commercial on Map A of this Secondary Plan are intended to provide specific areas dedicated to smaller scale, pedestrian-oriented retail and personal service uses, in particular uses that contribute to an active street life such as cafes, restaurants and smaller shops. 6.2 POLICIES 6.2.1 The permitted uses shall be: a) Retail and service uses, including: specialty food stores, general retail stores, convenience retail stores, video stores, retail liquor stores, restaurants, taverns, barber shops, beauty salons, dry cleaners, art studios, travel agencies and financial institutions provided that: i. anyone store has a maximum leasable floor area of 1000 square metres; and ii. no drive-through facility is permitted; b) community uses, including social, recreational and cultural facilities; business or training schools, day care and nursery facilities; c) medical offices, business, professional and/or 7 administrative offices provided they are located on the second or upper levels above ground floor; and d) residential dwelling units provided they are located on the second or upper levels above the ground floor. 6.2.2 The following policies shall apply to the development of lands designated Street-Related Commercial in the Bowmanville West Town Centre: a) Highway 2 and Clarington Boulevard shall provide a focus for commercial development in the Bowmanville West Town Centre. The implementing Zoning By-law and the Urban Design policies provide direction regarding the relationship of buildings to the street, landscape treatment, and parking areas as required to achieve a high quality pedestrian retail environment. b) Notwithstanding Section 6.2.1 a) i, Council may consider additional store size limits on a site specific basis to distinguish the role of street-related retail development between in the Bowmanville West Town Centre and to mitigate the impact on historic downtowns and the Bowmanville East Town Centre. c) Buildings shall be designed to be located generally at grade with the adjacent sidewalk on the public or private street. d) Access to parking and loading facilities shall be established which will minimize disruption to the pedestrian use of the streets. Adequate, well-designed off-street parking, loading and service areas shall be required on the site of each commercial development. e) Development will comply with the applicable Urban Design Policies of Section 13." 26. By renumbering Sections 6,7,8,9 and 10 to Sections 7,8,9, 10 and 11 , respectively. 27. By deleting the word "personal" in the first and last sentences of renumbered Sub-section 7.2.1 d). 28. By deleting renumbered Sub-sections 7.2.1 f) and g). 29. By deleting the word "personal" in the last sentence of renumbered Section 7.2.2.l 8 30. In renumbered Section 8.1, a) by deleting in the second paragraph the "A" before the word "High" from the first sentence and replacing it with the words "The Mid Rise"; and b) by deleting the words "as well as the parcel abutting King Street" from the first sentence of the second paragraph and replacing them with the words "whereas a Low Rise High Density designation is provided for on lands north of the General Commercial, west of Green Road" 31. In renumbered Section 8.2.1 c), by deleting the word "uses" and replacing it with the word "facilities". 32. By deleting renumbered Section 8.2.1 e) and replacing it with the following: "e) Limited retail and service uses may be permitted on the ground floor of residential apartment buildings." 33. By deleting renumbered Section 8.2.2.a) and replacing it with the following, "8.2.2 a) Development on lands designated Medium Density Residential shall be a minimum of 31 and a maximum of 60 units per net residential hectare." 34. By inserting a new Section 8.2.3 as follows and renumber accordingly: "8.2.3 Low Rise High Density Residential a) Development on lands designated Low Rise High Density Residential shall be a minimum of 50 and a maximum of 80 units per net residential hectare. b) Permitted dwelling types shall include: townhouses; stacked townhouses; and low rise apartment buildings not exceeding six (6) storeys in height." 35. In renumbered Section 8.2.4: a) by adding the words "Mid Rise" before the words "High Density Residential" in the title of the section; b) by deleting renumbered Sub-sections 8.2.4 a) and b) and replacing them with the following, "a) Development on lands designated Mid Rise High Density Residential shall be a minimum of 50 and a maximum of 300 units per net residential hectare. b) Apartment buildings may be up to twelve (12) stories in height. " 36. In renumbered Section 8.2.5, a) by renumbering Section 8.2.5 as Sub-section 8.2.5 f) 9 b) by adding the following at the beginning of the section: liThe following policies shall apply to the development of lands designated for residential purposes in the Bowmanville West Town Centre."; c) by inserting the letter and parenthesis "a)" before the words "A minimum of 30%" to begin a new sub-section; and d) by adding new Sub-sections b), c), d) and e) as follows: "b) Development will comply with the applicable urban design standards of Section 13 and the energy conservation policies of Section 14. c) Indoor and outdoor amenity areas shall be provided in accordance with the Municipality's Amenity Guidelines for Medium and High Density Residences. d) Appropriate separation from the railway corridor is necessary through: . the creation of a 30 metre setback as required by the CP Rail guidelines; . the inclusion within that setback of a 10 metre landscaped zone adjacent to the railway corridor to include landscape elements; and . the design and siting of buildings so as to minimize visual and noise impacts from the railway corridor. e) Secured communal storage rooms and bicycle storage rooms should be provided in apartment buildings. 37. In renumbered Section 10.2.2, by adding the words "Brookhill Tributary of the" before the words "Bowmanville Creek". 38. By renumbering Section 1 0.2.4 as Section 1 0.2.5 and by adding a new Section 10.2.4 as follows: "10.2.4 It is the Municipality's policy to have a small publicly accessible square established at an appropriate location on the north side of Highway 2 between Clarington Boulevard and Green Road. 39. In renumbered Section 11.2.2, by adding the word "Rail" after the word "GO" and by adding the words "and transit terminal" after the word "Station" . 40. By deleting the renumbered Section 11.2.3. 41 . By deleting original Section 11 titled "Special Policy Area No.1" in its entirety and renumbering the following Sections accordingly. 42. By deleting renumbered Section 13 in its entirety and replacing it with a new Section 13 as follows: 10 "13. Urban Design Policies 13.1 Purpose Achievement of the Municipality's urban design vision for Bowmanville West Town Centre is of the highest priority. In order to ensure this vision is achieved the Plan provides for levels of design policies: a) Urban Design Objectives, found in Section 3.4 of the Plan are broad statements of the intent and key aspects of the design policies; b) Detailed Site Design Policies for Commercial Development in Section 13.2 relate to a variety of site development issues including parking, buffering, landscaping, pedestrian access, service areas and signage; c) Building Design Policies for Commercial Development in Section 13.3 deal with elements of building form and design; d) Site and Building Design Policies for Residential Development in Section 13.4 deal with a variety of site development and building form and design issues; e) The Demonstration Plan in Schedule A is a plan for the Bowmanville West Town Centre demonstrating an application of the urban design policies. Illustrated Urban Design Policies in Schedule B provide explanations or examples of the application of the urban design policies. Urban design principles, detailed site design criteria and building design policies are provided by this Plan in order to assist in the evaluation of development proposals through the integration of rezoning and site plan processes. 13.2 Detailed Site Design Policies for Commercial Development 13.2.1 Street and Pedestrian Network . An open grid of public and private streets, and major private lanes will form the basic organizational structure for the area which should define an urban block pattern, provide maximum pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular connectivity and route choices, and facilitate access to existing and proposed transit services. . The street network will form a key component of the public realm and should be characterized by high quality streetscaping and landscape treatments. 11 . Where commercial uses front on a public or private streetline, sidewalks should continue to the building face. . Sidewalks abutting King Street /Highway 2, and Clarington Boulevard should have a minimum width of 3.0 metres. . Sidewalks will be provided on both sides of all public streets and a minimum of one side of all private streets. . Sidewalks and walkways abutting the front fa<;:ade of larger format stores shall have a minimum width of 3.5 metres. . Sidewalks and walkways should promote active and safe pedestrian activity and stimulate visual interest. All sidewalks and walkways fronting commercial uses shall include in-ground trees generally planted 6.0 to 9.0 metres on centre, pedestrian scale lighting, and street furnishings such as garbage receptacles, and possible outdoor merchandise displays and selling areas. . All sidewalks fronting other non-commercial uses shall include in-ground trees generally planted 6.0 to 9.0 metres on centre within the grassed landscape boulevard, pedestrian scale lighting, and street furnishings such as garbage receptacles. . The use of special paving treatment is encouraged at focal points including building entrances, squares, and through block connections. . Clearly designated pedestrian crossings should be provided at the intersection of all public and private streets and major private laneways. Pedestrian crossings should be marked with line painting or surface material variation and should be at least 3.0 metres wide. . Private streets shall be located on a suitable right-of-way to allow for their future conversion to public streets. Wherever possible private streets shall be designed and constructed to municipal road standards similar to Local Commercial Streets as shown in the Functional Engineering and Streetscape Implementation Plan: Bowmanville West Main Central Area (September 1995). Private streets will appear and function as an extension of the overall public street network. The municipal street lighting design standard for public streets in the Bowmanville West Town Centre will be used on private streets. 12 13.2.2 Building Orientation and Site Layout · Buildings will be organized to define and frame abutting public and private streets as a first priority; and, to define and frame major private laneways, internal drive aisles, sidewalks, parking and amenity spaces as a second priority. · The large format "super block" will be broken into functionally and visually smaller units by major private laneways and internal drive aisles, a network of connected walkways, and landscaping. . Building setbacks shall be reduced to minimize distances between building entrances and abutting public street sidewalks; to establish a consistent built form edge; and to allow for the development of a significant streetscape contributing to the identity and amenity of the area. Maximum building setbacks from the property line on public streets are generally as follows: . King Street/Highway 2: . Clarington Boulevard: 3.5 metres 2.0 metres . Definition of the street edge is a priority. At least 50% of the total street frontage shall be occupied by buildings on King Street/ Highway 2 and Clarington Boulevard. 13.2.3. Surface Parking Areas . Internal vehicular routes shall be clearly defined by raised and curbed landscape islands planted with trees and low level vegetation. Internal drive aisles will be a minimum 6.0 metres in width. . Parallel parking spaces may be provided on private roads at store fronts with appropriate bump-outs at periodic intervals where high pedestrian activity is anticipated. . Parking aisles should generally not exceed 30 contiguous spaces in length and should have a consistent design angle perpendicular to primary building entrances. . The visual impact of surface parking areas shall be minimized by screen walls, landscaping or lowering of the parking areas by up to 0.5 metres from the adjacent street grade. 13 . Appropriate lighting levels and consistency of coverage will be provided in parking area to assist both pedestrian and vehicular circulation. The height and intensity of light standards should be sensitive to adjacent land uses minimizing light spillover, glare and impact on night skies. Full cut-off fixtures are to be used. . Designated handicapped and mobility impaired parking spaces should be located as close as possible to building entrances and be clearly identified by signs or markings. 13.2.4 Landscaping of Parking Areas . Internal landscaping elements will define visually and functionally smaller parking "courts" and reduce the overall impact of surface parking areas and heat island effects. . Trees at the perimeter of parking areas will be planted generally every 6.0 to 9.0 metres on centre. . A landscaped island should generally be located at each end of every parking aisle. Where the parking aisle is greater than 20 spaces in length, a landscaped island must be provided. Landscaped islands shall have a minimum width of 2.5 metres wide and include one tree, per parking row. . A landscaping island should be provided generally at the mid point of the parking aisle, and/or approximately every 15 parking bays. The landscaping island should have a minimum width of 2.5 metres and include a minimum of one tree per parking row. . Where possible, internal landscaping should incorporate existing vegetation and significant tree planting. 13.2.5. Landscape Buffers . High quality landscaping treatments will be used to define site boundaries, provide buffers between adjoining developments, and screen storage and utility areas. . Landscaped areas adjacent to the streetline will be a minimum of 3.0 metres wide adjacent to parking areas and service areas. . Landscaped areas between commercial and residential developments will have a minimum width of 3.0 metres adjacent to the property line. 14 · To ensure opportunities for surveillance from adjacent areas, perimeter hedge and shrub screening should not exceed 1.0 metre in height. · Selection of plant material should consider the following: · Year-round appearance; . Seasonal variety; . Hardiness and resistance to disease; . Maintenance requirements; . Tolerance of plant materials to salt; and . Urban conditions. 13.2.6 Pedestrian Access . Pedestrian walkways should where possible be contiguous to major private laneways and opposite primary building entrances to enable safe and direct pedestrian movements. . An internal pedestrian walkway network should visually and functionally define smaller parking "courts". . Walkways should have a minimum width of 1.5 metres, with a landscaping zone on one side that is 2.0 metres in width. . Walkways shall include pedestrian-scaled amenities wherever possible, such as benches, trash receptacles and lighting. . Drive aisle crosswalks should be signed and constructed of materials that are different to the drive aisle, such as interlocking brick paving. 13.2.7 Pedestrian Entrances . Main entrances to buildings shall be emphasized through canopies, awnings, towers or similar taller, non-habitable building structures. The volume and height of such structures should emphasize the prominence of entrances particularly at a corner location. . Each store, commercial unit, or building will generally provide an entrance facing the adjacent public street as a first priority and private streets as a second priority. . Building entrances shall be identifiable and accessible to the disabled. High quality streetscape and landscaping treatment is encouraged at all building entrances. 15 . Windows should be coordinated with the location of pedestrian walkways to provide interest and improve security along these routes. . Pedestrian access from adjacent neighbourhoods should be provided by walkways where insufficient access is available from street sidewalks. 13.2.8. Amenities . Amenities may include terraces, parkettes or squares, water features, public art, outdoor dining areas and transit shelters. . Customer and visitor amenities should be located in close proximity to building entrances. . Amenities are particularly important in the Street-Related Commercial Areas. . Bicycle parking facilities shall be provided to encourage alternative modes of transport, particularly for employees and consumers with small purchases. Larger stores are encouraged to provide indoor bicycle parking facilities for employees such as storage rooms and showers. . Amenity areas shall be located within landscaped, pedestrian spaces, and provide seating. 13.2.9. Service Areas . Service areas shall be screened from public and private streets, major pedestrian routes or residential areas. It is preferable to locate service areas off service driveways and away from public streets. . Storage of goods or garbage shall generally be integrated as part of the building and not as separate stand-alone structure. . Service areas for delivery, loading and garbage pick-up should be coordinated to reduce vehicular interruptions along the public street and within parking areas. . Screening shall use building materials and/or landscape treatments similar to those used for the principal buildings. 16 . Where solid screens are provided, the materials should be similar to or compatible with those of the building's exterior finishes. 13.2.10. Transit Facilities . Building entrances and bus stops should be arranged to provide convenient access to the buildings by public transit passengers. . On sites adjacent to or near a bus stop, conveniently located walkways will be provided to cross and connect individual sites in order to provide pedestrians the most efficient route to and from transit stops. 13.2.11. Signage . Pylon signs for private development should be oriented to address the street frontage, street intersections and primary access driveways. Pylon signs should be compatible with the associated building design in scale, material and colour, and should be set within a landscaped setting. . Building identification signs should be incorporated on the front fa<(ade, and should be compatible with the building design in scale, material and colour. . Externally lit signs are encouraged, particularly those that face the public street or parallel a pedestrian walkway. . Building identification signs should be applied as large scale building elements, including awnings and banner signs to contribute to an artful and dynamic building presence that will be attractive and visible to passing pedestrians and motorists. . Directional signs should be provided for pedestrian walkways, parking and service areas. The graphic quality of directional signs should be clear and distinct and be coordinated with the image of the development. 13.3 Building Design Policies for Commercial Development 13.3.1 Building Materials and the Location of Buildings on a Property . Blank or single material facades that extend the entire length of the building parallel to the public street will incorporate additional architectural detailing and, where appropriate, signs, murals, sculptural or graphic design. 17 · Facades longer than 25 metres shall be subdivided through a combination of windows and projections and recessions in the building wall to create a consistent rhythm across the fac;ade and establish divisions that express a hierarchy of entrances and identify individual businesses, where applicable. . Transparent glazing on the at-grade primary building facades and areas that have public activity shall be maximized having regard to the nature and function of the building. The following minimum requirements generally apply to the primary building facades: General Commercial 20% Street-Related Commercial 40%. Glazing should be actively used to provide storefront windows or merchandise displays and should not be covered internally by displays or window decals. . Corner buildings at the intersections of King Street/Highway 2 with Regional Road 57, Clarington Boulevard, Green Road and Boswell Drive, or at gateway locations shall include articulated building elements in the form of towers, bays or other details that emphasize the focal nature of these buildings and wall projections, recessions, materials and other details that enhance the visibility of these locations. . Building materials recommended for new construction include brick, stone and wood frame. Materials such as aluminium, steel and metal panels may be used provided they are used within an appropriate context. . Rooftop mechanical equipment and fume extractor vents should be integrated with the building design and rooftop units and vents will be screened using materials complementary to the building. Where appropriate, parapets should be used to screen rooftop mechanical units. 13.3.2 The following design guidelines shall be considered with the location of a drive-through facility: . Any drive-through facility must be located on a lot greater than 3,000 square metres; . All buildings containing drive-through facilities shall be oriented to the primary street frontage with a setback not to 18 exceed 3.0 metres. No portion of the stacking lane and no parking spaces or drive aisle shall be located within the setback area; . Drive-through facilities (including the stacking lane, order board, loud speaker, pick up window, or banking machine) shall not be located within 12 metres of properties zoned for or containing residential uses; . Speakers and order-boards associated with a drive-through facility shall be oriented away from a residential use and their sound levels should be minimum so as not to create sound disturbance. Screening from headlights must be provided; . Drive-through facilities located adjacent to properties zoned to permit residential uses shall construct opaque fencing at least 1 .8 metres in height, between the uses; and . Landscape buffers adjacent to a property zoned to permit residential uses should have a minimum width of 3.0 metres and include ample coniferous trees (minimum of 2.4 metres in height), and deciduous trees (minimum 70 mm calliper). 13.3.3 The following design guidelines shall be considered when reviewing the stacking lanes at a drive-through facility: . A 1.5 metre wide direct pedestrian walkway to the building entrance which does not intersect with or cross the stacking lane shall be provided and maintained on the lot from the primary street frontage; . Stacking lanes shall have a minimum width of 3.0 metres; . For a restaurant with a drive-through facility a stacking lane length of a minimum 12 vehicle queuing spaces (one vehicle queuing space is defined as 6.0 metres in length) shall be provided. At least 4 queue spaces shall be located between the pick-up window and the order board station; . For all other drive-through facilities a stacking lane length of a minimum 4 vehicle queuing spaces (one vehicle queuing space is defined as 6.0 metres in length) shall be provided; . The entrance to a required stacking lane may not be located within 18 metres of a site access to a public or private street; 19 . The required stacking lane must not interfere with or block access to required parking spaces; . A required stacking lane should not be crossed or bisected by a driveway, or access to a loading space access or service area; . The full length of the stacking lane must be demarcated by concrete curbs, and the use of soft and hard landscape features; . Stacking lanes should be linear and straight, with a minimum number of curves or turning movements and should not interfere with traffic on public streets; and . Double drive-through facilities on a site should be avoided. Where a double drive-through condition cannot be avoided the landscaping and decorative pavement shall be increased on- site. 13.4 Site and Building Design Policies for Residential Development 13.4.1 Building Orientation and Design Apartments . Building facades shall be oriented so as to reinforce the street and other public spaces as the primary organizing element . Buildings over four stories should be set back from the street or set back on a podium to maintain a pedestrian related scale and to mitigate wind and shadow effects. A podium base should generally be between two and four stories in height. . Buildings on corner lots should incorporate enhanced architectural elements such as entrance canopies, towers, and corner articulation. . Service areas, utilities and parking should be sited or screened to minimize potential negative impacts. . The ground floors of apartment buildings facing residential streets shall be primarily occupied by active residential uses such as living spaces, indoor amenity areas and entry ways. On commercial streets, ground floor retail and services uses may be used to provide an active street frontage. . Long, unbroken facades and blank walls should be avoided with the use of balconies, setbacks and projections and material transitions which help articulate the building and by the pattern and rhythm of windows and doors. . Buildings should be sited and designed to provide for views overlooking streets, natural areas and public spaces while 20 minimizing views overlooking adjoining dwellings and private amenity areas. . Buildings should be sensitive to interfaces with adjoining buildings and lower density areas with reduced heights, increased setbacks, stepped massing of the building, articulated facades and window patterns. . Roof designs shall be integrated into the overall design of the building. Green roof designs are encouraged. Townhouses . Buildings articulation and design should be informed by structural elements such as columns, rooflines and window fenestration, as well as functional elements such as the locations of entries, circulation spaces and special rooms. . Material, colour and textural differences should be provided on townhouse facades. 13.4.2 Building Entrances . Main building entrances for apartments shall provide a strong identity and provide a transition from the street to the building. Weather protection in the form of awnings, canopies and arcades should be provided. Entries and foyers should be comfortable, sheltered, safe, and convenient. . Main building entrances shall be oriented towards streets, parks or squares. . Townhouses shall have attractive entry and porch areas near the street level. . Ground floor apartment units may have individual entries directly from the street. 13.4.3 Private Amenity Areas . Balconies, verandahs, terraces and roof gardens should be integrated with the overall building form and facade composition. . Balconies and verandahs should be sized to accommodate outdoor seating. 13.4.4 Common Amenity Areas . Shared outdoor spaces shall be provided to meet the needs of the residents. . The design of shared outdoor spaces should take into account the following: o orientation and shading for optimum solar access o shelter for access during inclement weather o planting location and type for durability, ease of maintenance and aesthetic quality 21 o ground surface materials to allow access in all weather conditions o privacy of dwellings facing open spaces o public access and measures to control access where req u ired o safety, in the form of lighting, informal surveillance, as well as restricted access to pools and water features for children o shelter from noise, wind and traffic from adjacent streets or incompatible uses. 13.4.5 Parking Areas . Parking areas shall be located at the rear or side of the buildings and shall be appropriately screened from the street. . Underground parking is encouraged in High Density Residential areas. Where decked parking is provided, it shall be architecturally integrated with the apartment building. . Large parking areas should be avoided by dispersing parking courts and/or mitigated by providing appropriate landscaping. . Generally parking aisles longer than 15 spaces should be separated by a landscaped island. . Joint access is permitted. . Wherever possible, internal or rear laneways should be provided for all townhouse dwellings. . Pedestrian walkways from parking areas to building entrances should be clearly defined through materials and lighting. . Short term bicycle parking should be provided for visitors. 13.4.6 Landscaping . Landscaping shall reinforce the street edge and provide buffers to adjacent uses. . Fences along street frontages should be low, transparent and decorative in nature to define private spaces but avoid inactive frontages. . Pedestrian-scale lighting should be provided for parking and open space areas and shall avoid light trespass on to adjacent properties. 13.4.7 Services and Utilities . Garbage areas shall be conveniently located for residents and for collection and shall be fully enclosed, preferably within the building. . Where provided, separate garbage enclosures shall have compatible materials and colours to the dwelling units and should be softened with landscaping on their most visible sides. . All mechanical equipment whether mounted on the roof or ground shall be screened from view. 22 13.5 Demonstration Plans - Schedule A of this Plan, the Demonstration Plan, shows one scheme for the development of the area that successfully implements the urban design, land use and transportation objectives of this Plan. The Illustrated Urban Design Policies in Schedule B of this Plan provides examples and precedents of the application of the urban design policies of the Plan. Schedules A and B are intended to be illustrative rather than prescriptive." 43. In Section 14.1, a) by deleting Sub-section b) and replacing it with the following: "b) provides increased densities in the Bowmanville West Town Centre and structured parking wherever feasible:"; b) by renumbering Sub-section c) as Sub-section d): c) by adding a new Sub-section c) and renumbering accordingly: "c) encourages walking and biking as alternative means of transportation; and" d) in renumbered Sub-section d), by replacing the word "surface" with the word "bus". 44. By deleting Section 14.2 and replacing it with the following; "14.2 The siting and design of buildings will consider concepts to maximize the potential energy savings including: a) orientation for maximum passive solar gain in winter; b) the construction of new buildings to meet the LEED Rating System; c) green roof design and the provision of well-designed landscaping of parking areas to minimize heat island effects; d) renovations of existing buildings for energy and water conservation will be encouraged; and e) the use of alternative sustainable energy sources, such as solar." 45. In the third sentence of Section 15.2.1: a) by deleting the word "These" from the beginning of the third sentence and replacing it with the words "Those roads"; and b) by deleting the words "which is intended" and replacing with the words "which are intended". 46. In Sub-section 15.2.3 a): a) by adding the words "transfer to and" before the word "assumption"; b) by adding the words "as public streets" before the words "at some future date"; and c) by adding the words "by the Municipality" to the end of the sentence after the word "necessary". 23 47. In Section 15.2.5, by deleting the words "appropriate road authority" and replacing them with the words "Region of Durham". 48. By adding a new Section 15.2.6 as follows: "15.2.6 As a precondition of development of certain lands in the Bowmanville West Town Centre, appropriate arrangements shall be made for the following critical components of the grid street system: a) for the lands north of King Street/Highway 2 between Green Road and the proposed extension of Boswell Drive, the following road improvements are required: i) the proposed extension of Boswell Drive from King Street/Highway 2 as identified on Map A; and ji) the construction of Stevens Avenue from Regional Road 57 through to the Boswell Drive extension as a combination of a public and a private road as identified on Map A. b) for the lands north of King Street/Highway 2 between Green Road and Clarington Boulevard, the construction of Stevens Road between Green Road and Regional Road 57 as a public street. c) for the lands on the southwest corner of Regional Road 57 and 'King Street/Highway 2 the construction of Prince William Boulevard easterly from Pethick Street to Regional Road 57 as a public street." 49. By changing the title of Section 15.3 from "Public Transportation Policies" to "Public Transit Policies". 50. By deleting Section 15.3.1 and replacing it with the following; "15.3.1 The Municipality, in conjunction with the Region of Durham and GO Transit shall endeavour to enhance public transit use and access in the Bowmanville West Town Centre." 51. By renumbering Section 15.3.2 as Section 15.3.4 and by adding new Sections 15.3.2 and 15.3.3 as follows: "15.3.2 The Municipality will encourage the development of the Bowmanville West Town Centre as a transit node by: a) encouraging a high level of transit service from transit providers; b) providing sidewalks and high quality streetscape in pedestrian activity areas in accordance with Section 15.4 and the urban design policies of Section 13; c) considering the development of structured parking facilities in partnership with private landowners; and 24 d) when the Municipality is proposing public works in the West Town Centre, the public authority will consider opportunities to improve the pedestrian and cycling environment, bus stops and shelters and streetscape enhancements. 15.3.3 Development in the West Town Centre will be transit- supportive through: a) providing for street-oriented development with no large parking areas between the adjacent primary public street and buildings; b) developing at higher densities; c) providing frequent pedestrian linkages from streets to stores, between buildings and through parking areas; d) contributing to a high quality public streetscape through landscape treatment along the streetline; and e) providing for compact development through shared parking where appropriate, and parking structures." 52. In renumbered Section 15.4.1 adding the words and private streets between the words "public road right-of-way" and "to enhance". 53. Deleting renumbered Section 15.4.2. and renumbering the remaining Sections accordingly. 54. In renumbered Section 15.4.3: a) by deleting the words "Future Streets" and replacing them with the words "private streets"; b) by deleting the words "Subsection 5.2.5(d)" and replacing with the words "" Subsection 5.2.5.b) and c) and Subsection 15.2.3. 55. In renumbered Section 15.4.4 by deleting the words and punctuation "shall be identified in the Urban Design Guidelines. These areas". 56. In renumbered Section 16.2.4, a) by replacing the words "Master Drainage Plan" with the words "Subwatershed Plan"; and b) by removing the words "or subwatershed" after the words "Bowmanville Creek"; c) by deleting the second and third sentences and replacing them with the following "All developments within the Bowmanville Creek watershed will be undertaken in accordance with the policies of the Brookhill Tributary Subwatershed Plan." 57. In renumbered Section 16.2.5, by adding the words "or Subwatershed Plan" to the end of the last sentence. 25 58. In renumbered Section 17.2.1 b), a) by adding the words "or any commercial development with loading, refuse pick-up or drive-through facilities within 60 metres of a sensitive use" to the end of the first sentence; and b) by adding the words "as appropriate" to the end of the last sentence. 59. In renumbered Section 17.2.2, by adding the following new sentence to the end of the Section; "In the event of a comprehensive review, Rezoning By-laws may be considered in advance of a site plan but will be subject to holding provisions in accordance with the policies of Section 24 of the Official Plan and Section 17.2.3 and 17.2.4 of this Plan." 60. By adding new Sections 17.2.3 and 17.2.4 as follows: "17.2.3 In addition to the provisions of Section 23.4.2 of the Official Plan, Holding Symbols may be used to ensure achievement of the policies of this Secondary Plan by establishing conditions linking the development of new commercial space to population growth in Clarington, the achievement of urban design policies and objectives through site plan agreements and agreement on the provision of infrastructure. 17.2.4 In addition to provisions of Section 23.4.3 of the Official Plan, prior to the lifting of a Holding Symbol, the following provisions apply in respect to the Secondary Plan Area: a) plans for the proposed development show that the proponent has successfully implemented the Urban Design Policies contained in Section 13 and the results of studies required under Section 17.2.1, and the market, land use and transportation objectives of this Plan to the satisfaction of the Municipality; b) arrangements have been made satisfactory to the Municipality for the construction of the public streets identified in Section 15.2.6 as critical components of the grid street system; and c) arrangements have been made to the satisfaction of the Municipality for the construction of private streets identified on Map A and their future dedication as public streets if the Municipality requires their dedication in the future. 61 . By amending Section 17.1 by adding the following sentence at the beginning: "Market, land use, urban design and transportation objectives and policies will be considered comprehensively in the implementation of this plan." 26 62. In renumbered Section 17.4, by renumbering the text as Section 17.4.1 and, a) by deleting the words "regard shall be had for" and replacing them with the words "shall comply with"; and b) by inserting the words "policies of this Plan and any Urban Design" between "Urban Design" and "Guidelines". 63. By adding a new Section 17.4.2 as follows: "17.4.2 Where a proponent submits a proposal for the development of land, the Municipality will require that the proponent demonstrate how the proposed design and organization of the site and buildings: a) Addresses the policies of this Plan, in particular the urban design policies of Section 13; b) Contributes to a compact, urban, pedestrian-oriented form and function, that enhances pedestrian accessibility, strengthens walking as the preferred means of getting from place to place and adds pedestrian amenities such as textured paving, seating benches and landscaped areas; c) Provides for access from transit stops; d) Contributes physical links into and integrates with the adjacent community; e) Contributes to the continuity of building faffade along the street; f) Orients such elements as public entrances, display windows, canopies, and signage to the street; and g) Locates and designs parking areas appropriately. 64. In renumbered Section 18, a) by adding the Section number 18.1 in front of the first sentence; b) by adding the Section number 18.2 in front of the last sentence that begins "The policies of the Plan"; c) by adding the following words to the end of Section 18.2; "In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the Official Plan and this Plan, the Secondary Plan shall prevail." 65. By adding a new Section 18.3 as follows: "18.3 Definitions a) Department Store "department store" shall mean a retail store containing a minimum of 5,000 square metres of gross leasable floor space organized into 27 a number of individual departments and primarily engaged in the sale of a wide variety of commodities which shall include clothing, hardware, home furnishings and household appliances. b) LEED Rating System "LEED Rating System" shall mean the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Green Building Rating System established by the Canada Green Building Council as amended from time to time." 66. By amending Map A - Land Use as shown on Exhibit "A" 67. By Adding Schedules A and B. 28 EXHIBIT "A" To Official Plan Amendment No. 44 ~ U Q: ~ ~ w ~ ~ VI Vi ~ ..J ~ W Z 0 ..J <( 5 Q: W Z U <( U w !Z 0 0 U Q: ~ ~ ~ 0 w U 0 W :I: ~ Q: :::E ~ 0 ..JQ: U Vi :I: w ~ j!;<( Cl Cl ~ ~ 0 ~~ Z-' :I:..J :I:~ ~ 0 :I: Zz ~~ w~ w 0 U ~ ~ Q: wo Q: :> w.... u ..J Z z ~13 :::EZ !!!~ VlZ I 0 ....0 :>~ Q:o -w t;:; w ~ :> :> CD Ow ....z Q:o w <..> w :::E ~ :I: Q;b VI:> BVi ~Vi oVi [;: ~ :::E Cl wo ~ z G:i ~Q: Ww ow -w ... w 0 0 ~CD ~Q: -,Q: ~Q: 0 Cl U U Z wll. ,?;- '(ij c: <D c~ s::.o .2l 0) I2 CD Cll lIlU a::~ ~~ o c: ...JCD "'0 :g'in <(~ <D~ III Cll a::~ ,?;-:2~ '(ij :f: '(ij c: 0 CD CDI-O:: c" ,?;- s::.- .- 0).!1! :g :fcCD " <DC E:2s::. e lIl.2l ILO::I . ~ 1:: <D U c: ~ ~ "Cll e" <(,?;- >.= u U :=Cll OIL :=,?;- m'- ._ c: u :> <D E o.E ~o EP eo ILl- ro E <D '0 '(ij <D 0:: ,?;- '(ij c: <D C s::. 0) :f <D III a:: ~ o .-J n ro .~ <D E E o U ~ <D c: <D S' . 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