HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-044 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 2006- 044 Being a By-law to adopt Amendment No.43 to the Clarington Official Plan WHEREAS Section 17 (22) of the Planning Act RS.O. 1990, as amended, authorizes the Municipality of Clarington to pass by-laws for the adoption or repeal of Official Plans and Amendments thereto; AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend the Clarington Official Plan to implement the recommendations of the Clarington Commercial Policy Review and its various supporting documentation; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVE THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment No.43 to the Clarington Official Plan, being attached Explanatory Text and Maps, is hereby adopted. 2. That this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date of the passing hereof. BY-LAW read a first time this 1 day of March 2006 BY-LAW read a second time this 1 day of March 2006 BY-LAW read a third and final time this 1 day of March 2006 AMENDMENT NO. 43 TO THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN March 1, 2006 PURPOSE: To implement the recommendations of the Commercial Policy Review and the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan Review. Amendment 43 amends the Clarington Official Plan, the Bowmanville East Main Central Area Secondary Plan, the Courtice Sub-Central Area Secondary Plan, the Newcastle Village Main Central Area Secondary Plan and the South-West Courtice Secondary Plan. BASIS: This Amendment is based on the Clarington Commercial Policy Review: Final Report - Recommended Policy Changes dated May 30,2005 and the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan Review dated May 30, 2005 prepared by Meridian Planning Consultants Inc., the supporting analysis by market, urban design and transportation and engineering sub-consultants and further reviewed by municipal staff. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Clarington Official Plan The Clarington Official Plan is hereby amended as follows: 1. By adding a new Section 4.2.9 as follows: "4.2.9 To minimize light pollution from existing and new development. " 2. By adding a new Section 4.3.6 as follows: "4.3.6 The Municipality will seek to minimize light pollution by: a) developing lighting standards for all forms of development to ensure community safety while minimizing negative impacts from lighting; b) utilizing appropriate street-lighting; and c) retrofitting existing street-lighting luminaries over time." 3. In Section 5.3.6, by replacing the words "Main or Sub-Central Areas" with the words "Town and Village Centres". 4. In Section 9.3.5, a) by deleting the number "100" in Sub-section a) and replacing it with the number "500"; 1 b) by deleting the words "is not located on" in Sub-section c) and replacing them with the words "does not have direct access to"; c) by deleting the word "and" at the end of Sub-section b) and inserting it at the end of Sub-section c); d) by adding the following new sub-section: "d) parking shall be located at the side or rear of the building," 5. In Table 9-1, by replacing the words "Central Areas" with the words "Town or Village Centres". 6. By deleting Table 9.2, and replacing it with a new Table 9-2 as follows: Table 9-2 Housing Targets by Neighbourhoods Urban Area Housing Units Neighbourhoods Low Medium High Intensification Total Courtice N1 Town Centre 0 0 250 100 350 N2 West Shopping District 0 0 0 350 350 N3 Worden 1175 125 0 100 1400 N4 Highland 1225 100 0 75 1400 N5 Glenview 550 535 0 50 1135 N6 Hancock 850 100 0 25 975 N7 Avondale 825 200 0 275 1300 N8 Emily Stowe 1475 275 0 550 2300 N9 Penfound 1075 75 0 75 1225 N10 Darlington 450 25 0 383 858 N11 Bayview 1150 300 125 50 1625 N12 Farewell Heights>' - - - - - TOTAL 8775 1735 375 2033 12918 Bowmanville N1 East Town Centre 0 700 225 275 1200 N2 West Town Centre 0 250 1500 0 1750 N3 Memorial 975 0 250 350 1575 N4 Central 425 125 75 75 700 N5 Vincent Massey 1025 200 0 175 1400 N6 Apple Blossom 1300 225 0 125 1650 N7 Elgin 1025 200 50 150 1425 N8 Fenwick 1325 525 0 100 1950 N9 Knox 1450 300 175 125 2050 N10 Northglen 975 250 50 50 1325 N11 Brookhill 1325 350 0 75 1750 N12 Darlington Green 700 175 0 125 1000 N13 Westvale 1025 375 275 75 1750 N14 Waverly 1075 275 50 75 1475 N15 Port Darlington 550 450 175 25 1200 2 TOTAL 13175 4400 2825 1800 22,200 NewcasUe Village N1 Village Centre 0 100 50 75 225 N2 Graham 1075 100 0 100 1275 N3 Foster 1450 200 0 125 1775 N4 Port of NewcasUe 500 325 250 0 1075 N5 North Village 1050 250 0 50 1350 N6 Wilmot 960 0 0 0 960 TOTAL II 5035 975 300 350 6660 7. In Section 9,5.5 c), by replacing the words "Local Central Areas" with the words "Neighbourhood Centres". 8. In Chapter 10, by deleting the words "Central Areas" in the title and replacing them with the words "Town, Village and Neighbourhood Centres". 9. In Section 10.1.1, by deleting the words "Central Areas" and replacing them with the words "Town and Village Centres". 10. In Section 10.1.2, by deleting the words "other types of specialized commercial uses to meet the needs of residents" and by replacing them with the words "a full range of choice in goods and services for local residents and businesses." 11. In Section 10.1.3, by deleting the words "and direct them to appropriate locations" and replacing them with the words "in an appropriate manner." 12. By adding the following new section: "10.1.4 To protect and foster the role of downtowns." 13. In Section 1 0.2.1, by deleting the words "Main Central Areas" and replacing them with the words "Town Centres (East and West)". 14. In Section 10.2.2, by deleting the words "Central Area" and replacing them with the words "Town and Village Centre". 15. In Section 1 0.2.3, a) by deleting the words "Central Areas" and replacing them with the words "Town, Village, Neighbourhood and the Port of Newcastle Harbourfront Centres"; b) by deleting the word "and" between the words "parks" and "walkways" and replacing with a comma; and, c) by adding the words "and building forms and styles that reflect the character of the community" at the end of the sentence. 16. In Section 10.2.5, by adding the words "and auto-oriented building forms" to the end of the sentence. 3 17. By adding the following new section: "10.2.6 To provide opportunities for and to encourage future intensification and infill with new development." 18. In Section 1 0.3, by deleting the words "for Central Areas"; from the section's title. 19. By deleting Section 1 0.3.1 in its entirety and replacing it with the following new section: "10.3.1 Town and Village Centres, Neighbourhood Centres, Highway Commercial Districts, the Courtice West Shopping District and the Port of Newcastle Harbourfront Centre are shown on Map A, with population allocations indicated on Map E." 20, By renumbering Section 10.3.2 as Section 10.4.5 and by making the following changes to the renumbered Section 10.4.5: a) by deleting the words "Central Areas" in the first sentence and replacing them with the words "Town and Village Centres"; b) in Sub-section c) by inserting the words "municipal squares," before the words "pocket parkettes" and by inserting the word "street-related buildings," after the words "pocket parkettes"; c) in Sub-section d) by deleting the words "Central Areas" and replacing them with the words "Town and Village Centres"; and d) by adding the following new sentence at the end of the Section: "Urban design principles will be further elaborated through the urban design policy for specific Town and Village Centres as set out in Section 10.4.6 of the Official Plan and Secondary Plans. Development shall comply with area specific urban design guidelines," 21. By adding a new Section 10.3.2 as follows: "10.3.2 No new Town or Village Centre, Shopping District or Highway Commercial District or expansion to any of these Centres or Districts shall be permitted unless approved as part of the comprehensive review of the Official Plan. It is the Municipality's policy to seek additional development and intensification of the Bowmanville East and West Town Centres prior to considering of the expansion of existing Centres or Districts or designating new Centres or Districts. Notwithstanding the above, new Neighbourhood Centres 4 may be designated through a neighbourhood planning process". 22. By deleting Sections 10.3.3 to Section 10.3.6 inclusive; 23. By adding a new Section 10.3.3 as follows: "10.3.3 Applications to amend the Official Plan to expand significantly any Town, Village or Neighbourhood Centre, Shopping District or Highway Commercial District or to designate any new Neighbourhood Centre may require a retail impact study, as determined by Council in their sole discretion, to assess the impact on the planned function of Town and Village Centres. The retail impact study shall be prepared by an independent qualified consultant retained by the Municipality at the expense of the applicant." 24. By adding a new Section 10.3.4 as follows: "10.3.4 The ongoing health and vitality of Town and Village Centres, in particular the historic downtowns, will be encouraged by: a) phasing major retail growth in accordance with population growth in Clarington; b) municipal investment in public infrastructure; c) municipal programs to encourage private sector investment in redevelopment and the restoration and adaptive reuse of historic buildings; d) participation in appropriate programs of senior levels of government; e) preparation of community improvement plans; f) fostering and assisting merchant groups and associations; and g) encouraging joint marketing efforts." 25. By adding a new Section 10.3.5 as follows: "10.3.5 Signage is recognized as an integral part of good community design and image. It is municipal policy that: a) the design and scale of signage shall complement rather than dominate the landscape: b) it shall be incorporated as an integral part of a building or site layout wherever possible: 5 c) it will not unduly detract from the overall visual attractiveness of the built environment for both pedestrians and motorists; and d) it will be designed and located so as not to be hazardous for either pedestrians or motorists. More specific guidance regarding signage shall be provided through urban design policies and the Municipality's Sign By-law. Special signage requirements may be defined for the historic downtowns and other unique areas of the Municipality." 26. By adding a new Section 10.3.6 as follows: "10.3.6 As part of the Municipality's program of streetscape improvements, developers or owners of commercial properties will be encouraged to assist in the creation of a high quality public realm through contributions to street tree planting and street furniture in addition to landscaping improvements on private lands." 27. Section 10.3.7 is renumbered as Section 10.4.6 and amended as follows: a) by deleting the words "In the review of development applications" and replacing with the words "In Town or Village Centres where detailed urban design guidelines have not been prepared". b) by deleting the words "for Central Areas" and replacing them with the words "of 10.4.5". c) by adding the words and punctuation "through the review and approval of development applications." after the words "shall be implemented". d) by deleting from Sub-section c) the word "and" now between the words "commercial" and "residential" and by adding the words "and community use" before the words "shall be achieved". e) in Sub-section d) by adding words "with particular regard to screening parking areas visible to the street, providing shade for pedestrians and mitigating heat island effects" at the end of the clause. f) by inserting a new Sub-section (f) and (g) as follows: "f) lighting impacts will be minimized; g) energy efficient design and orientation which maximizes the use of alternative or renewable energy such as solar and wind energy and the mitigating effects of vegetation will be encouraged wherever possible;" 6 and by renumbering all subsequent Sub-sections of the renumbered Section 10.4.6 accordingly. g) in renumbered Sub-section (h) by adding the words "wherever possible and in all other situations within separate buildings of similar design to the principal building on the lot" at the end of the clause. h) in renumbered Sub-section (i) by deleting the word "and" after the word "unobtrusive" and adding the words and punctuation "anticipated noise impacts will be mitigated, the areas will be". 28, In Section 10.4, by deleting the words "Main Central Areas" in the title and replacing them with the words "Town and Village Centres" , 29, In Section 10.4.1, a) by deleting the words "Main Central Areas shall be planned and" in the first sentence and replacing them with the words "Town and Village Centres shall be "; b) by deleting the words "activities within the Municipality"; and replacing them with the words "activity in each community with the Town Centres". c) by deleting the words "They shall" in the second sentence" and replacing them with the words "Town and Village Centres will"; 30. By deleting Section 10.4.2 in its entirety, and by replacing it with a new Section 1 0.4.2 as follows: "10.4.2 Each Town and Village Centre will have a distinct character and function generally in accordance with the following: a) Town Centres will be larger in scale, provide goods and services for a large segment of Clarington's population and will develop with a higher overall density than Village Centres; b) Bowmanville Town Centres (East and West) will be planned and developed as a centre of regional significance providing the highest level of retail and service uses and shall be the primary focal point of cultural, community, recreational and institutional uses in Clarington; c) Village Centres will be smaller in scale, be developed at similar densities as the historic downtowns and shall serve primarily local needs for goods and services; and 7 d) Town and Village Centres will maintain and enhance the historic character of each community." 31, By adding a new Section 10.4.3 as follows: "10.4.3 The Municipality will seek to achieve the following targets for Town and Village Centres: Centre Gross Leasable Maximum Floor Floor Space for Space Index Retail and Service Uses (square metres) Bowmanville East 80,000 1.5 Town Centre Bowmanville West 100,000 1.5 Town Centre Courtice 30,000 1.5 Town Centre Newcastle 20,000 0,75 Villaae Centre Orono 7,500 0.4 Villaae Centre The maximum floor space index shown in Table 10.1 is the maximum floor space permitted on a net development parcel." 32. By deleting Section 10.4.4 in its entirety, and by replacing it with the following new Section 10.4.4: "10.4.4 Town and Village Centres shall be comprehensively developed in accordance with Secondary Plans which shall encourage and provide for: a) residential and/or mixed use developments in order to achieve higher densities and reinforce the objective of achieving a diverse mix of land uses; b) redevelopment and intensification with a wide array of uses within the Town or Village Centre; and c) other uses that are complementary to the intended commercial functions." 33, By adding a new Section 10.4.7 as follows: "10.4.7 Drive-through facilities are not desirable in Town and Village Centres. Drive-through facilities will be prohibited in certain areas and appropriately regulated in other areas to minimize impacts on roads and the pedestrian environment, to ensure compatibility with adjacent uses and to achieve the built-form objectives of this Plan and the Secondary Plans. The following policies shall apply to the development of drive-through facilities where they are permitted: 8 a) any drive-through facility must be located on a lot sufficiently sized to accommodate all activities associated with the drive-through facility; b) all buildings containing drive-through facilities shall be oriented to the primary street frontage. No portion of the stacking lane and no parking spaces or drive aisle shall be located within the setback area; c) drive-through facilities shall be sufficiently separated from residential uses to avoid issues of land use compatibility; d) a drive-through facility will have sufficient dedicated stacking lane to prevent vehicles from interfering with on-site and off-site vehicular circulation; and e) any additional policies as may be contained in Secondary Plans." 34, By renumbering Section 10.4.3 as "Section 10.4.8" and: a) by deleting the words "Main Central Area" in the first sentence and replacing them with the words ''Town Centre"; b) by deleting the second sentence in its entirety and by replacing it with the following new sentence: "Detailed land use policies for the Courtice Town Centre will be provided for in a Secondary Plan." 35. In Section 10.5, by deleting the words "Sub-Central Areas" in the title and replacing them with the words "Courtice West Shopping District". 36. By deleting Section 10.5.1 in its entirety, and by replacing it with the following revised section: "10.5.1 The Courtice West Shopping District serves the surrounding urban areas through the provision of uses which complement the Courtice Town Centre including retail, service, office, residential, cultural, community and recreational uses." 37. By deleting Sections 10.5.2 and 10.5.3. 38. By adding new Sections 10.5.2 and 10.5.3 as follows: "10.5.2 In conjunction with the adjacent lands in the City of Oshawa, the Courtice West Shopping District shall be developed and function primarily as a shopping district serving portions of the Oshawa and Courtice urban areas. 10.5.3 Specific development policies and land uses shall be provided for in the Courtice West Shopping District Secondary Plan. All proposed development shall comply with the provisions of Section 10.4.6 c) to k)." 9 39, In Section 10.6, by deleting the words "Local Central Areas" in the title and replacing them with the words "Neighbourhood Centres" , 40. By deleting Section 1 0.6.1 in its entirety, and by replacing it with the following new section: "10,6.1 Neighbourhood Centres are to serve as focal points for residential communities and provide for day to day retail and service needs. They shall be planned and developed in a comprehensive manner. The maximum amount of gross leasable floorspace in any one Neighbourhood Centre shall be 5,000 square metres. " 41. In Section 10.6.2, a) by deleting from the first sentence, the words "Local Central Areas shall develop as mixed use areas containing commercial, residential" replacing them with the words "Neighbourhood Centres are intended to be developed with adjacent areas as transit nodes containing higher density residential uses and wherever possible "; and b) by deleting the second sentence. 42, In Section 10.6.3, a) by deleting the first sentence and replacing it with the following: "An appropriate range of retail and service uses will be identified in the Zoning By-law in accordance with the following: a) uses will be appropriate to be located in proximity to adjacent residential areas; b) uses will be limited in scale; c) drive-through restaurant uses will not be permitted; and d) mixed-use development will be encouraged." b) by deleting Table 10-1 in its entirety. 43. By deleting Section 1 0.6.4 in its entirety and by replacing it with the following new Section 10.6.4: "10.6.4 In the review of development applications, the following site development and urban design criteria will be implemented: a) a floor space index for retail uses on any site not exceeding 0.30; b) a maximum combined floor space index of 0.50 where there are second storey office or residential uses; 10 c) with the exception of a grocery store/supermarket, a maximum of 500 square metres of gross leasable floor area for any individual store; d) street-related building forms are preferred but as a minimum direct pedestrian access will be provided from the street to some stores within 4 m of the streetline; e) compliance with Section 10.4,6 b) to i); and f) provision of a public square in accordance with Sections 10.6,5 and 10.6.6." 44. In Section 1 0.6.5, a) by deleting the words "Local Central Areas" in the first sentence and replacing them with the words "Neighbourhood Centres"; b) by deleting the words "for the community" in the first sentence; and c) by deleting the words "For those Local Central Areas with a public square requirement on Table 10-1, a publicly- accessible square shall be constructed either as a public parkette or as part of a commercial development." from the second sentence and replacing them with the words "Public squares will be designed as a high quality urban environment with such amenities as appropriate paving, landscaped areas, benches, refuse containers, bicycle stands, lighting, public art and other elements that enhance the social and physical environment." 45. By deleting Section 10.6.6 in its entirety and replacing it with the following: "10.6.6 Public squares shall be constructed either as a public parkette or as part of a commercial development with the right of the public to access the square secured by appropriate means. Public squares are required at the following Neighbourhood Centres: . Bloor/Prestonvale . Liberty/Longworth . Regional Road 57/Concession Road 3 . Concession/Mearns . Port of Newcastle . Any new Neighbourhood Centres identified by amendment to this Plan." 46. By deleting Section 10.7 in its entirety and replacing it with the following: 11 "10.7 Port of Newcastle Harbourfront Centre 10,7,1 The Port of Newcastle Harbourfront Centre is identified on Map A4. The Harbourfront Centre shall be planned and developed as a community focal point and part of the tourism node at the Port of Newcastle. The Harbourfront Centre will be a high quality urban environment that builds on the existing natural setting, marina and park development and views of the waterfront. 10.7.2 Within the Harbourfront Centre a variety of uses are permitted which are compatible with the marina and District Park including multiple residential, retail and services uses, professional offices, a small hotel, places of entertainment, and recreational, cultural and community facilities. Retail uses will be appropriate for and scaled to meet neighbourhood or tourism needs. The hotel shall be appropriately designed and scaled for a small town harbourfront location. The maximum number of multiple residential units in the Harbourfront Centre is 250. 10.7.3 The Harbourfront Centre shall be developed to the highest design standard. In the review of development applications, the following urban design and site development criteria shall be implemented; a) buildings should be harmonious in form and architectural style, have a consistent setback from the street and valley, and shall be oriented to provide views of the waterfront and the marina; b) buildings will have a maximum height of five storeys on the front and/or street facades; c) the maximum floor space index for any site shall not exceed 0.75; d) a safe, well-defined pedestrian walkway system will link to the Waterfront Trail, the marina area and the District Park with attractive landscaping and signage to enhance the pedestrian experience; e) a consistent design and use of materials will be used for all signage, benches and light fixtures throughout; f) convenient parking areas shall be screened by landscaping; g) loading spaces shall be strategically located to minimize the visual and noise disturbances and all refuse containers shall be fully enclosed; and h) outdoor amenity areas associated with residential development shall be designed with quality landscaping, safe pedestrian walkways, appropriate 12 lighting and other elements to enhance the overall character of any residential development. 10.7.4 A public square shall be designed as an integral component of the Harbourfront Centre. It shall serve as a neighbourhood gathering place and a centre of attraction for tourists. The public square shall be designed and developed in accordance with the following: a) it shall comply with public square provisions of Sections 10.6.5 and 10.6.6; b) it shall be located in association with commercial and hotel uses; c) it shall be physically defined by building facades; and d) it shall provide opportunities for views, vistas and pedestrian linkages to the surroundings area." 47. By deleting Section 10.8 in its entirety. 48. By renumbering Section 10.9 as Section 10.8, by renumbering the Sub-sections of renumbered 10.8 accordingly, and by deleting the words "Highway Commercial Areas" from the title to Section 10.8 in the Section and replacing them with the words "Highway Commercial Districts". 49, By deleting the text of the renumbered Section 1 0.8.1 and replacing it with the following: "Highway Commercial Districts are to serve the specialized needs of residents on an occasional basis. Highway Commercial Districts generally require large parcels of land to accommodate certain types of large format retailers, which require exposure to traffic and may require outdoor storage and display. Permitted uses may include motor vehicle sales and service establishments, home improvement centres, large format home furnishing stores and other similar large format retailers, garden centres and nurseries, restaurants, motels, hotels, and service stations, but do not include motor vehicle body shops, department stores, food stores, banks and warehouse merchandise clubs." 50. In the renumbered Section 10.8.2, a) by deleting the word "Areas" in the first sentence and replacing it with the word "Districts; b) in clause c) Bullet 1 by adding a "semi-colon" at the end; c) in clause c) Bullet 2 by adding a "semi-colon" at the end; d) in clause c) Bullet 3 by adding a "semi-colon" and the word "and" at the end; 13 e) in clause d) by deleting the word "and" at the end of and replacing it with a "period"; and f) by deleting clause e). 51. In the renumbered Section 10.8.3, a) by deleting the word "Areas" from the first sentence and replacing it with the words and figures "Districts in Section 10.8.2"; b) by deleting clauses d), f) and g) and renumbering clause e) as clause "d)"; and c) by adding a new clause e) as follows: "e) compliance with the provisions of 10.4.6 c) to i)." 52. In renumbered Section 10.8.4, by deleting the word "Areas" from the first sentence and replacing it with the word "Districts". 53. By deleting renumbered Section 1 0.8.5 in its entirety. 54. By renumbering Section 1 0.1 0 as Section 10.9 by deleting the second sentence and by replacing it with the following: "Service stations are establishments which primarily sell gasoline and associated automotive products. A service station may include accessory uses such as the repair of vehicles, a car wash, restaurants, and a small convenience store." 55. In renumbered Section 10.9.2, a) by adding the word "that" after the word "provided"; b) by deleting Sub-section a) and replacing it with the following; "a) a maximum of one (1) service station may be permitted at any intersection, with the exception that in a Highway Commercial District or Employment Area a maximum of two (2) service stations may be permitted diagonally opposite each other at any intersection;" c) by deleting Sub-section b) and replacing it with the following new Sub-section b) as follows; "b) it is not adjacent to or opposite schools or public recreation facilities;" d) in Sub-section c) by deleting the words "locations shall" and replacing them with the words "it does". e) by deleting Sub-section e), and replacing it with the following: "e) primary access is taken from an arterial or collector road; and" f) by adding a new Sub-section f) as follows: 14 "f) it has no undue adverse effect on adjacent residential uses." 56. By deleting the renumbered Section 10.9.3 and replacing it with the following: "10.9.3 Notwithstanding Section 1 0.9.2 a), service stations will not be permitted at prominent intersections in Town or Village Centres or other locations which Council deems to have important visual significance for gateways to communities." 57. By renumbering Section 10.9.4 as 10.9.5 and by adding a new Section 10.9.4 as follows: "10.9.4 Service stations will be designed with the following considerations: a) high quality architectural design, landscape treatment and fencing with particular attention to corner treatment; b) lots should be sufficiently large to accommodate the proposed uses and provide appropriate buffers to adjacent uses; c) access points to each site shall be limited in number and shall not impede traffic flows. Internal access to adjacent commercial properties shall be provided wherever possible; d) convenience retail uses shall be sensitively designed to the context, have high quality finishes facing the street, generally have less than 250 square metres of floor area, generally be sited on the street corner; and in urban areas provide direct pedestrian access from the sidewalk; e) ancillary drive-through facilities are prohibited in Town and Village Centres and in all other areas will be sufficiently separated from residential uses; f) garbage will be accommodated internally or within a separate and fully enclosed structure with architecture that matches the principle building; g) fencing, landscaping and architectural treatments, and other appropriate measures will be used to mitigate any noise impacts identified by a noise study; h) signage shall be minimized; and i) lighting and glare will be minimized in accordance with municipal policy and appropriate road authority requirements." 15 58. In Section 11.5.2, by deleting the last sentence that reads "Large scale retail warehouses may be permitted by amendment to this Plan subject to the provisions of Section 10.9.5". 59, In Section 12.4.1, by adding the words "service stations" after the words "arts and craft shops" in the third sentence, and by adding the following new sentence at the end of the Section: "Service stations shall also be subject to the policies of Section 10.9 of this Plan." 60, In Section 16.2.5, by adding the following after the first sentence. "The marina area is to be fully integrated with the designated Harbourfront Centre and shall be developed in accordance with the following: a) an integrated system of publicly accessible walkways will connect the Harbourfront Centre with the marina area, the District Park and the Waterfront Trail; b) the marina development will be fully integrated with the District Park with complementary recreation facilities and amenity areas, joint access arrangements and shared parking facilities; c) the marina clubhouse will have complementary architectural style and form, and shall incorporate common streetscape elements and landscape themes with the Harbourfront Centre development; and d) off-season boat storage shall be only permitted immediately adjacent to the marina," 61. In Section 16.7.1, by replacing the word "Areas" with the words "Districts" . 62. In Section 16.8.2, by replacing the words "Main and Sub- Central Areas" with the words "Town and Village Centres". 63. In Section 16.10, by deleting the entire section and replacing it with the following notation: "16.10 Special Policy Area H deleted by Amendment 43" 64. . In Sections 17.2.1 and 17.2.2, by deleting the words "Main Central Area" from these Sections and by replacing them with the words "Town Centre". 65. In Section 18.5.4, by replacing the words "Main Central Areas" with the words "Town and Village Centres". 66. In Table 19-1, by replacing the words "Central Areas" with the words "Town and Village Centres". 67. In Section 19.5.4, a) by deleting the words "Main and Sub-Central Areas and the Orono Local Central Area shall reflect" from the third 16 sentence and by replacing them with the words "Town and Village Centres"; b) by deleting the words "reflect the" in the third sentence and by replacing them with the words "be consistent with"; c) by deleting the words "East Main Central Area" in the last sentence and by replacing them with the words "Town Centre"; e) by deleting the words "Main Central Area" after the words "Newcastle Village" in the last sentence and by replacing them with the word "Centre"; and f) by deleting the words "Local Central Area" in the last sentence and replacing them with the words "Village Centre". 68. By adding a new Section 19.5.5 as follows: "19.5.5 The Municipality will undertake a streetscape improvement program with particular attention to Town and Village Centres, the Regional Transit Spine on Highway 2, and gateway locations to each urban community." 69. In Section 19.5.5, by amending the references to correspond with the new designations for Town and Village Centres such that Table 19-2 reads as follows: TABLE 19-2 EXCEPTIONS TO ARTERIAL ROAD STANDARDS IN TOWN AND VILLAGE CENTRES AND HAMLETS Town or Village Centre or Road From To Right-of-way Hamlet Width Courtice Town Centre Trulls Road South limit of North limit of 30m Town Centre Town Centre Bowmanville East Town King Street Bowmanville Meams Avenue 20-26 m Centre Creek NewcasUe Village Centre King Street West Limit of Mill Street 20-26 m Village Centre King Street Mill Street East limit of 26-30 m Villace Centre Mill Street South limit of North limit of 20-26 m Villace Centre Villace Centre Orono Village Centre Mill Street Station Street North limit of 20-26 m Villace Centre Enfield Reg. Rd. 20 West limit of the East limit of the 36m Hamlet Hamlet Reg. Rd. 34 South limit of the North limit of the 36m Hamlet Hamlet Enniskillen Reg. Rd,3 West limit of the East limit of the 26-30 m Hamlet Hamlet BrownsviUe Hwy.2 West limit of the East limit of the 30m Hamlet Hamlet Newtonville Hwy.2 West limit of the East limit of the 26m Hamlet Hamlet Reg. Rd. 18 South limit of the North limit of the 26m Hamlet Hamlet 17 70. By adding a new Section 19.6.3 as follows: "19.6.3 Notwithstanding the above provisions, on the future Brookhill Boulevard, private individual accesses to detached and semi-detached dwellings and street townhouses will not be permitted." 71. In Section 19.8,1, by replacing the words "Main Central Area" with the words "West Town Centre". 72. In Section 21.2,3, by replacing the words "Main Central Areas" with the words "Town and Village Centres". 73. Deleting Section 23.8.2 and replacing it with the following: 23.8.2 As part of a submission for site plan approval, the Municipality requires that the proponent to demonstrate how the proposed design and the organization of the site and buildings: a) implements the urban design policies of the Official Plan and any relevant Secondary Plans; b) in Town and Village Centres and in Residential Neighbourhoods, contributes to compact, urban and pedestrian-oriented form and function that enhances pedestrian and transit accessibility; c) safely addresses vehicular traffic impacts; d) implements sustainable development objectives including protection of the natural heritage system, energy efficiency, minimizing light pollution and water consumption, stormwater management controls, tree planting and other enhancements to the natural environment; e) protects, enhances or restores the Municipality's built heritage; f) integrates with surrounding ultimate land uses and addresses impacts due to noise, traffic, overshadowing, and wind effects; g) provides landscaped areas and urban amenities consistent with the context of the planned land uses and the Municipality's landscaping design and amenity requ irements; h) makes appropriate provision for sequential staging of services including the construction of infrastructure to service the site; and i) implements any other relevant policies of this Plan. 18 74. In Section 24, by adding a definition for LEED Rating System as follows: "LEED Rating System - refers to the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Green Building Rating System established by the Canada Green Building Council as amended from time to time." 75. In Section 24, by deleting the definition for "Retail Uses" and replacing it with the following definition: "Retail Uses - Uses where goods or merchandise are sold such as, food, general merchandise, apparel, hardware, home furnishings, specialty retail, beer, liquor and wine automotive products, and home improvement products, including department stores and supermarkets. 76. In Section 24, by deleting the definition for "Retail Warehouse" in its entirety. 77. In Section 24, by deleting the definition for "Personal Service Uses" and replacing it with the following definition: "Service Uses - Uses such as restaurants, hair salons, dry cleaners, shoe repair, video rental stores, tailors, laundromats travel agencies, photographers, veterinary clinics, fitness and health clubs, medical and dental offices, legal and real estate offices, financial and insurance offices, bank kiosks, appliance repair shops, and personnel agencies. 78. By adding the words "including roads" to the end of Sub-section 23.4.3 a). 79. By amending Map A2 - Land Use: Courtice as shown on Exhibit "An. 80, By amending Map A3 - Land Use: Bowmanville as shown on Exhibits "B" and "B1 ". 81, By amending Map A4 - Land Use: Newcastle Village as shown on Exhibit "C". 82, By amending Map A5 - Land Use: Orono as shown on Exhibit "D". 83. By amending Map B3 - Transportation: Bowmanville as shown on Exhibit "E". 84. By amending Map E1 - Neighbourhood Planning Units: Courtice as shown on Exhibit "F". 85. By amending Map E2 - Neighbourhood Planning Units: Bowmanville as shown on Exhibit "G". 86. By amending Map E3 - Neighbourhood Planning Units: Newcastle Village as shown on Exhibit "H". 19 Bowmanville East Main Central Area Secondary Plan The Bowmanville East Main Central Area Secondary Plan is hereby amended as follows: 1, By renaming the Secondary Plan as the "Bowmanville East Town Centre Secondary Plan". 2. By deleting all references to "East Main Central Area" and replacing them with the words "East Town Centre" and by deleting all references to "West Main Central Area" and replacing them with the words "West Town Centre" . 3. By amend Section 3.2 by delete the words "provide for" and replacing them with the word "encourage", to delete the word "establishments" and replace it with the words "and service businesses", and to delete the words "in merchandise categories" such that it reads as follows: "3.2 To encourage the vitality of retail and service businesses which serve a regional market." 4. By deleting Section 4.2. and replacing it with the following: "4.2 This Plan provides for approximately 80,000 square metres of retail and service floorspace, generally as follows: a) Downtown 35,000 square metres b) East Business District 45,000 square metres" 5, By renumbering the existing Section 4.5 as Section 4.6. 6, By inserting a new Section 4.5 as follows: "4.5 Future studies will be undertaken to determine the intensification potential within the East Town Centre for additional residential and commercial development, consistent with emerging Provincial policy and the historic character of the community." 7. By adding a new Section 4.7 as follows: "4.7 For the purpose of Section 1 0.9 3 of the Official Plan and in consideration of land use and urban design objectives of this Plan, the intersections of King Street with Liberty Street, Simpson Avenue and Mearns Avenue are prominent intersections which Council deems to have important visual significance." 8, In Section 5.2, by deleting the word "personal" before the word "service". 9. In Section 5.3, by deleting the word "personal" before the word "service" and by adding the words "and the portion of the East Business District west of Liberty Street" such that Section 5.3 reads as follows: "5.3 Notwithstanding the above, no drive-through retail or service establishments are permitted in the Street-Related Commercial 20 Area in the Downtown and the portion of the East Business District west of Liberty Street." 10. By deleting the title of Section 6 and replacing it with the title "General Commercial Area", 11, In Section 6.2, by deleting the word "personal" before the word "service". 12. By deleting the word "and" at the end of Sub-section 7.3 c). 13, By renumbering Sub-section 7.3 d) to Sub-section 7.3 e). 14, By adding a new Sub-section 7.3 d) as follows: "7.3 d) additions should enhance the pedestrian character of the streetscape; and" 15. By deleting the title of Section 9 and replacing it with the title "Parks and Squares" . 16. By renumbering Section 9.3 as Section 9.4. 17. By adding a new Section 9.3 as follows: "9.3 The Municipality will endeavour to enhance the social and physical environment of the Downtown by creating a larger, functional civic square in proximity to the Municipal Administrative Centre." 18, In Section 10.5, by adding the words "and private corporations" after the words "senior levels of government", 19, In Sub-section 12.3 b), by adding the words "and architectural" after the words "historic". 20. By amending Map A - Land Use Downtown by deleting the words "East Main Central Area" from the title block and replacing them with the words "East Town Centre". 21, By amending Map B - Land Use East Business District as shown on Exhibit "I" The Courtice Sub-Central Area Secondary Plan The Courtice Sub-Central Area Secondary Plan is hereby amended as follows: 1 , By deleting the title of the Plan and replacing it with the following new title, "Courtice West Shopping District Secondary Plan". 2, By deleting all references to the "Courtice Sub-Central Area" and replacing them with the words "Courtice West Shopping District". 3. In Section 4.2, by deleting the words and figures "permits a maximum of 28,000 square metres" and replacing them with the words "provides for approximately 30,000 square metres". 4. By adding a new Section 4.5 as follows: 21 "4.5 For the purpose of Section 10.9 3 of the Official Plan and in consideration of land use and urban design objectives of this Plan, the intersection of King Street with Varcoe Road/Darlington Boulevard is a prominent intersection which Council deems to have important visual significance." 5. In Section 5, by deleting the words "Primary Commercial Area" and replacing them with the words "General Commercial Area". 6, In Section 5.2, by adding a fifth bullet and the words "drive-through development in accordance with the policies contained in Section 10.4.7 of the Official Plan". 7, In Section 6.2, by adding a fifth bullet and the words "drive-through development in accordance with the policies contained in Section 10.4.7 of the Official Plan", 8, In Section 8.1, a) by deleting the words and figures "Section 1 0.3.2 of the Official Plan" and replacing them with the words "Section 1 0.4.5 of the Official Plan"; b) by deleting the words and figures "Section 1 0.3.7 of the Official Plan" and replacing them with the words "Section 1 0.4.6 of the Official Plan"; and c) by deleting the words "Primary Commercial Area" and replacing them with the words "General Commercial Area". 9. By amending Map A as shown on Exhibit "J". The Newcastle Main Central Area Secondary Plan The Newcastle Main Central Area Secondary Plan is hereby amended as follows: 1 , By deleting the title of the Plan and replacing it with the title "Newcastle Village Centre Secondary Plan". 2, By deleting all references to "Main Central Area" and replacing them with the words "Village Centre". 3. By deleting all references to "King Street" and replacing them with the words "King Avenue". 4. In Section 1.1, by deleting the words "in the eastern portion" and replacing them with the words "to the east of the historic downtown". 5, In Section 4.2, by deleting the words "permits a maximum of 15,000 square metres of retail and personal service floor space by 2016" and replacing them with the words and figures "provides for approximately 15,000 square metres of retail and service f1oorspace". 6. In Section 4.3, by deleting the word "Neighbourhood" after the words "Port of Newcastle" and replacing it with the words "Harbourfront Centre". 22 7, By adding a new Section 4.6 as follows: "4.6 For the purpose of Section 10.9 3 of the Official Plan and in consideration of land use and urban design objectives of this Plan, the intersections of King Avenue with North Street, Mill Street and Arthur Street are prominent intersections which Council deems to have important visual significance." 8. In Section 5.1, by deleting the number "10.3.2" and replacing it with the number "10.4.5". 9, By deleting the title of Section 6 and replacing it with the title "General Commercial Area", 10, In Section 6.2, a) in the first bullet, by deleting the words "retail, personal services and offices" and replacing them with the words "retail and service uses"; b) by changing the second bullet and text to be the third bullet and text and by adding a new second bullet as follows: . "professional offices"; and c) in the changed third bullet, by adding after "service stations" the following words "subject to the provisions of Section 10.9 of the Official Plan". 11. In Section 6.3, a) by deleting the words "Strip Commercial Area" and replacing them with "General Commercial Area" b) by deleting the words "conform with the site development criteria of Section 10.8.3" and replacing them with the words "conform to the site development criteria of Section 10.4.6". 12. In Section 7.2, a) by deleting the second bullet "retail, service and office uses" and replacing it with the bullet worded "small-scale retail and personal service uses"; b) by deleting the third bullet "retail, service and office uses" and replacing it with the bullet worded "professional offices". 13. By adding a new Section 7.3 as follows: "7.3 Notwithstanding the above, no drive-through facility shall be permitted in the Mixed Use Area." 14. By adding a new Section 7.4 as follows: "7.4 Redevelopment within the Mixed Use Area will generally comprise the conversion of existing residential structures subject to the following criteria: a) the existing residential fayade of a house will be maintained with any additions at the rear or side of the dwelling; 23 b) all effort will be made to restore and preserve the historic character of dwellings identified as heritage buildings on Map A; c) all development and redevelopment will maintain the established building setback and reinforce the pedestrian character of the street by providing streetscape enhancements and pedestrian amenities; d) parking will be located at the side or the rear of the property behind the front faCfade of the building. In no case shall parking be permitted in the front of the building; e) consolidation of smaller land parcels will be encouraged; and g) all development will comply with Section 10.4.6 c) to i) of the Official Plan." 15, In Section 11.3, by deleting the words "Section 10.3.2 of the Official Plan, the site development criteria of Section 10.3.7 of the Official Plan" and replacing them with the words "Section 10.4.5 of the Official Plan, the site development criteria of Section 10.4.6 of the Official Plan". 16, In Section 12.1, by deleting the Section and replacing it with the following: "12.1 Council shall ensure the continued safe and efficient traffic operations on King Avenue and subject to budgetary approval, may consider the following measures: a) improving road geometry, rationalizing lane arrangements, installing raised centre medians where appropriate and other design modifications; b) widening sidewalks and incorporating streetscape enhancements to improve the pedestrian environment; c) reviewing regulations for on-street parking; d) adding additional traffic signals or traffic control devices; e) encouraging the relocation of undesirable private accesses; and f) investigating the designation of King Avenue as a controlled access road under the Municipal Act, 2001, and the closing of private accesses." 17. By adding a new Section 12.4 as follows: "12.4 The Municipality may require a traffic impact study for any proposal for development or redevelopment to ensure that it does not negatively impact operation, safety and capacity of the road network." 18. By amending Map A - Land Use as shown on Exhibit "K" 24 The South-West Courtice Neighbourhood Secondary Plan The South-West Courtice Neighbourhood Secondary Plan is hereby amended as follows: 1, by amending Map A - Land Use as shown on Exhibit ilL" 25 EXHIBIT "A" To Official Plan Amendment No. 43 - - - URBAN BOUNDARY From "Main Central Area" 1'77771 FUTURE To "Town Centre" ~ URBAN RESlDEIITW. D URBAN RESlDEIITW. ~ ~DENSI1Y OO~~ 0; .~ . ~E E c: 88 "88 Ot t" " 0 .8.0 ~~ .Q)~ z. . 0 EI- e u.. TOWN CENTRE COURllCE WEST SHOPPING llISTRlCT I Delete "Local Central Area" I ~RHOOO D HIGHWAY COIlIotEllCW.. D ~ NlEA _ ~ NlEA _GENERAL 1NllUSTRW. NlEA D U11UTY ,--, EN'AAONIIENTAL L-J PROTECTlON NlEA _ GREEN SPIoCE I. · .. >] WAlERFROHT GREEHWAY _ COIlIIUNI1Y PARK . llISTRlCT PARK . NEIGHIIOURHOOO PARK a =DARY SCHOOl. ~ SEPARATE [;jjjjiI SECONDARY SCHOOl. .5 ~ARY SCHOOl. ~ ~'%~ SCHOOl. SECONDARY - - PlANNING NlEA . - - - - -. SPECIAL POUCY NlEA I II SPECIAL STUDY NlEA t 4= 00 STAllON 200 400 100 eoo m 200 m MAP A2 LAND USE COURTICE URBAN AREA OffiCIAL PLAN IIUNIClPALITY OF ClARlNGTON F"EBRUARl' 6. 2006 LAKE ONTARIO -~ I m1I ~a: WRHAIl '- ~, EXHIBIT "B" To Official Plan Amendment No. 43 200 "'" .... 200m r- I~, MAP A3 LAND USE BOWMANVILLE URBAN AREA OFFlClAl. PLAN IlUNIClPALIlY OF CLARINGTON FEBRUAR"I" 6, 2006 ~ J ~~--~"~~!i L......J DlPl.llI'IlDIT NIEA ---""'l ~ LJGHr ~ PIJIIJC ~ INllUSTRlAL NIEA _ SECONIlAR'( SCHOOl. _ GENERAL ~ SEPARATE INllUSTRlAL NIEA ~ SECONIlAR'( SCHOOl. D UTlU1Y ~ =.~ SCHOOl. II ENVIRONWENTAL ~ PIJIIJC L......J PR01ECI1ON NIEA . ELDIENTARY SCHOOl. _ GREEN SPACE ~ ~~"k SCHOOl. D WATERfRONT GREENWAY cS ~~ARY SCHOOl. _ COIlIlUNI1Y PARK - - =~NIEA . DlSTRlCT PARK . - - - - -. SPECIAL POI.JC'( NIEA . NEIGH8OURHOOO PARK _ SPECIAL ST\JOY NIEA . TOURISll NODE .. GO STAllON From "Neighbourhood Commercial" To "Neighbourhood Centre" 4~ __v#i# ;,> " / ,,~/ ./'- - - URBAN BOUNDARY P'777A FUTURE ~ URBAN RESICEHT1AL D URBAN RESlIlENTlAL ~ :g~DENSI1Y "H'lHIGHDENSI1Y ~ RESlDENIlAL D HIGHWAY COIlIlERClAL ~_TE I.I.Ta:lQl EXl1lACTION NIEA EXHIBIT IB1" To Official Plan Amendment No. 43 From "Urban Residential" and "Environmental Protection" to "Town Centre ...J <( z o C) W 0::: ~9 ~ ~ /J/ /! I r=--. ...-/0 ,- '~ ! \\ i \ \ ' ') / j/ \ ,r -" )) r /;,-;:'/ ) (< ~ I \ @@ . -'@ . ~ . ~ . . . @) . -' <( 0 0::: EXHIBIT "e" To Official Plan Amendment No. 43 Rename from "Main Central Area" to "Village Centre" Rename from "Local Central Area" to "Harbourfront Centre" ,r~ "e, I d @ t:S ,\?(j ';, \~) 03 \~( , '\ ~ t:S , \ \ j I @ . .. LAKE ONlAR/O URBAN BOUNDARY D - D WATERFRONT GREENWAY ~ DEFERRED BY ~ lHE REGION OF DURHAM ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AREA GREEN SPACE fZ2j D FUTURE URBAN RESIDENTIAL URBAN RESIDENTIAL _ COMMUNITY PARK . . .. ~ .. t:S VILlAGE CENTRE DISTRICT PARK HARBOURFRONT CENTRE UGHT INDUSTRIAL AREA NEIGHBOURHOOD PARK PUBUC SECONDARY SCHOOL SEPARATE SECONDARY SCHOOL PUBUC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SEPARATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SPECIAL POUCY AREA SECONDARY PlANNING AREA .. TOURISM NODE OFFICIAL PlAN MUNICIPAUTY OF CLARINGTON FEBRUARY 6. 2006 f MAP A4 LAND USE NEWCASTLE VILLAGE URBAN AREA 200 m 200 400 600 eoo m EXHIBIT "0" To Official Plan Amendment No. 43 Rename from "Local Central Area" to "Village Centre" 51 o '" Rename from "Neighbourhood Commercial" to "Neighbourhood Centre" 400 600 800 m o 200 200 m URBAN BOUNDARY URBAN RESIDENTIAL VILLAGE CENTRE . D D NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AREA _ GREEN SPACE - . .. COMMUNllY PARK DISTRICT PARK PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL .......... SPECIAL STUDY AREA 3 MAP A5 LAND USE ORONO URBAN AREA OFFICIAL PLAN MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON FEBRUARY 6. 2006 EXHIBIT "E" To Official Plan Amendment No. 43 t o 200 400 600 800 m I""""""lI 200 m I n nJ - n n I ~I I I I I I I -----.., I I ~: 01 0:1 I I I I I I;i: Zl ~: all I I I --~ I I I I I I I I I I .10 . -_... ....L.,- .................; LAKE ONTARIO - - - - TYPE B ARTERIAL MAP 83 TRANSPORTATION BOWMANVILLE URBAN AREA URBAN BOUNDARY .:."'I.",..!"",,,,,,,,,,,,,:,,,,,,,,,.,..,,,,,.,,,. FREC!NA Y TYPE A ARTERIAL ------------ TYPE C ARTERiAL OFFICIAL PLAN MUNICIPALl1Y OF CLARINGTON FEBRUARY 6. 2006 REFER TO SECTION 19 THIS CONSOUDATlON IS PROVIDED FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY AND REPRESENTS REQUESTED MODIFICATIONS AND APPROVALS EXISTING FUTURE FREC!NAY INTERCHANGE COLLECTOR ROAD - - - - - - REGIONAL TRANSIT SPINE . ...... . . INTER-REGIONAL TRANSIT UNE .~ GO STATION o ~.. I \ '......' GRADE SEPARATION EXHIBIT "F" To Official Plan Amendment No. 43 Rename from "Sub-Central Area" to "Courtice West Shopping District" ---:::;) 1 I~ 1 I~ 1< J: Rename from "Main Central Area" to "Town Centre" - - - URBAN BOUNDARY NEIGHBOURHOOD BOUNDARY (1000) POPULATION (*) SEE SECTION 17.6 ./ t~o 200 m 200 400 600 BOO m I~ _ 10:: ~ -----.. '0~ MAP E1 NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING UNITS COURTICE URBAN AREA OFFICIAL PLAN MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON FEBRUARY 6. 2006 REFER TO SECTIONS 5 AND 9 LAKE ONlAR/O EXHIBIT "G" To Official Plan Amendment No. 43 REVISE "WEST TOWN CENTRE" BOUNDARY t o 200 400 600 800 m P"""""'lI 200 m o <( o a:: (/) CD :::;; ::s BASELINE ROAD ON~mo MAPE2 NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING UNITS BOWMANVILLE URBAN AREA - - - URBAN BOUNDARY NEIGHBOURHOOD BOUNDARY (1000) POPULATION OFFICIAL PLAN MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON FEBRUARY 6, 2006 REFER TO SECTIONS 5 AND 9 THIS CONSOUOATION IS PROVlOEO FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY ANO REPRESENTS REQUESTED MOOIFlCATIONS AND APPROVALS EXHIBIT "H" To Official Plan Amendment No. 43 Rename from "Main Central Area" to "Village Centre" ---===;1 I I 5 II NORTH VILLAGE (3900) I I ~ ~ - - - URBAN BOUNDARY NEIGHBOURHOOD BOUNDARY (1000) POPULATION lAKE ONlAR/O t MAP E3 NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING UNITS NEWCASTLE VILLAGE URBAN AREA o 200 400 600 800 m OFFICIAL PLAN MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON FEBRUARY 6. 2006 REFER TO SECTIONS 5 AND 9 ~ 200 m EXHIBIT" I " To Official Plan Amendment No. 43 ~"";'.':';\'?"t';":\:~ \'.~f.~;1~t.. ~.I' .r. . 3^I~a ~ON'v'V'lHl'v'~lS a t:::D~~'v'd l- e::: z I- W I U U en L5 ~ [L U t:> Z l<: W ;:) z W ~ iGiiS ..15 30"030 i .LlB r3'l5 '"""'" ~ []I.... .W i? .:-:- ;:) . . . 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C'll ~ c:o::( I ~"':~Sd will>>" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~:~~~~~~~~~> 133~lS .....~~~~~........,. ::::::::::::::::::::::: (:~:>~:~<:llllll r~ l- ...... W ..... w e::: I- en . 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Cl . < 0 . 0:: . . w DRIVE 0 u 0:: BRIDLE COURT :; Cl < o 0:: 50 100 DALEPARK CHERRY BLOSSOM PARKETTE . 000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 o 000000000000000000000 o 00000000000000000 o 00000000000 o 0000000 0000 0 0 00000000000000 0 0 00000000000000000000000 0 00000000000000000000000000 00 00000000000000000000000000000 ogogogogogogogogogogogogoglgog 000000000000000000000000000 000 . gg~ggggggggggggggggggggggggiPgg . ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~oo . ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~oo 00000000000000000000000000 00. ~~oooooooooooooooooo 000 o~~ ~oooooooooooo~oo. o ~~~ooooo~oo o~~.ggg . o . . . . . . w z :J z ~ ~ Cl ~ CD I- Z W U C/l W 0:: U W 0:: a:: PARK KINGSWAY GATE Add Internal Laneway z o l- e..') z :J 0:: < Cl 50 m o Rename from "Courtice Sub-Central Area Boundary" To "Courtice West Shopping District Boundary" Rename from "Primary Commercial Area" to "General Commercial Area" MAPA LAND USE COURTICE WEST SHOPPING DISTRICT MIXED USE AREA . COURTICE WEST SHOPPING DISTRICT SECONDARY PLAN FEBRUARY 6. 2006 _ _ _ - INTERNAL LANEWAYS GENERAL COMMERCIAL AREA ~ OFFICE COMMERCIAL AREA . . . . . . PEDESTRIAN WALKWAYS ~ [ ci Cl ~ o C/l C/l g CD >- 0:: 0:: W ::c u . . . . 150 m EXHIBIT "L" To Official Plan Amendment No. 43 BLOOR ST." .... \ \ PLANNING AREA BOUNDARY ~ FUTURE URBAN RESlDENllAL I I LOW DENSITY RESIDENllAL 1::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENllAL _ HIGH DENSITY RESlDENllAL I:::@):::I NEIGHBOURHOOD PARK 1:::;0:::j PARKETTE ~~~~~~J~~ EN~RONMENTAL G":\,,'k~d PROTECllON AREA ~~Wf}}.~ STORM WATER FACIUTY ~ PUBUC ~ SECONDARY SCHOOL ~ PUBUC V/...,/./l ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ~ SEPARATE V/.l4f//A ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NEIGHBOURHooD CENlRE ~-----------------J UllUllES @ HERITAGE HOUSE ARTERIAL ROADS TYPE A ARTERIAL ROADS TYPE B - - - ARTERIAL ROADS TYPE C -- -- -- -- - COLLECTOR ROADS Lu ~ -J ~ ~ o f- SOUTHGA TE: DRIVE: ~ LOCAL ROAD ACCESS /'-, \ ) INTERSECllON IMPROVEMENT ....-" . ............. PEDESlRlAN AND BICYCLE ROUTES Rename from "South West Courtice" to "Bayview Neighbourhood" MAPA LAND USE BAYVIEW NEIGHBOURHOOD SECONDARY PLAN FEBRUARY 6. 2006