HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/09/1981 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT # 2 ~ Mayor Rickard and Members of Council: The following recommendations to Council were made at the meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting held on November 9 1981. ~ ". "I~ ! . 1. 2. 2) , 3) 'f 1) 2) Exchange of Lands - Station Street Orono - A. McLaren Report Admin 30-81 be received and the following actions considered: 3) 4) 5) Those portions of municipal road allowance described as Parts 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 on Plan 10R-1042 be conveyed to the abutting property owner in exchange for Parts 1 and 2 on Plan 10R-1042. The exchange be undertaken on the basis that the lands are of equivalent value and that such values include all lot development charges. The Town solicitor be requested to bring forward such by-laws as may be necessary for such conveyance and to effect such conveyance as soon as possible. The Town forward the following resolution to the Region of Durham in respect of the future servicing of the possible residential lots to be created on the subject lands: "WHEREAS the Town of Newcastle will be exchanging certain lands with Mr. A. McLaren in Part of Lot 38, Concession 5, former Clarke, in order to obtain the necessary portions of the road allowance for "Station Street" in Orono; and WHEREAS such exchange will allow Mr. A. McLaren to apply for land severances for 2 residential lots fronting on "Station Street"; and WHEREAS such exchange may recognize previous commitments to the development of residential lots on the McLaren property; BE IT NOW RESOLVED THEREFORE that the Region of Durham is hereby requested to consider charging only the service 'connection charges' applicable to the development of the residential lots". 6) The Town approve the attached by-law rezoning a portion of the subject lands from "M-l" Industrial to "R-l" Residential to allow for the development of a single family lot (application Z-A-3-9-2). Mr. A. McLaren be forwarded a copy of this report and all related documents. Municipal Property - Caronne Street - Village of Newcastle Report Admin 32 relative to Sale of Municipal Property part of lots 11, 12 Block 5, Hanning's Plan, Town of Newcastle, former Village of Newcastle, Caroline Street, be received. The above noted lot be considered as surplus to requirements of the Town of Newcastle and be now offered for sale. Council hereby authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to advise local public agencies that the property is considered "surplus" and to advertise the parcel as being 'for sale'. 7) 1) - 2 - ~3. Darlington Generating Station 1) Report Admin 34-81 be received. 2) Council adopt the following resolution: REPORT # 2 ~} ?1' 1\ ~ ), c "The Town of Newcas tl e hereby acknowl edges recei pt from Ontari 0 Hydro of copies of the "Licence to Construct the Darlington Generating Station" and the "Approval of the Design of the Cooling Water System" for the Darlington Generating Station, as recently presented to the Town's Hydro Liaison Committee; and further, the Town hereby recognizes and supports the approvals as important steps in the Darlington Generating Station Project". 3) A copy of the above resolution be forwarded to Ontario Hydro. \ " 4. U.H.F. Radio Frequency - Fire Department 1) Report Admin 35-81 be received. 2) Council adopt the following resolution: "WHEREAS the Department of Communications has allowed the Board of East York, Metropolitan Toronto to share a common radio frequency with the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, Ontario; and ~ , , '""," WHEREAS this action has resulted in serious technical and operational difficulties to the Fire Department of the Town of Newcastle to the extent that the Town has expended some $6,300.00 to obtain an interference free frequency; and WHEREAS this expenditure has resulted from the actions of the Federal Ministry of Communications staff; BE IT NOW RESOLVED that the Town hereby requests the Minister responsible for Communications, the Honourable F. Fox, to authorize an "ex-gratia" payment to the Town of Newcastle in the amount of $6,300.00"; and 3) The Clerk be authorized to forward a letter to the Minister and the Staff of the Federal Department of Communications outling the Town's request and asking for immediate consideration. 'i, 4) A copy of the letter be sent to Allan Lawrence, M.P. 5. That Report CS-7-81 Use of Soccer Pitches, be received for information. 6. That Report CD-7-81, Hiring of a Switchboard Operator for the Clerk's Department be received for information. 7. That the minutes of the meeting of the Committee of Adjustment held on October 21 1981 be received for information. . .S. 1) 2) 3) 9. 1) 2) 3) 10. II 2) . 11. 1) 2) 3) 12. - 3 - Report #2 Subdivision Agreement 5-0-1-15-2 (Sucee) Report PD-1S3-S1 Sucee Subdivision Part of Lot 20, Concession 10, former Township of Darlington, 5-0-1-15-2 be received. The attached agreement between the Town and RonaldJ. Sucee and Gertrude Irene Sucee be approved. Council pass the attached by-law authorlzing the execution of the said Agreement. (See By-law Sl-lS2), Bowmanville Mall Phase III - Development Agreement S-P-2-14 Report PD-1S2-S1 be received. The attached Agreement between the Town and LDCM Investments Ltd. and Barmond Builders Ltd. be approved. Council pass the attached By-law authorizing the execution of the aforesaid Agreement. (See By-law Sl-lS3) Courtice Urban Area Neighbourhood Plan (3A) Report PD-1Sl-Sl be received for information by the Committee. Staff be authorized to hold a public meeting in late November or early December 19S1 to present the draft Neighbourhood Development Plan for Neighbourhood 3A of the Courtice Urban Area. Abandoned Well - Lots 21 and 22, Cone. 9, Newcastle Report WD-126-S1 be received. Subject to the execution of an Agreement between the Town and Mr. J. McLaughlin permission be granted to the latter to use the well, located in Lot 21, Concession 9 former Township of Darlington; and The term of the Agreement shall be from year-to-year for so long as the land in question is not required for municipal purposes or public use. Insurance Bond 1) Report TR-SS-S1 be received for information. 2) The Insurance Bond remain at $100,000. 13. Application for Cancellation, Reduction or Refund of Taxes 1) Report TR-90-S1 be received. 2) Tbe Tl.t:fi.;)ul ~l 0C a1:ltAElrilea te traRsf~r $7,190.80 La LLc. Reserve fer ~elf I RS1:lf Ed Lo.;)~c~ fer t~e 1921 Fis~al Year. '(HE t(./FCo__e",p.Ir1'7D-J", .<ft> Pin>- -rife: IIl"77TcHe-D r,'t>r oP ""ffi--,el"t"T,o"'S Po", C-A-NC~J-'-"-'I<""Js. !l./!::'l>oe.:rlorJ. ,,"- ,Re-F,;AJD () p -r;q.y..c,:>. be.. A-rr"-o l.nn:::>. . , ,1)' '-, ~ . 14. 1) 2) 15. 1) 2) 3) 16. I, \ 1) ,,\\{\i 2) 't--: 17. . 18. - 4 - Report #2 Reserve for Self-Insured Losses Report TR-87-81 be received. The Treasurer be authorized to transfer $7,400.00 to the Reserve for Self-Insured Losses for the 1981 Fiscal Year. Reserve for Municipal Acquisitions of Property Report TR-85-81 be received. The attached by-law establishing a Reserve for Municipal Acquisitions of Real Property be approved. The proceeds from the sale of municipal real property except where prohibited by statute or where the monies are specifically designated to another use, be an addition to the aforementioned reserve. Orono Arena Financing Report TR-86-81 be received. The Treasurer be authorized to charge the Park Reserve Fund with $12,536.00 which is the balance of the Town's commitment to the Orono Arena Capital Project. Staffing - Treasury Department 1) Report TR-71-81 be received. 2) Authority be 9iven to the Treasurer to hire, effective immediately, one additional staff member who would be a full-time permanent employee in the Category #3, Clerk-Typist of the Inside Collective Agreement. Base Line Storm Sewer Tender ~\ . THAT the Committee concur with the recommendation in the verbal report of the IS" \"Administrator that, as a decision is necessary before November 12 1981, the contract \t, G for the Base Line Storm Sewer not be awarded at this time but that it be considered t \, as part of the 1982 Capita 1 Budget, in 1982. ,19. Administrative Facility THAT, on the understanding that phasing will be clearly addressed, 1) Due to the high acquisition costs of Site C this option be dropped from further consideration at this time. V 2) The preliminary schematic designs for Sites A and B be refined and a more detailed cost analysis be undertaken in order to permit a clear recommendation to Council on the preferred option 3) All possible options for government grants be investigated to assist with the capital costs of the preferred option. Respectfully submitted Maurice Prout, Acting Chairman. .(; ~,~ , ,.1 .