HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/26/1981 . . ", ""V (f"~ 1'1.' , , \' " \' e V . TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT # 1 Mayor Rickard and Membe~s of Council: The following is a report of the meeting of the General Purpose ana Adminl~tration Committee held on October 26 1981: It was recommended to Council 1, Municipal Enumeration System THAT the report relative to proposed revision to the Municipal Enumeration System be received for information, ,2. Capital Funding Handicapped Access to Bowmanville Library Report Admin 28-81 be received. Council approve in principle the Library Board's request for capital funding. Council refer the request to staff for consideration in the preparation of the 1982 current budget discussions. Mrs. Barbara Schon, Secretary-Treasurer of the Newcastle Public Library Board be advised of Council's decision. THAT 1) L;, 2) , 3) v 4) , 3, Darlington Sports Centre Soccer Pitch THAT report Admin 29-81, Delegation to Council in respect of the Darlington Sports Centre Soccer Pitch, be received for information. 4. West Beac:, Area Cl ean - up THAT Report CD-4-81, West Beach Area Special Clean up Project, August 18th to August 21 1981 - Phase 1. be recei ved for i nforn.ation. 5. Bow~anvil1e Creek Clean-Up THAT Report CD-6-81 Bowmanville Creek Valley Lands Clean-up by Bowmanville Creek Anglers Association - Progress Report, be received for information. 6. Leave of Absence THAT the request of the Parks and Cemetery Foreman for a leave of absence during November 23rd - December 4 1981 be granted. . 7. , " Bowmanville Bantam Hockey Club Ice Rental THAT the request of th" Bowmanville Bantam Hockey Club for consideration relative to the payment of $240. for facility rental be denied. 8. Firefighter Workmens Compensation Coverage THAT the Workmens Compensation personal coverage for part-time firefighters be incre;sed to the now available maximum coverage of $22,200. per year. L,' i> '1., " 1":'- "~I " "I " , '~ - 2 - Report #1 9. September Fire Report THAT the Monthly Fire Report for :>eptember be received for information. 10. Cou'tice Urban Area Environmental Impact Analysis . THAT ~ './ I't' " 1./ . 1) 2) 3) 4) Report P-94-8l be received. The final report of the Environmental Impact Analysis for the Courtice Urban Area be accepted by Council. The Clerk advise Gartner, Lee and Associates Ltd. of this resolution and thank them for their work on behalf of the Town. The Courcil, in accept1ng the Environmental Impact Analysis for the Courtice Urban Area, adopt the study for use by Town Staff in; a) preparing Neighbourhood Development Plans for Neighbourhoods 3a, 3b and 3c in the Courtice Urban Area Plan; b) evaluating specific development proposals in the Courtice Urban Area; c) evaluating the land use designat:ons and policy provisions of the Regional Official Plan and Amendment 12 to the Darlington Official Plan with a view to recommending possible amendments to those documents. 5) Town Counci, advise the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and the Region of Durham of this resolution noting that the Staff of those agencies will be requested to provide further assistance in the work outlined in 4) above in order to further ameliorate the concerns in respect of the environmental impact of the further development of the Courtice Urban Area. THAT Council authorize an additlonal payment to Gartner Lee Associates Ltd. in the amount of $2,400. over and above the original budget estimate of $17,500. 11. Oshawa By-l aw 58-81 THAT By-law 58-81 of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa be received and filed. 12. Rezoning Z-A-1-9-3 - Neil Ryan THAT 1) Report PD-175-8l be received 2) Applic"tion for rezoning Z-A-1-9-3 part of lot 28, Concession 3, former Township of Darlington be denied and the application be considered premature at this time as services are not available to the subject lands. 3) Mr. Ryan be so advised. 13. Rezoning Z-A-2-12-6 - Glenson Investments Ltd. THAT . 1) 2) Report PD-l77-81 be reseived (Gl'enson Investments Ltd. part lot 10, Concessio~ 1, Bowmanvi'le) The dttached by-law amending Restricted Area By-law 1587, as amended, be forwarded to Council for approval at such time as the following conditions have been satisfied. - 3 - Report #1 ~ 13. (Continued) i. The Owners have entered into an agreement with the Regional Municipality of Durham 'to satisfy the requirements of the Region fin.;ncial and otherwise'. if. The Owners have entered into a site plan agreement with the Town of Newcastle which shall 'satisfy the requirements of the Town, financial and otherwise'. iii. The Owners have satisfied the technical requirements of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and obtained all necessary permits and approvals. iv. The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing has approved the Bowmanville Urban Area Plan in a form which includes a provision- which would pe"mit the proposed development. 14. Subdivision 18T-78027 - Wilswar THAT 1) Report PD-17b-81, Proposed Plan af Subdivision 18T-78-27, part of lot 26, Concession 2, Newcastle, Wilswar, File S-A-3-13-7 be received. ~ 2) Staff report P-166-81 be lifted from the table and dealt with at this time. 3) The subject report be approved and forwarded to Courcil with a recommendation that it be tabled pending Cou'cil 's consideration of the Newcastle Village Urban Area Plan. 15. Briti sh Bull dog Restaurant - Transfer of Easement THAT 1) 2) Report PD-17Y-81 be received. An appropriate easement be granted to Sandringham Inc. for the construction and maintenance of the ~torm sewer outfall being constructed in conjunction with the Rritish Bulldog Restaurant and Dining Lounge. The Clerk be directed to prepare a by-law authorizing the execution of the necessary transfer of easement. The Town solicitor be directed to prepare the necessary easement documents. The Mayor and Clerk be authoriz~d to execute the transfer of easement to Sandringham Tnr. nn thp Tnwn's behalf. 3) 4) 5) 16. Bowmanvi'lle Mall - Phase III Development Agreement S-P-2-14 THAT 1) Report PD-180-81 be n,ceived. 2) Council adopt the following resolution in respect of the above noted subject matter: ,: ~' " ~ - 4 - Report 1/1 . 16 (Continued) "WHEREAS Courcil did on July 23, 1979 approve resolution PD-330-79 giving approval in principle to the Phase 3 expansion of the Bowmanville Mall and did dire,t the Director of Planning to prepare a draft by-law for the aforesaid Phase 3 expansion and further to prepare a Development Agreement for said proposal; AND WHEREAS on October 22, 1979, Council of the Corpo~ion 6f the Town of Newcastle approved by-law 79-116 which further amended Restricted Area By-law 1587, as amended, and which rezoned the site of the Bowmanville Mall to permit the Phase 3 expansioc; AND WHEREAS said by-law 79-116 was approved by the Ontario Municipal Board on November 26 1981; AND WHEREA, on November 5 1979 Cou:cil approved by-law 7~-125 authorizing the execution of an Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle an,) L.D.C.r.. Investments ltd. and Baramond Builders ltd. in respect of the Phase 3 development of the Bowmanville Mall, which agreement was duly registered in the registry office of the land Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) as Instrument No. 97046; . AND WHEREAS said Development Agreement is due to expire on November 26 1981 under the terms of the said agreement; AND WHEREAS the matters and circumstances which gave rise to Council's aforementioned approvals have remained substantially unchanged inasmuch as: The Regional Official Plan designates this site as part of the "Main Central Area" of the Major Urban Area of Bowmanville; the principle retail facilities serving the Bowmanville Urban Area are now loc"ted within the Main Central Area; market analyses conducted on behalf of the Town and the owners of the Bowmanv'tlle Mall have confirmed the need for D.S.T.M. type space in the Bowmanville Urban Area and the significant deficiency is a junior department store; the proposed Phase 3 expansion would be complementary to the existing distribution of retail space within the Main Central Area, the citizens of the Bowmd'wille Urban Area have expressed a desire for a junior department store, the site '1s designated as part of the Commercial component of the Bowmanville Main Central Area by the Sowmanville Urban Area Plan aooroved bv Council on Julv 13 1981 and the site has been zoned to oermit the develooment of a Phase 3 exoansion which is to include aiunior deoarcment store. AND WHEREAS the ~ouncil of the Town of Newcastle has received a reouest from the owners of the Bowmanville Mall for an extension to the exoirv date of the aforementioned develooment aoreement authorized bv by-law 79-125: . AND WHEREAS Council recoonizes that the oresent state of the economy has had a detriment"l effect uoon the ~omoletion of the Phase 3 expansion and acknowl edges that the owner:; of the Bowmanvi 11 e Mall are des i rous of competing the development of the Bowmanville'Mall to serve the existing needs of the community; . . , \.i; -J; :, \;,. -f-, . - 5 - Report #1 AND WHEREAS Council is satisfied that there is no need for any other changes to the terms and provisions of the existing development agreement: NOW THERBDRE BE IT RESOLVED that Council hereby approves a two year extension to November 26 1983 of the Development Agreement between the .Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and L.D.C.M. Investments Ltd. and Barmond Builders Ltd. authorized by bYnlaw 79-125 and registered in the Land Registry Office Division 10 (Newcastle) as Instrument No. 97046 and hereby directs the Clerk to prepare the necessary by-law authorizing the execution of an agreement between the said parties to amend the aforesaid de\8 opment agreement to i ncrJrporate the above referenced extens i on. " 17. Allocation of Estimated 1980 Surplus Ht"T 1) TR-72a-81 be received. 2) Resolution #C-520-81 be rescinded. 3) The following Resolution be adopted: "THAT the 1980 Surplus be used to fund the Town's contribution to the Handi-Transit program in the amount of $5,000. and the remainder of the surplus be used to reduce the 1981 tax levy". 18. 1981 Surplus THAT any surplus at the end of 1981 be carried over in the manner suggested originally: Repa i rs to Orono Fi n" Ha 11 Hampton Hall Roof and 80wmanville Arena Roof $30,000. $20,000. 19. Insurance Coverage THAT the recommendations in Report TR-83-81 be endorsed with the following amendment Item 2 (g) be inc~eased to $22,200. 20 Cash Management Report for September THAT the Cash Manlgement Activity Report for September 1981 be received for information. 21. Proposed Clean-up of Land in Orono THAT Mr. Groff be invited to make a presentation to Council if he so desires, after he has identified the ownership of the land in question and Ganaraska Conservation Authority has been consulted arid has replied in writing relative to the flood plain. . . . - 6 - Report #1 22. Rem"mbrance Day Servi ces THAT Council concur with the request of the Royal Canadian Legio', in carrying out Remembrance Day Services. Respectfully submitted Garnet B. Rickard, Chairman.