HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/13/1981 Report No.1 '. Mayor Rickard & Mermem of Council:- The following is a report of the lIBeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on October 13th, 1981:- 1. Royal Canadian Legion re Lottery Licence - 56 .12.5 It was recoIlIIEnded to Council that 1 . The Royal Canadian Legion - Branch 178 request for a letter stating the Town of Newcastle has no objection to the issuing of a Lottery Licence by Lotteries Branch, Ministry of Consumer and CoIlIIErcial Relations, be approved, and 2. The Clerk be directed to issue the said letter. . 2. D.R. Agencies (Oshawa) Ltd., Rezoning - Z-A-1-6-8 60.35.140 I t was recomrended to Council that 1. Report PD-168-81 be approved. 2. The draft zoning by-law amendroont to amend By-law 2111 of the formar Township of Darlington to permit the rezoning of Part of Lot 32, Concession 2, formar Township of Darlington be approved (See By-Law 81-170) ----. 3. Luverma InvestlIBnts Ltd. S-A-2-1-2 60.46.99 I t was reCOIllrended to Council that . 1. Report PD-169-81 with respect to the approving of an extension of Draft Plan Approval (181'-76071) Part of Lot 14, Concession II, Town of Newcastle, be received. 2. That the Council of the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Minister of Municipal Affaim and Housing to extend the draft approval of Subdivision 181'-76071 for a further twelve month period to March 22nd, 1983. 3. The Ministry of Municipal Affaim and Housing and Luverma InvestlIBnts Ltd., be so advised. 4. Henderson Site Plan AgreelIBnt Z-A-I-15-7 60.35.114 It was reCO!IIlEnded to Council that -. 1. Report PD-170-81 be received. 2. Mrs. Henderson 1 s attendance before the Committee be acknowledged. 3. That a one month extension be given to the Hendemons with respect to the preparation and execution of a Site Plan AgreelIBnt. 4. The fee relating to the application for a Site Plan AgreelIBnt be waived. - 2 - . 5. Noseworthy Rewning - Z-A-2-13-2 60.35.145 I t was reconrnended to Council that 1. Report PD-171-81 with respect to an application by Mr. & Mrs. Edward Noseworthy to rezone Lands being Part of Lot 11, Broken Front Concession, fonrer Town of Bowmanville, be approved 2. That Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute an agreerrent with the applicants respecting the use of the cottage as an accessory building. (See By-law No. 81-171) 3. That a By-law be enacted to aIJEnd By-law 1587 of the fonrer Town of Bowmanville. (See By-Law No. 81-172) 6. Port Darlington Marina re Site Plan Agreement S-P-2-27 60.51.036 . It was reCCXlIIEIlded to Council that -. 1. Report PD-172--S1 with respect to an application by Irving Gill on behalf of the Port Darlington Marina for a Site Plan AgreeIJEnt to penni t the construction of a 120 square rretre addition to the existing facility be approved. 2. That Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the necessary agreerrent. (See By-Law 81-173) 7. Close & Convey Road Allowances 77.44 .117 It was reccmrended to Council that . 1. Report PW-1l7-81 respecting the closing and conveying of certain road allowances and unopened road allowances, be approved. 2. Council adopt the following Resolution:- "WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Newcastle adopts Report WD-117--S1; AND WHEREAS the Ministry of Natural Resources has requested that the Town of Newcastle convey the road allowance in Lots 10 & 11, and close and convey the road allowances in Lots 12 & 13 and Lots 14 & 15; AND WHEREAS Council does hereby grant approval to the request of the Ministry of Natural Resources; THEREIDRE BE IT REOOLVED that the road allowance in Lots 10 and 11, Concession 6, fonrer Township of Clarke, be conveyed, and the road allowances in Lots 12 & 13 and Lots 14 & 15, Concession 6, fonrer Township of Clarke, be closed by by-law and conveyed at market value plus any associated costs incurred in effecting the conveyance and closure and conveyance in accordance with Town of Newcastle policy. . . . . . . - 3 - 8. Park Street - Between Blocks V & V, NEWcastle Village It was recomnended to Council that the following Resolution be adopted:- "WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Newcastle adopts Report WD-1l8-Bl; AND WHEREAS it has been requested that (unopened) Park Street, between Blocks 'V' and 'V' on Hanning's Plan of the Village of Newcastle be (a) Closed and Conveyed to the abutting owners and (b) Maintained as a Public Access to the Lake; BE IT 'IHEREFORE RESOLVED that thirty-three fee of Vnopened Park Street be closed and conveyed to the abutting owners in accordance with Town Policy, and the remaining (central section) thirty-three feet be retained in it's present status in order to provide pedestrian access to the Lake." 9. "Block Parent" Signs 77.2.105 It was reconmended to Council that 1. The Director of Public Works Report WD-120-Bl respecting the location and erection of "Block Parent" signs be approved; 2. The location approval for the erection of "Block Parent" signs on roads under the jurisdiction of the Town of Newcastle be given; 3. That other than providing location approval, the Town of Newcastle not contribute to the provision or erection of "Block Parent" signs; and 4. That the Town of Newcastle Block Parents Inc., c/o Mrs. Barbara Wood, Correspondence Secretary, P.O. Box 66, Bawmanville, Ontario, be so advised. 10. Encroacl:Jment - 78, 80 and 82 Division Street (Smid) 16.34.102 It was recomrended to Council that 1. The Director of Public Works Report WD-121-81 respecing an application by Mr-. Clemans D. Smid for an encroachIrent agreenEnt relating to lands located at 78, 80 and 82 Division Street (Lot 5 Block "S" Hanning's Plan), be approved; 2. The Clerk be directed to prepare a by-law authorizing the encroacl:Jment in accordance with Town policy; and 3. That Mr. J. Kingsley Van Nest, 118 King Street East, Bawmanville, Ontario, Solicitor for the applicant, be so advised. -4- . 11. Inpro\BnEnt;s to Cedar Crest Beach Road 18.2.99 I t was recarrrended to Council that 1. The Director of Public Works Report WD-123-81 respecting the request for improverrents to Cedar Crest Beach Road, I3cl\\lnan vi11e, be approved; 2. That a PriIIB Surface be applied to the Cedar Crest Beach Road in 1982; 3. That provisions for the works be made in the Roads and Street Maintenance section of the Public Works budget; and 4. That Mr. W.D. Edwards, 10 Cedar Crest Beach, Group 5, Box la, R.R. #2, I3cl\\lnanvi11e, Ontario, be so advised. 12. Answering & Dispatch Services Winter Operations It was recarrrended to Council that . . 1. The Director of Public Works Report WD-124-81 with respect to the cost of providing Answering and Dispatch Services for Winter Operations, be approved; 2. That the quotation submitted by Tel-Air Syst8llE Limited in the aIrount of $79.50 per IIDnth, for the provision of twenty-four hour telephone answering and radio dispatch services, for the period Decenber 1st, 1981 to March 31st, 1982, be accepted; and 3. That Tel-Air Syst8llE 17 Bond Street, Oshawa, Ontario, be so advised. 13. Ralph Davis Subdivision 60.46.99 It was reconmended to Council that . 1. The Director of Public Works Report WD-125-11 respecting the issuing of a Certificate of Acceptance of Works for the Ralph Davis Subdivision, be approved; 2. That the Davis Court Subdivision be accepted and placed on a Maintenance Program for a two year period carrrencing October 19th, 1981; and 3. That a Certificate of Completion be issued in accordance with the Terms of the Subdivision AgreeIlBnt. 14. Orono Downtown Improverrent Area 35.60.10 It was reccmrended to Council that . 1. The Treasurer's Report 'IR-82-81 respecting the Orono Downtown Improverrent Area I s request for a reduction in their budget from $6,000 to $4,000 for the 1981 fiscal year, and a special levy of $3,000 be approved; 2. That the Treasurer be authorized to reduce the Orono Downtown Improverrent Area's budget to $4,000.00 for the fiscal year 1981; and - 5 - . 14. Orono Downtown Improvemant Area 35.60.10 (Continued) 3. That the Treasurer be authorized to levy the additional $3,000 on the Orono Downtown Improvemant Area in a special Tax billing in the llDnths of October and Novermer, 1981. 15. Sucee Subdivision 60.46.111 It was reccmnended to Council that . 1. The Public Works Report WD-192-81, be approved; 2. That Staff be authorized to prepare an agreement to aJrend Schedule "H" to provide for the insta-lation of overhead primary services with pole locations adequate to a=date street lighting wherever possible; 3. That secondary services to all lots be underground with all plans and locations to be approved by the Director of Public Works. 16. Chainnen of Cormnmi ty Hall Boards - Meeting It was recarrnended to Council that His Worship Mayor Rickard chair the special IJBeting of the Chainnen of Carmunity Hall Boards scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on October 22nd, 1981, in Court Room No. 1. . Respectfully Submitted, . Mayor Garnet B. Rickard Chairman .