HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/13/1981 , . . . -' /i~li~ Mb ~\"o:(:ItI", ,----'t'sr; !2t"" "",," ~f fi"', 10)7'0 J,~~' ~',' u,/" Roll Call GENERAL PURroSE AND ADMINIS'ffiATION COMMITTEE OF THE 'IDWN OF NEWCASTIE Minutes of Previous Meetings: Dslegations: Staff Reports: DA'IE: TIME: PLACE : October 13th, 9:30 a.m. Court Room #2 1981 AGENDA 1. Comnuni ty Services Conmi ttee Minutes of Meeting held on September 28th, 1981. 2. Planning & Dsvelopment Conmi ttee Minutes of Meeting held on SepteniJer 28th, 1981. 3. Public Works Conrnittee Minutes of Meeting held on September 15th, 1981. 4. Finance and Administration Conmi ttee Minutes of Meeting held on SepterrlJer 29th, 1981. (Dslegations are Limited to Ten Minutes) 1. Mr. Peter Elliott, Solicitor re Bowmanville "'Jall. (See : Other Business - Items Referred by Council 9a) 2. Mr. T. Whiting re Courtice Special Purpose Commercial Area Zoning. 3. Mr. W.R. Walters re Sucee Subdivision Underground Wiring. 4. Mrs. Henderson re Report of Planning and DsveloJXlEnt Dspartment re Zoning Application (See PD Report 170-81) 5. Mr. Lucian Michaels re Zoning Problems Relating to Proposal by Glenson Investments to Construct an Apartment Building at Baseline Road and Liberty Street. 1. Reports from the Chief Administrative Officer: Admin. 23-81 Confidential. 2. Reports from the Clerk's Dspartment : m. 5-81 Royal Canadian Legion Request for Perrrdssion to Hold Raffle Lottery. 3. Reports from the Corrrnuni ty Services Dspartment : CS. 1-81 Culture & Recreation Master Plan. CS. 3-81 Fencing Newcastle Village Park. Reports from the Fire Dspartment : No Reports - 2 - October 13th, 1981 . 4. Reports from the Planning and Developnent Dept.: PD-168-8l Application for Rezoning - D.R. Agencies Ltd. Part Lot 32, Con. 2, fOmEr Township of Darlington. (Z-A-1-6-8) PD-169-8l Extension of Draft Approval (lST-76071) Part Lot 14, Con. II. LuvemE Investments Ltd. (S-A-2-l-2) PD-170-8l Application for Rezoning. Part Lot 18, Con. 7, fOmEr Township of Darlington. Wm. Henderson. (Z-A-1-15-7) PD-17l-8l Application for Rezoning. Part Lot 11, Broken Front Con., fOmEr Town of Bomnanville. Noseworthy. (Z-A-2-l3-2) PD-172-8l Proposed Site Plan Agreanent - Port Darlington Marina Hotel. (S-P-2-27) Reports from the Building Division No Reports . 5. Reports from the Public Works Department: WD-1l7-8l Road Allowances between Lots 10 & 11, Lots 12 & 13 and Lots 14 & 15, Con. 6, fOmEr Township of Clarke. Request by Ministry of Natural Resources to Close, and Close and Convey. WD-1l8-81 (Unopened) Park Street between Blocks U & V, Hanning's Plan - Village of Newcastle. WD-1l9-81 Highway No.2 Connecting Link - Upgrading. (King Street) Village of Newcastle. WD-120-81 Block Parent Signs - Town of Newcastle. WD-121-81 Clemens T. Smid. Lot 5, Block S Hanning's Plan forrrer Town of Bowmanville. Nos. 78, 80 and 82, Division Street. Request for Encroachment. WD-123-8l Resolution #C-ll04-8l. Request for Improvements to Cedar Crest Beach Rd. , Bowmanville. . , . . . - 3 - October 13th, 1981 5. Reports from the Public Works Department (Cont.) WD-124-81 Winter Operations. Answering and Dispatch Services. WD-125-81 Ralph Davis Subdivision - Certificate of Acceptance of Works. 6. Reports fran the Treasury Department TR-82-81 Orono Business Improv€llEnt Area. 7. Minutes of the Comni ttee of Adjustment of M3eting held on September 26, 1981. 8. Other Business: Items Referred by Council:- (a) Mr. Roger Elliott re Phase lII-Bowmanville Mall. (Resolution #C-1135-81) (b) fuwmanville Bantam Hockey Club re Arena Rental Fee. (ReSOlution #C-1l38-81) ( c) Association of Municipalities of Ontario re Heritage Seminar. (Resolution #C-1l41-81) (d) Soccer Pitch at Darlington Sports Centre. (Resolution #C-1l46-81). Tender Opening - Public Works Department re Baseline Storm Sewers. 9. Adjournment.